lads I'm obsessed with Spider-Man. why can't he be real
Lads I'm obsessed with Spider-Man. why can't he be real
Have sex
Because Iron Man doesn’t exist.
And Spider-Man can’t exist without his father. He can’t even make his own suit.
Spider-Verse told me you can be so go get bit by spiders or something
He is real
He swings around New York all the time
Miles Morales is fake though. The current real life spider man is like Indian or something
Yeah well sport i wish amethyst and mandy were real so i could raw dog their fat assess, life aint fair so suck it up butter cup
real life SUCKS
Explain the dilate meme to me and i will post more SFW lewds
How does the sequence even go
>have sex
>eat onions
Beggin ya
I know that feel OP. I love spiderman. Makes me want to be a better person.
Ya know when i saw your thumbnail i thought you posted bonesaw. Gotta say in a little disappointed user.
>Makes me want to be a better person.
true. I feel this way about Superman. if I'm ever in a moral quandary I will ask "What would Superman do". I guess it's the same as "What would Jesus do." But Superman is cooler so I evoke him
It goes cringe>rent free>yikes>cope>seethe>cringe
Then there's have sex, which beats everything but loses to dilate.
Dilate however, loses to everything else.
everyone knows trannies dilate to keep the big stupid hole in their crotch open
Oh okay, a deals a deal
A "dilator" is a dildo used to keep to wound open and fresh. Remember to use it everyday!
How would you know what Superman would do? You're not Superman
I love how cohesive arguments here are just who can say more buzzwords
>I love how cohesive arguments here are just who can say more buzzwords
The 2010s in a nutshell
Superman would do the right thing :)
I genuinely love it. It's hilarious.
>I genuinely love it. It's hilarious.
In a clown world way i guess, but i just wish i didnt have to live through it. Everything i loved and looked forward too became ruined by virtue signaling and politics, trump only got elected because of things like fembusters and in response they only double down and make things even worse. This is the decade that crushed my soul and made me want to kill myself.
What is the right thing? how would you know?
Trump got elected because he was the best choice commie
>Trump got elected because he was the best choice commie
You do realize i like trump right? But he totally got into power as a backlash to things like nu-wars and the feminist push within the past five years. I hate this decade and everyone involved in making it so terrible.
Typical retard, blaming everyone else on your own problems. The decade sucks because you made it suck for yourself fag. Unironically have sex and knock it off.
>complains about annoying memes and codewords
>posts wojak
This decade is terrible because of all the cultural downgrades and other events, you blithering idiot, so many things out of my control have made this decade the worse. Drink bleach or piss off.
And goodbye spiderman thread
Geez no need to be defensive mr. "I'm going to kill myself"
Is this the part where I tell you to cope or to have sex?
Please consult your manual. If you've misplaced your manual, please dilate.
Yeah cmon man you should know I posted the guide for everyone
>this decade is the worst one ever!!
T. Every generation ever
Gosh Spider Man is so handsome and gentle and kind and has a soothing voice.
t. zooming faggot who sucks cocks for breakfast and thinks his gen is cool because of that.
What's wrong with sucking cock? Don't be homophobic it's 2019 shitlord
His body is so sexy.
Wow Yea Forums tranny admits he sucks cocks. The state of Yea Forums in 2019
Rent free
Would you boys please settle down?
Thank you, please talk about something else, like the thread's topic, Spider Man.
Alright I'm down. I love Ryan Ottley's art!
See no one wants to actually have a conversation unless we use buzzwords
I would like to suck Spider-man's cock.
Guys stop sperging and talk about Spider-Man.
Everyone's favorite Spider-Man comic? For me, it's Spider-Man: Blue.
i can dig the patriot colour scheme, but the giant white spider is pretty distracting.
Kraven's Last Hunt, Child Within, ASM #491, Back in Black, the Sin Eater saga, or the Delusion Conspiracy, and I'm really digging Life Story right now. Who's your favorite Spider-Man artist? Mine's gotta be Mike Zeck.
McFarlane/Larsen man myself
Larsen's bit on Amazing is my definitive Spidey run from my childhood. Adjective-less was a tad too bonkers for me.
I feel, what's your opinions on the JMS run?