Did the writers ever come back to justify why no one ever called out vaneloppe for going turbo ?

Did the writers ever come back to justify why no one ever called out vaneloppe for going turbo ?

I seriously need an explanation as to why they thought it was okay

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The "it's time to let go" lesson isn't even that bad but the way it was presented does go against the first movie. At the core of it the its-okay-when-girls-do-it meme is real

bad writers also toy story 4 did this message too, what kind of quitters are writing Disney movies now?
> Frozone accepted that he could not find his super suit and didn't want to upset his wife resulting in the death of millions

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Vaneloppe wasn't going turbo, she wanted more from life and she does so in a way that doesn't harm her original game or harm other games, she was accepted unlike Turbo that forced his way in.

>Abandons her own game
>Forces herself into a new game without fitting in at all.

The Message is Women are always correct in following their emotional urges and we as logical thinking people need to appaud their short-sighted ideas.

>Did the writers ever come back to justify why no one ever called out vaneloppe for going turbo ?

They didn't need to, she never did. Going turbo is messing with the code for your personal gai, hurting the game codes and sprites in the process of your game and the other game.

That's not what Vaneloppe did. She made sure to get her code rewrite to not mess with the new game, and she is effectively right hen she said her absence won't cause her racing game issues. It worked well without her for years.

She never went Turbo, she ported herself safely and in respect of other sprites.

Her game was working just fine when she was booted out of it by Turbo, it doesn't matter if she wasn't there.
She was accepted as part of the crew aftee proving herself in the new game.

>>Abandons her own game
Not a problem, as she pointed out her decade of absence never caused any issues, that's not going Turbo
>>Forces herself into a new game without fitting in at all.
She didn't force herself, she got invited and even rewrite her code to make sure to fit in and not hurt the game. that's no going Turbo.

>> Frozone accepted that he could not find his super suit and didn't want to upset his wife resulting in the death of millions
Not the message at all.

You could say Captain America too. It's time to let to with grace and these people chose their own time instead of being kicked out or becoming the very villains they fight.
Time is the final boss.

This is false.

Initially Turbo simply inserted himself into other games, to which players/the arcade owner thought they were bugged and shut them down. That was him "Going Turbo".

When he "messed with the code" he covered up his existence, which allowed him to infiltrate a game without issue, while at the detriment of Vanelopee. He could have continued to exist in Sugar Rush forever if it wasn't for Ralph showing up etc.

Regardless, Vaneloppe leaving sugar rush is not detrimental to anyone.

>Initially Turbo simply inserted himself into other games, to which players/the arcade owner thought they were bugged and shut them down. That was him "Going Turbo".
That's literally what I say, he inserted himself without caring of the consequence, against the will of the other Sprites. Vannelope, on the other hand, did it safely and with the Accord of the other Sprites.

>When he "messed with the code" he covered up his existence, which allowed him to infiltrate a game without issue,
Erasing Vanellope is not "without issues". It's not something Vanellope did.

>That's literally what I say, he inserted himself without caring of the consequence, against the will of the other Sprites. Vannelope, on the other hand, did it safely and with the Accord of the other Sprites.

Except with Sugar Rush he did "insert himself with care" given it caused no real issues until Ralph showed up.

>Erasing Vanellope is not "without issues". It's not something Vanellope did.

Except others are citing the fact she was absent for a decade never caused issues being justification for her leaving.

This never made sense

Vaneloppe is a girl in modern cinema, user. She could randomly murder someone and the narrative would treat it as virtuous or the 'wrong thing for the right reason' at worst.

Knew it was soulless the moment the first teaser dropped.

>it caused no real issues
Vanellope being removed was a real issue.
>Except others are citing the fact she was absent for a decade never caused issues
Her leaving the game didn't cause issues for others, Turbo erasing her caused issues for her. So yes, unlike Vanellope, his actions caused issues to the residents of the game.

It actually was a fine movie.
t. Mr. I-didn't-read-the-thread.

Objectively, Vanellope didn't cause problem. She didn't go Turbo, not because she was a girl, but because her actions didn't cause any arms.

It's because she's a girl.

Honestly on that topic why DID nobody complain about Vanelope misssing from the game for years? She's on the fucking SIDE of it. Did everyone just assume she was some unlockable character with some crazy unlock conditions or something?

>Honestly on that topic why DID nobody complain about Vanelope misssing from the game for years?
The characters of the day are randomly selected. Not all characters are meant to appear at the same time.

Because patriarchy

>Did everyone just assume she was some unlockable character with some crazy unlock conditions or something?

She did not go Turbo, her situation is very different from Turbo. She followed what she wanted without harming anybody.

Because cartoon is for children. Vanelope appears in a random edgy game will likely cause copy right issue / wrong spirite / graphic...etc...etc but nobody fucking question it either. As far as the cartoon concerned, human are background characters

Reminder that originally, Vanelope was in a princes dress (or her racer jumpsuit when driving), her sweater came after King Candy took over. So most player probably consider she is meant to be a trashy homage of the Candy Rush game.

Also, her company went out of business, so there isn't really anyone to sue for the alleged IP theft.

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>of the Candy Rush game.
*Sugar Rush

>didn't cause issues for others
Weird considering WiR shows Vanellope's node in the programming tree was the intended hub node for EVERYTHING ELSE in the game. Turbo made himself the head node to take her place and presumably run everything like clockwork with his stolen identity. With Vanellope gone and no replacement in the main node how is the game still running fine?

>Weird considering WiR shows Vanellope's node in the programming tree was the intended hub node for EVERYTHING ELSE in the game
No. Turbo connected everything to the nod he replaced so everyone would believe he was always there.

I doubt they even had the same writers

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