Diseny cartoon based on a disney flims

with all the remakes going on what disney movie cartoon do you remember hard mode no ducktales, nor talespin

Attached: co related.jpg (333x250, 66K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Little Mermaid
>101 Dalmations
>Lilo and Stitch
>Your pic

...I don't think I disliked a single one. They were all consistently either good to great or at least entertaining.

I had some of the VHS for this one.

There was some bad ones. Beauty and the Beast comes to mind.

Lilo and Stitch was pretty great.
And I remember laughing hard at Timon and Pumbaa as a kid.

BATB didn't have a series, you may be thinking of the awful direct to dvd films. One was like an anthology thing if that counts.

Does Talespin count as a spin-off?

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I think that is what I'm thinking of. It was probably like a pilot for a series, and someone saw it and went "dear god, no." and canned it?

also before the tread start can some explain to me why 101 dalmatians is pus so hard it has 2 animated films was the first live action remake with 2 films and has 2 cartoons plus some games for a move that had come out 30 years prior why is this franchise such a cashcow it just dogs explain

Attached: co2 related.jpg (600x882, 93K)

I would think jungle book is more of a movie based cartoon while talespin is just a compliantly different show with a few of the characters looking and having the same name

maybe some of the cast just Isekai to the talespin universe were my talespin light-novel

Not really. TaleSpin is a unique case ijn which they used the Jungle Book characters for the show to ride on the recent re-release of Jungle Book in theaters.

They're dalmatian puppies. They're very cute.

Have you SEEN those dogs? They're adorable. And also very easy to market to kids. I was a dalmatian fanatic when I was 7.

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I found old Disney TV spin-offs are pretty episodic sitcoms until Tangled which has main plot and is not afraid of showing some intense and heart-breaking moments.

how the new lilo and stitch Chinese cartoon

I remember jungle cubs, they all were adorable

Jungle Cubs, and Goof Troop.

What is House of Mouse anyway (is it a spin-off or something else)?

It's about Mickey and co running this big theater-like place where all the different Disney characters come to watch shorts. Each episode is sort of like a framing story that happens inbetween the shorts being played. Very comfy concept.

Attached: house of mouse.jpg (1024x768, 129K)

I know that part (I begged my parents for more TV time just to watch it when I was younger). What I meant was, is the show itself a spin-off of some Mickey movie I haven't seen, or was it an original creation?

>is the show itself a spin-off of some Mickey movie I haven't seen, or was it an original creation?
It served as a way for Disney to reuse the shorts from Mickey Mouse Works.

I have a jungle cubs vhs

Buzz Lightyear of Star Command.

Watching this as a kid, I never gave a shit about the shorts that they played. They all felt like dull, by-the-numbers stories with nothing memorable about them. All I cared about were the segments of Mickey and co running the club while other Disney characters showed up. Hell, I would have liked it a hundred times better if it that's what it had been all about.

Disgustingly adorable = Disgustingly marketable.

it has more spin off then lion king and beauty and the beast only thing which might beat it is Aladdin
I still don't under stand

yeah thats why Mickey Mouse Works died in the first place and got rebranded as House of Mouse

Atlantis: The Lost Empire carton is pretty good

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Isn't the pic you posted from Nadia: Secret of Blue Water?

I think he's being a cheeky japester

the Hades B-Plot episodes were the best

Learn English before you post here

The best one yet

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Chip and Dale counts as a Rescuer adaptation

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That a stretch
also were chip and dale well know before this show or just c list disney characters

I pray to god this show makes it big with an official release.

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I liked Buzz Lightyear of Star Command. It was an entertaining show in it's own right, it was a novelty, and it did away with Woody and the rest of the nobodies from Toy Story. I remember fondly the episode where Zurg kidnaps one of the little green aliens and three of the rest join Buzz and co's rescue efforts.

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You’re missing Emperor’s New School

When they pitched the concept, the show was originally supposed to be about Launchpad McQuack.


im still mad

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that would hand bomb
no wonder it never got of the ground
it would of done a barrel roll into cancellation
ok I am done