Who can beat your favorite character and why is it Superman?
Who can beat your favorite character and why is it Superman?
my favorite character is my oc kryptonite man
That's the Superman Thought Robot.
Still Superman.
Superman can't beat God.
Easily disposed of. Morrison ALWAYS has Superman save the day, so if Superman needs to beat his writer, Morrison will just knock himself out due to Superman's metafictional influence, his most powerful ability.
Batman who laughs
She'd smack him around like a rag doll.
>Morrison having Superman Punch God in the comic and giving himself a black eye
Would he?
Why do Superman fanboys always talk about power levels and beating other characters up? Is it insecurity?
Nah, you see the same with DBZ, Jojo, and other capeshits. Keep whining though, Superman wins.
>dem toes
Superman is my favorite character in all of fiction so I'll concede to someone who could beat Superman 99% of the time
Finally it pays off to be edgy
> someone who could beat Superman 99% of the time
The robot isn't actually Superman himself and it's not even called Superman.
The Robot is Superman, it has his essence. Mandrakk calls him Superman.
Big deal Superman can fuck with destiny, he does it all the time.
Destiny: It is true. Kal-El of Krypton is quite inconsiderate to me.
But user what if my favorite character IS Superman?
Superman legit beat Prime just one time
Fair enough, I don't think they've ever clarified on where the angels/Presence fit in with regards to the Overmonitor stuff
No he can't. She can erase powers and power ups.
One shots her before she can do that.
You didn't even read it.
1. The robot is not actually Superman, it is just an object. Just because Superman pilots it doesn't mean it is him, that's like saying Spiderman and Leopardon are the same exact beings. The reason why Mandrakk calls it Superman because it the robot's appearance is that of Superman and is piloted by him. He's talking to the guy inside it.
2. Thought Robot isn't "just" Superman either. If Superman is infinitely strong like you're implying with your original post, he wouldn't even need a thought robot and would just do all this by himself. But he couldn't. Many supermen from different realities tried to go after Mandrakk. Hell, Superman even needed Ultraman to power the machine. If you actually read the battle Ultraman actually speaks from inside the robot too, it's not just Clark Kent doing it. Mandrakk specifically distinguished the difference between Ultraman's voice and Superman's, so yeah it's not just him.
3. As for your thread, any top tier toonforce character or omnipotent beats it. The robot was shown to be able to take heavy damage so it's not invincible. Even if you punched a toonforce nigga and his multiverse out of existence he would just saw his way back into reality and laugh in your face because toonforce rapes your power levels. Omnipotence includes toonforce, that goes without saying.
Now fuck off back to comicvine or OBD. Or stay because Yea Forums is retarded and will actually give you more (yous) than this.
She can reverse the damage to him too. The entire point of her character was being OP
Sucks how often problems seemed to be solved by "lol just punch it harder". It's almost TTGL levels of infuriating.
Spider-Man and Leopardon arent thematically related brainlet. The Cosmic Armor/Thought Robot IS Superman. It's just a body without a conscious. It NEEDS Superman (the concept of him) to work. It is not a separate being, nor it is actually a mech, it's a thought given form and powered by the IDEA of Superman. But keep seething you retard. You can't even read well powerlevel fag, I asked about your favorite character, not characters that you can powerwank like toonforce (which is inconsistent among characters) and omnipotence
Superman did save the multiverse in Final Crisis without punching Darkseid.