do you love Power Girl?
Do you love Power Girl?
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if her hymen wouldnt tear my dick up, who cares yes I love her
idk I just jerked off so give me a few hours
Has she ever had a boyfriend
she has me in my dreams
She would love or even date someone like me
Besides Raven she is DC's best girl.
Yes. She loves foreign and Coffee Gentlemen.
no, I like them underage and flat
Classic cuck fetishist marvel.
Aeolus is a treasure
>Always thought she was hot but never really found her fapworthy outside some cosplays
>put her in a pretty or anime-like art style
>suddenly dick feels things
Why does this have to happen?
I love Power Girl with all of my body (including my pee pee).
The only thing I can't stand about Aeolus is that shitty nerdboy OC they keep drawing.
Delete this
imagine seeing a naked PG and not being able to tell the world about it. even then, no one would believe you, ever.
God I miss when Karen was this character. Fuck I just miss everything about the Grey/Palmiotti run.
and we will never get it again...
why can't we just get another comic from them about a busty superheroine that is a fun book?
No. I like the character but she doesn't have too much going for her beyond her tits.
I love her.
Isn’t she just a Captain Marvel rip off?
Shouldn't Flash be the representation of gluttony since he's canonically a big eater?
Considering she popped up decades before carol stole the name and since car-el is now in the process of becoming a kree superman it’s safe to say it’s the opposite
No, she didn't rip off Billy. And despite what people say, she did not rip off his pants and ride him.
>we never got Power Girl in the DCAU
it hurts
God bless Amanda Connor
is there a trade or omnibus of this run
Not as far as I'm aware
Wikipedia seems to think that Carol was around for a while before Power Girl first showed up, but she didn't become Ms. Marvel until shortly after.
There are three trades collecting it I think? The first two sell for like 10 bucks used and the third is going for around 90
>Supergirl is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The character was created by writer Otto Binder and designed by artist Al Plastino. Supergirl first appeared in a story published in Action Comics #252 (May 1959) titled "The Supergirl from Krypton".
>Carol Susan Jane Danvers is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by writer Roy Thomas and artist Gene Colan, Danvers first appeared as an officer in the United States Air Force and a colleague of the Kree superhero Mar-Vell in Marvel Super-Heroes #13 (March 1968).
You know that Power Girl is Supergirl, right? You don't just wander into these threads for the boobies while knowing nothing about the character, right?
>Cass: I've seen enough of Babs' internet to know where this is going.
tfw no manga of Peeg.
That's what Ame-Comi Power Girl is for
I like her because she's funny and sassy, but not in a bitchy or preachy kind of way (when she's written well).
I can't say I've ever really been gaga for her. It's almost like when you are friends with a girl as a little kid and she gets hot as you grow up but it just doesn't click even when someone else points it out.
Honestly, I never knew what I was supposed to love about her.
Always kinda felt like generic insert female character.
Fucking cursed!
Ye. Power Girl animated series fucking when?
fucking bullshit.
after the fan backlash she disappeared, then came back and brought her back, but not same costume so dc did a slap to the fans face by having kara put on the 'powergirl outfit', but then supergirl is like 'the fuck bitch, you're wearing that slut outfit? fuck you whore!' and kara is like 'it came out of your closet'. then she's gone again and later comes out in earth's finest and they again slap the superman logo on her chest and put her in a relationship with obama superman.
fuck you dc. fuck you.
He eats because he consumes a shit ton of calories using speed force. Billy eats cuz he can.
>Conner is exclusively drawing Carol Danvers covers now
What went wrong?
Weeaboos were a mistake
ah. Glorious Nippon. Much better.
The Ame-Comi books were fun though, the deaf Green Lantern was a neat design
Someone please post the panel of probably the most brutal mogging to ever occur
>Implying that doesn't make her even hotter
As in that's all she does now or she's the only one allowed to do Carol covers?
what was Peeg's last appearance in any comic?
>that's all she does now
This one. I haven't seen any other work from her in recent months. I get that her productivity is low because of her arthritis pain, but at least pick your work with more care, lady.
Her last appearance I can think of was in Deathstroke. She's still stuck in some kind of dimensional limbo with the black power girl.
>ywn never be stuck in interdimensional limbo with Power Girl
I kinda hope she'll never get a movie because Hollywood would unnecessarily change her because muh sexism and the majority would agree with that, despite not caring for her character. Then through mainstream media the changed movie version would become the standard. Fuck that.
>if her hymen wouldnt tear my dick up
actually, assuming kryptonian anatomy is that similar to humans then it probably wouldnt be a problem. the hymen isnt a complete seal after all a girl has to have her period somehow even if she's a virgin. So fucking through PG's hymen is doable with a little stretching on her part and effort on your part.
I imagine it would probably feel like her pussy is clenching extra hard in a one finger width space as you fuck.
This basically, I'm not sure why people are so desperate for her to be adapted, because there's no doubt she'd be toned down / blackwashed or something.
Best design.
I fucking hate that character so much. He's just aesthetically unpleasing. I hate those massive tumors he calls freckles.
My nigga.
That's some Venture Bros. shit right there.
>before carol stole the name
You spelled "DC fucked up and didn't renew the copyright for the character they stole" wrong
>tfw I'm black
this only makes me love her more
I am... forgotten.
She wasn't that great, she certainly wasn't a true Power Girl
Still something. Something to fap to anyways.
you had me at underage
That's not what happened
Questions for femanons if any exist on here.
Do women actually do this to each other? Do other women just casually come up to you and grope you because you're both women so it's somehow ok?
This is a common theme in pictures where to women are interacting whether it be in comics, manga, anime etc
>Do women actually do this to each other? Do other women just casually come up to you and grope you because you're both women so it's somehow ok?
Pink Kryptonite in action
PG is certainly as strong as Superman, I dunno why she's not capitalized on more as a big sister type for Superman's cast of heroes, or hell, even Clark himself. Have the two ever just had a story where they got to bond as cousins, albeit cousins from different universes?
Does she still run her own company, and do the superhero thing on the side? Or did they get rid of that?
>Have the two ever just had a story where they got to bond as cousins, albeit cousins from different universes?
That what happens towards the end of her solo run and it was sweet, but generally there's not much reason to use her over Supergirl. She's in a weird spot that she has to be her own characters while still constantly living in Superman's shadow, on top of the fact no one can fit her into stories so instead they shoved her into a pocket dimension to be stuck there forever.
I think in the huge cancerous debacle of the New 52 she gave her company away to some strong independent black woman so she could dimension-hop and have multiple plot holes introduced to her backstory so that she has hamfisted destiny telling her to hook up with NIGGERS FROM SPAAAAAAAACE
>No reason to use her over Supergirl
That's such bullshit in a world where Batman is on his 7th Robin, 8th if you count Jarro. Use them BOTH. They're both Kara, but they aren't identical. They have their own goals, their own quirks and their own abilities. Play off that. Fuck, use them together and explore whether you could develop a sisterly bond with what is essentially your clone, or if the reality of it would be too off-putting for you to get along. Comics waste so much goddamn opportunity with their characters.
I want a Power Girl wife so hard
I wouldn’t let a gay woman do that, knowing she got a sexual thrill from it...
Any more PG wallpapers?
so what you’re saying is you’d only allow straight women access to your cleavage?
>power loli still has the chest window
supergirl isnt flat. she doesn't have the jugs that power girl has, but super girl has a good size.
Then at least I’d know it’s innocent
she pre-dates carol
crap wrong one
>Called Kara a slut for wearing the boob window while dressed in a fucking diaper
Not to mention the symbolism of having a giant V right above her crotch.
>Granny fanny
Are her powers just that of a regular Kryponian?
Yes, but she doesn't have the restrain or temperament of other Kryptonians, plus lack of self assurance.
Netflix/Disney adaptation
Last one I made
>Nu52 World's Finest sucked
>Nu52 JLI sucked
>Harley Quinn/Power Girl sucked
>Power Girl dumped off on Earth 2
>New Power Girl barely used in Teen Titans
>Atlee only in that one Starfire series that got cancelled
Being a Peeg fan is suffering.
Anybody have that little 4 panel comic with Karen in a laundromat and some superhero tells her its a supers only laundromat and asks who the hell she is and she holds her hands up to her chest to make a circle and looks disgusted because he cant tell
Well she's paid the toll so she's all yours now.
Thanks for your work
No prob, I'll be on the look out for other pictures to use to make some more.
>Harley Quinn/Power Girl sucked
It was the closest we ever got to the Graymiotti stories. I thought it was enjoyable as long as you could deal with Harley Quinn's shenanigans.
It was a comedy series that wasn't funny. It had one job and it didn't deliver. The first story arc was just recycling the Vartox story from the conner/palmiotti run, except this time Harley Quinn was also there.
>Same amount of tits
>Twice the ass
I'd enjoy a raceswap of Peeg.
It was mostly Grey considering Palmiotti and Conner have worked on her recently and it sucked.
here's the panel when after years of bitching we get the old costume again, but it's short lived cause dc redesigned it to that god awful single piece with a giant P in earths finest/earth 2.
pretty much. it was power girl lite.
Why is Power Girl also naked?
>big tits
>areola/nips so small they aren't even visible
Fucking disgusting.
clearly they're both in a communal shower together and giving breast exams.
Because they are in the Justice League female showers?
Is there a pg tim ship?
who's the apu-eske girl
thats porn right?
can I have Sauce for it?
Clearly fem-Brainiac
Is this melkor?
Of course you have a sauce for it it’s called seamen
Oh come on user that’s not even a hard one to find, I get spoon feeding for the atrociously obscure shit but it’s not hard to type powergirl hentai into any porn image site
I was hoping he's the sort of lazy shit to not figure out how to get past the panda.
Why does Peej and Amanda Connor's art style go together so well?
Connor knew how to strike a balance between making a woman sexy but strong in appearance, and toned it to 11 when designing Power Girl.
dude, panda is such an old thing now, there are at LEAST 4 or 5 other sites now!
Why wouldn't she?
I don't give a fuck. Call me when those sites aren't shitty downsamples like nhentai.
based titcow
well that’s precious, reminds me too much of Invincible
Who could play Peej if she ever got adapted into the DCEU?
No one
Alexandra Daddario
Katee Sackoff is the first that comes to my mind, she's shown a willingness to build some actual muscle for roles in the past, which seems essential to playing a character like PG, and has the right general look. Also the fact she's getting close to middle aged might help drive a more obvious separation from Supergirl, who's already a young adult rather than a teenager in the CW show.
I can never figure out why I like this fanart so much
I guess his Omega Beam never misses, huh?
Did PG lose her shins in the war like Cotton Hill?
My cousin
Post pics
Clark, I know that you're just trying to give your alt-universe cousin a job, but this still counts as nepotism.
Do you think Clake ever worries that his cousin going around showing off her tits like that might cause friction for his wholesome image by association?
He could always say "She's from another dimension, she's not REALLY my cousin."
I miss both Power Girl and Atlee
Even if she was, Power Girl is a far more entertaining character.
Do you think Clark might worry that because he never grew up with his cousin he might actually be attracted to her and they'd fuck?
Wasn't there a storyline where Superman did marry an alternate universe Supergirl? So it isn't outside the realm of possibility
It doesn't count as incest if she's from another universe.
Nah it must be in universe Supergirl to make it fun.
yup she lost them giving FIDDY MEN blowjobs for hours on end.
>Not titjobs.
i fucked that up.
Unironically makes for a nice contrast.
I want a wacky comedy where people go "How can you two be the same person from different universes when your breast sizes are so different!?"
>"are all the breasts bigger in her alternate universe?"
No. Everything is exactly the same, except their Kara has bigger boobs. Theres also a universe where Kara has smaller boobs. Theres one where everyone has big boobs. Even the men.
>Crisis on Infinite Kara's happens
>All the alternate Supergirls and Powergirls all have huge tits while our Supergirl is flat as a board.
Maybe powergirl being in the main universe is what’s keeping Kara’s breasts small. There’s some universal link that makes powergirl a breast eat Kara’s on a cosmic level
Cuz there's nothing on it?
a force, unknown to them, is keeping kara small
for if she had her true breast size, it would cause....A CRISIS OF INFINITE CUPS
Is part of the joke of the shirt, that you would probably need to orbit her tits to actually read the shirt?
Peej is just older than SuperGirl.
It'd be kind of weird for a women already part puberty to just suddenly jump up half a dozen cup sizes though
Could use bigger tits, or more of them.
>clenching extra hard in a one finger width space
That sounds like it would literally break a dick.
that 'p' costume was simply shit. same goes for slapping the 's' on her iconic power girl suit. fuckin dc.
“I shall absorbs the collective bust of the multiverse to make a single universe uniform in cup sizes, and from this point on A cup shall stand for me the Antitty monitor!”
>tfw after years of internet you've utterly internalized Power Girl as a rabid shotacon who got utterly hooked after being blackmailed and exclusively dates boys now
Now I just imagine the superbly prime punching his way into reality to be the real Superman to be powergirl punching her way into reality to get a taste of robin
nah, the trick is to consume media outside this site
>That massive and vaguely cylindrical mass of flesh hanging down below her right thigh
What the fuck. I understand the artist was trying to portray her as muscular but I've never seen a leg that looks like that.
And now I see they YOLO'd drawing her other leg, so it has no definition or detail, which could be fine in certain circumstances. But compared to her other limbs, the conspicuous lack of anatomical detail is damning.
How did this ever get past quality control? That looks horrible
I actually don't want to see her with Robin. I get off more to the idea of her doing in secret with mundanes.
What, regarding Power Girl? Why? She's just jerk-off material for me.
TFW only current media of Power Girl is just a Supergirl Skin.
>How did this ever get past quality control?
He thinks comic books have quality control.
>that other pic in the pixiv
God fucking damn.
This is so bad, even putting aside making her a coal burner. God, who drew this? It's fucking hideous.
Charlotte Mckinney.
Thank God this will never happen.
auntie "comic" when
If it did it would be a black girl.
It would be fun to see PG being the 'cool aunt' to Damian and Jonathan, letting them use and abuse their powers and skills in the ways their dads won't whenever they ask her to babysit
Again, thank god that will never happen.
Now that is someone I'd Shazam into
I was thinking more cuddling
>ywn have PG's DNA to create a clone for yourself
Thank god Divine was done away with. What an awful character/idea.
would still use her body as semen storage
Get Captain America's wife to play her. Slap a blonde wig on.
>audience motorboats her
>tfw safe in the knowledge my waifu will never be ruined by some shitty hollywood actress or retarded hollywood writers
Feels good bros.
Never because Damian and John are shit characters
Never because /ss/ is trash
Can we get some powergirl milking greentext or stories in here? Come on!
This is Yea Forums, not /aco/.
>live action PG
>no boob window because that's sexist
>black woman because having a blonde blue eyed white woman in the current year is racist
>she spends the entire movie quipping and calling all the male heroes and villains misogynist
no thanks
Literally cast this woman. She clearly is comfortable with the boob window.
Done and dusted. There's no one to offend except people who are offended on the actresses's behalf. Which will be immediately stomped out by her testimony on twitter and then promptly ignore by people who think she's still programmed.
The absolute worst part of these Yea Forums cocksuckers being able to post here is every fucking thread has to suffer their incessant hollywood bullshit. God forbid we have a Power Girl thread where we actually just post Power Girl.
yeah linda danvers whent into an alternate reality in place of the actual supergirl belonging to that reality (to prevent that supergirl from getting killed)
but superman finds out pretty quick that linda is not a true kryptonian (her costume is earth made material) or his actual cousin. and falls in love with her. they even have kids.
Kat dennings could probaly pull it off also
ah my bad, 1 daughter
who could time travel at will, standard kryptonion powers, telekinesis, could self duplicate and teleport
what are some Power Girl reading recommendations?
Power Trip. There, that's it. The Terra mini is also not bad.
Forgive me. I could be wrong. But I'm pretty sure Kat Dennings can't act. Otherwise how come we don't see her more often? Is it the nose?
Man, this image is older than some of the posters here.
its the tits
busty actresses dont get cast much
Cara Delevingne cant act at all yet she still gets cast
/ll/ is better
Who else is in her harem of young boys?
Oh well, as long as she makes Carol sexy.
>her productivity is low because of her arthritis pain
It's some nip trying fan art. It's not official.
On one hand you are right. "Evil clone of the MC complete with dyed/changed hair" is pretty lame
On the other hand, I'd shove my head in her evil tits.
Billy Peeg team up book when? Two fun characters having fun adventures together
>Cara Delevingne
She doesn't have tits and she gets cast in trash films.
I'm not sure if she's a good example?
See, this is what my childhood always needed ;_;
Liking traps is gay.
Because she likes to munch carpets, user.
Her JSA appearances
The Graymiotti/Conner run
Her appearances in Harley Quinn
This chick.
Try not to laugh. I dare you.
yeah that entire thing where they tried to find a non-sexual reason for the boob window was just embarassing
My reaction as well. I'd like to be charitable and blame the inker, but I don't know if you can blame inking on basic perspective fails like the chairs and lamps in the first panel.
It was a joke you autist
>DC tests its audience's progressiveness.jpg
I don't get it, that's Mr. Terrific right? What's the big deal?
Interracial couples are illegal in USA.
Oh it's just /pol/ then
>meet powermilf
>anyone who dislikes my BLACK'd fetish is /pol/!
>there's an interracial couple so it must a be blacked/cuck-fetish thing
Wasn't this PG canonically a slut anyway? I seem to remember an issue which implied she was just using Terrific to get to his technology and that he wasn't the only guy she treated that way.
well its not like they didnt mention race...
That's Gemma Atkinson lad.
And yes, yes she should.
>Her first appearance in the newfiftyshit is as Mr. Teriffic's girlfriend, written by a black dude.
I'm sure there was no ulterior motive there.
Powergirl cosplay girl looks like she'd be a pretty good lay.
I mean that's not really ulterior. Would you be pissed if a white guy wrote peej and she was dating a white guy? Is that an ulterior motive?
Those puppy dog eyes.
If a white guy was writing for a Z list white superhero and had a more famous black superheroine (e.g. Storm) relegated to his cocksleeve, do you think people would be upset?
But the difference between Power Girl and Mr. Terrific is only like C-list and D-list. They're longtime members of the same team.
If you're upset about a JSA-member dating another JSA-member then I'm going to assume that you don't read comics and you just come here for the politics.
Wait, so what's her problem?
>was dating a white guy?
Yes, peeg must remain pure.
She's just jealous peej is better than her
so, Kryptonian dudes only?
Is that peej an edit or real?
it's an edit
That’s a pretty odd way to describe two consenting adults having a casual sexual relationship. I mean would you describe Clark we using Lois like a cocksleeve. Or that your dad used your mom like a cocksleeve? Cuz that says more about you than it does about the pairing itself. Besides with the power dynamic between Mr.Terrific and POWER GIRL I think it’s just as likely that she’s using him as a dildo
>Or that your dad used your mom like a cocksleeve?
user, if you knew the things I've read on /adv/...
>Power Girl will never try to serenade you with a romaitic titty drum solo from outside your bedroom window at night.
>Power Girl will never stop your crime spree
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
Dakota Blue Richards
>ywn egg Power Girl into punching you as Hard as she can
>ywn watch her fist clench and her muscles tighten as she reels back for a punch
>ywn watch as the ground gives way beneath her feet to provide the leverage for her
>ywn watch her grit her feet as the pressure from the torque of her ouch sends her hair blowing wildly
>ywn feel the brief sensation of her knuckles on your jaw before being completely reduced to a red smear on the ground.
Why even die?
>ywn get sandwiched in a paizuri/naizuri between Powergirl and Supergirl.
A what?
Am I alone in thinking the most appealing part of Peef’s design is the hair?
it's Japanese. Paizuri just means a titfuck, naizuri means an attempt at a titfuck, but the boobs are too small
Paizuri= titjob with sizable or big tits
Naizuri= titjob with little to no tits
>titjob with little to no tits
My last hooker.
Would you imagine peek more domineering and intimidating or caring and gentle in the bedroom?
Both. She'll make fun of her partners but only in a loving way.
that shirt is perfect for fucking her tits
I feel like DC really struggles to figure out where PG stands on being sexualized. Like they wanna have their “hurr durr men can’t stop staring at her tits” jokes but at the same time she kinda wears an outfit that puts them on open display. Like you wouldn’t wear that unless you were either fine with getting stared at or into it. Like it’s bit just a low cut top or a bikini or something. It is a gaping hole in what is otherwise a full uniform accenting her cleavage and only her cleavage. It just feels like you can’t hve your cake and eat it too. Kara must at least like to flaunt what she’s got or she’s wear...well,anything else.
Why won't anyone save her bros?
We need PG going after Shazam romantically
then she finds out he's actually a kid
and is way way more turned on
Why are you obsessed with this idea?
because I love /ss/
I dunno, how big does your folder have to be to count as loving a character?
>that scene in the comics where Batman and Superman go to a Halloween party as each other, but with Powergirl and Huntress
>PG nearly rips straight out of Huntress' costume
>Huntress has to ball up her cape and stuff it in Kara's leotard in order to fill it out
GOD this picture is weird to look at. What is this pose/facial expression meant to convey? She looks more like she’s doing a Mario jump than flying.
“Can anyone read my comm channel? It’s-a-me PowerGirl”
it depends
I'd say at least a 2GB minimum.
No amount of wigs or makeup would hide how painfully, obviously jewish she is when Peej is supposed to be a specimen of aryan perfection.
Could a regular person penetrate Power Girl's womb?
Why does this seem so familiar? I know it's based of something but I can't name it.
Oh yeah, that gore porn disguised as a sorta-realistic super hero comic
What the hell are those cheekbones? Makes her look 50
>penetrate her womb
I feel like porn has fucked up everyone's concept of anatomy. You don't penetrate a girls womb. Insertions that penetrate a cervix are incredibly painful and can cause serious injury.
If it's possible with She-Hulk, it's possible here.
>That shadow
what ones are the PG/Harley books
Is it bad that the guy in the background is more interesting than the girls?
Yes. Why the fuck are you drawn to him?
It took me a while to notice that weird thing he was doing in the back was coming through a door...
That's nothing out of the ordinary, look at the boobs you fool.
Can't. Stuck staring at right's face
Blessed image
That's where it is. Thanks.
So do I, but I'd rather see Peeg act like a big sister to Billy and defend him against a true shotacon degenerate from another universe: Carol Danvers.
Even some of the commissions he makes for autist bucks are fappable but even his art can't save some of the absolutely unfathomably bad pieces his sperg fans come up with
She's a role model.
Did they...?
Ivy got super thick in the last few years
No she can go fuck herself.
If I was a big titty cam whore I'd make some Starro pasties and cosplay as Peeg.
I've seen friends do it to each other more than once in person.
That's one of my all time fav pics.
Justice League tower/satellite/base/dimension/fortress communal shower. Or she's hanging out at Diana's home...lucky bitch...
>Yea Forums hates PG getting blacked
>Yea Forums loves PG with shota
is a black shota acceptable?
I made one more
Neither are acceptable.
>Hey lady! Put on some fucking pants!
Only if he has a small dick. I would be uninterested tho.
Over 95% of the issues have no gore. How is it gore-porn?
Save the world together?
Yes, however that's a story for another thread...
Agreed, the slice of life shit with them just pal'ing around was fun.
I blame the japs. Their whole "I don't have a small penis, honestly" thing has gotten out of hand.
Has Harley ever had a power ring?
Wouldn't kryptonians never tan? 'Cause they're powered by the sun, their body wants to absorb all the energy it can. Tanning is a human defense mechanism to protect skin from sun damage.
I mean, i like the image, but the nerd in me says "nope."
I honestly really love the "naked but with a cape" look on her.
>Kara tactlessly tongue-fucking her man in public because she don't give a shit
What a class act.
I'm fine with PG getting blacked if she's the dominant one. Rather I like seeing black people get Peejed.
Honestly, Kryptionians should be black since that pigment absorbs sunlight the best.
Don't get me wrong I LOVE the booty doc, but seeing such a dainty looking peej is always odd to me. I dunno I always imagine her on the meatier side while Super girl is the more slender one.
Perfect casting considering...
Actually, wouldn't they be blacker than black? Thinking about it, if they're absorbing ALL the sunlight for power, they'd just be a void shaped like a humanoid silhouette. With hair, cause I assume the hair isn't absorbing the sunlight, 'cause it's dead. At least in humans.
Fuck. Now it's over thought.
I'm sticking with tan lines and not thinking now.
I used to but she's been super boring for so long I just don't care anymore. Those few Harley quinn issues been the only time she's been fun.
For a while she at least had fanart going for her but now no one cares to draw her cause you got a billion more popular busty blondes with boob windows these days. 90% of the drawings and photos in her threads have been around forever.
Blacker than the blackest black times infinity.
You're so fucking retarded I don't even know where to start.
>/pol/lies STILL mad about the whole Mr. Terrific thing
what if your boob window was loose and it filled up with water haha
You'd notice when they started floating and bumped into your chin.
based Power Girl (Male)
>Has Harley ever had a power ring?
Suck her dick.
does the boob window really need a deeper explanation than "I look hot in this and I like looking good"?
Is she sad?
I mean, that's still Mister Terrific we're talking about. That's like me saying I have a chance with a hot black chick who digs Bruce Wayne just because we both happen to be white.
You'd be gay not to.
>Or she's hanging out at Diana's home
let's be honest; Diana has probably fucked more of the female leaguers than any of the guys have
Agreed. Glad the honks are giving her up.
/pol/ calm down. This was just one universe.
You coons will never have her.