Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch

>Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch
>Stitch! The Movie
>Leroy & Stitch
>Lilo & Stitch: The Series
>Stitch & Ai

Are these even worth watching?

Also why did Pleakley like to crossdress so much?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why not watch them and decide on your own

Too much time, I just wanna know which is good and what's awful

Watch Stitch 2. It's actually surprisingly decent considering it was the era of shitty direct to DVD disney sequels like Mulan 2 (which desu wasn't terrible, I mean the songs sucked and the drama was forced but the romances were cute).
Stitch! The Movie is always such a bizarre thing to me since it's basically the TV show "movie" of a TV show already based off of a movie. It functions as the pilot. You don't NEED to watch it to watch the tv show, but it's not terrible.
The tv show is fun monster of the week stuff.

>too dumb to use an archive so he made a thread to get the Pleakley r34

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Hold on, there was a Pleakley r34 thread?

Oh, I'd wager he's more likely trying to get MORE Pleakley r34.

Based OP.

It was last weekend, and it was amazing.

he finds women's clothing more comfortable and fashionable than men's clothing, Pleakley is quite obsessed with fashion.

Is it even confirmed male

Yep. It was amazing and fun.

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Lilo and Stitch 2 is probably the only one that's decent on it's own.
I watched fucking all of them because I love the whole franchise, but I wouldn't recommend them. The show was interesting because I enjoyed seeing the new experiment of the week

It was pretty fun to participate in such a crazy thread.

The question is, do we have what it takes to do it again?

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pleakley is a trans icon

Okay, long-time fan of Lilo and Stich, so my take is that do see at least Lilo and Stich 2. It has the same quality of animation of the first film, which was surprising. Really enjoyed it.

Lilo and Stich tv series and its tv films are okay, and I only recommend it if you really want more content, but the writing isn't very strong, and the animation and coloring is awful compared to the deep and expressive artstyle that the films have.

The anime? Eh, I really don't recommend it. Kind of a slog to watch, didn't finish it.

Stitch and A.I? Looks pretty meh.

Hell no. As much as I would like that, it will be run straight to the ground. It was a great thread, but lets not tarnish its memory.

I agree.

Stitch 2 is actually a decent movie. I only remember thinking the show was boring and so are the rest of the movies. Haven't seen any of the Japanese ones

I swear, every time we get excited about a character, we get naysayers like you guys. Just enjoy this FOTM while it lasts.

No. Now we move on to jumba porn

>and all across the internet, a mighty snapping of pelvises was heard.
>Jumba had received his snu-snu.
>And it was worth it.

Hey, like I said earlier, I had fun in that thread drawing up those pics. It was pretty fun and interesting to draw.

>Just enjoy this FOTM while it lasts.
I mean sure, but you shouldn't abuse it though. Makes the others report it or the janitors delete it faster.

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What exactly is he attaching those earrings to?

The hair probably.

The series is actually pretty good

Welp, I'm ready for another round. Have a WIP.

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Very nice user.

Ignoring the Pleakley shit Stitch is lewder Stich Has a Glitch is actually not too bad.

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To be honest, the series was pretty comfy imo even though people didn't like it as much. I'd say it's worth the watch, but don't expect any major storylines, it's basically slice of life..

How about a compromise where we talk about how awful every movie after Stitch Has a Glitch is with some sporadic reaction images of cropped Pleakely porn?

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>Also why did Pleakley like to crossdress so much?
Because he had the perfect excuse.

Watch the following in THIS ORDER

>Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch
>Stitch! The Movie
>Lilo & Stitch: The Series
>Leroy & Stitch

Everything else is not canon.

I like the cut of your jib.

Lilo & Stitch: The Series Aka second fetish fuel after Totally Spies

>Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch
>Stitch! The Movie
>Leroy & Stitch
>Lilo & Stitch: The Series
>Stitch & Ai
Can't recall this one, is it the other non-Lilo kid?

Welp, I'mma go to bed. See you wonderful degenerates tomorrow!

It's gonna be archived tomorrow m8

Well, I only really seen the first movie.

Fell off after that because of the drop in animation quality.

>stitch has a glitch
actually nice, the emotions were solid A-class movie material
leroy and stitch is literally just post-series fanservice, including Gantu redemption and all experiments teaming up
as being said, the series is mediocre to decent depending on the eps, its the most monster of the week wacky hyjinks you can get
Stitch the movie just sets up the series and is unmemorable

Sometimes it felt like I was watching a Hawaiian version of Pokemon. Especially towards the end when the experiment are just hanging around town.

And yet, here we are.

It's hard to replicate a great thread.
Give it a few weeks or months and it will probably just happen again naturally.

I have to agree. Stitch Has a Glitch is worth a watch

I think a great thread can be like an earthquake. This is an aftershock. We don't have to expect much from it, or hold it up to the standards of the original thread.
Actually, it's also kinda like a Disney sequel. How thematic.

>Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch
Is not as good as the first but is closest in tone and has a theatrical budget. It basically feels the most like the first.

>Stitch! The Movie
>Lilo & Stitch: The Series
>Leroy & Stitch
Is all Disney Channel Series quality, so less budget and more standard kids show plots and moral of the episode. On the other hand the writing could still be pretty funny and the experiments are all pretty creative.

No Lilo and kind of puts a bummer on all the previous instalments and the overall 'no one get's left behind message'.
First season has a pretty boring Yokai thing but the experiments are still there and you get new ones later.
The 2nd season onwards is where it got entertaining for me; the writers stopped taking Disney's blatant cash cow milking seriously and just start writing a comedy gag series. It get's really, really weird but I ended up enjoying the absurdity and self-deprecating humour.
If you're invested in the series by then and want more experiments, just pretend it's an AU.

>Stitch & Ai
Set between the original series and the anime. Never got too far because of the animation and lack of experiments. Heard it got better later and fans of the franchise seem to like it more than the anime.

Favorite experiment in the show Yea Forums? Was always partial to the elemental ones myself. Don't trust the Wiki, they fluff the numbers with a lot of fan/OC stuff.


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Love shit like this. Would've bought an encyclopedia if they bothered to come up with actual experiments for the unused numbers.

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>Also why did Pleakley like to crossdress so much?
Thought about it and it just hit me: the character's VA may be perhaps best known for being on that sketch show where everyone was in drag.

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>this thread

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#120 Snafu
Foils enemies plans.

This makes too much sense.

I'm going to need some links anons

you're the problem with nu/co/
yes, you too hb, even more so when your boy here made it clear

>trying to discourage the artfag from drawing
Why blame the artfag when it's clearly the OP that baited this?

Where's four?

That's us.
Experiment Yea Forums.

This thread is still up but no jumba porn

I'm not sure Yea Forums could handle that vast amount of thiccness.

>mfw I want to fuck her now now now


what the fuck?

Was the anime Stitch any good?

Swirly was weird. His true place ended up being as a stage hypnostist, but who can you even trust with a pocket brainwasher like that? It's not like swirly was ever really "Redeemed" since he just acted as a neutral party.

Bones would snap under the weight of his mating press

Never saw the movie, huh?


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You’d be surprised how many people haven’t.

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(Sigh) No. I'm getting used to people not seeing the things I grew up loving. Makes me feel old and out-of-touch, though.

Sure thing. I'm on a bunch of sites, so let me just copy/paste the list... (not really active unless they decide to unfuck themselves) (mostly SFW) (furries only)

I don't make the waves, I just surf on them. If there's a tsunami, it's not my fault.
Also, I'm an oldfag. I'm not sure what I have to do with nu/co/ that wasn't happening in old/co/.

Gracias user

Melty was cool even tough he didn't do jack shit in his own episode. Also liked the look of Felix.

WTF is wrong with you people?!

This is a new low, even for Yea Forums.

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They know about my OTP

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How new are you?!
This shit was pretty common a few years ago.

>Also why did Pleakley like to crossdress so much?
pic related

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Character wise it was Reuben. I just really like evil henchmen who just don't give a fuck about their job. Also he looks so cuddly, I really wanted a plush.

In terms of concept; Finder. I so badly wish he existed. Just imagine all that stress lifted.

Attached: Profile_-_Reuben.png (317x333, 124K)

I'd feed Reuben my sausage sandwich.

No it wasn't. Stop trying to fit in.

I would fill his bun with mayo

>no it wasn't

You are such a newfag.
Plz stop, you are embarrassing yourself.

he fills Gantu's bun with mayo every night

Ok, name 5 examples mr oldfag

how is 625 a doomsday weapon?

God the Gantu and Reuben redemption gets thrown out the trash with the anime.
I mean Reuben was always chaotic neutral, so it doesn't matter too much I guess.

Other oldfag here, been on Yea Forums since at least 2007, being gay is like Yea Forums's thing. This is the board that encouraged Movie Theater Lad for fuck's sakes.

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still waiting for those examples

Pleakley is asexual, or maybe not considered "he" haves a mom

I'm surprised of all the universes who exists in the Stitch universe

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it's not really gay in particular, but Yea Forums has the wettest cunt for traps. traps are pretty gay though.
1. plekely
2. she-ra reboot
3. princess marco
4. the clown boy
5. shezow

That clown from Little Nemo in Wonderland was the last crossdresser who was popular here. That was either late last year or early this year, if I'm not wrong. There's also the whole Princess Marco shit, and that's proof your a fucking newfag because that's ages ago. There's also She Zow going more further back.

Christ, if you think THIS is bad please don't return until your at least 18

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>2. she-ra reboot
>3. princess marco
>4. the clown boy
>5. shezow

these are remotely comparable to a 3 legged ugly alien?
these are all drawn as underage boys.

what are you, fucking retarded

>shota traps on the same level as fapping to fucking pleakly

Retard alert.

. the clown boy


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Bon Bon from Little Nemo

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Bon bon, there was a random Nemo thread that popped up and some anons confessed fapping to the clown boy thinking it was a girl (there is plenty of art on r34 depicting bon bon as a girl) and once someone confirmed bon bon was infact a boy, lewdness ensued.

Attached: Bon Bons.jpg (1258x603, 203K)

>Calls other people retarded
>Also can't express himself clearly on Yea Forums
>Also doesn't know that the whole site, not just Yea Forums, has a hard on for unusual looking creatures

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....wait, but I thought...what?

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Dana Terrace's avatar if a similar unsexy being yet people lusted after it into being FOTM. That's only a recent one. If you're still shocked by things on Yea Forums, you honestly have not had enough exposure to be commenting.

>3 legged ugly alien

Attached: 500px-Harkness_Test.png (500x663, 109K)

Exactly, the alien is less degenerate.

Pleakley was Roger for kids

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He has all the powers of Stitch but his higher intelligence lead him to only want to make sandwiches.

OH OK. ALRIGHT. I SEE HOW IT IS. moving goalposts but it doesn't matter. anything is possible with a drawfriend you newfag.

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But the left is sexier

no, Roger was Pleakley for adults

With all this pleakly and roger in bright red lipstick, surprised there is nothing involving lipstick marks.

Alright, it's obvious the only reason this thread was made was for the purpose of generating more Pleakley ludes. This drawfag gives up. Any requests?

Pleakley putting on lacey stockings and complaining that he always has one extra.

Pleakely watching all the other Stitch movies and being completely and utterly disgusted with them

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Based drawfriend. You made my night!

glad to be of service

So wait, were you looking for examples of weird shit Yea Forums wanted to fuck, and not just crossdressers? Because that's a fucking laundry list. Not just on Yea Forums, but Yea Forums in general. We're like /tg/, but with cartoon characters.

He's just trying to move goalposts because someone actually responded to his question

>a literal talking raccoon with a chainsaw was a Yea Forums flavor of the month (waifu for a newfag such as yourself)

>Kanga from Winnie the Pooh was as well

>a sheep girl that had like 3 seconds of screen time in a 50 year old Droopy cartoon

>grown up Skeetor from Muppet babies

That's just off the top of my head. You just apparently weren't around during the golden age of Yea Forums.

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That's how these work. Some user makes an obscure waifu thread, it catches on with the drawfags in the beginning, then thirsty anons preform thread necromancy to get free art until people get tired of 10+ threads in the span of a month.

Do any of these have animation anywhere close to the quality of the original, or are they all phoned in?

Lilo and Stitch 2 was animated by Disneytoon Australia, but I thought it looked good when I was 13

Alien hands are a pain in the butt to draw.

Still at it, but I've got to quit for the night. Have a preview of the line work:

Hammerface dont know why he just always stuck with me

Attached: HyperHammerhead-BP03-EN-C-1E.png (309x450, 368K)

Alien probes are a butt pain to draw.

He's got three legs tho

cut me some slack, I drew it at 3am

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Pleakley getting spitroasted by Jumba and Gantu

>Pleakley getting spitroasted by Jumba and Gantu
I initially envisioned something way more gorey than what you intended

I'll get on it after my burger

are you only requests involving Pleaky? or are you open to anything?


Reuben fucking Gantu
and gantu is secretly enjoying it


hurry up, I gotta fap to this like right now!

chop chop!

thanks man!

>Also why did Pleakley like to crossdress so much?

His name is Wendy.
He dresses like a Wendy.

Well, thanks. Now I want to see him dress like the Wendy's mascot. And I'm sure his beef is always fresh.

sorry it took so long!

nice dude
you got a place where you upload your art?

nope, but I'm thinking about it. what platform is best for that kinda thing?

there's furaffinity
or twitter

I'd go for FurAffinity over Twitter, or better use both. Twitter isn't very good as an archive for your work (while FA is), but it's a good way to get noticed.

>reuben and gantu
nice taste man

FA link where

took you long enough.. shit

keep up that ungrateful attitude and I won't upload the sequel pic

Did anyone else find the Councilwoman super hot?

In a grandmother with absolute power sort of way?


for real? good
it's not like there a lack of literal evidence of better artists
just saying

Jesus, man. Shut the fuck up.


Fuck off, no wonder drawfags aren't drawing as often if pricks like you exist. Post your work

I suspect people like him are just using negativity as a ploy to bump the thread.


Aww right, I think I'll call this done.

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jesus fuck you couldnt even color it? talk about lazy as shit... wow im glad I didnt commission this shit

I love you too, user. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Motherfucker, it was one of the only decent shit that was going on at that time.

277 was made for people like me.

Says the guy in the Crossdressing Pleakley thread.

I agree with this

Says the guy necrobumping a spammy free art bait thread.

You're even more shit than this dude being a pussy and giving Pleakley bitch-tits.

Oh? Would you have liked different tits on Pleakley? I'd be glad to try it next time.

tits are non canon

So just flat and featureless then? I can give that a try. Maybe next time.

quickie last thread was a whole bunch of fun

Attached: enough for one day anon.png (756x551, 38K)

Loving the off-the-shoulder look.

OR here
Thanks man, I love it

>Also why did Pleakley like to crossdress so much?

Because Kevin McDonald was one of the Kids in the Hall, who regularly did comedy sketches while dressed as women.

i think there's an episode where his mom and dad visit and want him to marry a girl from his planet so he has to come out and reveal he's already married to jumba

please don't listen to this guy
he isn't the OR

Welp I missed previous threads might as well post my abomination in this one

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I thoroughly enjoy your abomination.

Wendy Pleakley would jump at the opportunity to do a little Wendy's cosplay, I reckon.

Is that you GBA? If so, we miss you.

Je ne care pas my little fagguette

Anyone else want a request? I'm still down to draw when I get home later

Reuben referring to Gantu as his wife to other experiments

Really sorry, I don't have an account yet

you're very welcome!

POV with either Gantu, Stitch, or Reuben laying in bed with the viewer
or POV facesitting, your pick

Hamsterviel taking Leroy out for a walk
like as if Leroy was a dog

Jumba taking pleaky out dress shopping

I need to invest in a scanner

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Just a protip: take the picture with relatively even light, then use a image editing program to make it black/white, then fuck with contrast and brightness until it looks good.
Here's an example.

Attached: editexample.png (2043x1506, 2.98M)

thanks bro

I'll mess around with that more in the future

where's Gantu being mad that he's considered the wife?
anyways, not OR but i'm really enjoying your art dude

it's coming! first bit just took me a while so I wanted to post it now to help bump the thread

>the songs sucked
>the drama was forced
>wasn't terrible cuz romances
if i didn't know better i'd say this is a lady

>two tongues

I want to fuck Angel


he wants to fill your buns with mayo

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>iwn wake up to this view

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he may be small
but i bet he's hung as fuck

Another Art fag here. Any requests regarding the boys 1-5?

Pleaky roleplaying with Jumba
Pleaky would be the damsel in destress and Jumba is just standing there confused not getting what role he is suppose to be

Where is 627 "the joker stitch" and the legendary unseen 628?

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Short black hair pleakley makes me want to do naughty things.

It took me a little bit to realize that these are organized into their respective categories (test subjects, elemental manipulators, etc). I love that.

Yeah, kinda reminds me of that lady from Pulp Fiction.

part 2

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no longer canon

I never saw anything Lilo and Stitch because they were the things my granddaughter was the target demographic for.

Are you like 70 or 80? This franchise is like 15 years old so the target demographic would be in their twenties by now, and giving about 20-so years per generation that'd put you around 70.

I don't understand why fucking non-intelligent non-human is bestiality but fucking intelligent non-human is not. It's non-humans either way.

Probably depends on why you think bestiality is wrong. Personally I'd say it's wrong because the animals that are involved in bestiality are wholly subservient to, and completely reliant upon, the people who have sex with them. Hypothetical intelligent non-humans would entirely be there own person, so having sex with them wouldn't have to involve taking advantage of them.

still working on your request

2 and the series were maximum fun as a kid

Now I kinda want to see Pleakley in that wig with a syringe sticking out of his chest.

good thing I watched Lilo and Stitch for the first time ever last month otherwise I might not be able to appreciate this gay thread

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We need more Reuben x Gantu

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I like pretending L&S 2 takes place in an alternate continuity from the Series and everything it spawned. It has a feel at least similar to the first movie, actual good animation, the characterization is better, and so on. The weirdest thing is they got someone else to do Lilo's voice so it's jarring for a bit.

I actually do think it was developed separately from the series as the house has a different layout, plus a few other inconsistencies.

bears are intelligent in their own way.. and if a female bear wants to show her pussy when she walks by I take that as a sexual advancement and thus its ok to stick my dick in her.


i like it

that looks really bad, even for a "quickie"
how old are you?

>how old are you?
Not that guy, but what significance does age bring to the table? You can suck or be awesome at pretty much any age.

Son, it's not very nice to speak to your friends that way... In this house we encourage effort, not tear it down. Did you have a bad day at camp? Come with your brother and I, we'll go get some ice cream. When you're feeling better, we can go apologize to user.

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Nah, they're both still canon. In Leroy and Stitch, Hamsterviel tries to dramatically assign Leroy a number, but Jumba has to remind that 627 and 628 already exist. I think 627 even appears in the anime.

Good job, drawfriends!

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>288: boomer

someone draw Gantu rubbing one out to the thoughts of Reuben

Has 'the state of Ohio' ever been topped?

Yep, 223 was a good game

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hop on the bandwagon too late

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we need to decontaminate this fucking thread jesus f-ing christ

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I don't get it

I think he means that someone was sexually attracted to the State of Ohio, which is right up there with the guy who had a fetish for floor tiles.

Oh okay, gotcha


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why is stitch so popular in Asia
so much so that they replace Lilo twice

Two are reposts, one not even made for Yea Forums, and you replied to pretty much the same thing twice.
You're coming really desperate to make this thread look out to be what the previously God-tier thread was.


Post your work


>this level of nitpicking

So sue me. I appreciate when drawfags make shit because so many anons talk shit about them and their work.

>You're coming really desperate to make this thread look out to be what the previously God-tier thread was.

Not that you would know because we're on le anonymous basket weaving forum, but I was in that thread, drawing lewds for the thread and a bunch of shit for this one. You're welcome, faggot.

Any more requests? This dumbass user has motivated me to draw some more.

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Leroy and Stitch was shit. SHIT!

How about Pleakley doing that anime meme where the girl is pointing to the positive pregnancy test, while he explains that it's the males in his species who carry the baby?

love it! I'll get on it after this one

Based, and nice trips!

I wish they would've made use of the other experiments, to capture the others. Like Splodyhead vs. Slushie
Also, Spike a cute.

here ya go

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Probably goes without saying, but Lilo & Stitch should be on this list at the beginning

theres no escaping this cures now

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You introduced me to evils that I will save and deliver to my friends

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I remember that one episode where his mom told him to stop wearing women's clothing he told her he will only for him to be called out on his lie

I love all movies and main experiments collecting series.

Do want.

draw more Reuben and Gantu