What would the live action remake be like?

What would the live action remake be like?

Attached: Robin_Hood_&_Maid_Marian_2.jpg (1808x1080, 256K)

>Red foxes
They become black humans first off

People running around in fursuits at a ren fair

They do a series of shorts showing how much better than Robin Maid Marion is.


But it's in Medieval Europe-

Well it's Disney so...
They'd have better quality fursuits than ANYONE.

Maid M is an action girl
Prince John is drrmf
Friar Tuck is no longer a man of the church

>Victim Complex: The Thread.


They already made it

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That don't count.


No user, that was actually good and funny.
We're talking about a Disney Live Action Remake.

You guys ever just wish that they'd make Star Wars with anthro animals in an animated film instead?

No, I'm not a furry. It would make me disinterested in it entirely.

Zootropolis is as close as it gets

Umm, Friar Tuck would be Cleric Mohammad Tuck because judeo-Christian values are problematic and kids need a strong Islamic role model, sweetie

Well, okay maybe an alternate version could be like that instead.

What would Marian look like in the remake?

Attached: 0001wj.jpg (385x588, 91K)

A sex symbol.

African, same as the rest of the cast

stop it
