Guys, hypothetically if Goku were in DC or Marvel how would the heroes and villains react to Goku? Would it be scary if someone can sense you accross the universe and just teleport to you without any notice? Or if that someone would put the world in harms way just for a good fight. I'm sure he won't be a villain but can you call him a hero?
Goku in Marvel/DC
you know how this goes op. you know the pain you will bring. the summoning of this magnitude of autism is that just smaller to a sonic thread.... and you bring it here
Goku fights against Hulk, and is seem as a criminal for some reason
Death Battle faggotry aside, after he fights Superman for the first time he joins the JL and saves the world with them. He would just be the first one to attack and won't ever, EVER listen to Batman. Batman groans a lot.
Well Goku is Superman with kung fu so he’ll be fine
That's the thing. He isn't Superman with kung fu. He's a hick with barely a sense of right and wrong. Would Superman for example give Darkseid something to heal himself? I'm sure Goku would and his reason would be that he wants Superman to fight at his fullest.
not thor or Hercules
its like you hate fun
Goku would probably do something retarded like teleport to Apokolips and challenge Darkseid to a 1v1 or go to Galactus and convince him to have a tournament with Earth to determine once and for all if he gets to eat it.
Here comes the two digit IQ dbtards trying to fill their shitty ass ego by thinking his garbage chinese cartoon is superior to any other serie in terms of power.
Neutral but I don't think the serious heroes would like him.
Would someone who is a figure of authority hate him? Like Captain Marvel for example. Or whoever is with a rank. Would they hate him being overly familiar with them. Not that Goku would scare them like the hulk or anything. Just being friendly and speak like they are buddies.
Whoops. This is meant for
Well this is gonna suck ass. Personally I see him chilling out with Thor and Hercules in Marvel. Probably bugs Superman for spars all the time in DC, maybe Goten and Jon would be friends.
Everyone here seems to be stuck on how only HEROES react to Goku. But how about the VILLAINS. How would they react?
Goten and Jon friendship is much appreciated. Maybe Trunks too.
Goku would get into schisms with the more weirder and fun portions of capeshit. Maybe gets into a fight with Lobo. Maybe he reasonably joins the Doom Patrol and gets into weird fucking fights. Also fights Mongul more than once.
Villains that Goku would most definitely fight:
It’s Freeza and Demon King Piccolo, but he has his own Death Star and holds a Gladiator match in it. Goku probably intentionally got himself captured just so he could fight strong guys.
He’s like Android 19 + Buu, but he can’t overload him like that other fodder in the Buu Saga.
Goku would be over his head, and almost get himself killed, but he wouldn’t miss this fight for the world.
Nuff said
Goku’s outmatched, still he would absolutely throw himself at him to test himself. Kind of like with Super Janemba.
How does Goku have any friends after his selfishness has caused the deaths of countless because he lets all his villains go? Or the fact that he nearly erased all existence for his own selfish pleasure? Goku takes 0 responsibilities for the ramifications of his actions.
I would conspire to kill the dipshit just in case he gambles all of existence on a whim again.
>eternal THIS THREAD again
>hey Darkseid I heard yoy need this thing called antlift math stuff to be at your full power
>let me help you find it
I'm sure villains would love him.
Then he'd likely be kicked off the team for thinking fighting is more important than quickly defeating an enemy to save everyone
Would you just stop. We’ve had this thread over and over and over and over and over.
about Batman
given that ki-manipulation is something humans can learn if properly instructed
how would bats react to the fact that it is possible for him to learn how to fly, but the only teacher available is goku?
Aren't ki already already a thing in DC?
Chill guys. This isn't a vs thread.
Except that Goku basically IS Superman now. Before it was just subtle reference, inferences and innuendo but now that Minus has been made official with its inclusion in Broly we can all see that Goku is basically Superman. The decision of his parents to sent him away to a distant planet called Earth where he'll be safe as their own planet faces annihilation.......well, you know the rest.
Goku goes and hangs out with other martial artists because he can't bug the other heroes to go fight him and the villains keep pulling some underhanded shit which almost kills Goku several dozen times.
Could they fuse?
Probably. If you take DB Fusions at face-value, literally anything can.
>Goku encounters Spiderman
>They team up to take down some villains
>Have hotdogs afterwards
>Goku: "Wow this is the best food I've ever eaten!"
Weebs anal devastation would be visible from space
Why would weebs be mad about hotdog though?
The very idea that any non-Japanese food is better than superior Japanese cuisine
I don't think Goku cares that much - he'll eat anything you put in front of him.
But if he claims it's good food, the nippon-lovers will melt down.
What world do you live in user? Seems to be pretty interesting.