Meatwad fights the antagonist of the last show you watched

How does he do?

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What now isn't he an old male?

Do what now?

seems like an easy battle

>JL: Flashpoint
Not even sure what villian but he probably wouldn't fare well

I watched the Birthday Blowout too.

It’s Barry.

He’s all man. All meat.

The antagonists of the last show I watched are poor engineering practices and individual stupidity, which is something Meatwad survives every day of his life.

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>Pablo Escobar
Think it would be heads or tails

Meatwad can't even die.
It's going to be like Spongebob vs that Bully Flounder

Who is the antagonist of the Venture Bros; The Monarch, the Sovereign, the Investors, Jonas Venture?


He's probably fucked.

Nobody is a main antagonist.
Everyone just antagonizes each other.
If it's Meatwad vs Bad Parenting, we've seen that he already does decent.

>Meatwad vs The Light from Young Justice S3

He's not gonna be much good against super human traffickers.

Meatwad vs Failure
Meatwad vs laziness
Meatwad vs Childhood trauma


All of which he's too retarded to emotionally grasp, at worst he cries for a few minutes and forgets what was going on.
An unstoppable meat beast.

Don’t doubt Mr Mister

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He’s been through a lot considering what Shake puts him through


likely get defeated when hes punched to space after the multiplifcation fails.

>Meatwad vs Zim
Meatwad just wants to hang out with Gir, much to Zim's frustration who feels disrespected

errrrrr gwen jsut insults him on how gross and greasy he looks?