War of the realms


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You know what? It could have been much worse, it only derailed a small number of books and didn't do any long term damage outside of Thor.

All and all, it's biggest sin is being forgettable and dull.

Who gives a shit, look at what we got
>Punisher Kill Krew looks like the art will be worth it.
>Mjolnir is back in Thor's hands.
>Malekith is hopefully off the pages of Thor comics for the next few years.
>Al Ewing has another series.
I got what I wanted from this event.

seriously tho it sucks

nothing fucking happened
the status quo changes are all dumb

none of it was compelling and the characters didn't even care about anything, even Bendis could make at least compelling lead ins during his worst efforts

even fear itself made asgard look fucking cool and godly compared to earth, in this it felt like Frank Castle could exterminate the entire god race if he felt like it with machine guns

the main book didn't have any other characters fighting besides thor in the last issue, so why was this a fucking event

isn't the whole reason that this event was even a thing because thor just couldn't get his hands on malekith until the final issue?

and why is thor worthy now? confidence? humbleness? confumbleness? bullshit?

why is marvel even doing events anymore? they were doing so good not going back to the trough

is it because of aaron's ego and that he never got to do his event turn before hickman made everyone else too embarrassed to even try?

please bury this event idea for at least ten years, this was a very heavy reminder that they're pointless and garbage

It could've been good but the entire "War" took all of 1 issue and after that it was resistance and taking back lost ground. We should've gotten sweet super science versus magic action.
I wanted to see AIM disintegrating Frost Giants from previously hidden bases
I wanted to see Moleman and Monsteropolis coming out of the undergroundfor sweet monster vs monster action
I wanted to see Valkyries actually routing the forces of darkness and Brunhilde leading the charge
I wanted to see Illyana opening up a portal to Limbo and trapping Sindr and the meat of her army there for brutal unending combat between hot chicks
I wanted to see Hel siding with the forces of Asgard and calling on her Valkyrie Dani to lead the forces of the dead against the Dark Elves

You would need a writer like Ewing, Gillen, Simonson, or JMS for that to happen. Aaron definitely can't do something like that. Whatever creative idea he had with Thir he exhausted it in the Gor story.

Honestly, I don't think you'll get too much reaction to something that's already over and quickly forgotten.

Most people sat this one out after the last few were such complete crap anyway.

Just a reminder that they wasted 8 years worthy of Thor stories for this big event that could have been ended in a story arc many years ago... I mean! the villain was Malekith! even with that shitty venom sword there are like thousand heroes and ways to defeat him.

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>Al Ewing has another series.
Aaron has another series.

Ewing is there to punch it up.

eh, it was better than any event since Secret Wars. It really only has 2 strikes against it for me: All the Lieutenants were pointless, some even beaten off page and that a lot of it was just boring.

I legit loved it. I don't understand the hatred from Yea Forums. the Yea Forums reactions all been the same boring shit they've been complaining about since Jane first was Thor

War of the Realms sucks

and Marvel kept at the same shit, so what did you expect

I love Hickman and his twitter trolling.

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It was fun

It felt like a pre-Civil War event as in the main mini sets up the main quests that are resolved in the tie-ins and then characters show up back in the main one with a tighter continuity.
It was dumb and underwhelming for everyone but Thor (and Jane), but at least it wasn't outright bad, had good art and tried to tell an actual story at least for the leading characters. So it's pretty much the perfect conclusion to Aaron's run, that was all in the same vein.


If Punisher can kill most everything with guns and shit then why was the military so ineffective? You'd think they'd have something as impressive as the hardware they use to hunt down the Hulk in reserve for dimensional invasions.


>Expecting any of this from Aaron.

That's one of the things about supers that bugs me most, society as a whole gets either dumbed down or rendered ineffective.

As much as dislike Ewing, his "No Surrender" or whatever It was called, felt more like an event than this one. The stakes seemed more higher than War of Realms.

if you can call it that


What the hell, even in solo books like dr strange the stakes seem higher

WotR is a joke

So what was this whole thing about anyway?