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Who do you ship Steven with?
Jack Richardson
Other urls found in this thread:
Isaiah Brown
Nobody, Steven is shit.
Jose Watson
No one.
Alexander Allen
Aaron Adams
With styrofoam, dipped in cement, dropped in the middle of the atlantic ocean.
David Adams
Amethyst takes Steven's virginity
Samuel Nguyen
with youre mom
Nathan Gutierrez
Futa Lapis so she’s doesn't die.
Daniel Myers
as if Pearl would pass that oportunity
Blake Richardson
the faggot that keeps shilling this garbage, both priority shipped to timbuktu
Michael Davis
Gavin Thomas
Ian Nelson
Tyler Clark
this man fears neither gods or bans
Lucas Smith
Thomas Rogers
Jordan Johnson
Fuck this is getting too good.
James Peterson
Garnets fat black dick
Tyler Collins
Jacob White
Holographic eye-patch Connie. Nobody will ever love Steven as intensely.
Justin Morris
I want pic related to completely ruin Steven's moral code
Gabriel Allen
>”c-can i fuck your tits amethyst”
>”go for it man, im down for whatever”
I like to imagine steven and amethyst bonding over sex and fucking at least twice daily to relive stress and depression. Happy and healing sex is my fetish.
Bentley Howard
>could have posted anything if planned to get banned
>posts shitty SU edit
God you're a faggot.
Eli Cook
Go fuck yourself
Robert Parker
Isaac Martinez
imagine the things that room seen since Steven hit puberty
Caleb Phillips
Probably not as much as your thinking, i mean steven has two wanting cum dumpsters already in his home, and thats not even including peridot.
Hudson Moore
>Pearl, I gonna train in the room today
>holoroom, initiate simulation Rose M.L.F. 3, and add all my friends and family watching
Aaron Russell
Amethyst, Pearl and Peridot. It works as a pair, and threesome in any combination and also as a foursome. And there's no way it wouldn't be entertaining. Well for Amethyst at least. But really he's shippable with everyone on the show. Even that cunt Connie.
Cooper Bennett
No one. Stephen is a faggy fat pig.
Ryder Gutierrez
Steven is never angry, was kevin being a creep on his girl Cunnie
Camden Smith
Connie, because they are cute and all of the gems are adults.
Wyatt Long
Connor Stewart
Prob alone
Brayden Taylor
Jordan Moore
Maybe if that wasn't so close to incest and if Steven was much older then I'd agree with Amethyst or Peridot.
Jaxson Brown
If any of the gems were to be in love with Steven is Lapis Lazuli, if that bitch who shipped lapis and peridot together were not here I can almost guarantee you that a moment between Steven and Lapis would have existed
Evan Hernandez
I guess, I always felt it could have worked with Peridot too.
Samuel Nguyen
Nah Amethyst is way better
also I wish this artist was still around to redraw this with canon older Steven
Carter Davis
Peridot acts way to much like a little kid and lapis is more like your teacher who wants to rape you
Jordan Flores
Cute platonic Jaspeven master race
Ryan Ross
Austin Flores
>shipping him with a female
Anyone who thinks he isn’t gay is actually mentally ill
James Torres
Jesus completes Steven in wys you cant understand, and you cant deny their intense passion, everyday Steven makes out with a cruxifix
Hudson Butler
unironically peridot.
Thomas Howard
Himself, obviously
Kevin Wood
Noah Watson
All of the gems
And the human women of beach city too
Steven harem for ever
Jeremiah Ramirez
shit, I wish I was Steven. I would start a pearl farm and keep the best ones for mysself
Aaron Parker
Really does have a great life. Great dad, little harem,place on the beach, shitload of powers,fucks off doing nothing all day long, goes to space
Jacob Howard
best gem Lazuli
Brayden Ramirez
Xavier Lopez
Get out of here you shitposter.
Alexander Brown
*worst gem
Mason Campbell
Hunter Ramirez
Angry Steven is scary
Aiden Cooper
Xavier Perez
I would not call them adults. I would call them aliens which act like toddlers.
Owen Phillips
>a moment
You mean every scene they have together?
Lapis Lazuli is that girl you know whose only friend is a child.
William Harris
He could punch you into dust, you're right to be afraid.
Xavier Stewart
t. Connie Maheswaran
Julian Sullivan
Very obvious
>Lars is the one who's been in his life the longest
>He called Lars his BFF
>He likes putting his hand on Lars' chest
>Steven has already been inside Lars in 2 different ways
>He's always trying to make Lars be happy and honest
>trapped together on a ship, they had a heart-to-heart, crying, admitting they were happy they had each other
>Lars gave his life to protect Steven and the Off Colors
>Steven literally discovered his ability to revive organic life by crying tears over Lars' lifeless body
Robert Wood
Priyanka, also everyone else.
Dylan Kelly
Two year timeskip confirmed for SU movie, just in case anyone missed it.
Ayden Martinez
Welp. At least he now looks big enough that I can say he's 18 in drawings without a lot of shame.
Luis Perez
Grayson Smith
Connie. I honestly cant ship a character with another when a romantic relatiosnhip is already established/hinted at
Mason Cook
Nicholas Flores
I'm so happy that My boy Steve has a neck now. It's always such an awkward age when all the other people are growing their necks and you're the only one left behind.
Nolan Nelson
Good redesign all over honestly. Not to mention Zach most likely won't be straining his voice anymore.
John Reyes
Go to hell, steven
Tyler Gray
Grasper is the best Jasper Ship
Jackson Perry
Welp, into the trash my hopes and dreams for S6 go I guess
Jordan Fisher
Did you miss the poster? Look in the back on the left
Isaac Thomas
how in the everloving fuck did I miss that?
must have been paying too much attention to NOT-XJ9/Mettaton's lovechild to notice
Zachary Fisher
Understandable. First trailer next Friday btw
Ayden Nguyen
Still getting to see the gems integrating was one of my big hopes for S6 and I have no fucking idea what they could even do for it now.
Parker James
Chase Gomez
Meh, seen worse
Landon Cooper
Steven is the definition of onions, he would obviously be a proud cuck.
Connor Peterson
Elijah Peterson
The woman he's been destined to be with since Season 1.
David Wright
Ronaldo is borderline onions, Steven is borderline chad. Fully chad when he's an adult at this rate.
Nathaniel Edwards
only correct answers
Xavier Anderson
Chad don't cry that often
Dylan Sanders
A shotgun to his ugly fucking face.
Xavier Thomas
Connie is the only one that makes any realistic sense. All the gems present themselves as adults so that's a no go. There is only two characters that work within his age range. Peedee and Connie and obviously Connie is the one that makes the most sense of the two.
Kayden Ward
Kevin could work
Leo Young
Cooper Miller
God I can't believe people didn't notice how hard it was for him to do the steven voice. Listen to him in season 1 and compare it to the latest episodes. It's almost painful to listen to.
Leo Adams
Teenagers are emotional, I dunno what to tell you.
Jace Reyes
Parker Jackson
Bentley Gonzalez
Ship the trainwreck with the ditch its gonna end up in anyway. Meaning Connie. They're both just annoying enough to deserve each other
Angel James
that might be the gayest post I've seen on this website in a while.. well at least one that doesnt involve dicks or butts. congrats
Jacob Gutierrez
Peridough because I enjoy their interactions
Elijah Jackson
Nolan Collins
Michael Jackson
Brandon Bennett
I still remember beating my meat while coloring that in
Christopher Hernandez
Thou art retarded.
Ethan Baker
Is it weird that I like Lapis because she's such a bitch?
Tyler Jones
This... It's called a knuckle sandwich, you pansy
Evan Martinez
Now screw off Steven fag
Easton Ross
>fucking your adopted mom and living with the consequences
>fucking a hologram of that same mom with extra monster tits and erasing your crimes after the fact
Ethan Anderson
Steven is for Kevin.
Pearl is for Jasper.
Peridot is for Ronaldo.
Connie is for Peedee.
Greg is for Blue Diamond.
Fight me.
Carter Mitchell
Annoying is a fun word to use when forming an argument. Doesn't mean anything and you don't have to explain what you're talking about.
Luis Harris
How do you feel about her post-Reunited? She dropped a barn on Blue Diamond and helped fight off the Diamond mech on Homeworld. Also she has pants now.
Chase Perez
teenage Chad cries frequently to get pussy
Hunter Thompson
A bullet
Hunter Garcia
So if Steven cums does he turn into a gem-laden puddle of sperm
Cooper King
Nah, he has to impregnate himself for that to happen
Jordan Sanchez
I'm thinking one of two things will happen:
>Steven climaxes and his gem gets sucked into his abdomen and blows out of his cock along with the human sperm, leaving pink Steven gone but leukemia Steven remaining.
>Steven technically has fully functional human balls so he doesn't have to worry about cumming
Personally I think he could do either depending on his intent.
Jacob Kelly
Everyone except Connie.
Juan Robinson
always happy to impress
Luke Sanchez
>hand bindings
ohhhh that's the good stuff
Cooper Thomas
Tyler Scott
We shippuden now
Aiden Baker
Anyone like this outfit better than the one she had before? The dress was great, but the pants help sell the concept of a free gem much better for me.
Jack Adams
David Price
with one or two of these in the mail
Logan Garcia
She's less of a "damsel in distress" looking character now, so that's cool. Kinda reminds me of Aladdin or Shantae. I'm gonna miss the "water witch" designs, though.
Hudson Walker
>Clearly in love with Connie
Nigga he's camp as a nun's handbag, that doesn't make him homo.
Jack Wright
1. Peridot
2. Lapis
3. Crystal Harem
Aaron Watson
Why should I? They fit together.
Mason Baker
Lapis. Connie is okay, but Lapis is hotter AND never ages. Also Lapis' thirst for him is extreme. It's actually really cute. And pathetic.
>you will never be obsessed over by a cute psychotic older girl
Sebastian Johnson
The dress was cute and fairly distinct among the gems and the female characters in general. That said, the new outfit isn't bad except for the belt. It's the brightest thing on her and draws the eye but does nothing with the attention it attracts.
Charles Fisher
Lincoln Cooper
Garnet will never beat your meat for days on end
Thomas Rodriguez
Connie is clearly a man
Samuel Bennett
this is going in my based collection
Hudson Barnes
Big cringe
Ryan Cooper
Easton Wright
That game is such shit
Benjamin Green
>room has an extensive data log of all the creations and activities that occur in it
>steven doesn't know anything about it
>the gems want to have a talk
Nathan Davis
>Steven Im not mad, I just want to know why Im milking Connies mother in a crotchless banana suit whyle Lapis pass jelly on a ukelele and proccedes to spank Stevonnie with it, while Connie, Rose and garnet are wearing sombreros and and riding Ruby, Sapphire and Peridot up a hill covered in butter. All this with a 10 foot tall shirtless version of your futher gives you a thumbs up with "go son go" written across his chest. I just want to know if I should be worried.
Ethan Thompson
Michael Hall
I think searching for the history page is the first thing I would do after my first depraved cloud session.
Ethan Flores
James Morris
Connor Gray
>fucking marvel window stickers
I really hope you're underaged.
Ryan Ramirez
A polyp
Fat fucking shit