What if Spider-Man was Spider-Woman instead?

What if Spider-Man was Spider-Woman instead?
What would the Marvel universe be like?

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Flash would bully her only because he has a crush on her

She would be a laughing stock among the super hero community. The Avengers would have largely disowned her, on account of her complete inability to actually be helpful. When she actually works up the nerve to put on the costume and go out looking for villains to defeat, she winds up naked, viciously raped, and usually beaten within an inch of her life. This happens even against street-level thugs armed with melee weapons.

She will cover up her shame with what scraps of her costume remain and limp back home, doing her best to avoid prying eyes, and weep into her pillow. This time, she says to herself, will be the last time; she's an embarrassment. She causes more harm than good. Even with her powers she's no better than a damsel.

She wakes up the following day, takes a shower to scrub all of the dried cum off, and goes to her dead end job where no one appreciates her and her boss slaps her ass.

One time she asked him to stop. He threatened to fire her. She puts up with it now.

Theyd make her a mary sue and it woul be written terribly. Pretty straight forward

Probably she would have been raped somewhere in 90s-00s in comic book

so spider-gwen?

that's pretty horny writing, mate

super gay fanfiction

spider-gwen is an idiot hobo, you'd know this if you actually read comic books and didn't just check the outrage farms every day

I think they'd treat her better.

but outrage crops are ready for harvesting. And I meant Silk... yeah thats who I meant. Or SpiderGwen from the movie.

Not going to lie that did happen to a lot of female characters so would not be surprise but think the characters would have took a backseat to other characters cause of being a female at the 90-00 timeline I don’t think it would have a stop power as Spider-Man

I would definitely read Spider-Woman comics.

Give Spider-Woman's alter ego a name.

I think one version of that exist already. Penelope Parker of Earth-11


Too close (except the sex part)

She's an idiot hobo by choice though.

I meant if Spider-Woman comics were made in place of Spider-Man instead starting from 1962 and up.

>No story where Spider-man is a girl, fucks Johnny, then cheats on him with Reed effectively making him cheat on Sue and Sue going like
>"Oh great, now me and Ben are only members of Fantastic Four this bitch hasn't shagged"
To which Spider-Girl would reply
>"What makes you think that"
And that's how Sue Storm became the Maker of that universe.

They'd add a bunch of shit to her costume to hide her feminine features.

I kinda doubt that.

Yes, thus the 'idiot' part of 'idiot hobo', instead of 'regular hobo'.

Choosing to be homeless... Why would someone like that?

That's hot.
Probably everyone would've tried to forget about that story in next comics and movies

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>Goes on a date with Harry
>Gets raped by Norman
A classic story.

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Being Parker is suffering

Patty Parker wouldn't give up that easy, Spider-Woman's tough.
She's a badass.

What do you mean 'why would someone like that'? Why would someone like a man who often alienates everyone in his social circle because of his personal problems? That's Peter Parker OG.

The personal failings make the book interesting to read. I know some people don't enjoy reading characters acting in self-destructive ways, but it's still good fiction.

>not cucking Reed after cucking Sue

Considering all the love interests who die, she'd be the new Black Widow.

Comic where made for young boy at the time Superman Lone Ranger etc mostly guy doing cool shit and saving the girl most time girl characters where for boasting sale with sexy lady wearing tight clothes or half nude this spider woman would have just be a female symbol not like are friendly neighborhood Spider-Man

Let’s say MJ, Gwen, and Black Cat are men. I feel like the main love interest would be Black Cat instead of MJ because female x bad boy is so common.

What if the rest of the characters stayed the same gender?

At least MJ and Gwen would be men and a love triangle will get pushed which is so common with a female protagonist. I can see Black Cat staying the same and the rest but not those two.

I'd pay to make this comic happen

I'd rather you didn't


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I imagine her boyfriend would become Harry Osborne.

Goddamn it user this is the 3rd time ive jacked off today.

Everybody wants to bone her.

So would Kaine be like Revy?

if peter was patty?

the one thing that would change is gender based dialogue because pete is PETE, gender isn't gonna change a dopey lame kid no one likes who becomes a wise cracking superhero.

sorry, i just can't do that, gender swap or not.

She has daddy issues and fucks every man she comes in contact with. She forms emotional bonds with these men and when they realize shes a crazy person they cut off all contact and she spirals further down into insanity and depression all while being a grad student

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>Spider-Woman savagely beats up criminals once a month
>Everyone fears that one day every month

She would never have given up the Symbiote

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latino spidergirl is better

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A completely flipped Spidey universe would be fun. Does anyone have art of Rule 63 Peter Parker?

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She will just start harassing every boy she liked in her venom suit/form

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>tfw criminals are keeping track of her time of the month and skipping crime days.

She’d be J Jonah Jameson’s new wife

I can help with that.

>Kraven ignores the warnings
>Gets webbed up and raped for his trouble

Lets see, there would be a
>Marty Jones Watson
>Phillip Hardy
>Henrietta Osbron
>Janet Jonah Jameson
>Uncle Moe
>The deceased Aunt Betty Parker
>Ben Stacy
Anyone else?

>Kraven is forced to call her "Mommy Spider" as he wails in pain and agony
Why are we not funding this....

MCU version would have Daddy issues with Tony

>Spider-Butt is fetishized even more
>The Sinister Six (Five) are outside the abandoned warehouse watching/listening to Kraven beg for mercy
>They look at each other, shake their heads and walk off as Kraven's pleas go unheard

Kraven's thoughts afterward
>Hunt the Spideress they said
>It would be fun they said
>Ignore the stupid warnings about her "time of the month" they said
Kraven *Cries all the way back home*

She'd have an awful lot of thirsty villains/heroes after her?

Especially for her Spider-Butt.

I could see Osborn obsessed with her

>Norman wants her to mother his true heir


>Kept flirting with her whenever he visited Harry

>The Night Ben Stacey Died!

I think he would be dating Liz and then later Gwen or MJ but at the same time he's the world's biggest Spider-Woman fan and has a crush on her. And as high school Peter-icia she is bullied by Liz. So Spider-Woman's early friction and conflict would come from the girls instead of Flash.

She wouldn't really be interested in Flash though, she would probably fall for Ned Leeds and there would be a love triangle between her and Betty. Or maybe John Jameson after she saves him from the rocket crash and starts working for his dad. Basically instead of the harem comic that Spider-Man already is it would be a reverse harem.

>"OH NO! I'm going to be late for Doctor Connors class!"
>Runs with toast in her mouth

Also this.

>Webswings with toast in her mouth

Um actually we decided Peter-cia's name to be Patty not a moment ago.

>Kept saying he’d help take care of Aunt May if she married him

Why not Penny?

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She'd be a huge team-up slut, resulting in people thinking she's an actual slut (incorrectly).
The women in the superhero community would hate her for it, as would the guys who help her catch a villain, then get mad when she doesn't put out.
If her villains genders where not changed then:
- Norman Osborne wants to marry/enslave her
- Kraven can't decide if he wants to kill her or fuck her (maybe both)
- Venom definitely wants to fuck her ... and kill her (Eddie Brock got booted from the Bugle for photoshopping spidergirl naked and claiming it was a real photo)
- Vulture acts like a creepy old guy towards her, but only because he finds her disgust funny

How big her breasts/hips would be?

Which kind of hairstyles would she have in different time periods?

How would she dress out of costume?

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>- Vulture acts like a creepy old guy towards her, but only because he finds her disgust funny
Vulture would going 100% Grandfather Mode with her

>Jiggle physics with Fem-Shocker

Looks like Daria.

>- Norman Osborne wants to marry/enslave her
>- Kraven can't decide if he wants to kill her or fuck her (maybe both)
>- Venom definitely wants to fuck her ... and kill her (Eddie Brock got booted from the Bugle for photoshopping spidergirl naked and claiming it was a real photo)
>- Vulture acts like a creepy old guy towards her, but only because he finds her disgust funny
Not to derail but what do you guys think about things like this in general? Usually in comics with a female protag they keep the villains from being too rapey and they basically just treat her like they would a man. I think I prefer it that way. But realistically they would treat her differently and there would be sexual aspects to their adversarial relationship.

>Nerdy girl with super powers, gets a /fit/ body and the ass sculpted by God himself

High octane boner fuel.

In all fairness Spidey's kind of inherently OP and Peter has some Stew elements himself

What's her comic called?

>Felicia/Philip asks her to keep the costume on in bed

Eh, it's a difficult one. Rapey villains can be incredibly disturbing - which can help the audience dislike the villain, but also mean that the occasional team-up with the villain (to defeat another villain) has some unfortunate implications.
For those reasons, Villains probably shouldn't be sexually aggressive towards a female protagonist.

On the other hand, if a villain is ok with murder, torture, poisoning thousands as part of his evil plot then why should rape be where he draws the line?

In a non-sexual sense, there are plenty of villains who want to torture any hero they capture - they finally get to pay the do-gooder back for all the times they humiliated them!
Of course, the hero gets away before the mutant-laser-sharks do more than nibble their costume, but still, they almost got eaten alive.

So a male villain who captures a female hero might want to rape her - seeing it as just another way of hurting/humiliating her.
And that's not counting all the crazy villains who think they're in love with her or destined to be together or whatever.
So rapey villains are, well, not 'realistic' but 'believable'.
Not all, of course, just some.
That none of them are, is a writer/editor choice, to prevent controversy.

>Eddie starts making deepfakes of Petra Parker to handle his desires for her

>Wow, you're ready to go again? Now I know why they call you Felix HARD-y

>Picture this scene but with Patty Parker instead

When he said he was a photographer I busted out laughing.

Gotta say, I do love Alternate versions of spiderman (gender, race, background, setting etc)

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She should have moderate boobs but AMAZING tighs and ass.

>JJJ making out with Fem Peter at the office Christmas party

Oh fuck he ate the webs...

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If you are going to post spider OCs, at least post GIRLS.

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bitch bitch bitch...

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>Or maybe John Jameson after she saves him from the rocket crash and starts working for his dad.
I want this desu.

I loved design that they showed for alt cover of Marvel Team-Up

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So is everyone ignoring Mayday on purpose or...?

>she soon found out that skirt isn't the best choice for a spider suit

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Large boobs would act as ballast

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Retconned when Peter sold his marriage

Would you?

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>MCU Mysterio filling the void after Endgame

That only works for Black Cat

That's fucking rad, is she shooting web out of her hair?

Yes, yes we are.

If the rest of her body is the same as a regular human girl's and she keeps the mask on? hell yeah

>literally just this lass
bring ultimate jessica back pls

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Talks like this

You're now imagining Polly Parker - daughter of scottish immigrants to New York, sounding like she's from Glasgow instead of Queens

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>the symbiote will never abandon you

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It would depend on how much autism the villain has on them for their goals or regarding the hero.

For example, you wouldn't see someone like Doom trying to rape Sue if he catches her. Or if you want to make it more personal/related to the thread, if Reed was a woman then Doom would at worst see her as a fitting partner for him and try to get her affections by showing off his intelligence and not be rapey. If Hulk was turned into a woman, its very doubtful Ross would change that much on how he sees her. Red Skull might just feel more frustrated that they're being beaten by a woman.

I think that just based on the fact that a lot of Spider-man villains can get very personally offended or obsessed with him, there's a higher chance of them also getting into rapey territory. Certain ones though like Rhino, Shocker, Electro and Sandman wouldn't teat her much differently.

She is alive already and fighting crime with her "brother" in Ultimate.

Carnage would just... Yeah.

>Certain ones though like Rhino, Shocker, Electro and Sandman wouldn't teat her much differently.

On that we agree - those guys are more professional foes of Spidey than personal ones.

Although it would make the Spider/Rhino Team up from the Jim Butcher Spiderman novel even funnier

Electro hired a shapeshter to turn into Spidey if I remember correctly

But Rhino and Shocker are on point

Electro is bi now?

I think it was implied

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She will go broke very fast on pads, if she have that much action on those days

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Imagine if Spider-Man got changed into a girl for a whole year.

Already experienced periods in Kamala's body and saw her naked

Probably rape tier
>Green Goblin

Might rape tier:
>Kingpin(through having his goons do it)

It's not really that many compared to the rest of his rouges I guess, but of the popular/liked villains of him, I guess only Doc Ock(and maybe Vulture and Mysterio due to the MCU influence, we'll see across the years) would treat her mostly the same. Well, he probably also has more villains that would be into him if he was a woman compared to other heroes.

What's going on the revamped ultiverse?

Carnage doesn't rape, he just kills

I was referring to Peter

Venom would be rapey by merit of it being a resentful spurned lover that still wants to be with Parker.

He ditched heroing.

Not in reincarnated Ultimate universe.
Just see last pages of Spider-Man II

No he didn't, that user is referring to the last few pages of Spider-Men II where the Ultimate universe is restored and Peter is Spider-Man again

>Ultimate universe is restored and Peter is Spider-Man again

Are all the 'heroes' in Ultimate still utter cockbags? (save for Spiderman)

Ah when I meant Venom, I was thinking more of Eddie + the symbiote, who might not go for rape and just want to ruin her before killing.

I do see it that the symbiote itself would want to really bind itself to her on a more sexual level once it learns more on the difference between male and females and detaches from Eddie.

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Who knows, prior to 1 page before it which didn't have much dialogue, this is all we've seen from the restored Ultimate U

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>IMPLYING the symbiont wouldn't mold Eddie's silhouette and body into a copy of Penny Parker.

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Edith Brock?

Peta or Petra Marie Parker

She would have fucked for sure:
>Johnny Storm - no way Johnny aint gonna tap that
>Matt Murdock - no way Spider-woman ain't gonna tap that
>Kraven - swarthy alpha male, she is the ultimate prey to him in every way
>Morlun - dangerous and destined to be the enemy, her own vampire romance

She is the premier female superhero.
Tony is constantly being improper with her.
Harry would turn incel over his life long crush on her.
Jackal would have fucked every single Spider-clone.
Her Spidey-sense would be called "super intuition".
She would have had a crossover with Whor when that was happening.
Peta Marie would have to compete with the paparazzi ass shots many would be trying to get, maybe even resign herself to taking those types of shots too.
She wouldn't be poor because Instagram.

So smug

Did she and Tony hook up in the first Civil War?

>>Johnny Storm - no way Johnny aint gonna tap that
so much hate-sex!

>>Matt Murdock - no way Spider-woman ain't gonna tap that
Matt trying his hardest to keep being tapped by that underage cutie

>>Kraven - swarthy alpha male, she is the ultimate prey to him in every way
Unlikely... he's an Hunter, he knows some female animals are more dangerous than the males, so it's unlikely he'd act any different(though it would make Last Hunt kind of... weird)

>>Morlun - dangerous and destined to be the enemy, her own vampire romance
OG Morlun would see her only as food. No change.
Inheritor Morlun is better forgotten

>Harry would turn incel over his life long crush on her.
I think they would end up fuckfriends which would keep him from doing drugs


But she fantasizes about Cap. A lot.


Morlun is the classic forbidden love because our families are enemies and i should see you as beneath me crossed with the gothic romance of the girl and the dangerous yet sexually appealing monster.
Being fictional characters they cannot NOT fuck.

Harry is friendzoned, get over it. Like pussy every kept an addict from drugs ever. Please.

>spiderwomen has to take booty shots of herself for Insta likes
Somebody draw it

Sure user, dangerous is such an unappealing trait in a woman, particularly for a big game hunter

Im being sarcastic. These things would make him want to fuck her more. Just in case i didnt lay it on thick enough.

Spider-Man's powers and intelligence are over-powered, however, his lack of wisdom, and self-loathing ground him enough to make things really challenging for him.

Ms Khan?

Still disappointed that Ultimate Marvel never gave her a mini-series.
A woman with the memories of a boy trying to figure out who she really is, and how to be a woman, has tons of potential.

She could also sell her own lewd photos for a big cash.


Marvel had an actual gender-changed character handed to them, and just chucked it.

Instead they try to invent gay, genderfluid characters who have no characterisation beyond 'gay'.

>friendzoned while she fucks loads of randoms

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>Doc Ock still transfers himself into her body
>"I'll be cuter than you've ever been!"

JJJ could be the editor of a men's magazine instead of a newspaper, trying to get sexy pictures of heroines

>Are all the 'heroes' in Ultimate still utter cockbags?
That was a meme perpetuated by by the misunderstood "Does this A stand for France" panel and Ultimate Hank's whole deal.

user, what in the fuck is wrong with you?

There would be a lot of moronic whining about how her poses are "unrealistic" and "impossible".

>"Parker! I need booty-shots of Spidergirl! You're always following around - take a camera with quality zoom-in, get beneath her and take as many pictures as you can!"
>"But Mr Jameson, don't you think that's too sleazy?"
>"Nonsense! She swings around in a skin-tight outfit that might as well have been painted on! She's clearly desperate to see high-definition photographs of her butt on the frontpage! I'd bet you're entire wage she has an exhibition fetish! In fact, trail her, she probably takes off her costume in public, I'll pay you overtime if you can get me nudes!"

Also Wolverine making damn sure Scott saw Wolverine cucking him with Jean
Blob eating Wasp
Tony bottling Natasha after sleeping with her
Ultimate Reed turning into a villain
Ult. Sue turning Reed into a Villain because she wants to go off and ride the cock-carousel
Hulk eating people
Hulk threatening to rape Betty
Jean body-swapping Peter and Wolverine ... purely to punish Wolverine, without caring what it would do to Peter
Wanda and Piotr fucking and everyone being ok with it
Jan going back to Hank after leaving Hank for Steve Rogers after Hank beat her once too often

Only Captain America, Thor, Spiderman and some of his supporting cast are not shit-heads in Ultimate universe

>Everyone starts thinking Patty is paying Spider-Woman some money from her shots, how else does she get so many good ones?
>Many think it's for sexual favors

I want to see a lesbian female Spidey. The Black Cat romance would be kino and hot especially since I feel like a gem spidey would be more emotional and obsessed over Felicia.

I misread that as
>jem spidey
And thought of this

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Just add marvel making huge press event that Pamela Parker is gong to be raped by her biggest enemy and I'd say you're dead on.

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Thats Tigera to a T. They just stopped short of "officially" raping in her case even though she was in ever exploitable pose suggesting it.

Penny Parker is objectively the best name for a fem Peter.

It even is used in canon for the AU where is a japanese girl.

Would it be short for Penelope Parker?
>Ben Stacy was the preppy guy at ESU

Venom is rape tier. Hell he rapes Peter now in all the whats ifs where it stays bonded with him.

Venom is safe teir

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Symbiote is love

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>by the end of the 2nd year she know all dick sizes of her villains

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Can you guys just not think with your penises for a minute?
Why is Yea Forums so horny this month?

get back to resetera faggot

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>this month

>sex bad!
>penis wicked!!
>horniness evil!!!

>this month

Who do you think the audience for identity crisis is?

I recall adult Barbara Gordon admitting that as a younger batgirl she was attracted to Killer Moth - since he had a deep voice that made her feel like a naughty schoolgirl being lectured by the Principal.

Would Spidergirl nurse a crush on any of her villains that she couldn't/wouldn't act on?


>Polly Parker gets hit with a shock-blast
>gets aroused
>Thought-bubble: Not the time, girl!


Well often times in comics everything does get a little exaggerated but that's normal, they can do some regular poses too also.

i ship it, my boy The Shock deserves something good

Um cute


Alright so, picture the baddies treating her like they'd more so treat peter, and patty has like the woman equivalent to Parker's life, what do you think would come out from that?
(Can you guys pick a name for her already?)

A mess if she's into free bleeding.


I would with the mask, and love her to death

Would she have unprotected sex or not?

she won't be into dat fuckshit, damn.

So you're saying she's going to use her web shooters to make tampons?

Assuming she'd know how, yes, it's affordable for sure and they're close by.

I'm sticking with Penny

>Civil War
>"My name is Penelope Parker, I've been Spider-Woman since I was 15."
>Flash is in his room with all the Spider-Woman memorabilia
>Jonah falls over, worried about the misconduct allegations incoming

>Jonah falls over, worried about the misconduct allegations incoming

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Blob Is a villain and was killed for doing that

Tony bottled Natasha because she was a traitor and had not only sold out all of SHIELD's secrets, but she pinned it on Thor and killed Jarvis

A decent amount of those people still are shot heads but everyone hates the Ultimate X-Men and Ultimate Wasp so yeah really no argument

I like Petra for the name

>(Can you guys pick a name for her already?)


>Flash regretting that time he stood up Petra at prom
>Jonah regretting that time Petra was lonely and wanted comfort and he said no

Penny is just short for Penelope anyway so...

The fuck kind of name is that? Peter=Penny/Penelope

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I like the name Penny...

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Fuck you. Meru is better.

>Maty Watson at a bar in NY with co-stars
>One of the lead actresses is tipsy and hits on him
>He says no
>Se says what kind of woman does he have if he's turning her down?
>Penny shows up
>Marty's co-stars are stunned by her

She deserved the Cruciatus Curse

What are we going with? Marty? Matty? Also I find it ADORABLE having a cute Penny Parker dating a 10/10 actor.


Um, guys all the other characters stay the same sex in this case... Let's use existing male guys.

I want to keep it less sex talk and more crime fight talk


Don't need to genderswap the whole cast - just peter

>Sue Storm: "Hey Jen, do you want to see that new movie starring Marty Jones Watson?"
>She Hulk: "Hell ya! God the things I'd do to that red head...."
>Sue: "You'll have to take that up with Spidey. I hear they're a couple"

>No one knew Penny was jacked under her clothes at college or work
.Liz once grabbed her arm when Penny snubbed her and was amazed by how much muscle there was
>Liz catches Penny at the gym doing insane (for a woman like Liz) weights
>Catches her doing Squats
>Has trouble looking away
>Penny's wearing gym clothes, form fitting

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But it's more fun thinking about how the Spider-Man cast stays the same/changes with the flip

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Are we genderswapping everyone or just Peter?

I say everyone in Spidey's immediate cast. Outside of that, the Marvel Universe remains the same

I think just Peter

Big question: If Penny and MJ get together, who'll be the surrogate/donor?

Nah don't make this gay, dude.

'K then

I can't seem to find any pics about a male Black Cat

Looks like the name Penny is the winner

This but genders reversed

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She'll steal your wallet though.

Can she steal my heart too?

It'd be very messy, but yes she could

If it's not Scottish, IT'S CRAP!

Literally my fetish

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As someone who has worked with criminals and sex criminals, I can say that being capable of murder doesn't make you capable of rape. There is overlap for sure though.

Based. People try to give her more attractive names, but Peter is supposed to be a dork.


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>spider sense warns her when he's gonna cum
>use her strength to push him off
She'll be fine as long as she's not getting pounded by the Hulk or someone else way stronger than her. Alternatively if she wants to get pregnant
>use spider-stickness to inside vagina
>no one can pull out no matter how hard they try

>use spider-stickness to inside vagina
>no one can pull out no matter how hard they try
>Combines with Spider-Strength leg and arm locks
>No getting away

>One time she asked him to stop. He threatened to fire her. She puts up with it now.
In this era she could make bank off of that statement alone.

Parker Luck

>use spider-stickness to inside vagina
>no one can pull out no matter how hard they try
>Combines with Spider-Strength leg and arm locks
>No getting away

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What if Peter is still a guy, BUT all of his. VILAINS are turned into girls?

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There's already a girl version of Electro though.

Attached: Fem Electro.jpg (787x1200, 322K)

We've seen how Morlun is with the other women Spider, he's not going to treat her differently.

She's cute too

But is she THE Electro as a woman, or AN Electro?

Huge difference. One is genderbend, other isn't.

Does it really matter? Both job like no ones businesses

I 'don't care about neither fighting performance

But that's "Electro's" entire character. They're supposed to represent wasted potential, and what Peter might have become

The Shocker is still an effective move against female Electro.

>Go get ‘em homeboy.

I seem to remember Doom has been a bit dodgy with Sue in the past. Back in the 80s and 90s; and he did realitywarp her into being his wife.

Genius. It's like having twenty more Black Cats

I know right? Gawd...

Hey I just like imagining a flipped Rule 63 world of Spider-Man where a cute nerdy woman named Penny Parker dates a hunk of an actor named Marty Jones

Very hot.


That's okay....

Hey I'm just clarifying we're not all here because of the rape crap


Just curious... Would Spider Woman's costume stay the same as Peter's look or go with something else?

Attached: spider_girl_mayday_by_brunursus-da3wr3b.png (1024x1056, 427K)

I want to say mostly the same, but instead of a belt the narrow red bit is almost thong like. Perhaps the eyes are a bit more pointed at the tips to appear more feminine

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Oh and I forgot to mention that she should definitely have the web armpits. I miss that design feature regardless. And speaking of suits
>Penny is even more frustrated about fixing her suit after EVERY fight like Peter
>"Ah funnel cakes! I just spent ALL NIGHT sewing this thing back together."

Would powers stay same or would there be few unique to Spider-Woman?

web armpits sound like a good idea

Nothing should really change. Unless of course you want to go the route of Penny being more fit and aggressive than Peter, since female spiders are generally larger than the males

The same
I don't think Jen would swear like that. Surprised to be sure, she probably met Spider-Woman often enough.

After Patty reveals herself
>So Marty.
>What's it like?
>What's what like?
>The sex!
>She can get a little aggressive every now and then, and the webs but she's very cuddle happy. There, happy?

yes, but she still need to be fem

wait is this an actual scene from the venom movie? god damn i need to see it now

If we're working off the rules of everyone Spider-Man related is flipped but the larger Marvel universe remains the same, there's probably a good chance Johnny Storm desperately wants to bang Penny


Oh yeah
>Symbiote Patty gets touchy feely with guys at the club, grinding on a lot of them
>Flirting poorly since she's still a nerd
>Actually turns off guys because she has trouble putting her newfound aggression to use with her inexperience

Granted, I'm not saying thinking with the penis hasn't helped our species survive for as long as it has, but even if you're gay or a straight female, you have to admit that Spider-Woman would be incredibly hot. Even if just from an outward perspective, you can at least appreciate the booty without crossing into creepy rape fantasies.

I normally don't talk about other women like that...

Yeah I'll second this.
You mean to say symbiote Penny would be like those awkward girls who pretend to be tough/dirty but are painfully obvious of being the exact opposite?

I think Penny would have no problem being dirty and dark about it

Like what? Who's talking to women about rape fantasies here? Jesus.

Dude I'm gay and I still think Spider-Woman is smoking hot. Like I said, you can appreciate when something is hot without being inherently offensive about it. The rape fantasies are gross, but when something is hot, it's hot.

I'm curious. Is Adriana Toomes still bald?

But she'd be dorky/awkward about it all

>Marty Jones and Henrietta Osborn meet for lunch
>"MJ you don't think Penny is acting a little.......bitchy lately? Also you look horrible. Are you not getting much sleep?"
>"Harry you're overreacting. She's fine. A bit more forward recently, but still the same Tigress we know"
>"......She's putting out more, isn't she?"
>"Oh god you have no idea. She's trying to kill me. I snuck out of the apartment this morning to get some damn coffee. I shouldn't even be talking to you right now. I'm conflicted, I'll admit"

Lol you called her Harry.

I would chace that down to the ends of the earth.

Harry can be a nickname for Henrietta. I've heard weirder shit.

God,I wish I could have the body type of a trap.

Her nickname is harry because she has harry pits

Small to medium breasts. Ass so juicy it could feed Africa for generations.

What are some Penny/Spider-Woman cartoon ideas?

I kinda want to see a girls night mini where Penny tells the other superheroines her first crush was Shocker (who's a guy)
.Well none of you have ever heard him without the mask have you? It muffles his voice, a lot. It's so deep and hard, like a stern teacher or principal about to punish you.
>And the gauntlets, how could I forget the gauntlets, first time we fought he... blasted me in the... cooch. I'm embarrassed to admit it turned me on
>The best part is he isn't creepy like the other villains I've faced, which I'm grateful for.


You're trying to channel the Batgirl/Killer Moth pairing (which is awesome by the way) and I'm not sure it's working.

What is with all you thirsty guys? Can we just talk about Spider-Woman normally???????


Go away!

Hey I'm here posting cute shit. Not my fault the thread keeps trying to verge into Penny fucking the Sinister Six

Mmm. Nah.

Then change the fucking subject now!

I can't write for shit at all

I’d rather stay on Penny Parker getting fucked by the Sinister Six

You're just like furries in how thirsty you guys get, holy fuck, just talk about something else.

But I wanna talk about Penny Parker getting bred by Norman Osborn

Take the smut somewhere else.


It's okay, user. Let me try.
>Penny Parker is out hanging with other heroines after an Avengers meeting.
>"I can't remember the last time we just got the chance to relax and talk for once."
>"Yeah I'd rather be here than home sewing more padding into my suit"
>"Wait, why are you sewing more padding into your suit?"
>"I don't like fighting The Shocker, and feeling dirty afterwards"
>"He's a creep?"
>"No, Herman is actually a nice guy. Just falls into bad habits"
>"Then why the heck do you need padding and.......oh. OOOOOOOOOOOH......."
>"Shut up, Carol"
>"Is The Shocker out of prison?"
>"Stop talking, Shulkie. Please."

Attached: Shocker Classic.jpg (500x847, 104K)

What type of art style should the animation have for a Spider-Woman cartoon have?


I said no

Aw cmon, that was cute. Not lewd, just funny

Fucking leave, or talk about something clean

I’ll talk about how clean Vulture ate Penny’s pussy.

user you're yelling at the void with nothing to add to the conversation. Perhaps you should leave instead.


>talk about something clean

How about how I love to clean Penny's pussy with my tongue?

Fuck off, your self-righteousness is getting in the way of even suggesting something creative to counter your point.

>Matt trying his hardest to keep being tapped by that underage cutie
>Matt can tell her heart is hammering like a hummingbird when they first meet, and smell her to tell she likes him
>If only because it's a female reaction

I wonder if people would've been pissed their waifu married a chad like MJ.

IRL or in-universe?

I'm thinking that Patty can crack some jokes here and there and make the criminals more infuriated while roasting them while beating the snot out of them.

Why do you keep calling her that? It's not going to stick, user

shut up

It's pretty simple
It rolls off the tongue better, and the feminine version of Peter

What do you want in a spider woman cartoon?

You've asked this numerous times and no one seems interested in answering you.

Then why don't you?

>if only because it's a female reaction

but what did he mean by this?

Because I just told you, I don't care.

Why are you in the thread then?

Penny is attracted to him. I'm tired and need to sleep

Well, Marvel would quickly uggo Petra up so the feminists would stop whining.

Discussing anything in except the fucking question you've asked 3 times already. Go to bed, kid.

Pretend the feminists don't exist.
What then?

>chunky gross spider-woman

that... makes it even better

Can you stop?

>Pretend the feminists don't exist.
>What then?

Attached: world peace.jpg (900x600, 118K)

Faggot quit trying to police this thread. Fuck off

Fucker, I meant, talk about spider woman.

This but with Penny

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I'm not policing anything.

Penny needs to have more muscle mass in the upper half

She needs a reasonable figure than that.

>femanons getting angry people are sexualizing Penny Parker
>anons defending canonically aggressively raping Spider-Woman
>everyone still okay with sexualizing Peter Parker

There is no middle ground, all is lost

Be the example you want to be then, maybe it'll work out right.

God I feel like I'm a babysitter...
Awrite, pitch a Spider Woman movie plot idea, what would it be like?

The real question is how much of a hunk is Black Cat?

thanks user, that makes me feel comfy

Sure thing...

How would Penny wear her hair?

shaved on the sides, ponytail in the back, nerd-hipster style

That might work...

Any drawfags in here?

It really wouldn't.

What's yours?

Just plain ass should length low maintenance hair.
Since when has Pete ever been anything beyond a 15 dollar hair cut?
Unless you're not trying to make her an actual Pete equivalent just your awkwardly specific fetish ideal that you'll also call Spider-woman

Attached: 3925200-1593145211-peter.jpg (355x400, 54K)

>in alternate timeline
>spider-woman game exclusive on ps4
>level of where spider-woman got poisoned by scorpion
>swing through hallucination to doc ock lab for antidote
>finally sober and shock she in undies

Attached: MediaHandler.jpg (1280x720, 92K)

When you say clean do you mean because some villain nutted in her beforehand?

It's not a fetish, you furfag, I am just wondering what it would be like if spider man was a girl instead.

Because those people are crap, they'll make anything into deranged shit.

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That sounds good to me, plain hair works fine.

Just make it so that way she looks feminine

Dilate you furfag, we're keeping it nonlewd in this thread, got it?

why are women such obnoxious faggots

Like Betty Brant's (not the MCU one)

Say what boyo?? Lol No we aren't obnoxious faggots we're fine, we're just talking on a thread.

would fempeter be into buttstuff?

Miles would make a much better girl than Peter.
Prove me wrong.

Attached: MariaMorales.png (2128x2544, 2.22M)

What the shit?

Serious spider booty,that's what i'm looking at.

user wants a brown waifu instead of bully-bait waifu

she'd be a black gurl

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She'd be a huge nerd?

Attached: Nerdy.jpg (408x612, 46K)

retards trying to be edgy

Sexual assault controversy.


How much of Penny's back story would be different?


What would male Venom think of Spider-Woman?


>Hey babe, wanna bond on a cellular level?

quit that


Can I talk about Spider-Woman about how cool she is and the accomplishments she could make without thirsty weaboos wrecking this thread?

ok, but which Spider-Woman?
Jessica Drew?
Ultimate Jessica Drew?
Genderswapped Peter Parker?
Gewn Stacey/Ghost Spider?
Anya Corazon?
Peni from the future?
May 'Mayday' Parker?

Which one most appeals to you as a character/story?

Like Ruby

Attached: B5FDDBE4-B54D-475A-854F-57C3441F3FA5.png (540x1080, 764K)

>Genderswapped Peter Parker

idk read the fucking OP useless faggot.


And there we hit a snag.

How would daily life for Penny Parker be any different than it is for Peter?

>Still got Parker Luck
>Still gotta balance webswinging and having a life
>Still a massive nerd
>Still gets picked on in school
>When she graduates, still cant hold down a steady job because double-life
>Still gets shit on by the Bugle
>New Yorkers still have a love/hate relationship with her
>Even the other superheroes thinks she's weird

Really her love-life is the only difference. Well, apart from how every female who is successful these days needs to be a fucking rolemodel for young girls or something.

She'd get shit on for not being a role model, too, I guess.

It's still interesting.

Given how the loss of Uncle Ben is so important to Peter, how would that change for Penny?

Boys and girls relate to their parents in different ways, after all (Uncle Ben was Peters daddy in an emotional sense).

Would Penny have 'daddy issues' - looking for a replacement father figure?
Would she be incredibly over-protective of her boyfriends?
Would no man be good enough for her because compared to her (dead, idealised) male role-model, they couldn't possibly measure up?
Would she and Aunt May have had a falling out over her superheroics?

Gosh that would be so sad to go through that with her.

Hadn't thought of that

Would it be like with Bruce and his mom?

Would she crush on guys like Matt?

Akin to Pidge finding her brothers grave in Voltron?


Imagine if the Superior foes put a chip to be able to hear but not see what was happening and Shocker heard this with everyone in the room.

Today I shall remind them.

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Well if you think about it Peter had a strong connection to Curt Connors, almost father figure-like, and in the PS4 game the same could be said for Otto Octavius. One could argue that Penny would be just as protective, if not more so, over her boyfriends. Can't imagine what Ben Stacy did to her

imagine it reversed
fucking mark millar

>I-it was just a joke, g-guys!

Why not a brown bully bait waifu?

Crush on JJJ?


Would Spider-Woman be big breasted or small?

For Spider-Woman's body type...


It's a three-way tie so far...

Today feels so important, this thread may make history, we don't know that.

I don't think you guys understand what it means to be a hero nor what it is that makes spider whatever a hero. The value of a human life. A single human life not 10 not 100 not 1 million. Just one. His uncle died because he didn't do something when he could have. He learned that not doing something is just as bad as doing something evil itself. The gender of the person doesn't matter and never will. What matters is that you try. Just try to do something good and then do one more. And then do one more again and keep doing it till you can't. That's what makes a hero and that's something you will never be.

Oh no, we already know, it's just we still want to know what it would've been like anyways.

You see, you don't know us like you think you do, you assume everyone thinks like how you think we are and because of the memes fed unto you that belief makes itself greater, but it is falsehood.
If anyone would know about Spider-Man the most it would be the very person who made this thread and most of the posters in here.

For you see.... You're such a newfag here, you have to point that stuff out to us.

Guys we're still tied.

Im confused. What?

That's the problem, I have no idea what history we'll change, but I know it'll be for the greater.

We don’t care, we wanna fap

I can only hope that in a future thread similar to this we can talk freely about cute Penny and how great she is in the sack with her movie star boyfriend

I'm sick and fucking tired of this...
I have a coin
Heads for RED
Tails for PURPLE
Call it.

This image is too brutal to witness when this has only just happened to me.

Attached: elina-almstrom-spiderwoman.jpg (1920x2034, 581K)

Heads. Though I have no idea what this entails

You got heads, so that means Spider Woman will now be buff with large hips and tits.

poll closed

I want to see Marty take Penny to the Oscars and a lot of people are stunned by her

She doesn't know how to deal with such attention when she isn't decked in spandex

I am so sorry to hear that, I hope you feel better.

Thank you user, that is the sweetest response I have ever received on here.

Attached: 1561894135870.png (1056x772, 1.12M)

You're welcome.

Oh that image is just adorable to me.
>Penny is in a modest evening dress with her hair up in a bun, complete with a cute spider hairpin
>Giving off a nervous smile as paparazzi take photos of them as they walk the red carpet
>"Usually I'm the one taking photos."
>"Aren't you used to getting attention?"
>"Yeah but I'm usually wearing a mask and not thinking about how big my butt looks in this outfit."
>"Tigress, you look great. Just pretend you're wearing spandex."
>"That's not helping."

Nice buzzword, cumdumpster!

Well female spiders are normally bigger than males. Is this like a headcanon thing you're doing, or are you sketching something?

both actually, but someone else is doing the sketching. (I hope)

>Spider Island happens
>Marty gets powers
>Destructo nookie ensues

So does this mean Marty and Penny still have kinky photoshoots?

Actually just spiderman gets the R63 treatment.

What about an R63 JJJ?

The mustache now becomes a well trimmed bush

On her face?

don't do it

No, on someone else's face

god i wish that were me

You want to be nude while Penny takes dick pics of you?

>Patricia "Patty" Parker
I like this. Someone needs to make this a thing right now.

>it would be extremely painful

But didn't Penny/Penelope win the poll?

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I wasn't aware there was a poll.


w h y

her looks were decided too.

Is any1 drawing pictures of Spider-Woman?

Yes her name got decided as Penny.


I wish.

Cover her hair or give her something cool kinda like to wear on her head and she's 11/10.

Guys I heard sirens outside... post Spider Man stuff to make me feel better.

Looks like a molerat, what garbage art

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>Mysterio once cunt punt Penny

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thank you these are great.

i cant really explain i just think it would be hot

f I n e

This actually happened.

Which means Pete probably had homo thoughts of ultimate Johnny Storm

>Homo thoughts
>Implying Johnny just doesn't make all the bitches wet


lol nice

would Penny be dating flash or harry?

t. incel trying to be edgy




what type of music does penny normally listen to?



Would Aunty May treat Penny differently?

She would give advice about not jumping into bed with good guy after first date

That is very good advice.

would spider woman be bi or straight?

Definitely bi.

Attached: CW Bi.jpg (277x182, 19K)

I wish my mother gave me that advice while I was in University

I think she would be bi too.

I don't think most people here seriously think a female Peter would be much different from the original. However, she will have a different kind of treatment from the rest of the casts, especially some of the villains.

desu norman is a hot daddy.

Old school rock.

Penny is a thot name. It should be Patricia


Penny sounds fine to me.

Petra? It sounds too exotic..or attractive.

How about a stockier spider-woman. Before the spider-bite she was more petite. She is a bit stronger than 616 Peter.

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I personally like my spider-men leaner. But a stocky patty/penny would be more in line with ditko+Lee's version.

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Nice buzzwords, cumdumpster!

>yfw first thing penny tried to do with her powers is eat herself out.

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They'd have probably tried to have his/her best friend get into an incredibly awkward romantic relationship with them.

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Patty can be an Alt Universe Spiderwoman.

Penny is fine.

This has happened a dozen times

Perhaps she thought you knew already?

Virgin until school prom

Well there you go then, an honest mistake on your mothers part. With you having a nearly-perfect record of NOT jumping into bed with charming guys, she probably thought you didn't need the advice.

It's fine, it don't matter.


Yea Forums doesn't read comics and just focuses on fetish bait.

this is a serious thread, not a fap bait thread, wierdo.