I want her in her own cartoon
I want her in her own cartoon
I want her to sit on my face
that's nice
I want you to sit on my face while she's sitting on your face.
Where is the human head? At least with Eddie you can assume his real body is somewhere inside Venom's body. With this who knows?
Ohhh cute.
She's just like that
What would she do in it?
/ss/ breed Miles
I want second user to sit on HER face, thus completing the summoning circle
You what?...
Kill yourself
We're not breeding anything.
Okay but for real... What would she be doing in the story?
Depends on what the story is.
I'm not OP, but I can tell you my idea for a She-Venom show plot if anybody cares.
Yes please that would be lovely.
>t. fragile ego wh*toids
You're the only one offended, not us.
Alright. I'll spoiler it so anybody who doesn't care can ignore it.
Warning, I cannot promise this idea will be good.
The Venom symbiote ends up in another dimension, meaning most of the characters will be either original, or alternate iterations of existing ones. She-Venom is either Anne Weying, who for some reason or got sent to the other world with the symbiote, or a native of the setting who comes across the symbiote. Either way, she probably becomes an anti-hero like Venom did in the comics, and maybe that Tom Hardy movie, I don't know, I didn't watch it, but instead of Eddie Brock it's whoever has the symbiote in this. If it's Anne, she probably wants to get to her home reality, at least at first, but she might get into some Samurai Jack situations where she has a chance to leave, but decides to stay and solve a problem where she is now and hope for another opportunity. If it's somebody else, they might not be trying to go back to where the symbiote came from, but there could still be multiversal stuff going on anyway
That's all I've got, you could alter some stuff or use my idea as an inspiration for something else if you want.
Thank you very much.
I kinda was hoping for something more original though...
I never promised originality either. I'm honestly not that good at being original, and if I do come up with something original, it probably won't be as good as the less original ideas I have.
what animation style should it have?
She hasn't realized yet in canon, but her suit is sentient like Venom, so it's pretty similar really