How do you think Walt would react if he saw his company today?

How do you think Walt would react if he saw his company today?

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>"who let so many Jews in?!"

He'd be too distracted by all the communists.


He would hate star wars for being too violent but would like how his company toned everything down for kids like his nannystate mentality approved of

Hello Seth

What happened to all the cartoons?

He cared a lot about his theme parks later in his life, more so than his movies. Heads would roll if he saw that Toontown chimpout that happened a few days ago.

jizz himself over CGI.

Did the full story for that ever come out? I have like a million questions after watching that video.

he'd buy haiti and open a 2D animation studio again

Hopefully, he'd ask why the fuck they're wasting money doing old movies again instead of new stuff.

How would an evil soulless anti-art anti-union anti-worker fuckface react to modern Disney? He would cum in his pants.

Proud. Look how much of the industry they bought out!

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Happy with the money they're making and the influence they have, but disappointed that they've completely abandoned their 2D roots and ashamed at the """""restoration""""" job they did for their classic movies.

Genuinely curious, but where did the belief that Walt was an anti-semite come from? Was there any evidence of this?

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>Be overjoyed at the progress of animation
>Cum buckets at the sight of modern cgi
>Commission a load of new animated features, both traditional and 3D, whilst cancelling all live-action remakes
>Piss off and go make a new theme park
In that order

Walt would be sad that Epcot isn't a massive self-sustaining city of the future that has just gained total control of the state of Florida.

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Three Little Pigs cartoon is literally the only Jew caricature in a Disney cartoon. It's funny because there are literally dozens and dozens of blackface gags in Disney cartoons but no one says Disney hated blacks. You just aren't allowed to make fun of Jews, ever.

>Toontown chimpout that happened a few days ago
What was that?

Considering he always regretted how the animation industry was pigeon holed into childrens films due in part to his fairy tale adaptations (there's an anecdote somewhere that once while watching To Kill A Mockingbird he stated how much he wished he could make a film like that) , he'd probably be sad that Disney has been mostly unable or unwilling to put out more mature family offerings.

>Help! Get me out of this coffin!

He would probably have conspired a corporate take over from all standing CEOs to wrangle control back from the shareholder machine.

He said good things about Hitler during the depression because Germany was on the upswing and also because Hitler hated Commies and so did Walt.
During the war he was as anti-Nazi as anyone else.

Unironically, how the fuck did these poor, no-class niggers afford to get into DisneyLand? They look like they can barely afford to take the bus.

Hitler drew Mickey so maybe they corresponded

The guy in the red shirt should have been taken immediately. Why is no one stepping in?

Isn't Disneyland like a hundred bucks

So did Kennedy's dad, yet everyone sucks their dicks.

It's possible but Disney was fairly well-known by that point and Hitler did want to be an artist, it's just as likely that Hitler just drew it for the sake of drawing it.

His relationship with anti-Semitic members of the Motion Picture Alliance, which he later distanced himself from. Also welcomed Leni Riefenstahl to his studio.

No one that worked with him accused him of it, even people that outright hated him for other reasons. The anti-union and Red Scare stuff seems like a lot more defining, so I've no idea why Seth didn't zero in on that for his Funny Moments.

I believe Walt was a mostly good guy with some serious flaws, that also lived in a time where said flaws weren't usually addressed. I certainly wouldn't call him racist or hateful.

On average it's $100. It goes up during busy parts of the year. But there's like, four or five of them there and even at bare minimum of $500 not counting gas to drive there or any extra travel costs, plus money spent on restaurants or merchandise. Most people have to scrimp and save for a vacation trip to any Disney park.

Puts a tear to my eye. Walt created Disneyland as a place where you could suspend your disbelief and feel safe. Remember, when Disney was a kid, amusement parks were full of bums, freakshows and grifters. He was on a mission to clear degeneracy and create a truly magical world.

Considering he's a business man he'd probably be happy with the fact that Disney basically own's 90% of the entertainment industry, but he'd probably be fucking pissed about Epcot though that was pretty much his Rapture.

Also he'd probably be a lolicon.

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Lurk moar faggot

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He would hire John K since Walt was also a pedo.

Disneyland is great, but the dismissal of amusement park history Disney fans do frequently is obnoxious. Not really related to your cleanliness issue, more claiming Walt invented more things than he actually did and took no influence from the parks before DL.

source on that image?

Im sure when the next nigger starts popping off and swinging at his entire family in a place entirely unsuited for violence youll be the first in his face.

It isnt a walmart parking lot, everyone there is going to be with their families and feel completely uncomfortable with a physical altercation in such a place. Also i dont really think people in america are as shocked when they see this behavior out of clearly thuggish blacks. We've seen so much of it presented through popular black culture that it nearly feels inappropriate for us to intervene. I guarantee if it had been a different race people would have stepped in once a woman was involved.

>I'm here to check on my utopian city of the future, you promised you'd take good care of it for me

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It was probably for the best that Walt passed when he did. It would've been an awkward time for him as society shifted from the late 60's onward. He is the embodiment of the optimistic values of his time. Just imagine the poor guy being alive in the late 1970's or 80's.

Let's be fair, while OG EPCOT Center blows today's park out of the water, Walt would probably still have a "that's it?" reaction to it. Tomorrowland was already his future world's fair, EPCOT was supposed to be something of a whole different scope.

He hated commies, which is like hateing Jews but more narrow in scope.

Classic. Good post user.

>I've no idea why Seth didn't zero in on that for his Funny Moments.

Because Seth is a hack.

>Epcot isn't a massive self-sustaining city of the future that has just gained total control of the state of Florida.

Central Florida would be way better if that plan had worked out. As it is, it's just a dump for tourists.

Oh, don't be such a drama queen. Worse has happened in Disneyland. Some guy, in a Tigger costume, punched out a kid.

Is that the worst you got? Something that happened to one person one time?

Would you expect anything less from tiggers?

The worst part of this for me was all the crying children just left there, wandering around or sitting in an unattended stroller

Seriously. At least Walt had a plan. Florida, and much of the US for that matter isn't planned at all and is a horrible chimera of strip malls and tract housing hastily thrown together by developers.

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They're niggers, what do you expect?

I like how every time you think they stopped they start over again

He will hate it for killing the mouse and bringing in "UPA crap" that he hated with a passion.

That was Willard Bowsky (a Fleischer animator) that was an anti-semite, but because normies don't know who the Fleischer brothers are nor their studio (let alone "They made Betty Boop & Popeye?!?) they point at Disney as normies know who he was.

The fact is Disney is not a anti-semite, that was Willard Bowsky.

Hey, tiggers are wonderful things.

>Hopefully, he'd ask why the fuck they're wasting money doing old movies again instead of new stuff.
to quote the man himself;

>I do not like to repeat successes, I like to go on to other things.

>Walt would be sad that Epcot isn't a massive self-sustaining city of the future that has just gained total control of the state of Florida.
he would be, but I imagine he'd understand the complications that prevented his EPCOT concept from happening after he died

makes it pretty funny that Family Guy is Disney owned now, wouldn't be surprised if it gets quietly canned in the near future

>Considering he's a business man he'd probably be happy with the fact that Disney basically own's 90% of the entertainment industry
honestly I could see him being conflicted about that, but then he always saw the business aspects of Disney the company as a necessary evil to accomplish the aspects of Disney as a producer of entertainment

user some people unironically believe that der fhuerer's face is nazi propaganda unironically people are retards

The accusation came from Jewish labor leaders and Jewish communists, which he had beefs with.

Masturbating furiously because of how much money it's making. He was mainly about that dollar.

>Three Little Pigs cartoon is literally the only Jew caricature

>Puts a tear to my eye.
I'm sure it does, you nannyism faggot.

>During the war he was as anti-Nazi as anyone else.
>as anyone else.

Disney produced more propaganda cartoon against Nazi than any other animation studios put together, in that era.

didn't commie hated Jews too. I am quite sure Staline made their life an hell when he was in power.

Disney parks in general are reluctant to call in the police because they want to keep the environment light and easygoing, but that leads to lax overall controls that leave park employees at a loss of how to properly respond until something gets way out of hand. I saw a fight between two motorized wheelchair riders at Adventureland once, while a Disney park host stood by just watching them.

Stalin was anti banking and anti religion, so yes.

Not so wonderful when there’s more than one

What's there to understand? He was targeted to be defamed by the communists (almost all Jewish) for not being okay with their takeover of the industry, this shit happens all the time and stays with a person forever no matter if proven innocent of the matter since a lie can get halfway around the world before you even have the time to pull your pants up.

For example, the vast majority of people right now, still believe Michael Jackson diddled kids, despite all the "evidence" being publicly available, all thanks to a combined effort of misinformation, wilfull ignorance and even outright lies that when checked for "source" it leads back to the same people that stated it to be true.

Besides, there's nothing wrong with being anti-semitic

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Red shirt guy deserved to get his ass whooped. Absolute nigger behavior there in front of children.

>Literally going to prison for years over some dumb shit
>Literally telling prisoners you assaulted women at a Disney park
Bruh. He's not going to make it bros.

Same time, he really wanted to invite Khrushchev to Disneyland to show off his submarines.

>Hitler drew Mickey so maybe they corresponded
that put everything back into perspectives!

just tell fellow inmates you did something like lick ice cream or something

>A Keywhat?

Oh it gets better. They're all one family. And zero arrests for now. They're out running around somewhere in Los Angeles right fucking now.

Disney had a big hard on for planned communities, which the soviets had too, and probably wanted to talk about it. Disney's ideas of planned communities were very different than the commies. I think he would have wanted to show them up.

I think Walt would have been the best person to sell the idea of America to the Soviets. His films had influenced their animation industry, and likewise, later soviet animated films were used by Disney as teaching tools.

Walt hated monopolies so I can't imagine he'd be too pleased.

>SIMPP stands for the Society of Independent Motion Picture Producers — an organization that was formed by Charlie Chaplin, Walt Disney, Samuel Goldwyn, Alexander Korda, Mary Pickford, David O. Selznick, Walter Wanger, King Vidor and Orson Welles.
>SIMPP was formed by filmmakers who opposed movie monopolization. They wanted to curtail the growing power of the major Hollywood movie studios (Paramount, MGM, Warner Bros., Twentieth Century-Fox, and RKO), which not only owned the largest film factories in the world, but also controlled the largest theater chains in all parts of the United States. SIMPP assisted the government in its antitrust case against the major studios until it became illegal for the film studios to own movie theater chains.
>Other members included Howard Hughes, James Cagney, Bing Crosby, Constance Bennett, John Huston, The Marx Brothers, Boris Karloff, Stanley Kramer and Hal Roach.

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Not all blacks are niggers, not all gays are faggots, and not all jews are ((jews))

>make a single film with a loli mc
>this guy is a pedo just like me!

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Walt didn't care about money. He saw it as a tool to make his cartoons. I think he would hate Eisner and Iger for being about the money instead of the art

Unironically /thread
Walt put everything on the line to make Snow White and even though it wasn't profitable he kept putting Fantasia out there with the stupid new sound system so people can watch and enjoy it.

I like this answer

Disney would feel pure unyielding rage that the quality of art and cartoons declined over the years. Walt died way before he can see the neo liberal agenda.

He also wouldn't be too happy about the company disobeying his wishes to not serve alcohol in the park.

>Not calling the video Toon Town Showdown.

And what is wrong with being anti gypsy you filthy foreskin eating goat fucker?

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Walt was a staunch anti-communist and belonged to an anti-communist group called the Motion Picture Alliance. Some people claimed the group was anti-Semitic because many of the communists it called out were Jewish. But that had more to do with there being a disproportionate number of Jewish communists than any bigotry. Walt was friendly with Jews that worked for him, some of whom were in high positions of power. He donated to Jewish charities. He was honored by B'nai Brith.

>>That's a pretty sexy little girl, Ollie

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didn't he say that in a dismissive way since he apparently never spoke to the guy afterwards? Like "Why did you make that little girl sexy, Ollie"

Eh, I've seen worse. Some people fought, shit happens all the time, no big deal.

>didn't he say that in a dismissive way since he apparently never spoke to the guy afterwards
He never spoke to him again because he died, user.

Can we talk about that one lady who took the kid in her arms?

Their stock is valued at $145 a share so pretty good.

Well they’re getting a life time ban from any Disney parks.

you can say 'kike' user, it's okay

Jews being jealous of true talent

Wolf disguises himself as a Jew.

>I believe everything I read online

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He would jizz at the finiancial statements of his company looking at the revenue figures


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Just because you're in Toon Town doesn't mean you need to act like one

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But Eisner was last Walt kinda guy. He just lost his touch after his buddies wne to make Dreamworks.

Ironically, I think Eisner was the last Disney head who understood Walt. There's an oft-quoted internal memo from Eisner in which he declares:
>The pursuit of making money is the only reason to make movies. We have no obligation to make history. We have no obligation to make art. We have no obligation to make a statement.
>Our obligation is to make money, and to make money, it may be important to make history. To make money, it may be important to make art, or some significant statement. To make money, it may be important to win the Academy Award, for it might mean another ten million dollars at the box office.
>Our only objective may be to make money, but in order to make money we must always make entertaining movies. And if we make entertaining movies, at times we will make history, art, a statement, or all three. We may even win awards.

Often it is only this first passage that is quoted and it's usually used to make Eisner out to be some shrewd, money-grubbing, corporate asshole who only cared about quarterly earnings statements, but I think the rest of the memo paints a different picture about Eisner's business philosophy. Eisner believed Disney was a business, first and foremost, and that their obligation at the end of the day was to make money, pay their employees, and continue to finance their operations. BUT Eisner also understood that Disney's business WAS entertainment, and that the ONLY way for that business to be successful was to be making entertaining and memorable films and that in the process of doing so they might even succeed in making films that were artistically and historically significant.

If you want to talk about the people Walt would probably be ashamed of, you've got plenty of other people to choose from - Jeffrey Katzenberg, Bob Iger, etc.

>I've seen worse so bad illegal shit isn't so bad
Very selfish mentality you have there

True - Katzenberg was a shithead who went from producing some of Disney's best films to needlessly messing in productions like Pocahontas and Hunchback in an effort to turn them into Oscar bait, and then after being forced out became a petty douchebag whose production career consisted of calling in every favor with every other animator in the business to rush Prince of Egypt and Road to El Dorado through production to rub it in Disney's faces and then spent the next half a decade producing shitty CG films that basically existed for no other reason than to flip the bird to Disney.

And Iger... Iger's the stuff nightmares are made of. Shows like Simpsons, South Park, and Family Guy all used to have good laugh at the idea of portraying Disney as some kind of horrifying, merciless megacorporation, but under Iger's tenure it's become exactly that. Decades of cheap cash grabs and shameless remakes combined with an aggressive corporate takeover of American media. Disney now owns something like 55-60% of all American media - from movies to sports to news.

I would have rather had Eisner in for life instead of Iger. At least Eisner made original ideas.

I wonder how this will end for Disney. All of this senseless expansion must come at a price sooner or later.

We have a winner.

Found the edgy college freshman

whitoids can't undertand black banter

Disney will most likely collapse in when China's economy burst.

That may happen sooner than you´d expect. Lets hope they finish Zootopia 2 first.

Why would he react badly? Disney's the most profitable it's ever been.

But for how long? The Lion King remake doesnt really look too good and its just the newest one in a series of lacklusters. For every Avengers Endgame there are three Lion Kings/Captain Marvels/Solo. One has to ask how long they can keep up with pumping out that many duds.

Not counting merchandise, they all almost break a billion dollars if not actually making that much, user and their budgets are usually less than 200 million. None of them are duds, not even Dumbo who even after under-performing still turned a pretty nice profit.
None of these remakes look good or ARE good, it doesn't matter, they sell on brand recognition alone.
Disney's proven time and time again they can release turd after turd and people will gobble them up every time.

Thats kinda depressing.
Oh, and holy crap, the Tim Burton Dumbo was a thing that happend! I allready had completely forgotten about it.

I'm not American, how much of this still exist nowadays?

>while a Disney park host stood by just watching them
Quality entertainment, my boy, quality entertainment.

anons, back then, it was okay to be a cunny connoisseur, just not openly.

Didn't captain marvel make bank?

If Walt was anti-semitic, why did he back Barry Goldwater for President who was a Jew? Why did he send money to Zionist groups during the Arab-Israeli War? Why was his head animator Jewish?

Public image, user.

Whats the point in owning Star Wars if you can't have storm troopers show up and keep the peace!

There's "public image", then there's backing a jew for President.

His money in the 1940s also circumvented a US sponsored blockade of Israeli militias.

user, the second half of the 20th century made Jews untouchable. So anti-Semites had to shut up and take it like a bitch.

Okay cool, but why back a Jew for President? He didn't have to, he could have backed Lyndon Johnson (who himself said anti-semitic stuff from time to time). And if he hated Jews having one as President would be pretty bad for him right?

He would have very little love for the shape his company has taken. His vision for Disney and Disney's culture has been heavily homogenized with the acquisition of numerous formerly non-Disney brands. He'd also be horrified, by the state of the Disney parks and what Michael Eisner did to his company.
Then there's the matter of the politics of the new regime, and I think it's safe to say he would be very opposed to this. I imagine he'd fire every Twitter activist that dared to make an ass of themselves online because he would feel it would hurt Disney's family oriented branding.
It's fake news created by the Daily Worker when he refused back down when threatened by noted communist and trade union leader and violent thug, Herbert Sorrell. There is no evidence that Walt was anti-semitic, only that he was an ardent anti-communists.
To learn more about the subject I suggest reading 'The God That Failed' and 'Hollywood Party: How Communism Seduced the American Film Industry in the 1930s and 1940s'.

>edgy communist has a shit opinion
hang yourself tankie

>but no one says Disney hated blacks
That's patently false.
People complain all the fucking time, pull your head out of your ass.

There is so much racist shit that gets complained about that Disney has censored over the decades. Saying nobody cared/noticed that Disney was racist against blacks is just plain wrong.

>gives a big wet kiss to the statue of liberty

Biggest example of a jew that isn't a kike is that jewish woman who's a TERF, hardcore anti-copyright, calls judaism oppressive, and is a pretty good animator.

Walt by all accounts was a pretty shy and private person who overcame that by creating the Walt Disney persona. The anti-semite nonense came from unions trying to smear Walt's name after they went on strike around the 40s.

A lot of people nowadays didn't realize that Donald Duck actually fought in WWII, and seen some messed up shit.

Are you retarded user? Walt made an Education for Death, a WWII short that showed how Nazism turned innocent german citizens into cold blooded killers.

It's basically still canon he's a WWII veteran, right? I mean I assume it depends on where he's depicted but in the ducktales comics he had flashbacks to his island hopping days in the navy.
Depending on the source though, he was either drafted into the Army or the Navy. In the cartoon where he floods a Japanese aircraft base, I think it was ambiguous.

>sperg out at the current state of Disney
>want heads to roll in response to that recent shit fest of a fight
>hate how his company is making live action remakes of classics
>love the current look and different animation styles
>commission multiple different animated movies and series
>try to commission Elon Musk to build a Disney Land on Mars
>fuck off and try to build a Disney Land on the Himalayan Alps

Comics confirmed that he fought on the Pacific and against the Japanese Army.


>Walt didn't care about money.

Which is why he was so anti-union towards the animators that created his fortune.

He would think Roy ultimately won.

Probably because Seth helms from the insufferable self-congratulatory idpol modern left rather than the old class struggle version.

>For every Avengers Endgame there are three Lion Kings/Captain Marvels/Solo

What's the point here? Lion King is destined to become another hit. Captain Marvel got good reviews and grossed $1B. Solo is the only commercial failure and that's because they had to rework the film with another director.

He'd be right. But then even Roy would have lost.

Unions were/are filthy communist

Money or not they've all given things a bad rep.

And now Cheese Queen wants in on Star Wars.

lies spread by communists

Walt Disney had enemies. He was a powerful man and was prolific in his own right. Being called an anti-Semite was the best way to tarnish his name at the time. Any nobody on these days would and have done the same thing.

The unions were filled with communists you slack jawed nitwit. A fact that was so evident and so overwhelming that life time leftist and Trade Union leader Roy Brewer led a crusade against the communists in Hollywood.

>Coon town fight

The US backs Israel because a lot of them believe a coocoo version of Christianity that requires a Jewish state in Palestine.

>implying it's for religious reasons
US backs Israel because Israel gives them a foothold into the middle east and the pipelines.

Didn’t Hitler love Snow White?

Walt would unironically be a solid Original Trilogy Star Wars guy. He'd hate the Prequels and New Trilogy for being too violent. I think he'd be more forgiving of Anakin and just see the guy as a poor kid with no guidance.

Could you source the share of Disney in media? I see all sorts of numbers thrown around but they seem to be uneducated guesses. I doubt it reaches 30%.

Barry Goldwater had principles. Israel at the time was a new nation trying to get a foothold in the middle east. Walt would pretty much hate Netanyahu and be wary of AIPAC.

People wildly overrate China's weight in the entertainment market. Basically no film makes more than 20% of its BO there. It's significant, but not make or break as much as Yea Forums thinks it is.


Disney World is actually very clean, very controlled, very nature friendly, while also very high tech. Most of Florida is a shithole. They should let the whole state be run like Disney World.

>Disney World is actually very clean, very controlled, very nature friendly
I highly doubt that.

The amount of trash and shit alone is pretty high because of the volume of human traffic, and the fucking public bathrooms have no walls between urinals. Nothing says "clean" like having people spray you with THEIR splashback because the urinals are also only a foot apart, and that's just from the adults who aren't creeping on their neighbours. The kids, and the pedophiles who go to the bathroom every 5 minutes just to stand in line and stare are worse.

By that reasoning they could back anyone else in the region and get the same results.

Eisner's problem was that without Frank Wells, he had nobody to keep him in check and he just kept burning bridges and chasing trends.

In the process, he fucked up Epcot, cheapened the Disney brand with the direct to video sequels, the people he put in charge of the parks basically saw Disneyland as a mall with a entrance fee and started running it into the ground resulting in deferred maintenance, a bunch of shutdowns, and DCA, and finally killed 2D animation because he was so assblasted about Shrek that he wanted to try beating Katzenberg at his game.

A lot of the problems with Iger's administration can be traced to Eisner's later years and you see a lot of things being the same, but Eisner was able to get kicked out because the financials were getting bad and Disney almost got assimilated by Comcast. But now, about 13 years since Iger took over, Iger is able to get away with all sorts of similar bullshit by turning Disney into a second Comcast. And this time, there's no Disney Family Member to rally behind and save us.

He’d force Bob Iger to suck his dick in broad daylight in public in front of everyone in front of the ‘Walt and Mickey’ statue.

He’d play Kingdom Hearts 3 nonstop until he passed out and think it was the greatest thing humanity ever created.

I don't think Walt had such shit taste, or thirst for fanservice for that matter.

Disney's on top of cleaning up like you wouldn't believe. Yeah there's a ton of trash and filthy bathrooms....for maybe 5-10 minutes before their cleaning crews clean it all up.

Meanwhile Disney World has a system where they take their trash and burn it all off for energy. Not much, only like 5 percent of the parks total energy needs, but they at least dispose of their trash efficiently.

Disney World is a well oiled machine. They're very good at making it look clean and nice.

Dont pay attention, Disney was far from being an antisemite. A lot of his main animators was jewish, even Art Babbitt, who had a long feud with him, debunked a lot of the claims, same with a lot of people who worked closer to him. Disney was even named "1955 Man of the Year" by the B'nai B'rith international and he donated regularly to Jewish charities
>Three Little Pigs cartoon is literally the only Jew caricature in a Disney cartoon.
Funny, the director of that film was Art Babbitt, which is jewish

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>Walt created Disneyland as a place where you could suspend your disbelief and feel safe

So a white man's paradise? We already know he hated niggers and natives, but I guess that was also just a product of his time