So I was rewatching Far From Home, and I just realized something about the final scene of Spider-Man swinging through Manhattan.
>First he passes the Flat Iron building, which was the Daily Bugle in the Sam Raimi movies.
>we even get a shot of him swinging by the window from inside the offices.
>Next he runs along the roof the building that served as the Osborn's penthouse in Raimi Trilogy.
>and then the clocktower where he fights Doc Ock in Spider-Man 2.
>We then cut to several POV shots, which were used most in the first Mark Webb movie.
It was literally a series of homages to the Spider-Man movies that have come before.
So I was rewatching Far From Home...
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That's pretty based ngl.
just watched the movie, I liked it a lot. I usually like the early parts with marvel movies and dislike the endings but this movie had the opposite effect on me, dreaded the first hour and loved the second.
>Good stuff
>Nailed Mysterio as a megalomaniac retard douchebag.
>The fat guy and the girl dating was dumb at first but really grew on me and the ending was perfect
>The part when Peter built his costume while tony music was playing
>Nick presence (despite the dumb twist)
>Peter in general and how he always screw up his normal and superhero life trying to do both
>Building flash into venom somehow
>Peter finally having spider sense really show the guy is fucking unbeatable in a close fight
>Bad stuff
>If you know Mysterio shtick the whole first hour can be really dumb and boring
>MJ and Peter
>Not enough May
>Not enough spiderman and NY, seriously, the last 3 minutes of spider just swinging were so good
>Could had done more with the class
>NotFury is incompetent
>CGi is bad sometimes really offputing, seriously, just put Tom Holland in the spider suit sometimes, no need for the cgi, it really shows he is not there.
Lastly, the post credit movies were really fucking good till the dropname, they really build spidey as a menace to the city in a more believable way that the comics ever did and set ups a third movie with the green goblin probably and a origin story so when he tries to quit due to the entire city harrasing him he remember his uncle ben but drop naming peter is just so dumb, it opens a can of worms that I know for sure will not know how to handle and if for the love of god they show Mephisto I am gonna shoot the marvel writers.
Also, why the fuck didnt peter have spider sense since the beginning? when did he lose it? He had it in Infinity war.
I only got the Osborn penthouse because it's shot the same way as the establishing shot in the Raimi movie, and the selfie from the PS4 game, and the running through the offices
Nick Fury is a piece of shit, not only his replacement is a fuck up that almost destroyed Peter morally, he left earth almost literally undefended since everyone retired or died.
Does he have to check his phone midswing like a faggot though?
>why the fuck didnt peter have spider sense since the beginning? when did he lose it?
it's supposed to only work with threats, and Aunt May is not a threat and neither was Mysterio because he trusted him
>in charge of keeping their shit to a minimal number of threads.
worse than korra
Mephisto is coming.
He's also unpracticed with it. He might even be a bit scared to embrace it considering his little spider sense narrative arc and the fact it probably went haywire before he was snapped.
Raimi apparently knew about the JK Simmons return as JJJ prior to release and gave his blessing, he said it today in some interview for Crawl
The JK thing is kinda wild when you think about it.
They had finished the film and only the director and Feige knew they planned to ask Simmons.
The director called him up, said he was the director of Spooder-Man and would JK come around and take a meeting at his house?
I mean, he had to know he was being offered a cameo or something, but imagine being the dude, two decades later you go around the director's house and he's just like, "so....want to do that role again? There's nobody else the controller of the franchise wants for it ever and if you don't do it that character is retired."
Kind of a trip.
And then they filmed it using a desk and greenscreen in the studio so they could take the footage to the edit suite immediately and add it to the finished film.
I still cannot believe people call this shit accurate
Just to remind you that you could be watching better movies
Imagine being so goddamn deadon in a role that filmmakers want no one else to do that role other than you.
Based JK.
I would love if Marvel decide to make podcasts like in game with him. And not only in SM movies.
JJJ has to be the stan lee token cameo now right lads?
think about it, so many scenes with just a tv/display in the background and it's jonah ranting about whatever current event thing
we could even get a based fully haired jonah in black widow if it's a prequel with the flattop and pre-alex jones descent. stan basically modeled JJJ on an exaggerated angry version of himself anyway
shut up who gives a fuck
Here's a (you) because you're so desperate for one, sweet summer child.
>JK's JJJ replacing Stan Lee
based, but how would it fit in the cosmic stuff, since Feige said phase 4 would be more cosmic
>stan basically modeled JJJ on an exaggerated angry version of himself anyway
Ditko did that you casual piece of shit
The whole movie was kind of meta commentary on MCU Spider-Man doing their own thing instead of trying to live up to the other franchises.
some user once suggested making terry crews jj and i still contend that is a brilliant choice.
I actually got so wrapped up in the movie I forgot mysterio was bad until the reveal
MJ and peter was cute because they acted like actual kids
their first kiss (and second) were awkward little pecks because that's how virgins act
and I think, if anything, we got a little too much of the class
But everything else is accurate, I'm so glad the iron spider suit didn't show up later in the film
>dreaded the first hour and loved the second
This happened with my friends but I still was unable to get over Stark's "Peter" though. I can't help but feel like they just wanted to do Miles with Peter instead of "Peter" with Tony but didn't for whatever reason. It makes me resent the fact that we won't get actual Peter in such a landmark franchise.
Terry Crews or John C McGinley would've been great too.
i think Peter is scared of using his spidey sense in this one, imagine sensing that you just died minutes before it happens.
Oh yeah shit that thing is ugly, wish it would had been destroyed or something.
Have the feeling next movie will be an origin story, I think the reason he doesnt mention uncle ben its that maybe they kicked the peter guilt to the eleven so he doesnt even wanna remember it.
>Uncle Ben turns out to be Ben "Grimm" Parker, aka "The Thing".
>Ben along with his crew were considered lost after an accident happened.
>Years later he returns as The Thing and tries to greet May and Peter only to be freaked out by both him being alive and his appearance.
>If you know Mysterio shtick the whole first hour can be really dumb and boring
I dunno man, I loved it because Beck himself is such a charming fucker. It made the reveal hilariously satisfying.
>and it's jonah ranting about whatever current event thing
would be kino for Secret Invasion
I know it's an unpopular opinion but I do like that a bunch of the kids did get lines and such, even if it was just one or two. I would have been more pissed off if we had to spend an entire movie with them and we didn't get too much about them. They were, in a way, the setting, and the more we were allowed to know about them the better.
There was something about the whole dynamic of seeing Spider-Man work with someone else that I like. It's different from the Avengers for some reason. I honestly just want Peter to have a bro he can chill with. I think this is because comic-wise, he's never going to get that. Most other heroes feel he's too obnoxious to bother hanging around.
I dont understand why he doesnt do more team ups with Kamahla, girl lives next street and she idolizes him.
There are some good non head in their ass people that like Peter.
So does this film put MCU Spidey as the best fighter? He survived getting hit by the bullet train and the entire final battle made him a monster at dodging, especially the corridor scene.
In teems of all the movie spideys we’ve had
Ant-man & Spider-man: Shrunk Away From Home
>Paul Rudd and Tom Holland with some Evangeline Lily sprinkled on and maaaaaybe some Cassie
Honestly that just sounds like a recipe for a wholesome good time. Don't make me want this so.
There are, but I think it mostly comes from them knowing who he is first. Some of his best allies are those who have come to know his Peter persona and realize it's nothing like how he is when it comes to being Spider-Man. That panel where he revealed his secret identity to F4 after the mind wipe was all sorts of family goals.
>we even get a shot of him swinging by the window from inside the offices.
Spider-Verse had a shot very similar to this one during WHAT'S UP DANGER, didnt' it?
Have to say, the action and use of cgi in FFH was leagues better than Homecoming, so I hope Watts improves even more and do the third movie aswell, we need more director driven trilogies, and the fact we almost lost Gunn for a while was fucking scary.
>>Nick presence (despite the dumb twist)
I prefer that, he was way too incompetent in that movie.
Spider-Man PS4 did it and the texting scene was one of the most highly regarded moments in the game, so of course they'd have to poach it.
I got a few chuckles out of it and the Mysterio attacking spidey segment was pretty good except for the jarring change from live-action to full CG.
I still don't like that it's just trying too hard to be Iron Boy.
My stupid thoughts:
I liked MJ a lot, but both MJ and peter felt like different characters than the previous movie
Mysterio was great, illusion scenes were top tier
Fights against the elementals were boring
I don't think they fully utilized the Europe locations.
didn't enjoy peter much, he didn't feel very heroic which could be fine depending on the character arc but he never had to come to terms with the fact that the mistake wasn't trusting Mysterio, his mistake was seeking somebody to shirk responsibility off on in the first place.
and my biggest complaint
The teacher had a horrible time and I wanted to see something good happen to him. He suffers too much.
>it only warns you of danger when you're aware of danger
I think it's more like he drops his spidey-sense for specific people, rather than having to 'turn it on' for specific people.
>The teacher had a horrible time and I wanted to see something good happen to him. He suffers too much.
he got upgraded and get to go to Prague in a first class hotel, that's something.
All the kids were ungrateful and he lost his camera. I really wish MJ had hung out with him. I think it would fit her character to be a seemingly mature dork that calls teachers by their first names and is genuinely friendly with them
What’s up danger was fucking kino, miles better than anything in FFH
>and then the clocktower where he fights Doc Ock in Spider-Man 2.
When exactly?
At least he didn't lose any kids on the trip.
>I actually got so wrapped up in the movie I forgot mysterio was bad until the reveal
user just kind of forgot that the villain Mysterio was a villain.
That's fine, I forgot Spider-Man was supposed to be Spider-man
>he didn't feel very heroic which could be fine depending on the character arc but he never had to come to terms with the fact that the mistake wasn't trusting Mysterio, his mistake was seeking somebody to shirk responsibility off on in the first place
I feel like those go hand in hand
There's nothing wrong with wanting to share the responsibility with someone else, the problem is trusting the wrong person with that responsibility and that's what Peter learns from it all. He learns that being irresponsible and trusting the wrong people just to take a load off his mind leads to trouble and he needs to do better which he does.
That's just my interpretation though, I know it's not that obvious in the movie itself but that's what I got from it
>I honestly just want Peter to have a bro he can chill with. I think this is because comic-wise, he's never going to get that.
user have you ever heard of a character called johnny storm
>thinking he wants to hang out with spider-kid
>JJJ ranting and moving the masses mirroring the press and tv shows in TDKR
Fucking Based
I didn't care for Fury in this film until the twist. I'm all for based SWORD shenanigans and more Talos content.
He's had spider sense since his first appearance in civil war. He just learned to trust in himself in this movie so he really grew into it. Also there is absolutely no way in fuck they are going to do Mephisto storyline unless he shows up in dr strange 2
I've just seen it myself and it's a really good movie.
Mysterio's twist really works well for those who don't know the character. Before the scene of the glasse some of my friends genuinely thought that it was a crossover thing like Hawkeye in Thor or Black Panther in CW.
Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal are pretty good. First part is a weak bit, but not bad. The second part is excellent. Contrary of Homecoming this is definitely a film that I would gladly see again.
not muh Spider-man? well maybe, but Peter definitely takes some hero points with this movie because what he does is really heroic this time.
Up to now, the first two films in the Home trilogy seem to address issues of responsibility
They are all lessons that Peter is learning painfully
The Iron Spider suit in the at the start of the movie looks particularly bad. I thought it was a cosplayer until he took off the mask.
Nothing is worse than Korra was.
Leading up to and through the finale this board was 45-50% Korra threads for a week. I've been here as long as there's been a Yea Forums and I hope to never see it's like again
Kamala lives in the next *state*.
It's easy enough to travel back and forth, but it takes time that could be spent patrolling.
My sense of it was he always had the Spider-Sense but he didn't really have a real understanding or mastery of it until this movie.
They absolutely have the strongest view of Spidey of any of the films. It's not even close.
As soon as I saw the Winter soldier hand grab, I knew his powers were going to get respected.
After every film JJJ talks about the some of the events and gets them shockingly accurate despite their being no way for him to know what the hell was going on, but people think he's just nuts.
he's a growing hero and he probably still doesn't know what he is capable of, so it makes sense.
Already this movie shows how he can become potentially unstoppable with a spider-sense developed.
And I still say it's one of the shallowest fancasts I've seen.
>OMG cast screaming guy from the commercials!
>plus it's like that 80s screaming black boss trope XD
Crews deserves better than being pigeonholed into that kind of role.
I still want a montage of Luis telling the story of every single MCU movie.
But now I also want JK Simmons angrily yelling his own recaps of the movies too.
Wut. That shit happens all the time in comics, from Human Torch to Venom, Deadpool, Wolverine, fucker even teamed up with Deathlok.
Wouldn't really match the Washington monument scene where she seems to have a limited amount of respect for teachers.
Can we talk about the deepest fucking cut of this movie? I had known most of the spoilers beforehand but seeing Jeff Bridges again was completely out of left field.
It was pretty great.
I think it would match because it is sort of that she doesn't respect their authority, but she still respects them as people.
She seems to me like me and my friends in high school, where the teachers would always get mad at us for calling them by their first names and being more like friends to them during class, but during extra curricular activities it was clear they enjoyed it and would allow themselves to let loose a little more when they didn't have to worry as much about controlling the class.
BASED scraps employee