I keep looking at this scene over and over, yet I have to ask this question.
Why? She could've just killed Terry by snapping his neck.
I keep looking at this scene over and over, yet I have to ask this question.
Why? She could've just killed Terry by snapping his neck.
Probably just wanted to prolong his suffering. Sure you could snap his neck and be done but he's been annoying her for a while by then. She wanted to watch him die.
This. You don't choke someone you hate just to get it over with. You do it so you can enjoy every last minute of your victim gasping his last.
Why not just reform inside of his lungs or something? The damage alone would be excruciating and probably terminal.
She wanted to be inside of a teenage boy.
why didnt he explode like spiderman and sandman?
She was hoping he would be into it.
You think terry had a boner as that happened? ha ha
She honestly should've killed him with that. She was down his throat and filling his body with herself. That's some fucked up shit.
reminder that she's a child molester
and that's a good thing!
terry is 16 and she's like in her 40s
Once you acquire a power like shape shifting or rapid healing, you have to get over mortal hangups about age. Mystique's over a hundred years old, literally every normal human being is technically cradle-robbing for her.
>no yandere slime gf who will force her vore fetish onto you
god i wish that were me
Imagine her attacking you while in the shower and she puts her tentacle in your ass.
H-hahaha yeah that sounds awful I'd have to call old Bruce and ask how to handle it right
>tfw no liquid asian milf enveloping you
>There's an ancient Tibetan ass technique, Terry. It took me 5 years to master it and another 10 to perfect it. Nobody will rape me in the showers. No, I am the one who rapes.
This is how Sandman killed Spider-Man in that one timeline
"Hey kid, wanna /ss/?"
I bet she tastes bad
you ever chew on a pen but then it breaks and a bit of ink gets in your mouth? she would taste like that.
Superpowered characters are creative dipshits (also really stupid). Superman could easily deal with any bad guy with a heat beam to the dick but that would make for some boring ass stories.