Meanwhile, at the Hall of Justice

Meanwhile, at the Hall of Justice...

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My fellow crusaders of justice, I have called you all here today in order to sort out the trouble of the Legion of Doom. I ask you all how to conquer this have for evildoers. What are your plans?

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Wipe them from existence

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Got some news today, after the legion of doom had attempted to attack Japan here, some of the jp heroes are actually coming to here for a small meeting on how to eliminate the legion.
Also it appears that HORDE PRIME, hordak's master and enemy of he-man is now leading a more fierce and dangerous legion of doom, be careful guys.

Guys, the Legion of Doom doesn't want me doing bible study at the Hall of Doom tomorrow, can I do it here instead?

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Meanwhile at the Cincinnati Museum Center

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Good news guys, I just invented an AI based on myself. No worries though, I worked out any Oedipal kinks. Everything should be fine.

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Would some pym particles help?

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Dude calm down that was jackal not her, somebody put him out!

Youre a burning skeleton? No worries, trust me when i say you get used to it.

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Alright the jp heroes are coming now,
I currently see, the ultra brothers including mebius, the eleven riders, zubat(not the Pokemon), devilmam, kikider, and a bunch of others. It's going to get crowded today.

Alright, so heroes of the hall, I actually came all the way from m78 to this meeting hall what's the problem? It's not about redman again is it?

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Somebody clogged all the toilets and I'm not gonna clean that up.

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Um guys avengers tower is on fire

Jesus titty fucking Christ, why is Wonder Woman challenging Iron Man to a fight? OH GODDAMN, SHE JUST STABBED HIM! FUCKING GREEKS!

Is it already monday again?

Fucking Jackal, him and his itching and sneezing powder bomb clone

Why is the Hall of Justice built on such an open place?

Arent they worried that any super villain could easily wipe out that building with a single missile?

Fart you, buttholes.
>launches missiles at Hall of Justice

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Considering your all disorganized at this point fighting amongst yourselves, why do we go back into why we're here. Unlike you we don't fight each other, it's dishonorable , it's a severe violation to ultra law.

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It was me! See ya later suckers!

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YOU, FEBRUARY 2nd, did you kill a man under the name asuka goroh?

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Don’t worry, apparently Serpentor keeps calling himself co-leader. With two batshit insane 80s villains at the helm the Legion will probably destroy itself.


I’m sure nothing will go wrong!

Hey, no racial slurs.



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Well, at least that'll keep her calm for awhi...SHE RIPPED THROUGH IT!?! WHAT THE FUCK!!! OH GOD, WE NEED HEROES THERE ASAP! SAVE THE CHILDREN!

Thanks, Vic. It's really nice to have support nowadays, just some finishing touches and-

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--And he's fucking my wife.

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Who? Whatever I’m just back to steal anything in the fridge.

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Tony's in the God Buster suit! Equipped with mistletoe warhead missiles!

It was me

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Oh fucking hell, I see dead civilians everywhere. This is going to be horrid PR for us. What the fuck is going on here? WHERE THE FUCK IS SUPERMAN!

Cheating on his wife with Supergirl and Power girl in a threesome, but don't tell her

This information doesn't leave this room, if this gets out, it'll be bad. Also, both of them? NICE!

Why is there so much kale in your base’s fridge? Who eats kale?

You don’t say....

Ya doesn’t leave the room.... see ya!

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GET HIM!!!!!

Run to the Legion! I’ll hold them off!

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>Guys, we got hobos sucking eachother off in the lobby again

>Shocking News!
>Superman accused of adultery and Incest with his cousins, Supergirl and Power Girl... nice.

So you want me to take care of the legion of doom while the others jp heroes can relax?

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They’re too powerful!

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Oh really, I love a good challenge to fuck up villains and demons,

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Hey, hi, Hades, Lord of the Underworld, get to decide who goes down and who doesnt, and i juuuust happened to have heard ya lost a girl, eh? Well big guy, what if for a itsy tiny favor she doesnt get flushed down the River Styx?

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To late, he's already at the legion of doom hideout

Well, this complicates things---Have fun dealing with your heroes going cray cray, see ya in the afterlife, bye, gotta get him.

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Holy shit, apparently devilman is beating the shut out of the legion of doom members, even killed krona!

Hi guys you won't believe the shit thats happening at Legion of Do... why is half the building destroyed?

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Who’s Devilman? You talking about that weeb who dresses like a superhero?

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I don't know, he just shot lighting though his head and killed someone by conducting a blast though his body.

A missile attack, Spider man. What's going on at the Legion? We're getting hazy reports.

Oh Devil Man just destroyed Shredder all sort of gorceries flew everywhere, ol' D-man is tearing up the Place even that Snakeguy that reminds me of the Scorpion is getting in on the action.

So who got popcorn?

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Yeah we tend to be much more violent than your own heroes, some guys have to be taken down, devilman is one of the more aggressive anti-heroes. And hey how's it going spidey, how's the leopardon?

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Shit! Looks like something yellow went blasting off into space from the Legion. Want extra butter?

So...are Wonder Woman and Iron Man still trying to murder each other? I think i just saw the Avengers Tower collaps.

Oh, oh shit we forgot about that....Anybody want to deal with that?
>no hands up
Ok, I say we just let them do there thing. They'll tire out eventually.

They're currently duking it out on the moon. The Watchtower is getting Richter scale readings

I feel like we should do something about that...but at the same time i fear what we would find there, she might be trying to hatefuck him to death at this rate.
Just...just watch out for any broken off parts of the moon coming down on the planet and we MIGHT be fine.

Ah V3! Long time no see buddy! The Leopardon is fine, don't tend to use it much nowadays but the ol' mech is in fine condiction, besides, how the good fight against Destron going?

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What about the meat thing? When we going after the bastard!?

Destron's long gone, it was actually run by the great leader of shocker, he tends to take on different identities.


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I'm getting reports the yellow thing has just past the moon. Can't tell where it's going as the moment, since the camera is shak....GODDAMMIT TONY! He just destroyed the camera with his fighting.

Don't worry the ultra brothers are taking care of it, devilman and usagi as well.

Usagi. Oh god, not her.

Yep, she's not going the happy about this.

I'm not fucking happy at all either. All our satellites are down, because of the two idiots. I want those two shits brought up on charges.

I hope you all have earned a very valuable lesson today, we all must work together without any divergence, clearly there has been slow cooperation with you all and we, yes including most of the jp heroes had to save the entire world this time from near destruction, it's clear that in order to defeat the legion of doom you must do teamwork, if not, the hall will fall to corruption. We're all returning now to Japan, as for us it's m78. Farewell.

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Capes rule. All non-cape heroes don't deserve to be called that.

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Tv turns on
The heroes of Japan have now saved the entire planet from near destruction, thanks to the ultra brothers the moon has been restored, it appears that both the avengers and justice league have failed to respond to the situation properly, on the bright side the xmen were able to at least help out our heroes from the land if rising sun. In other news HORDE PRIME has given up leadership of the legion of doom back to lex Luther after his plans fell apart.

That's all we have this hour, next time we investigate an incident at the NO-END house and why so many dinosaur are present at the place.

this place sure is boring

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If Daddy won't rape Thawne, I will.

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