Will Peni's design ever get topped? She's like cute and sexy at the same time

Will Peni's design ever get topped? She's like cute and sexy at the same time.

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>Will Peni's design ever get topped?
Nope...unless Americans make some "loli fanservice" cartoon in the future and since they are forcing censorship onto other countries...that's very unlikely.

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Original Peni was better.

Peni is the most huggable.

Fuck Peni. Just more loli trash.

I certainly hope not.

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you mean California

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I want to see her pantsu!

Shes not either of those things user
She looks like a rat baby

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Would be better to just have more of her

The design isn't even good.

She's cute and funny at the same time.

Americans, yes.
Don't be a faggot. Own up to your mistakes instead of blaming this one place you hate, retard.

That’s quite a predicament she found herself in, wouldn’t you say?


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>bodies aren't a sin
I like what this man preaches

You just prove that claim.

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I hate how attractive I find her. Stupid sex little cute bitch, have a growth spurt already so I don't feel like a pedo.

Give in. Peni is cute, and it's not like you're attracted to real children.

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She's not a child and you're disgusting for thinking she is.

True. More importantly, she's just a series of images, thus there is no reason to feel guilty for crankin' out some cummies to it.

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Do not lewd. Peni is for protecting.

Not when she has such slutty armpits.

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Do you know who drew this?

What design? A japanese school girl? Is that a design now?

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I wanna lick her face as she giggles in fear and confusion

Haha you said penis :D

user, stop it

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>She's not a child
She's 14.

That makes her a teenager and at an eligible age for sex in some countries.

Am I right in thinking this perfect loli design is just for the Spiderverse movie? And her comics are terrible?

I wish I could send them my story ideas and they were comfortable in allowing a no experience guy a chance. I'd japanese all the spider lore, so goblin is an oni, kraven is a ninja, rhino is a mech suit like in that dexter lab episode.

God, Yea Forums is already on this bullshit, and now you are too? At least you're lusting after a 2d character and not an actual child like half of Yea Forums.
The age of drawn characters shouldn't matter, but fucking an actual 14 year old is messed up.

i love penis

Good taste

He sounds like a faggot trying to argue with those people. Cartoon characters are not real, they have no rights. I really hate those faggots persecuting western artist that not even draw those minor characters on model so they look even older when they are japanese artist that literally use real cp references for their work. Fucking cowards.

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BONE SAW is not ready!.....

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a majority of americans hate california and their shit
no way i'm taking the blame for them

You know she's like 8 right?
You fucking freak.

>but fucking an actual 14 year old is messed up.
Nothing wrong with that assuming you're a married couple as the child already hit puberty. The real problem is people just want thrills and abuse their fragile changing minds.

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a tasty treat indeed

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She's pretty great. I hope she returns for Spider-verse part 2

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>use real cp references for their work.
You know I've been thinking on this and a weird thought train formed. Say you wanted to do this but you're a normal human who doesn't just have CP on hand and cause feel it morally wrong. If you use your own baby and child photos of yourself as references does that count as CP in the moral sense since it is you making the choice? Could that hold in court since its technique you?

>This entire thread

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You have CP of yourself user? Its okay, you can tell us

You guys, come on. She's like 4 years old!

She's a fetus you freaks

>morally wrong
Well, this is my opinion (and I'm not saying that just so people don't shit on me, I can be wrong)
I think its stupid to persecute people for drawings, but it's morally wrong to draw children in sexual ways? well, that depends of how "accurate" that drawing is. Splatoon characters, Jenny from the teenage robot show, even more anime characters are cartoony enough to not resemblance humans.
However, when the drawing is nearly photo-realistic, when it's basically a human kid body, then yes user, its morally wrong. And if its basically traced from CP, I think it should be even illegal.

>Could that hold in court since its technique you?
I don't know where you live but minors that send their own nudes CAN be charged for possesion and distribution of CP

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No I was just having a retarded thought like do home family pictures of yourself count as cp?

Everyone knows Kingpin is the best spiderverse waifu, why are you wasting your time on Peni?

But I'm not gay.

cartoony or not any lewd depictions of minors should not be allowed

Kingpin can be scary, while Peni cannot

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There's a lot of implications with prohibiting "x" despictions in art.

Also, a couple of countries already forbiddens to draw children cartoon characters in lewd situations, artist simply bypassed it by putting the "all characters are +18" disclaimer

I need a waifu who can effortlessly fill the entire screen

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Hope that she shows up as support again in another Spiderverse movie

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The idea is to kill off the pedos, really, their garbage dies with them.

I don't normally say this, but fucking cringe

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Bro every Spiderman fan wants Kingpin to put it in their ass

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>ywn be Peni's classmate/friend
>ywn be dragged into her superhero shenanigans
>ywn be worried sick when she disappears suddenly
>ywn tightly hug her when she appears again, telling you about her multiverse adventure
>ywn help her rebuild Sp//dr
Truly we live in the worst timeline.

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"I can't do anything to stop it, than I want out, even if it means my own life."

Oh Peni, don't think like that. You do have reasons to live here, and we can certainly find a way to help you live in this world with a purpose. You just need to stay a little longer.

The voice returned to haunt her one more time. "What reasons are there? Me staying as your fucking sick toy to be used whenever you want? Yeah, fuck that, asshole, I want no part of it!"

Do you really think that killing yourself is the answer? That ending your life in such a selfish and childish manner will solve all your problems?

"If it means I no longer have to deal with your shit no more, than by God, it is worth it."

Oh Peni, that is such a sad and ignorant answer. Well, I guess you've already made up your mind, so carry on than. It was fun while it lasted.

The people who designed her probably intended her to be just generic and funny looking

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But you have to understand that such a relationship is almost always one sided to begin with

You are so fucking gross

>doctor octopus really exists
Holy shit, when can I meet Doc Ock??

stop pretending user.

I'm a huge pedo and I can't even get hard to any of these pics. there's just nothing for my dick to latch onto. she's painfully boring. am I supposed to cream my pants
just because she's wearing a skirt or what?
I fell asleep during her movie too but that's beside the point.

I wonder why Miles didn't go for cute little Peni instead of Gwen.

You're not a pedo, you're actually a homosexual.

Why do people make a big deal about Peni's age when she's the same as Asuka and Rei, who people have been jerking it to without a second thought for decades? Anyway, Peni's too old so I'm not interested.

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