In a world with filled alien invasions, mutunts, mutates, magicians...

In a world with filled alien invasions, mutunts, mutates, magicians, and probably dozens of other races and cults isn't it weird you spend all your time hunting vampires?

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An alien/mutant/mutate/magician/and half a dozen other races and cults didn't turn him into a day walker.

Plus, all of those are eligible to become vampires as well.

Blade is very niche, almost comical how one note he is. I don't even think the vampire problem is that severe

Counterpoint: Other superheroes fight vampires only rarely. If Blade doesn't stop them, who will?

If vampires were that big a problem then spider-man or iron-man or strange would encounter them more and do something about it, they may as well not exist outside of blade's comics.

Morlun and his group are technically totem vampires.

Aaaand...aren't we forgetting someone?


Sure he's a living vampire but he's one none the less.

Attached: 250px-Morbius_The_Living_Vampire_Vol_2_1.png (250x337, 132K)

Well it's also the time of day when they operate, doubt spiderman or Iron Man are going to be up at 3am stalking Vampires.

>Alien invasions
Avengers and Shield
>mutant and mutates
>Races and cults
Strange and other sorcerors

What about spider-man, daredevil, punisher, basically everyone of the hundreds of street level heroes who should take notice of vampires abducting/killing people whenever they need to feed?

They’ve got other, non-vampire abductions and murders to deal with.

>I don't even think the vampire problem is that severe
Because Blade is damn good at what he does

If Blade was more popular in the comics we would have planet threat vamps. As it now they ultra jobbers. That stuff in Aaron's Avengers is the most competent I can remember vamps being against main stream heroes and they still had to lean on robbie. The apocalypse vs dracula mini has Apoc easily fucking him up and his forces all by himself. Vamps are only a threat because of infiltration and even then they aren't as effective as Skrulls.

Captain Britain and MI-13 had a pretty good vampire arc

To be fair though, Morbius destroys his fair share of vampires, cults, alien races, demons, etc. Not to mention how he’s just a scientific deus ex machina for whatever ails ya.

And since normally he doesn’t spread vampirism, it’s probably more beneficial just to leave him alone.

What's the Punisher's excuse? I'd like to explore heroism with Blade. Would he attack a mugger assaulting an old lady? Just how exclusive is his vampire thing? Frank can fight vampires, but would Blade go up against the mafia?

Know your scope.

Dracula teamed up with Dr Doom on the moon and fought the X-Men and the Avengers.

Attached: 5461362-dracula (15).jpg (688x1044, 153K)

arent vampires just mutants?

Kind of similar to how Daredevil patrols the equivalent of a few blocks of New York. It's all relative.

Vampires don't deserve to be a major threat in a comicbook universe, they are lame as fuck.

Too much of vampire fiction is just jerking off to them as the creator gives their own personal vampires way more powers than any that came before.
The worst try and play them up as sympathetic and claim the bigoted humans are wrong for hating and oppressing them... just because they happen to murder and eat people.

user raises a pretty good point here; it takes a dedicated person-with-no-life to go around in the wee hours of the morning and hunt vampires.

No? Someone needs to deal with the vermin, why wouldn't he specialize in this task? This thread is dumb.

This. Vampires have been poised as a threat to the Marvel universe numerous times and then nothing comes of it. And you have one man to thank for that. Definitely not Marvel editorial and writers just forgetting and dropping entire story arcs.

Someone needs to deal with low level threats, especially when dude's like Spider man keep getting power boosts to higher level threats

Blade is essentially taking care of the rat population before the population gets out of control while everyone else takes care of seemingly more important things.
You might be thanking iron man, thor, captain america and spider man for taking care of the obvious alien threat but meanwhile you've got a guy staying in the back seat making sure the threats no one knows exists stays that way

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Elsa Bloodstone, who hunts all kinds of monsters especially giant ones, actually called him out on focusing all of his attention on vampires once.

Vamps almost got the mutants like 5 times.

Plus, it must suck knowing that Strange basically wiped out 99% of vampires in a single spell, being far more effective than you ever were

You're damn right.

Magic is bullshit, especially at the hands of hack writers who use it to do anything and don't feel the need to explain it.

In the movies kind of, but in most of the comics they're genuinely supernatural.

Whats wrong for him to focus on vampires? The world is big enough for specialists, why should he not focus on the creatures he has the biggest relation to.

Should we whine at individual superheroes for protecting one city or one part of a city instead of anywhere else?

>Should we whine at individual superheroes for protecting one city or one part of a city instead of anywhere else?
No but it doesn't stop people from doing it

it is for a good cause

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Marvel, kings of topical writing

>In a world with filled alien invasions, mutunts, mutates, magicians, and probably dozens of other races and cults isn't it weird you spend all your time hunting vampires?

Man's gotta know his limitations

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Are you trying to say nitpick?


There ar planetary vampire threats, luckily Dr Doom set up Dracula to get taken down by M-13. Hell, there is a intergalactic vampire threat since i don't think they got all of Dracula's space fleet.

No, Doom told Drac to go screw himself and set him up to fail.

Also reminder that Doom's armor has pieces of the True Cross in it and that he probably made sure they were authentic by getting them from the source meaning Dr Doom met Jesus.

Doom knew the panther god would decide he was right because Jesus Christ had already told him so.

Eh, there's a case to be made for having specialists in dealing with unique threats like this. Trying to deal with everything at once puts you mostly in a reactionary stance, a la Imperium of Man.

Sometimes, you gotta deal with one problem at a time before you can deal with all other problems. And if things get out of hand, shit, choose a superhero- they're almost all general-purpose at this point.

From a certain point of view, Galactus is a cosmic vampire...

>From a certain point of view
Fuck you Obi Wan

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Remember the time he got shanked by a ninja-monk dude that could make his skin harden in a Daredevil comic?

In a world filled with natural disasters, wars, invasions, cults and monopolies, isn't it weird you spend all your time being a NEET?

But that would take, like... effort or stuff.

Maybe it doesnt take as much effort to hunt yampires as the rest of that stuff.

Why not make Blade hunt nearly everything Supernatural? It's not like Moon Knight only fought werewolves

Because he's a vampire hunter? Because there's specific personal reasons he faces vampires? Like have times where he encounters other supernatural creatures on his various exploits in the world of the extranormal, but he doesn't need to take on the role of supernatural handyman for hire.

Why doesn't Tony Stark use Extremis to make people not commit crimes?

Didn't he do something like that when he went evil? Shoot everyone up with Extremis against their will then take it away and force them to pay for it if they wanted another hit?

Yes, he distributed Extremis in the San Francisco water supply, used it to give everyone a supermodel body, then switched it off and charged $100 a day to turn it back on.

Somebody's got to do it.

>this guy is supposed to be a hero

He had been morality flipped by a spell in Axis.

Huh, didn't remember that. Thanks user