What's more impactful a sad ending,bittersweet ending,tragic ending or well earned happy ending?
What's more impactful a sad ending,bittersweet ending,tragic ending or well earned happy ending?
A satisfying ending that makes sense within the context and tone of the story.
What's the difference between sad and tragic?
Well according to Star Wars fans a sad ending
The only correct answer.
I'm partial to bittersweet but as long as it's satisfying within the context of the story it's good enough for me.
Bittersweet is easier to do imo but happy is really good when it's well earned.
Chris Jericho confirmed for Impact Wrestling
well earned happy ending.
I am a sap for those.
Not OP but I think Tragic has more to do with the faults of the protagonist getting the sad ending while a plain sad ending is mostly outside forces that get the protagonist the sad ending
You need to be careful, properly written bad ending has an impact and stays with the reader for a long time, but not done well it can turn the reader against your story.
A dance ending, obviously.
Kind of the opposite, really. The thing with tragic endings is that when it's the protagonist's fault it has to be unbeknownst to them, at least until the end. Basically they have good intentions and are unaware of the long run consequences.
>tfw Jericho and Omega were almost signed by Impact
>then AEW happened
find a way to kill yourself
In what? In fucking what? Explain what type of story you want so I can shoot you an answer, fucking Christ
an ending with delicious Omaha Steaks.
Hamlet is a tragedy ending, Caesar is a sad ending. The quickest way to differentiate the two.
Satisfying finales for me are usually over the top, in one way or another. No matter which way it goes, the story teller shouldn't pull punches. Show the world your message, and how big your balls are.
how absolutely ___buddy____
>Caesar is a sad ending
Except like its not. He ruined the Republic and had to be put down.
Shakespeare's interpretation, you plebeian
Et tu
A dog and a kid dying on a River is sad. A kid dying trying to save his dog is a tragedy. A tragedy has to do with the downfall of the characters, a movie like BvS can be considered a tragedy even if its not a sad movie.