>No Timothy Mouse
>No crows
>No delivery stork
>No clique of women elephants shit talking Dumbo and his mom
Fuck, this was just a movie about a bunch of humans who happened to have a flying elephant named Dumbo.
>No Timothy Mouse
>No crows
>No delivery stork
>No clique of women elephants shit talking Dumbo and his mom
Fuck, this was just a movie about a bunch of humans who happened to have a flying elephant named Dumbo.
Other urls found in this thread:
I didn't watch it because that CGI is straight up appalling to look at, but did they really cut all the women elephants out? Why does Disney hate women?
Yeah it was trash, that's why it flopped so hard
There's no talking animals of any kind. The only animal characters that are actually prevalent in the story are Dumbo and his mother. Everyone else has been replaced by a human.
This and the Lion King, what the fuck is Disney's obsession with making these cartoon animals look realistic? They certainly don't look good, nor real. It's the movie inverse of placing a stylized model of Mario into a realistic Unreal Engine asset clusterfuck.
Did they at least remake thr Pink Elephant Dance?
>thr Pink Elephant Dance
You had one job.
Why did they do this
>No clique of women elephants shit talking Dumbo and his mom
>those Dumbo hype threads on Yea Forums many months ago with lewd milf elephants
>all for nothing
Why, Yea Forums? What did we do to deserve this?
>oscar's new home.jpg
You forgot about Pete's Dragon
This is the best use of that reaction image I've ever seen
Wow I completely forgot this movie even existed. Apparently it only came out 4 months ago but I thought it came out last year. Hopefully the same thing happens to the rest of these shitty live-action remakes.
Dumbo HD Remix 2019 bombed as hard as it did in 1941. This franchise will be buried again for another 80 years.
It is called PED in my language. What is the original title?
>cartoons are for kids!!
>live action are for mature adults like me!!
That was a straight-up dog with wings. Who the fuck thought it would be a good idea to make a dragon completely covered in hair?
you have to be mentally retarded if you thought the crows would return. But yeah,those others are good complaints
i wouldn't call those "hype threads", they were more like fun threads to forget the new movie and appreciate the elephant MILFs of the original.
Watched the movie not along and actually am eager talking about it.
1. The children were a mistake. Everytime that girl did her talentless wispering I yelled internally she should shut up.
2. The CGI was actually not so much a problem like I thought it will be for me.
3. I liked that we saw more about the circus crew, minus the kids
4. What was the point iff that asshole they killed in the first third? Why even kill someone, it's motherfucking Dumbo
5. The baby my scene and the separation of Mom and Dumbo still made me cry like a bitch
6. If the movie stopped after the first 45 minutes it would be an ok movie
7. The problem was it didn't stop. I am not so salty about the changes but why stretching the movie with all that pointless shit of another circus? This had nothing to do with the point of Dumbo. There shouldn't be a fucking villain. It is all about believing in yourself and fighting against prejudice of the societ.
There were assholes in the cartoon but no villains.
That's what made it so great.
Yes and it's shit.
I loved the first half of it. Very interesting take on an old classic, and easily the fucking darkest Disney movie since Black Cauldron.
But then they fall into the third act trap and everything's just the same old slog as always. Too bad.
this is fucking terrifying
>No technicolor pachyderms
>those Dumbo hype threads on Yea Forums many months ago with lewd milf elephants
Hit me with a desuarchive link
can't wait for the shitty live action/cgi disney Pinocchio
That was worse than I though it would be.
Really too much for me.
what kinda wannabe avant garde bullshit was that!?
>They remove Jimminy and replace him with a boring human.
>They remove the Gypsy.
>The remove the lady puppets from "I've got no strings on me" if they even keep the sequence.
>The boys on Pleasure Island don't get to smoke and drink, and the scene of them transforming is offscreen.
>They needlessly pad out the story and add a bunch of unnecessary characters (A bunch of whom are black for those diversitybux)
Screencap this for when that trainwreck eventually happens.
I wanna see how right I am.
>Cricket will now be black boy a friend pinochio made in school
Some things aren't worth being right about.
I hope to god I'm wrong, but these are all things Disney has done with past cgi/live action remakes so I ain't got much hope left to give the big guy
Ok Pat.
ugh it sounds like a tier 1 nightmare for a transformers fan