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Superchunk is a great band

I'm out

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im ready for 3 hours of Centurions.


Jesus Christ I remember the Vietnam wars... 2 days of full Scooby Doo marathons .... 5 days of Cow & Chicken ... 7 days of THE FLINSTONES



I hope someone hanged for that shit.

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I'll take the 24 hour hong kong phooey marathon over the 7 day teen titans go marathon.

CN desperately needs to switch up their shit. Have Throwback Thursdays or something with rocky and bullwinkle and hong kong phooey and those godawful scooby doo imitations.

Is CN still allowed to air Rocky & Bullwinkle?

God I hated super chunk when I was little. They almost always put lameass cartoons that took all afternoon slots. More times than not it was a waste of my fucking saturday.

Im ready for 3 hours of Pirates of Dark Water and if you could just throw a fucking finale there...

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>Have Throwback Thursdays
>with rocky and bullwinkle

Now theres a monkey paw bullshit if I ever have seen one.

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>not having your public television regularly air Rocky and Bullwinkle

>tfw no more Cartoon Cartoon Friday’s
>no more “What a Cartoon”

I know i’m an old fag, but i’ll ALWAYS remember how good we had it back in the day on CN.

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>not liking Rocky and Bullwinkle
>missing out on Fractured Fairytales

>tfw your favorite CN character hosts Cartoon Cartoon Friday on the same week their show premiers new episodes
I miss seeing the toons outside of their shows, just milling about and interacting with each other on the channel.

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Fuck you, nigga. I loved Flinstones.

Give me fucking Mike, Lu & Og or Sheep in the City, anything but this nu-CN shit.

>tfw kids can't watch "What a Cartoon"
>tfw in a few years instead they'll be asking "What is a Cartoon?"

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They'll be too busy catching pokemon creatures.

>Give me fucking Mike, Lu & Og

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I hope they Pokemon-Go to hell.

I'd rather do my homework than watch those abortions.

If you're not showing the one show kids want to watch 24/7 they'll just go watch youtube. Cable television is doomed.

Is that why TTG is so popular with so many copycats?
Because being the only show to air kids associate it like we did with Spongebob/Simpsons?

I watched so much Tom and Jerry every morning when that's all they'd show til noon that I got sick of it. Now I miss it dearly. What a dumb faggot I was.

I'm prepping a Starfinder campaign that's just the show in space.

The first person that mistakes the Maelstrom for the Leviathan from Destiny 2 gets a bitch slap.

I have no idea, but I do know its popular and that given the current entertainment landscape its safer for networks to just re-run popular shows endlessly than try mixing up the schedule with stuff people don't know, unknown shows are just going to push people to netflix or youtube and its not even just CN that has this problem, obviously Nick is like 75% sponge but even comedy central is just like reruns of the office an episode of the daily show and then south park reruns.

Pokemon Creatures? They should be busy fetching water!


>Tune into CN for some Cartoon Cartoons
>Get nothing but HB cartoons for hours
At least Swat Kats came on sometimes.

>back when it was ok to make fun of fat people

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You now remember the April Fools """"""""prank""""""""" where they played the Screwy Squirrel episode all day non-stop.

>22 years ago

I never saw that shitty """""Tex Avery""""" cartoon on CN. I did see the REAL Tex Avery Show, however.

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i thought people hated mike lu and og?

>with many copycats
Name one. Seriously, name one. The closest thing to TTG is Unikitty (same producers) and they are different. Cartoons are still trying to be like AT/SU/Gravity Falls.

Who the hell was CN's Tex Avery show aimed at appealing to anyway? Boomers? John K?

I don't remember Wacky World of Tex Avery being on CN, I thought it was syndicated

It was. CN's show was a legit celebration that showed all his best works.

It wasn't. Whoever made that image probably saw on Wikipedia that CN had The Tex Avery Show, assumed it was the shitty version, and put it there.

t.faggots who can't appreciate the classics
Besides here's what CN really looked like in its prime

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Or maybe the pic was made by a non-american. CN aired different shit in my country.

Spam is cancer no matter the show. I ended up hating HB cartoons for those specials.
Pretty sure Yugi didn't air in CN. It was a The Warner cartoon.

Not really, it's just that, like Sheep, it was overshadowed by the other shows on CN at the time and wasn't remembered as well as the others.

This has Toonami and Adult Swim, so its a bit after the Dark Ages of the Boomertoon spam that plagued early to mid 90s CN.

They aired OG YuGiOh all the time. And premiered GX, and aired 5Ds for like, a month.

It was hardly "spam" user. I'm looking at earlier schedules and the worst it got as Scooby Doo taking up three hours once a week

>Pretty sure Yugi didn't air in CN.
Let me guess, you're a non-burger?
> It was a The Warner cartoon.
And also an idiot

I remember Wacky World being played on a different channel in Italy. THE Tex Avery show did play on CN there.

And that's still what people have the most nostalgia for.
And I'm assuming by what you're referring to as "Boomerang spam" was CN in its earliest days,i.e 1992-1998, which were because CN was still a fledgling network, and it needed to fill in the space with what it had, and Tuner recently bought HB

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I remember they did one of the old Fantastic Four cartoon.

I always hated old Hanna-Barberra cartoons, so super chunks were generally awful.


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That tiny SU sliver will never not get to me

i still think uncle grandpa (and almost all of the other shows) got royally fucked because of this shit
nobody watched it because they fucking couldn't when they aired TTGO from dawn to dusk, even if you don't hate the show you can't deny this was/is fucking inane
i can't think of a single show i like enough for this to even be justifiable, even when i was a little kid i wouldn't have wanted to watch one singular show for an entire goddamn day even if i loved it to death, do children even watch the television or do they just use it as background noise while they play on their phones? this is the one thing that makes me feel like a old man because i don't get how CN could do this and not get a massive ratings dip

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Didn't ted turner have some rule stating they had to show it?

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>before CN aired crappy canadian cartoons, they used to air KINO canadian cartoons

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>Mike, Lu, and Og
>an abortion
I actually liked Mike, Lu, and Og.
Now Sheep in the Big City, on the other hand....

Pre-1997 CN is like a fever dream to me. I vaguely remember it but never had much interest as a kid.

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Did the wacky world of tex avery ever play on CN? IIRC it played before Pokemon on local channels


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The weird is mid-90s Disney. You had Jim Henson Hour, Yogi Bear, LOONEY TUNES anthology movies, lots of weird live action shows like mother goose hiphop and tall tales, that Hobbit cartoon movie and flight of the dragons, that nightmarish Wizard of Oz sequel, etc

The golden age of CN

I enjoyed that race cartoon and looney tunes but I hate the rest, only sometimes watch scooby do with my sister because she loved it

Depends what year this was really. In 1997-98 there wasn';t enough original content to sustain the channel 24/7 so they relied a lot on Turner acquired programming like Hanna Barbera. By 2000 though the channel was solidly independent content + anime

Weren't they halfway done?

Go McFuck yourself or I'll sick the plot device on your ass.

>Stop liking what I don't like!
I never knew you despised anons with different opinions.

>Looney Tunes and Yogi Bear
>on Disney Channel
I'm really sure that they would never air today. I miss the days of cross-programming.

Eras of cn

1992-1997: Checkerboard (early millennial)
1997-2001: Powerhouse pt 1 (core millennial)
2001-2004: Powerhouse pt 2 (late millennial)
2004-2007: CN City (y/z cusp)
2007-2010: CN real (early zoomer)
2010-2016: Renaissance age (core zoomer)
2016-now: Reboot age (late zoomer)

What was the last era with soul here?

on the other hand Sheep was watchable. Mike Lu and Og was a good way to make people fall asleep.

was wondering how long it would take for the epic buzzwords to arrive to this thread

renaissance honestly

You'd be better off asking this on a different site since Yea Forums now attracts people who weren't even in school yet when cartoon network's powerhouse era ended (aka subhumans)

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CN City outright. CN real had one decent show, and two passable shows, fried dynamite was hot garbage and unnecessary. The rest was bland and forgettable.

kill yourself

I'm pretty sure John K worked on it and said he hated it.

Warner had the license, but the bought out Turner in the late 90s.

>Hot Wheels world race

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Not John K but his associate Eddie Fitzgerald.

Powerhouse, CN actually felt respectable. Primetime’s bumpers made the shows feel loved and those Powerhouse bumpers were so kino and had soul, every show they aired had at least 2-3.

Oh Canada! was awesome. Stayed up on Sundays to watch it around 10:00.

Nothing bad about either of those

>not liking Rocky and Bullwinkle
Having taste this shit should be illegal.

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FUCK. Ya beat me to it

God that was right as hell