Does anyone wanna tell Nico this was a shitpost made by Yea Forums to point out how Jews control the media and model...

Does anyone wanna tell Nico this was a shitpost made by Yea Forums to point out how Jews control the media and model characters after themselves?

Attached: 45355435.png (616x544, 341K)

Other urls found in this thread:

And people say this board has no effect

>cancer co-opted by cancer
well what a surprise

I can see that. I think there's only one reason that Yea Forums chooses to remember "Arthur Christmas".

Attached: file.png (640x352, 279K)

Based Nico being redpilled by Yea Forumsfaggots

>c-can somebody tell him our psyop was supposed to be about le joos, but we just ended up highlights the lack of diversity in animation?
Oh, /pol/.

Attached: IMG_20190708_134120.jpg (640x496, 43K)


>Lack of diversity in animation
Pointing out five similar characters from movies ranging from 2009 to present day, two of them modeled after the same guy (Tom Holland) and one of them a short film character not even a theatrical film, is not exactly highlighting the lack of diversity in animation. It's about as dumb as pointing out a bunch of female characters that have pic related shape head as if that's a "gotcha" while ignoring the plenty of girl characters who don't.

Attached: d7an1i8-a1244e16-96b3-478d-b6d1-3fb7ba770ff7.jpg (749x525, 124K)

I want to fuck mrs bivvins ass

Attached: 5685ED73-A9D1-4F7C-B0BB-16625190282C.png (1773x1917, 1021K)

And even with the similar designs you can tell all 5 are from different films
This is something anime can't physically do

I want to cuddle her while we drink coffee in the rain.

Attached: Lover for a Day - Cuco.png (667x749, 375K)

two of these are literally Tom Holland

Anyone who thinks Arthur is from any of those other films must be blind as shit. At least the others look pretty similar, except for Linguini who despite similarities, has a lot of distinctness to him. But Arthur straight up looks like a monster to the rest. Those weird beady eyes.

>Nico's post going viral

How much you want to bet that got his dick harder than it's ever been? He seems like the kind of attention faggot where retweets gets him going more than a woman.


i tweeted him a screencap of this thread i hope thats ok

>Implying Nico will even read it

I wouldn't be surprised if he comes here just to shitpost on here regularly about how everyone who doesn't like every cartoon and producer/artist is an incel manchild or something like that.

What Lupin III movie?

This movie

That pic came first then same /pol/ user put a caption about Jews on it.


ill only watch the english dub, the japanese voices dont seem so good

Attached: nico star.jpg (1055x1200, 206K)

what is the problem with cartoon guys that look like Projared

>implying only Yea Forums can be antisemitic

Yeah, but if you're antisemitic in the animation industry, you basically hate every single one of your bosses. That won't fly!

Ratatouille was from 2007

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Attached: Ichabod_Crane.jpg (326x276, 10K)