Is it worth watching? I've only seen one or two episodes because my sister loves it and somehow I've managed to avoid major spoilers about whatever the mystery is.
Is it worth watching...
It's ok
I'd give it a watch and not look back on this place until you finished because you will get spoiled so quickly
The mystery is they both die in a murder-suicide.
The main villain is built up for nothing and the ending is dogshit, don't bother
A lot of people consider it one of the best cartoons of the 2010s. I personally don’t, but it is certainly good, and one of the better ones of this decade.
It's funny and not in an overly childish way, so I'd say go ahead
fake op
How come?
Dipper makes me cringe, go ahead man. Maybe play some vidya while watching it or something.
Overall, it's a perfectly decent show. Season one was average and season 2 was all hills and valleys with the quality. If it's piqued your interest, I'd say that you give it a go.
Second season becomes shit near the end so i dont really know if i can recommend it with such a disappointing end, the mabel porn is great though
Eh kind of? It's a perfectly fine show in a vacuum, but what made it way more fun to watch was coming to Yea Forums to dissect the episode and try to find all the hidden clues. It's impossible to relive that now. Fuck I miss doing that.
consider yourself lucky that you don't have to wait months for new episodes and watch.
the mouse really screwed this show over
>tfw was a fan almost all the way through but got super busy right before Blind Eye so didn’t watch that one Northwest Mystery and Not what he Seems live with Yea Forums
I was there from when episode 1 premiered live and I missed the most hype part of the fandom.
If you ask anyone except for Yea Forums, it’s a really wonderful show, funny mysterious heartwarming with great characters and quotable dialogue. If you ask Yea Forums it’s the worst show of all time because they’re mad it ended and that the girl wasn’t raped. So, you know. Pick your recommendation
if you like cartoons, watch it, its a good show.
this is all user, see ya
It's great but it suffers from Game of thrones-syndrome. The lack of a third season makes the conclusion seem rushed, but up til then its pretty much top tier. Humors good, characters are meh outside of Dipper and Stan, music and art is fucking fantastic, and the setting is intriguing(regardless if people deem some plotthreads unrealized).
>it's already been 4 years since the last /gfg/ thread
The characters can get annoying at times and there are some unneccessary sub plots but overall I think it's a great cartoon that deserves a watch. Grunkle Stan definitely is the highlight of the show.
>there are some unneccessary sub plots
Like what?
>and that the girl wasn’t raped.
She does not deserve any sex.
The show would’ve finished better if this was the ending
Yeah, it's great! Quickly became one of my favorite cartoons of all time.
Honestly, if you have the ability to watch something and not be a twat about it and are able to form opinions without Yea Forums then you'll enjoy it
Season One is hilarious so it's worth it for that alone. Season Two is some shit though. The last nine episodes are bullshit and rushed.
Seasons 2A is leagues above Season 1 though.
Favorite /gfg/ meme? Why?
I can see what that other user is saying, season 1 feels funnier and more charming to me. Season 2A does have some of the best episodes in the series though (Into the Bunker, Northwest Manor Mystery, NWHS).
Pepsi Max
Lets talk about Pacifica instead.
Let’s not.
>Into the Bunker
>Golf War
>Sock Opera
>Soos and the Real Girl
>Society of the Blind Eye
>Northwest Manor Mystery
>Not What he Seems
Season 2A was the show at its peak and it’s truly sad how it fell so hard.
But that's the only fun thing left about Gravity falls.
Who murders who
If you wanna fap to Paz make a thread for it user. Some of this still want to talk about the show and graphic novel that came out.
>plain white underwear
It’s so easy to tell when artists are virgins.
>Not appreciating fine vanilla pantsu when you see it.
t. virgin