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clover.paheal.net/_images/9ae5f02c4c48b80a92887964016d9d51/2820065 - Hilda Hilda_(series) jcm-2.jpg

I just wish Hilda was my gufrliend wo I can get cuddles and lay my head on her lapZ

I don't like shows with serialized storytelling and muh deep lore, but loli is sexy at least.

Yes, and I have no sexual feelings for any of the characters.

Best show on Netflix for sure

I really did, very cute, love the voice acting

why do these threads keep getting 404'd :((((

Deerfox is pretty cute, Wood Man is pretty based and I want to fuck the twin tail not succubus.

necrobumping, people calling out necrobumping, and people calling out the people calling out the necrobumping

Why do you think people become obsessed with this show

It alright

Because of people wanting to fuck hilda and her friends?

Now you got it
That and when people try to make these threads into generals

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Why do you think?

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Based and redpilled

Best animated ive seen yet, hope season 2 is worth the weight

5+ months until season 2

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>5 months

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Hilda shouldve stayed in her original home and the show shouldve focused on her discovering different mythical creatures without introducing new human characters. the show wouldve been a lot more kino that way

I want to be Hilda's step-father.

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I still had my June mindset


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I liked it. Heartwarming and some good animations.

Does this really have to be explained, user.,

I don't get it, why does this show attract so many degenerates?

I haven't even watched it yet

Most shows with cute underage characters attracts degenerates. It’s how this website usually is.

I really hate this phrase because it's just used to justify degeneracy, but

"Where do you think we are?"

The answer should be obvious, but I'm assuming an implied "compared to other shows with cute young protagonists" in there.
Speaking as one of the degenerates, I'd say it's because it's more grounded than so many other shows starring kids. That probably sounds weird considering the show's setting, but it lets the main trio's personality shine through in a more believable way.

It's kinda like a cartoon for people who drink out of masonry jars, decorate with fairy lights, and love Mumford & Sons. And also pedophiles I guess.
Maybe there's some overlap?


Yeah, it was pretty good. Nice and scandinavian.

Oh eat a whole fucking bag of dicks, you moralizing retard. If God was real you'd be the first to be smote for being such an unthinkable faggot, holy shit.

Here you go pal
clover.paheal.net/_images/9ae5f02c4c48b80a92887964016d9d51/2820065 - Hilda Hilda_(series) jcm-2.jpg

Get fucked, retard. It's wholesome fun, not that you'd understand a whiff of that, jacking off to the headshot of your favorite dictator every day.

>implying us nazis can't enjoy hilda either
That other user is a faggot though

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"your favorite dictator" could refer to either hitler or stalin, you know

No you stupid prick. I hate degenerates because they just refuse to shit the fuck up. I don't care if you lewd underaged characters, what bothers me is when they bring the whole thread down with how much they want to fuck said characters. That's why the first Amphibia threads were fucking shit.

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Who didn't lol? Hilda is life and I identify with her on every level

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They're overcompensating for their insecurity by signalling as loud as they can to other fellow degenerates

it was boring, "the little girl that can't do no wrong" only work in children books form.

>The little girl who can do no wrong
We talking about the same Hilda here? She gets into trouble all the time

Anyway, I recommend the books. The book version of Midnight Giant has a two page spread at the back that actually lists off a bunch of giants and what their lore is. It's really cool.

no, she doesn't get "into trouble", shit happens, and because she's wise and better than everybody else, it concludes back to status quo with not much efforts and lots of free time to lecture the audience about how great she is.

Seething lol

So you're not denying anything I said?

Based. Maybe its high time I watched this show

I didn't read it dumbass LOL

>but loli is sexy
I haven't watched the show but this is true.

The show that tell me that Korean may even Western cartoon more than anime. Because I found bunch of fan arts done by Korean artists.

Frida is the wise one, Hilda is the spirited one.

hilda isn't spirited, she's a know it all that walk free of danger all day because the world bend around her safety and agree with her all the time. IT's a world without conflict, only accidents.

Hilda is UGLY

This probably counts as a necrobump but guess who requested a Twintails/David smutfic that *might* get fulfilled

Unironic 9/10

Is it you?

Before anyone starts bitching have a sexy Librarian to make up for it.

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Ding ding ding

Looking forward to it

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