Miraculous Thread

Spaghetti time!

Well, shit happened fast there.

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Adrien tries to be a statue. Marinette is caught spaghetting. Not hillarity ensues.

Well, damn.

Context plz?
Haven't caught on this after TimeTagger.

>3 seasons in
>Marinette still hasn't developped exhib and nudist tendencies from spreading her legs all day in thin bodypaint

I love this sexy French show.

Why is the mega never updated? All I want is French with English hardsubs, is that so hard to upload?

Wax museum episode.

Adrien is gaining his own wax statue, Mari, Manon, Alya and Nino tag along. Alya keep making Nino have Adrien notice Mari. Nino (and Plagg) suggests a prank. Adrien feigns he's an statue. Marinette does see the "statue" Adrien and spills her spaghetti HARD, almost making out. Adrien stops, she have an honest snap. Cues to Manon becoming Puppeteer again and using wax statues of old akumas, Ladybug, Cat Noir, Hawkmoth and assorted wax thingies to attack.

Cringe moment with wax Thomas Astruc's head sucking Chat's finger.

>marinette doesn't just pull his pants down and start sucking furiously
off model = death

Adrien was so startled by her thirst. Marinette was letting out a lot of steam.

I'm surprised Gabriel isn't selling Adrien dolls, that would make him even more rich.

They keep taking inspiration from their Japanese doujins.

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I can't believe that none of the porn has done anything with the idea of miraculous users being left naked once they run out of energy like in that one comic.

There was one image set where ended up naked and had to paint it on

Is this one of those "French Ticklers" I've heard so much about?

>nothing fucking happened again
how is this fandom still alive?

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Predatory homosexuals.

made me spill milk, well done user

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Everyone is being knowingly strung along by those episodes where seemingly noteworthy or close to status-quo changing events happen, very relatively speaking

M-maybe NEXT EPISODE something will happen!

> Alya looking to her Lady Wifi statue: "I was evil, but I was hot".
> Nino thinking on a threesome with Alya and WiFi

>Astruc's head sucking Chat's finger.
Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

> Subs out
> Ladybug asks romantic advice to Chat Noir
Talking about despair and irony.

>I give you the power of having a gun.

Why is that so hard?

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Sure he's cute now but all Frenchman start turning into Gerard Depardieu at 35

So question for Miraculous watchers, how close is it to the manga?

Underrated fetish. It's like tentacles but more intimate.

They skipped the Ghetto Blaster Arc.

Akumatized mine could've been this had he been mlre psycho and American. Seriously, the mime guy could practically make amything he wants, even a minigun with infinite ammo so long as he thinks it, it's insane to think of the potential for destruction so mamy of the villains have thanks to the butterfly mirsculous.

Even Gerard Depardieu became Gerard Depardieu

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Pierce Brosnan get to him to?

The power of love. I know, I know, most Yea Forums posters are incel losers with no conception of love, but it's the truth.

>I love being loyal to media!

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His nose doubled in size.
Their nose starts going right into their forehead at a certain age.
If you watch Trailer Park Boys you can see this happen to John Paul Tremblay.


>MotWs are made out of wax
>animators use this to add as many beheadings and dismemberments as possible

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Next episode is when? I think they've exhausted all the pure fillers by now.

> smelled him
>felt him up
>tried to make out

So, Marinette will be getting a restraining order next ep, right?

That spaghetti spilling scene sure was awkward.

Definitely not.

Well at least Marinette finally got rejected

I honestly think everyone was being a shitty friend to Adrien this episode, like he rarely get to spend time with friends and Alya makes it all about Marinette's crush and Adrien can't even play a simple prank without Marinette spilling her spaghetti everywhere

its pretty bad when I feel like Marinette see Adrien more as an object than a person, that's why she was so into the statue because that's her entire crush on Adrien, just his looks, she doesn't know him at all.

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Chat sure have a thing against Alix. First in Gamer 2.0, now this.

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youtube link if anyone wanted it

Ladynoir is the best pairing it will become canon,

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>he rarely get to spend time with friends and Alya makes it all about Marinette's crush
No wonder Nino wanted neither of them around last episode.

god Nino's a fucking retard

Too bad Rena Rouga and Carapace didn't appear in this episode. I would have liked to see them fight themselves, Lady Wifi and Bubbler.

...Do the writers even know how a /normal/ person with a crush even acts? I'm thinking it'd be in Adrian's safety to never be with this nutcase. The second she thinks that you may break up with her, she'll be there looming over your bed with a knife ready to kill you and then herself.

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Imagine being Marinette and utterly destroying yourself like that.



oh there are plenty of guns, just mostly in the hands of cops

When they get to Kwami Buster, I hope they essentially turn the science teacher into Mr. Crocker.

I assume that the joke they will be going for

I just wonder how the teacher found out about Kwamis

I guess maybe Chloe could have talked about it

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It'll likely be revealed that she always believed they existed but was never able to prove it (Kwamis can't be filmed or photographed). It's no more absurd a reveal than the principal being a cosplaying comic book nerd.

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One of their antagonists is a shapeshifting 2d character in a 3d animation?

wow, you know the animation in Puppeteer 2 was way better than this, it was actually amazing

Yep! And not just any antagonist, it's Thomas Astruc himself as "Animaestro".


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Its funny how this show treats Nino as an extension of Alya's will and has no idea how the brocode works. Irl Nino wouldve just sent a straightball at Adrien like "dude,bitch wants your dick lol" instead of all that bullshit indirect approach.

French police doesn't have guns or any weapon outside of the baton and in some cities, tasers.

Noticed that too, its kind of funny how Astruc decided to burn the budget just to see Marinette spilling the spaghetty in good animation while we have to endure Luka with no eyelids.

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tell that to the security at all French monuments, gotta keep a close eye out for terrorists

that's because the only people who care about Luka are 14 year old tumblr girls

also I'll be perfectly honest, Marinette feeling up "statue Adrien" was pretty hot, she was like really into it, great use of the animation budget

they're french, I'm willing to believe they act like that

I like how this porn has been up for 4 hours with no problems.

More funny because jannies are always lurking on MLB threads because of the high pornbait potential

More than anything, I want the episode with Lady Noire y Mr Bug!!! (I think that is going to be Reflekdoll).


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Why was Adrien so intent on proving Marinette liked him only to turn her down like that?

Boys got an ego imo.

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>the military is the police guys trust me

>build an entire show around a ship
>don't actually ship them

Who would do something like this?

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>its pretty bad when I feel like Marinette see Adrien more as an object than a person

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>Adrien eye twitching trying not to cringe.

That would do jack shit. The Miraculous costumes easily resisted a bazooka shot from The Mime, so they're invulnerable to conventional weapons.

She did kill him.

Or at least a statue of them. They have a statue of Hawkmoth, who's only been glimpsed in public once, but not any of the other heroes? They had floats of all of them in Heroes Day.

Hell that could have been done cleverly with Puppeteer trying to trick them into thinking Rena and Carapace had come to help, because she didn't know they only get loaned their Miraculous.

Not only that but it's the shows director inserting himself in.

god i wish that were me

anyone else buy macarons so they can enjoy ladybug episodes?

I unraveled the key about how they are doing it with this season. 26 episodes, 12 months in the year. 2 episodes for each month, with 2 months with 3 episodes. They haven't followed regularly this rule, however:

+ December 2018: 2 episodes.
+ January 2019: No episodes.
+ February 2019: 3 episodes.
+ March 2019: 2 episodes.
+ April 2019: 1 episode.
+ May 2019: 4 episodes.
+ June 2019: 1 episode.
+ July 2019: (In progress) 2 episodes.

Now, let's make balance:
+ Move December's episodes to January.
+ One May's episode to April.
+ One May's episode to June.

This way, we have 6 months with 2 episodes, and one with 3 episode (February). Now, unless they want to turn July in another month with 3 episodes, I think we won't have more episodes until next month.

It is said we will have a preview for "Ikari Gozen" at SDCC 2019, but I don't think that will count.

In other words: Who the fuck knows at this point?

Well, recently it was said they plan Season 3's finale for the last week of December; so I believe this means December will have only two episodes, and that would be the Season's Finale "Battle of the Miraculous".

The bro episode was quite fun, though.

Tikki is the worst 'friend' ever. Sure, don't even bother telling Marinette that she misinterpreted Adrien's intent with that 'glad you're my friend' comment. Let her go on being her ignorant self when Adrien just flat-out said that the girl he loves says the same shit she does.

He twiched because she pulled out one of his hairs.

Tikki is an ancient god,she doesnt give a fuck about mortal drama unless its to amuse her. At least Plagg is honest about it and dont hesitate to throw more tinder in the fire

Tikki KNOWS who Adrien is. At this point, she's just jerking Marinette along for laughs.

French Carol Danvers. Really.

In Party Crasher, you can say he was so fucking tired about follow everything Alya wanted that's why his only condition to throw a party was specifically "no bitches".

Seemed like she jumped in before Marinette gave up on her crush entirely because she knows that Marinette is actually the girl he was speaking of.

which actually makes sense, because before his no bitches ruled looked like an odd choice

I still think it was because he knew Adrien would steal Alya

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Alot of these episodes premiered on different networks in different languages so I don't think they're intentionally only releasing 2 episodes per month, that's just how things seem to be working out so far.

Thata true. Thats why those schedules are just fucking the show. You can see there is a subtle character progression of Nino in between those episodes, but the scrambled episodes just ruin it. Also it explains why Adrien had a bit of an awkward aura with Marinette in Party Crasher. I really do hope we get a real sequence after all this.

It's because they blew off prior plans with the girls when they found out Gabriel was unexpectedly leaving for the week and they didn't want Adrien to know they'd ditched them.

That being said, yeah it also looks like he just didn't want Alya trying to waste the party to use it as yet another attempt to hook Adrien up with Marinette and fail because of her stupidity.

Unlike Marinette and Alya's schemes which always fail horrifically, Nino's plan worked great. An Akuma eventually showed up but they had a great party and gave Adrien a good time for a few hours which was all they wanted.

Actually in this case the schedule was perfect for once. Puppeteer 2 is supposed to come directly after Party Crasher.

Alya doenst want Adrien to be happy tho, she just wants to shove Marinette inside his pants.
After this episode its obvious Nino was totally in the right in Party Crasher.

Don't be so sure, pal. We don't know all the details about how companies work from the inside, and even if different networks show the episodes, these episodes still belong to Zag Animation, so they can always contact them to ask permission to air them.

Odd, It would make way more sense if Pupetter 2 was before Party Crasher.

Seems like once they're out, they have free reign to air them whenever they want. Zag has shown frustration at them airing stuff out of order before, and they specifcially sold to show to networks as "no order you can air them whenever you want".

There has been a lot of work and money to create all these villains, which is pointless not to use them in more than one episode. Problem is, is hard to find an excuse that work. The first episode of the Puppeteer, Day of the Heroes, Gamer 2.0, and now, the Puppeteer 2.

I'm pretty sure we will eventually have something that will allow the villains to be real and apart from the real people. This will be an entire new challenge for Ladybug and Cat oir, because there won't be akumas to purified.

Its funny how Plagg made no attempts to convince Adrien to continue pursuing Ladybug, but he loves mocking Adrien about Marinette.
It seems the kwamis are hardcore Adrianette shippers.

Pretty sure that's what Timetagger was implying with things like alien invaders and Majestia's evil twin in the future. Of course, there's still a Hawk Moth to go with them.

Nino almost killed Adrien's mom. By turning off her life support, the only reason why Hawkmoth attacked is because he was desperate to cut whatever was causing troubles up there.

I'm angry about the "out of order" too, but I believe it's because the not shown episodes hide very intense stuff. So maybe they are trying to prepare fans for the "top episodes".

+ Reflektdoll is where we could have the Miraculous Switch.
+ Startrain could be where Max as Pegase will make his debut, and where we could see a new power (like the water and ice) to fight in space.
+ Desperada could be the debut episode for Viperion.
+ Feast could be the episode with Jade Turtle, along with flashbacks of Master Fu.

Its not like its Nino's fault for not predicting Adrien's dad would be keeping his mom's corpse in stasis in the basement.

Those villains appeared just as "sketchs", and I doubt we will see them as "reals" in the future. So, using the CGI already used sounds more possible.

And this is why most of the fandom prefers Marichat.

It's the least awkward pairing and they both act like normal people around each other.

Which means there literally can never be Akuma-less Akuma.

Does it change anything though? I enjoy the show but three seasons in and I could do with some plot development?

Hello? The villains can be recreated without them be akumatized. Then, if we had something like the Collector's book to keep them inside, they can be used anytime.

Now, something I didn't notice about the wax statues until a moment ago. The villains who appeared were almost all those from Season 1, but why they added two "minions" between them. I mean, we had one of Pharaoh's mummies and one of Darkblade's knights. What was that for? It could have been made better.

+ First, instead of the mummy, add Pharaoh.
+ To replace the Knight, that would be a little tricky. Between the remaining villains of Season 1, Copycat is just identical to Cat Noir, and they already have Cat Noir's statue. You can make an statue of Vanisher because, well, she's invisible. Horrificator and Stoneheart, unlike the others, are more like giant monsters than humans, so they wouldn't fit in the exhibition. Therefore, there's onlye one candidate left: Animan. The museum had a statue of Fang, so they can DO animals. They could add Animan in his panther form.

So, replace the mummy with the Pharaoh and the knight with Animan.

I don't think it's preparing as much as just the intense stuff takes awhile to animate and they release them when they're done.

Reflkdoll which probably has a bunch of Reflekta's all of whom will have to be animated differently to show their different people, plus two new action heavy models of Swapped heroes, plus two new henshins and stockfootage for them (maybe a 3rd if Mayura transforms) and it's probably very effects intensive which is why they're finishing episodes from the second part of the season before that one, the 4th they started producing is done.

The rest all seem to be other episodes with additional heroes and effects too which is probably the reason for the delay. Yeah there was Party Crasher which had more heroes than any episode yet, 6 while even Heroes Day just had 5. But the fight with him consisted of mostly still images or slow moving shots, and only a henshin for Roi Singe so that was probably easier to animate.

bitch be crazy

Who was in the wrong here

Adrien definitely should have stopped things sooner but Marinette really should just have the courage to tell him how she feels

Wtf I just noticed she picked a piece of his hair and put it in her purse lol wtf

> Copycat
It's funny when you notice Theo was in the episode and Puppeteer almost put him in hot wax.

So, how exactly does Manon get akumatized here, and how does she bring the wax dolls to life?

How about you just watch the episode, faggot?

Because I don't care about the actual episode?

Is there any way to get a copy of this with decent subs?

>what happened in the episode?? Spoonfeed me plz!
>I-Its not like I care anyway, lolz

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Adrien did literally nothing wrong, tho. Marinette started spilling spaghetti before Adrien could do something about it. At least he was polite enough to keep pretending with the intention to get past it and act like nothing happened later, but the kiss was just too much,

Good point! But honestly, I believe 3 Cat Noirs would have been too much.

Asking honestly to any female user there, do you think Adrien did shit? I did just read some girls saying he should be mauled for put Marinette on shame.

You mean Nino?

She gets dragged along because Marinette was watching her when Alya dragged them to the museum and feels neglected because Alya and Nino drag her away from Marinette because she keeps making her sperging worse but are then too lovey dovey to pay attention to her.

She controlls the dolls the same way she puppetted everyone else in her first episode, by zapping them with her wand, this time though she doesn't control the people directly, probably because the wax statues can fight on their own.

That's just the self inserters who want anyone not constantly on Marinette's side or making her look good to suffer.

However in terms of wrong Adrien decieved her while Marinette while admittedly creepy was doing that to what she thought was a wax statue which is relatively harmless.

Honestly, it would have been perfect if Puppeteer's powers would have turned the statues real. I mean, it was a little disappointing to see the statues to break so easily.

I know maybe the fight would have been too hard for them, but even if they were real, the statues would still be "brainless", so they wouldn't fight as efectively as the real villains.

There are people on youtube comments that unironically hate adrien now because he didnt comply to Marinette's mouthrape lmao

I though the statues breaking were the best part of the episode tho. It was cool to see the heroes smashing stuff instead of just going to the "self-defense fight" mode

Nah this was better.

They were already stretching the limits when Marinette soloed 4 Akuma and a brainwashed Chat Noir in Puppeteer's debut episode never mind them being able to fight 15 or so here.

Maybe she should have because then Chat would have a chance

But Chat IS Adrien and she knows that, and having Marinette fall for Chat then find out he was Adrien all along would probably just make her sperg worse and ruin it.

She seems to be stoking the Adrien train while while hoping they get revealed at some point.

Marinette is a crazy bitch, I feel sorry for Adrien

Yeah, I get it. It's great when the heroes can fight without holding back. But even so, the statues of the villains, Cat Noir and Ladybug get the same powers of the real deal. If that's so, then the change should be complete. I mean, if Darkblade's statue had the same power of the real one, then his armor should be real and not easy to break.

>adrien gets a restraining order against marinette
>marinette is convinced the restraining order doesn't apply when she's ladybug
>ladybug pegs adrien

LB & CN statues didn't have powers

I hope Marinette will back off from Adrien, for a while after this. But knowing her she'll just try to figure out who Adrien likes. Leading up to her realizing he likes Ladybug.
This could be the (VERY SLOW) start of the them revealing their identities to each other.

Nah we're going to get 10 misunderstanding eps where she's rude to Kagami

Yes, they had. Ladybug statue never had to use them because she easily tricked Cat Noir into believing she wanted to kiss him, without noticing she was trying to remove his ring. If it wasn't because Cat Noir noticed the smell of wax, she would have done it.

And when Cat Noir statue revealed himself to Ladybug and tried to immobilize her, he had an extendable weapon just like the real Cat Noir.

It was an innocent prank that got out of hand. You can't expect the poor guy to stand still while he's being molested.

They had weapons not powers. And the powers can't activate without saying cataclysm/lucky charm which they couldn't do

>Hello? The villains can be recreated without them be akumatized. Then, if we had something like the Collector's book to keep them inside, they can be used anytime.
And this destroys the whole idea that the Akuma are supposed to be your negative emotions granted power.

The only reasonable way we can hope for any Akuma to be permanent villains is if their human alter-egos somehow decide to abandon being human completely. And even if they do, it's something Ladybug will not allow as she'll just take their power away, so they would need a way to make their powers truly permanent without being vulnerable to losing their butterfly.

Chat never had a chance to begin with. Next in line to the marinette-ride is Luka, because(surprise!) Marinette is petty and just care about pretty twinks.

yeah and then they both realize that they had assumed Adrien liked the other one and then they work together to find out who really stole Adrien's heart

I wonder... Since ladybug purify akumas by breaking whatever they are in, could an Akuma just get INSIDE someone? What do you do then?

Holy shit, how did I miss that?!

This is the type of creepy obsession kids are being taught to think is normal...

Use Cataclysm, and then bring the person back using Ladybug's purification.

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It's true they couldn't talk, but that doesn't mean they didn't have the powers. It would be like when Silencer took Ladybug's voice; she had the power, but she couldn't use it. Lady Wifi, Bubbler, and I believe Rogercop had the powers, so there's no reason to believe the statues of Ladybug and Cat Noir didn't have them too.

Not really, pal. There's an episode named "Ladybug", where Mayura will create a "sentimonster" from Marinette's negative emotions... With Ladybug's form!! Now, imagine Mayura does this to several old villains, creating sentimonsters with the powers and forms of their villain identities. And to increase the danger, Hawk Moth akumatize them into being as real as the original villains.

>tfw an akuma enters a salty virgin girl's hymen and the only way out is to break it

Adrien just wanted to prank her and then got molested. Marinette behaviour was pretty but wouldn't have been "harmful" if it was a real wax statue. Still, feel bad for Adrien's molestation.

>that salty virgin is Alya
>Nino was either too retard or too small to do it himself
>so Ladybug and Chat have to do it

Still doesn't work, because Ladybug simply smashes their weak point and purifies the Amok feather just like she does with the Akuma butterfly.

>Chat finds out LB has someone she likes
>"no problem mlady! Your friendship is all I need!"

>Marinette finds out Adrien has someone he likes
>*slams car door in his face*

Whoa great one there Marinette. Peachy and lovable as always.

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A regular Amok, maybe, but an Akumatized Amok? I'm not so sure. Mixing two powers this way could have different results.

Remember, Hawk Moth first akumatized Nathalie into Catalyst, then Catalyst used her power to increase Hawk Moth's power and create an army.

Its funny to see how if the genders were inversed, tumblr would be sperging out about the male being punished as a molestator and thrown to jail.

You may be overthinking this show for small children. The writers probably know, but the target audience probably doesn't, or doesn't care.

This is borderline Helga Pataki levels of crazy. How long before she starts making a shrine for the strand of hair she took?

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Its really subtle tho. One of the good things about this show is how they insert things like that without noone noticing unless you go back and look twice, like this scene or when characters subtly check eachother out.

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to be fair, she didn't know it was Adrien, I think she was just interested in what the hair was made from

but I mean she kinda has a shrine already

Marinette's a psycho and Adrien needs a restraining order against her but something about "if the genders were reversed" low hanging fruit posts always gave off redpill incel vibes to me

How does he smell like?

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metrosexual boy (plus cheese)

probably like his name brand cologne

and Camembert

Camembert and freshly open condoms

That's because you've been brainwashed.

Adrien puts tons of cologne to hide the camembert smell. It helps, kinda.

French people always smell like cheese soaked with cologne so its not that much of a stretch

Animated context?

Sounds like something an incel would say



Funny thing about the animated statues of villains in this episode, I believe the Mime was the strongest one of all. I mean, unlike in Gamer 2.0, this one wouldn't be able to talk even if he want; so his powers wouldn't fail him.

so their in a museum of wax statues and to play a prank on Marinette Adrien pretends to be a statue, but then Marinette starts hitting on the statue not realizing its really Adrien and tries to kiss him

>Adrien try to prank Marinette by making her think he's a wax statue
>Marinette gets creepy and start molesting him
>Adrien finally breaks after she try to rapemouth him

I dont think there are any akumas that rely on talking to activate their powers. Just miraculous users.

>admits the situation is fucked up
>can't help but think of mythical incels and the alt right

Why do you see a fucked up situation and can't help think of tumblr sperging about if the genders were reversed?

because he's an alt right incel

just ignore him

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Drawing attention to something by reorienting the situation is hardly a new thing.

>Ladybug has brutally shot down Chatnoir multiple times now slowly wearing down his determination
>Marinette has pretty much cringed her chances with Adrien down the tube
>Chat Noir x Marinette is endgame.

>mythical incels
>a group that literally named themselves and had a subreddit about it is mythical

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What is with Yea Forums and this gun fetishization?

Ya'll said this was nothing happens episode. This is hilariously effed up.

nah, LadyNoir

Chat Noir is the only boy she knows who she wouldn't die of embarrassment if she splurged in front of him

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Typical SJW deflecting lmao

Dose trips.

>tfw saw the kissing thumbnail on youtube
>thought it was going to be hilarious Akuma based hijinks that they either don't remember or can be handwaived like the other encounters
>see the set up that leads to the actual situation
>mfw when the utter cringe that was the actual scene played out

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No but most of the brainwashing guys like Princess Fragrance or Maladiktator wouldn't be able to do much because they couldn't give their victims commands.

yeah that's a good argument way to show him

Calling it now, Party Crasher will be the key episode where the roles will be reversed. Adrien will start crushing on Marinette and Ladybug will be all wet for Chat Noir, and that will be your new status quo for s04.

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you know we've already seen Party Crasher right?

For once they weren't out of order here. Party Crasher is the episode that comes directly before Puppeteer 2.

So that's not happening.

>Party Crasher
I meant Love Eater

>adrien crushing on marinette
>after what happened in this episode
i know he's a horny 14 year old but...

But Chat Noir is THE prettiest twink in the whole show. And his outfit is basically fetish wear. If she wants a twink, she needs to adopt the cat.

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I think it would best be justified by Adrien just taking a greater interest in Marinette's emotional well-being

>not being 14 and crushing on the girl that almost sucked you off on the spot just because noone else was looking
Adrien is nice but not a saint

That would be too easy because rather than the eternal loop of Marinette being too much of a disaster to get her feelings across to Adrien, who as Chat Noir constantly hits on Ladybug but get shot down, either Adrien would be far more sucessful with Marinette or Chat Noir would hit on Ladybug who's now all too willing to accept.

The only way that could work is if Marinette loses all interest in Adrien and Chat Noir loses all interest in Ladybug so we're back to nothing happening.

>don't remember
reminder of context

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anyone else remember that ep where lila went snooping around adrien's bedroom and found his stash of ladybug jerkoff photos

She'd never go for Chat Noir because Marinette wants a steel barrier between her hero life and her personal one and doesn't want to be Ladybug any more than she needs to be. Gamer 2.0 even had her constantly frustrated that Ladybug heroics were cutting into her Marinette time.

She's got no reason to ever consider him because as far as she's concerned they'll never know who each other are and will never see each other again when Hawkmoth is gone.

Which is flawed thinking when she's being set up to be the next guardian and knows thanks to Bunnix that not only will she still be fighting Hawkmoth well into the future but a million other crisis's as well and she'll be running the French Avengers.

But she doesn't seem to be that connection just yet.

remember that time Lila sold her soul to Hawkmoth?

More like she demanded he take it from her.

now I'm just thinking about Hawkmoth taking Lila's virginity

Honestly does anyone else find Marinetter annoying BECAUSE of her irritating obsession with Adrien?

The reason I never got into this awful show is because when I look at Marinette I instantly get memories of Pokemon the Kalos season with Serena, some random twat who claims to be Ash's friend from his childhood and has a literal nonstop repetitive obsession with romancing Ash. Now you see for as annoying as Serena is? She's literally a temporary nuisance because once the season wrapped up you'll likely never hear from her ever again outside of maybe special cameos like Misty got. However that's it. She's finished and doomed to being forgotten. Marinette is the titular heroine of the entire series so she having this annoying personality trait is a major turn off. I just think the twat needs to be hit in the back of the head with a crowbar until she stops obsessing over Adrien. She's just straight up annoying. And I seriously doubt I'm the only one who hates Marinette because of her obsession.

>does anyone
Literally everyone

She'd never go for Chat Noir because Marinette wants a steel barrier between her hero life and her personal one and doesn't want to be Ladybug any more than she needs to be
Well I am assuming she will eventually grow out of that barrier, since for her to fully develop as a person and become the guardian she needs to accept all parts of herself.
This might lead for her to also accept Chat as more than a temporary partner but as someone to entrust her life with.

As for Adrien, it would also help him develop to be more confortable with his civilian self, and Marinette might have a big role on him developing that part of his personality since he needs to be more secure of his own sense of family and friends.

I personally thing a reversal is comoletely feaseble, you just need to play the cards right and it might help develop their personalities to a whole new level.

And what I hate about the double-standard is that this is supposed to be seen as innocent or funny when a cunt does it.

Fuck man, no wonder in real life there are so MANY female child molesters who get away with their crimes because Beta Loser Men (most likely you reading this) enable garbage women. May these enabler type of men die nightmarish deaths and go to hell.

Also as far as this character from Ladybug goes, she's an annoying garbage lunatic stalker cunt who manages to make Amy Rose from Sonic seem normal and balanced.

Honestly by now Im just watching the show hoping for the moment where this bitch will be called out and exposed.

Touch the cunny.

Helga was a crazy cunt and I hated Hey Arnold because I found her unlikable. As time passed I realized she was just a stalker nut case who if she were male would have gotten arrested instead of being sent to therapy and even worse? Despite her stalking and terrible behavior towards Arnold across the years since they were like 4 years old? She's rewarded with an undeserved happy ending in the drawn out finale movie. I will NEVER accept that trash. Fuck the creator of Hey Arnold. Female abusers should not be rewarded with happy endings. They deserve to be rejected and endure misery.

And don't even get me started on the episode where Arnold committed the greatest global crime in the whole world, he fought back against Helga's bullying and everyone at school and his own family hated him for it. Fuck this shit.

you sound pretty mad about a 90s cartoon from Nick

you realize that was like 25 years ago right?

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Whew dude, chill. Were you abused by a woman as a shota?

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More like Lila forcing her virginity on him despite his best attempts to escape her clutches.

I see Lila Rossi as a challenge, more than anything. Here is a woman who,in every single aspect, is absolutely revolting - yet I can't help but wonder what would be like, to plunge balls-deep into her repeatedly. Thats right, balls deep. With no protection. I won't lie, I'm extraordinarily-hard while typing this. I want to grab this...thing... and that's what Lila is, lets not delude ourselves, a "thing"..... by the hips and ram mercilessly in and out of her quivering, lying cunt with the power of a gladitorial chariot, while she makes stupid faces and contorts orgasmically, unable to lie and control her bodly reactions even if she wanted to. I would erupt violently inside that corrupt and corrupting womb as though the entire fate of humanity depended on my seed penetrating the foul walls of one of her ovaries, the eletrical fusion from this coupling creating the Miraculous Wish as our combined, gutural, Chewbacca-like roars shattered glass and walls alike around us, the house toppling down while we lay there in a filthy, disgusting mess. Yeah, I reckon Lila Rossi does it for me.

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How many times does she have to dry hump him in public before he take a hint?

Does Alya ever think about Adrien?

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I'm not saying Marinette isn't a nutcase, but Adrian still just sees her as an eccentric friend. He needs to put 2 and 2 together and realize she's not a benign associate.

>imagine being this mad

honestly Alya has slowly become less interesting

the bit with her and the Lady Wifi statue was nice, but otherwise she was fucking awful this whole episode

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I'm really interested in the episode "Reflekdoll", if it's true it will have the Miraculous switch and gives Lady Noire and Mr Bug.

There's a particularly theory that says the personality of the hero is slightly influence by the Kwami's personality. It has sense, as Cat Noir is mischievous as Plagg, and Ladybug is mature as Tikki. So, if this theory is true, I would love to see "Lady Noire" flirting with "Mr Bug".

She stopped being interesting the moment Ladybug gave her the Fox.

Those pantylines.

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I wish this wouldnt be the case, because its kind of creepy having a god-like being inside you and messing with your mind making you act differently.
Also,I would love to see Adrien on full Chat mode outside the mask for once.

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But something I would like to see is Mr Bug getting the plot armor for the episode, while Chat Noire always taking the hits and messing up. This would put some logic into the whole show as the plot armor would be recognized as a luck-based power from Ladybug.

If only, but the show will no doubt reinforce the fact that Ladybug is completely infallible no matter what Miraculous she has, while Chat will be the semi-useless meatshield as always.

he did, he pretended to be a statue to try and prank his friend

It didn't go well, he'll probably go back in his shell for a while after that

Why did they include this detail

I get your point, but I don't think Kamis are exactly "gods". Besides, it's not the same "to be influenced" than "to be controlled". Adrien acts basically as he would like to act when he's Cat Noir and not controlled by his father, and Plagg adds a little part of him to the mix. The same can happen with Marinette, as her powers as Ladybug gives her a lot of confidence.

This wasnt full Chat, tho just about 40%. So far we've only seen glimpses of it when Adrien gets bold enough. was the closest we ever had of a full Adrien as Chat, I would say about 80%.

I suppose this episode will have a lot of new animations. I don't think we will see it happen, but we could see the transformations of Lady Noire and Mr Bug. Also, I believe Mr will be the one to do "Miraculous Mr Bug", which will restore him and Lady Noire to their real powers.

>Ladybug and Chat switch their powers back to normal after foiling Reflekta's trick so that they can use the usual stock-footage of her purifying the butterfly and undoing the damage

It's going to happen.

I get it. Still, I would prefer that they act differently because I like the theory that everyone would subcounciously create a second personality if defronted with great power and a fresh identity start, rather than because some spirit influenced it.

Well, you can think of Avatar's main characters: Aang and Korra. They are two different persons, but having experienced so many past lives, definitely have some influence in them. Aang had several personalities inside him back in the day: Roku, Kyoshi, Kuruk and Yangchen. Aang always remained himself, but some aspects of the past avatars influenced him through their manifestations through Aang's body.

I chalk that up to her basically being nonexistant other than as Marinette's ship cheerleader this season. Even her one episode as Rena this year she did barely anything, while Carapace has already shown up since as will Pegase and Viperion.

Honestly I was just happy to have her be in this episode.

Ladybug already went without her plot armor in Party Crasher for a change, though that didn't make Chat look anymore competent.

but she was like a super shipper this episode

I am starting to find AlyaxNino cuter but that mostly because Nino's had a few episodes so at least I don't feel like his character is empty.

Actually I think the whole reason this episode is taking so goddamned long to make is because they're redoing all the Ladybug stock footage for Adrien.

>There's a particularly theory that says the personality of the hero is slightly influence by the Kwami's personality. It has sense, as Cat Noir is mischievous as Plagg, and Ladybug is mature as Tikki. So, if this theory is true, I would love to see "Lady Noire" flirting with "Mr Bug".

That's unlikely. They've kind of made it clear it's Marinette and Adrien's hang ups that make them like that. Marinette only is Ladybug out of a sense of responsibilty so she's all business and wants to wrap things up efficiently so she can get back to her prefered life of going to school doing fashion and stalking Adrien.

While Adrien's personal life is so restricted he only really enjoys himself as Cat Noir and therefore embraces the chance to screw around, being in no hurry to end his fun and go back to rigid schedule and prison of a house unless the akuma is really bad or it's otherwise personal to him.

Plus all the other Miraculous guys aren't influenced by their kwami's at all. Chloe's still just as bitchy and Nino's still just as goofy and a dudebro. And it's not just because the only occasionally use them as Hawkmoth also always has his and is still a jackass supervillain even though Nooroo is a sweet guy who's constantly trying to talk him out of all this.

Tikki and Plagg's influence is limited to their verbal advice.

Compared with Ladybug and Cat Noir, Nino and the others haven't been exposed to their Miraculous and Kwamis as much.

Also, don't you remember in "Sandboy" that the way Plagg talks with Tikki is just like when Cat Noir tries to flirt with Ladybug?

Finally, I noticed an error in the episode. Antibug's statue had a yoyo with the same colors of Ladybug's, when the colors should be inverted just like her costume's. (Also, the yoyo looked really lame).

>Compared with Ladybug and Cat Noir, Nino and the others haven't been exposed to their Miraculous and Kwamis as much.

Yeah but again, Hawkmoth also has Nooroo as much as Ladybug and Cat Noir do but he's not influenced by him in the slightest.

Hawk Moth is consumed by his obssession, like all supervillains are. Besides, he treats Nooroo as a slave instead than as a partner; and frankly, Nooroo is too submissive.

That's reaching way too much and getting way too nitpicky about how Kwami powers work that only these two specific characters are affected and nobody else.

And for what? To make Cat Noir's personality flaws not his fault? That's really all it would come down to.

Adrien's prank should have been harmless. It's not like he could have known that Marinette was intent on molesting his wax statue.

I liked the introspective moment with Alya and Nino, talking about the akumas.

If Adrien was a statue do you think Marinette would have gone too far after the kiss? Like actually damaging the sculpture?

Normal people don't go around frenching statues.

that's what you think, why do you Hawkmoth flamboyantly talks to himself? Nooroo

Gabriel's like a stoic silent guy but Hawkmoth built a Moth Cave where he has giant butterfly windows because that's what a secret lair needs

Hawkmoth is comedically evil, he gives akumas pun names and always makes sure to yell "Curse you Ladybug and your little Cat too" every time he closes the window in defeat

>implying chat noir isn't a pretty twink
Have you even watched this show? The only reason she likes Luka is because he's 'sensitive' aka spineless/non-threatening and worships the ground she walks on. Chat Noir is part of her professional life, so she won't even consider it.

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I mean I like to think Marinette would be less into it if Adrien had smelled like wax rather than the stolen underwear Marinetter masturbates too

I wouldn't actually mind this. It would be fun to see Marinette and Kagami working together while not actually liking each other.

It blows me away that tumble daemonizes Adrien for shit like this all the time when all the female characters obsessed with him are verifiably worse. Talk about double fucking standards.

Now that I think about the "The statue smelling like him" line, was really creepy, there is something about talking about smelling people that rises red flags on how creepy a person is.
Adrien even changed his expression after Marinette stated talking about how he smelled.

I mean he can recognize a stalker, its fine she isn't his first one and probably his cutest one

If it makes you feel any better, they're totally gonna put together the love rival pairs (Luka with Marinette and Kagami with Adrien) and make us suffer through at least half a season with the most doomed pairings in the history of the universe before they get back to openly teasing a ship that, at this rate, won't get together till the final season of the series.

This has been how I've felt about the show as a whole at this point, that it's gotten substantially less interesting the more Miraculouses they give out to one off characters. I actually laughed when they had three extra heroes show up in Party Crasher because of how lame it was.

>the girl i love says that all the time

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the only major status quo change in season 3 is gonna be Marinette learning that Adrien's crush is on Ladybug, so next season there will be a lot more Adrien and Ladybug

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Why? We're never gonna get a finality to this love stuff until the show is practically over so right now extra heroes is about all the freshness to break up the monotony of the show.

Plus it'd be a waste to introduce the Miraculous as the remnants of an old order and never use most of them.

If anything they don't use the extra heroes enough.

>everybody is virgin except me and my friends!
>I now have the intellectual high ground: nazi btfo!

lily's going to SINDRI Hawkmoth and steal his miraculous to become the new future hawkmoth.

Honestly though. Given how upset tumblr was when Chat was a little bit miffed with Ladybug after Frozer, it weird that they aren't a little more self-aware about that.

Because their reactions/hypocrisy is fun to laugh at? Tumblr is a shithole of crazy.

You don't call him spending the whole io this episode basically apologizing to her and trying to cheer her up like Plagg cheers him up caring about her emotional well being?

>Hello? The villains can be recreated without them be akumatized. Then, if we had something like the Collector's book to keep them inside, they can be used anytime.

There would be little point to do this though. If you want to reuse an Akuma just have him Akumatize the person again. If you want an Akuma boss rush then come up with a plot reason to do that again.

Otherwise why bother? They usually only have one villain at a time anyway so it's not like a bunch of Akuma forms of people that are now seperate would do much.

>that pic
Why is Adrien wearing mascara?

I like how endgame in this context is basically "what combination of the two are actually going to fall for each other"


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Why do shows always do this? What is the point to sit us through all this relationship drama if we wont even get to see how this relationship will be like at the end? At least give us a full season of them being together to make it seem more substancial instead of just jerking us around and solving everything in the show finale.

I just hope that after this episode Adrien will be less oblivious towards Marinette. I mean, wtf at this point if he is still unaware of her feelings he is a complete idiot or in complete denial.

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It's a cliffhanger, duh. They produce cheap rivals to make the audience feel a sense of conflict to keep them tuned wondering what will happen next. It's done horribly, the writers are a bunch of braindead amateurs; luka and kagami are stiff and one dimensional characters, with no personality and sympathetic traits. Also they're used way few times, so the suspense is practically nonexistant
Man up you fag, this shoddy excuse for a cartoon is the last thing you should get hooked on, there's plenty of well wrote and animated stuff out there

It's quite probably that Luka and Kagami could actually end up becoming a couple by their own.

Because all tv writers are absolutely terrified of changing the status quo, so they all keep teasing to do it until they get abruptly cancelled and then rush towards it.

He is from France

I want Kagami to cuck her just to watch them seethe.

>What is the point to sit us through all this relationship drama if we wont even get to see how this relationship will be like at the end?
Same reason most shows don't stick around for long after the main villain has been defeated forever and peace restored to the universe at last: audiences generally watch shows for the adventures and conflict solving. In a romantic subplot, the hero and heroine not being together is the conflict, hooking them up is the resolution. Even shows where the MCs get together middway through often introduce subplots to force them apart or add even worse brands of drama ("last month we defeated literal Satan together with the power of our love, but I bet he's now cheating on me with this recently introduced female character who is totally not the new villainess in disguise!").

Name a Yea Forums show that did romance right

Yeah, it's like the same drama we had back with the original "Kim Possible", because between their different crushes, Kim and Ron ended up together in the very end.

>I mean, wtf at this point if he is still unaware of her feelings he is a complete idiot or in complete denial.
I think it's a little of both. I mean, no one with a little of common sense would buy Mari's excuse this time and, like, he saw her going full spaghetti and STILL believed she was joking.

Again, considering everyone in universe can buy even the most stupid lie in this show, it's hard blame Adrien for that (heck, even now, it's hard to find something against him when Marinette uses every chance she have to be with him to AVOID him).

If anything, Adrien unknowingly knows he's into her, but can't identify that as love.


Damn, what a fucking confused show.

Yeah, that's why it's a super-power!

And then it went on for one more season afterwards.

Thanks to a surprise renewal they actually got to spend an entire season dating which is probably the only good Yea Forums example of two characters spending a long time in a relationship with very little drama between them.

>haha Adrien I was kidding! I knew you were faking and thats why I tried to frenchkiss you! As a joke! Between friends! Haha!
Cmon Adrien...

The last air bender

How is this show not dead yet?
So much wasted potential.

Because the rest of the world loves it. It's only we stupid Americans who can't see it as popular.

Believe it or not, it's actually very popular with kids. Little kids like repetition.

>its main relationship had the girl outright reject the guy an episode before the finale because she was "confused"
>the deuteragonist barely gave a shit about his own love interest the whole time he was with her
Sukka was ok, though

Little drama? I think you should see the whole series from the beginning, pal. Even in Season 2, there was already drama between them in the special "A Sitch in Time".

And quite ironic because one of Kim's catchphrases was "So not the Drama"; and the original intended finale for the series was called "So the Drama".

I'm talking about how there was little drama between Ron and Kim's relationship after they got together.

There aren't any temporary break-ups, no fights over stupid things and even when Kim sees Bonnie making out with Ron she can tell right away that Bonnie is a whore that initiated a kiss with him and doesn't get pissed at Ron.

>luka and kagami are stiff and one dimensional characters, with no personality and sympathetic traits
I really hope Viperion/Hikari Gozen episodes flesh them out a little beyond their roles as aspiring love interests. They sorely need it. I can see how Luka's chill musician thing would be appealing for the tween girl audience, but Kagami just feels like an unpleasant character we are supposed to like because she isn't outwardly annoying and scheming like Lila.

fanfics. seriously, fucking nobodys and amateurs have written stuff that is way better than the original,keeping the fandom alive, and the artists on deviantart and tumblr are fanning the ships to this day. at this point nobody over 18 cares about canon

he's an automaton with dead eyes and a monotone voice. looks like a male emo billy eilish. it's cringy just to look at. playing the guitar doesn't fill your emotional void

Kagami is for the kind of people who would want her to step on them. That and the portion of tumblr that likes to pretend she’s gay.

You are wrong about that too, pal. There was quite intense drama at certain points.

One of them was Kim feeling upset with Yori because of Yori's feeling for Ron. And the moment you said became a bomb:

At one point, to make Kim feeling even worse, Bonnie kissed Ron apassionately just when Kim arrived; and this is what happened:
- Kim (Very mad): WHAT-IS-THE-SITCH?!!
- Ron (Very afraid): Whoah, whoah whoah! I have been the kissed here, not the kisser!
- Kim: No kidding! It took you twelve stinking years to kiss me!!

Clearly, Kim knows Ron enough to know he's not that kind of guy; but she still get mad at him for a moment.

All I care about is the Akuma. Fuck the heroes when the bad guys have all the cooler designs and powers.

Its not that Kagami is a good character, but its really funny to see Marinette self inserts sperging out about her just because she is someone who doesnt buy Marinette's bullshit and totally exposed her, all while being way more succesfull in getting Adrien's attention.
She might be just a plot device now, but its a plot device made for triggering and exposing marifags and I just love it.

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Maybe, but something tiresome is seeing continuosly new villains that, at some cases, can be ridiculous. This breaks the usual script in superheroes.

I mean, when a new superhero start (like Spider-Man), we see a lot of new villains for him/her to fight. But when it reaches an acceptable quantity of villains, they appear regularly with differently and newly creative ways to attack the hero.

In the last times, they have been trying to bring old villains more often: Gamer 2.0, Days of the Heroes, Puppeteer 2.... I'm sure it will come a moment in the future, where this villains will become real, apart from their civil identites. (Something like the wax's statues, but more effective).

>One of them was Kim feeling upset with Yori because of Yori's feeling for Ron.
They weren't dating at the moment of that.

>she still get mad at him for a moment.
Yeah, but there wasn't any obligatory cheap drama episode of Kim walking away right before Ron pulls out and thinking that Ron is cheating on her. The rest of the episode is just about the two of them just helping Bonnie stop being a pathetic loser.

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And ruin the Jekyll-and-Hyde conflict? That's literally the whole appeal, seeing the best people unleasing the worst of themselves. Separating man from monster is stupid and boring.

This artist's anatomy is atrocious, but I can admire his dedication to his fetishes.

No, it's not. Frankly, the old Jekyll-and-Hyde is quite tiresome nowadays. One of the examples of that is the Incredible Hulk. They keep doing the whole thing about Hulk and Banner being two different people, but they are not. And Hulk is not really Banner's dark self, only the part of himself that could never manifest otherwise before.

Also, being akumatized several times is ridiculous when they don't stop defeating you continuosly. Mr Pigeon is aperfect example of that in "Timetagger". But how about if Mr Pigeon would be a villain who can't be defeated as easily as purifying an Akuma? Now THAT would be interesting.

And separating man from monster is not at all stupid or boring. All the new heroes started as villains, and since they are now heroes, which better challenge for them than defeat their evil counterparts? I would have liked to see some on them in Puppeteer 2:

+ Rena Rouge vs Lady Wifi
+ Carapace vs Bubbler
+ Queen Bee vs Antibug/Queen Wasp
+ "Kagami/Dragon" vs Riposte/Oni-Chan
+ Monkey King vs Dark Cupid
+ Pegasus vs Gamer (2.0)

They say you are your worst enemy, and a situation like this could prove it perfectly.

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Well, too bad, because it's never happening. This show us so dead-set in turning people evil that they've already got a new Hawk Moth lined up for when the current one is beaten for good. Anything to preserve the status-quo.

I guess I must've been a pretty retarded kid since I always yearned for more serialization and plot progression in my cartoons.
I hated when a show left me with blue balls.

Don't be so sure. The thing about future is that, it's never settled in stone. Clearly, the Akumas are not the only danger Ladybug and Cat Noir will have to face in their lives; but that doesn't mean the future Hawk Moth is really destined to appear.

It's pretty obvious that the future Alix (Bunnix) will return in Seasons 4 and 5; which means the Hawk Moth from the future will try more plans against the heroes. With this, is quite possible something will happen that will cause the Hawk Moth from the future no longer exist; changing slightly the future.

It happened with Danny Phantom, Kim Possible and some other teen heroes. We chose our own destiny, so the defeat of the future Hawk Moth could be a plot for another season.

It's obvious Gabriel will be defeated and the Butterfly Miraculous will be recovered, but what will be the point in that is someone else steal it to start all over again? The future Hawk Moth will have to be defeated too; surealy making as it never existed in the first place.

A couple of errors with the episode that I didn't notice until now:

1º) It seems there are two statues of Jagged Stone at the musseum. One right at the entrance, and another one alongside the statues of XY, Aurore Beaureal and others. I don't think the characters in the real musseum are repeated. Are they?

2º) The fight between Adrien and Hawk Moth's statue could be foreshadowing something? The moment Hawk Moth's statue tried to finish him off made me think we could see it again in the future.

Because status-quo. I'm expecting the series to end with Neo Hawk Moth still out there as an implication that Ladybug's adventures will never end. And for all we know, Neo HM doesn't need the Butterfly at all, but has a similar power that's even greater.

And I never bought into that "future isn't set in stone" crap. Too much Terminator and Doctor Who has made that lose all meaning. For once, let's have an inevitable future that can't be truly changed.

So... are Miraculous threads still 90% weirdo scumbag neckbeards talking about how much they wanna fuck Chat Noir until he's dead?

Yes, the rest just want Marinette to do it

Green Lantern

Some stuff are inevitable to happen (like death itself), but it's up to us to decide how and when it will happen.

Same thing can happen in details like keep being Ladybug and Cat Noir but without worrying about a new enemy appearing ever again.

Was it rape?

You can't rape a statue and she thought he was a statue at the moment

Where do you find these?

also can I beg you to post this latest update in the /aco/ thread?

This is just a comment, but while I await "Reflekdoll" and the Miraculous Swap, I believe I know what it could cause it.

The akumatized object of Reflekta was a tiny mirror, which she used to turn everyone into herself. Well, if the jewel is still a mirror, how about if now it works like "photo cam/printer"? I mean, first it took someone appearance in her mirror, then it projects it one somebody else, adapting it.

That way, it could explain the Miraculous Switch without the problem of Adrien having to make holes in the ears.

It's pretty obvious that this is how it'll happen. Reflekta's all about mirrors.

That or it'll be the power of the Sentimonster Mayura makes for her.

Well, it's said Mayura will create a "giant doll" for Reflekta, so maybe this will be Reflekdoll's nature.

Now, I have a doubt. If Reflekta does this, I wonder which will be the context. I mean, she could turn Marinette into Adrien because she's tired of her fear about no facing him. So she solves the problem making Adrien's face, her face. Then, she turns Adrien into Marinette because as Juleka, she thinks Adrien is too dumb to not realize Marinette's feelings for him.

After this, they both transform with their Miraculous, but because they are trapped with each other's look, Adrien with Marinette's look becomes "Lady Noire". And Marinette with Adrien's look becomes "Mr Bug".

Of course, if this happens this way, I doubt there won't be characters wondering the new looks of Paris' heroes.

It's hilarious that the only common point among fans of this show is that Chat Noir needs to get laid badly.

Marinette needs it more. Her horniness is making her insane.

Spite. It's the only context any Akuma needs.

So, she basically molested him, right? And he just sort of stood there and took it until the kiss. Those French.

It is incredible what they can get away with!

This is like one of those time stop doujins.

Attached: Stop.png (768x832, 291K)

>The fight between Adrien and Hawk Moth's statue could be foreshadowing something? The moment Hawk Moth's statue tried to finish him off made me think we could see it again in the future
I hope so. I want the drama between the two to be intense when that dam finally bursts. Also, Gabriel is taking a lot of chances with his son's life. It's not like he didn't know that Adrien would be going to the wax museum.

Have they ever shown Time Stop's face?

>showing the dude's face in the hentai
lol rookie mistake bro

>That and the portion of tumblr that likes to pretend she’s gay
I think that's more because a large portion of the fan base doesn't like it when anyone is presented as a foil to Marinette, especially if they have a chance of capturing Adrian's attention. Remember when we didn't know anything about Volpenia and tumblr spontaneously decided that she was in lesbians with Marinette

It happens with many villains, it's losing focus on the why he does this. He's lying to himself thinking his evil acts can be excused because it has a "noble cause": He wants to save his wife.

But Hawk Moth should ask himself if his wife would like to live in a world where the man she loved has became a monster? After all the misety he has caused as Hawk Moth, imprisioning their son as a caged animal and put him in danger with his sick plans, do you really think Emily would wish to live in such situation?

>fanfics. seriously, fucking nobodys and amateurs have written stuff that is way better than the original
Y'all keep saying that, but nearly every fic I've read ends up being either over dramatic romance wangst, dumbass salt, ' why doesn't the show pay more attention to my favorite minor character' faggetry, or making Marinette the ultimate victim/Mary sue.

The cannon writing might be shit, but nine out of ten times the fans attempts to 'fix' things is so, so much worse. I have no idea why the people act so proud about this.

See I feel the opposite. Kagami comes across to me as a fleshed out character with her own aspirations, insecurities, and flaws, while Luka seems like a cardboard cutout just there to fellate Marinette's ego without her having to do anything to earn it.

It makes sense that Kagami would be drawn to Adrien since he has very similar struggles to her, can relate to the pressures she feels, and has proven himself to be her equal in fencing. I've got no idea why Luka likes Marinette other than 'he just does'.

To be fair, it's implied that his isolated upbringing has left him a bit of a social retard. That's why he acts like something fresh out of a shoujo anime when he's Chat Noir.

Because people like to see couples fall in love, but not necesserily them being a couple afterwards beyond a vague "and they were happy forever"

"Omg will they get together or not" is what the fangirls crave and they'll often have people break up afterwards just to get back into their future being uncertain.

Still, there is a limit to retardness. I bet any shoujo character would've gotten a hint by now.

Hopefully it's going to be Adrien that brings Gabriel's attention to this and sort of 'wakes him up' to just how far he's fallen. After all, it was implied in Stormy Weather 2 and Style Queen that part of the reason he was doing this was for Adrien, since Gabriel feels inadequate as a parent.

I would like a comfy show where the main characters are honest with their feelings for eachother and still take part of the plot without scrathing their relationship with petty drama. SU did that for a while but they had to ruin everything in the last season.

It's exactly because he thinks of romance as something out of a shoujo anime that he's blind to Marinette's affection. As Chat Noir, he's very open and honest about his feelings for ladybug and declares them brazenly all the time. If that's how he thinks romance works, then of course he's going to be confused when someone constantly avoids him, acts nervous around him, and immediately after showing any affection doubles back and tries to play it off as a joke.

Compare that to, Kagami and Chloe, who are both very straight forward about their feelings towards him.

Party Crasher had him sent an Akuma with a grudge against his son straight at him to take out his party because Emilie was in danger.

Which probably shows his priorities. He'll sacrifice even Adrien to get his wife back.

Yeah he doesn't have the social skills to interpret Marinette's sperging. Here he even started to think she disliked him because that's what you'd think when someone avoids you that damn much.

Even so, the end does not justify the means.

Unfortunately the status quo restoring of the Ladybug means that as far as Hawkmoth is concerned the means don't matter because he can just fix everything afterwards so not only will he get what he want but any harm he caused for it will be erased so there will be no consequences for anyone.

Why do Americans always squeal about plot for every animated feature they see?

Because plot-driven animated series are still a novelty in the US outside of imported anime. That was why Robotech got so wildly popular, it was groundbreaking to have a cartoon with an ongoing storyline, not just episodic one-shots with little to no bearing on any other episode.

This. Gabriel likely doesn't care about how badly he fucks up this time line because he thinks he can just go back and erase everything once he gets the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous.

As Master Fu said, there's always a price to pay. And I wouldn't be surprise if that price becomes too much for Gabriel to pay.

There are plenty of shitty fics out there, but you have to be in full denial to believe that this shows writing stands above some of them.
I'll agree on your point where so many of them are just filled with angsty love. Wish there were more that had a main plot besides that.

What would the price be for going back in time though? It's not exactly a straightforward exchange like 'a life for a life' is.

Because eventually you want to see a story played out in animation. We have books and comics but it's not the same, and you sometimes want to crave more beyond another slapstick comedy cartoon.

Going back in time to save someone might indirectly ruining someone else's future.

There are plenty of good fics there, you just need to avoid the right tags like salt or those autistic ones that portray Adrien as transgender.

Yes, do not read Salt fics they're are all almost exclusively about how everyone sucks for not immediately lynching Lila for not liking Marinette.

Or the one where's she's in Aurore's class which is similar except without Lila.

Speaking of whom, Aurore is so much of a non-character that she'd be better off just being Stormy Weather permanently.

It would be nice to have some non-miraculous related villains show up just for the sake of variety. Same thing with superheroes. I'm guessing they don't because they want to keep the lore and worldbuilding simple.

Actually the lore and worldbuilding is already way beyond the scope of what the show displays.

They just keep it formulatic because that's what kids love. Can't have the little girls jump off the couch and do the stock footage capture with Ladybug if it's not in every episode.

dunno, but the "artist" is markydaysaid. honestly i don't like him, too much bbc and cucking for my tastes

It’s the intersection of tumblr that likes everything to be gay and preteen Marinette self-inserters who are mentally incapable of handling conflict that negatively impacts their MC.

The lesbianism is still tumblr exclusive though. Outside of tumblr they just have this hilarious hateboner for Kagami.