>Captain America
>Iron Man
>Wonder Woman
>Green Lantern
Who wins??
>Captain America
>Iron Man
>Wonder Woman
>Green Lantern
Who wins??
If you use comic versions, that’s incredibly one sided in DC’s favor.
Let's make it interesting then: movie versions
Little closer but DCEU Superman clinches it, too fast
This team takes it with zero difficulty.
Mine beats it
>three street-building level fighters,
>one city-continent level fighter
>two planet-star level fighters
>one street-building level fighter
>four planet-star level fighters
>one city-continent level fighter
True. that scene where Superman fucks up the rest of the JL is pretty intense
...Now that I think about it, who is DC's 7th big hero?
>Martian Manhunter?
>Green Arrow?
>Harley Quinn?
>Cyborg? (Or perhaps just the Titans in general?)
It pretty much used to be J’onn, pre-New 52, kinda now considering how Snyder’s using him
Historically it would be Robin. Hell, historically the trinity is Superman-Batman-Robin.
>OMG DC's heroes are too powerful and unrelatable
>Also Marvelfags
>Marvels heroes could totally kick the DC heroes asses
Which is it?
only MCUcks say that.
HAHAHA you dont know shit
>laughing in text
How IS tumblr these days, newfriend?
DC wins easily, but Marvel heroes are easily more culturally relevant at the moment.
Wonder Women was an irrelevant character until the TV show, and even that is only worthwhile for Lynda Carter's bangin' bod. Her sales were dismal and she was at times shipping quarterly just to maintain the brand. Lois Lane is was a more successful title, but no one is suggesting she's in the trinity.
If the question is who are the three biggest DC superheroes it is Superman, Batman, and Robin. This is at least true from 1940-1980s. And even then Robin is the star of DC's biggest book in the 80s: Teen Titans.
>MCUck is culturally relevant and not just braindead faggotry
I prefer DC by a mile but he's not wrong about Marvel characters simply being more culturally relevant right now due to their movies.
I dunno, the fact of the matter is that only two of those are unabashedly willing to kill. How quickly does Wolverine gut Batman and send things upside-down?
Spider-Man is a bit of the wild card though... if Captain Cold and other Rogues can hold their own against Flash, it wouldn't surprise me if he could figure something out.
In a no-kill, subdue scenario, it's obviously DC though.