What if it sucks?

What if it sucks?

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It'll still sell and review sites will praise it.

we forget about it by the time hickman comes back to cape comics a few years later and act like his new project is gonna totally save whatever series it is {it wont hickman on legion would be worse than bendis}

Way are the chances it actually lives up to the hype?

Then its dead forever I guess.
No they won't. They have absolutely no allegiance to Hickman's work. He's not Jason Aaron

Ah, yes. The Hackman fags will rise again. I'm getting nostalgic already.Was Avengers ever more popular than when Hickman was writing it?
0. But that depends on how hyped you get for things. I just think It'll be as least interesting, and the X-Men have been boring for years.

Nobody will think it sucks until it's over just like his Avengers run

but i was saying his avengers sucked when he turned captain america into a facist

Then I guess it'll be better than the last 10 years of X-Men comics.

Who's sitting next to charles