ITT: interracial besties

Friendship is such a powerful force, it transcends such things as race

Post best friends who just so happen to be different races

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I've always liked this trope for some reason. Like Arnold and Gerald, or Static Shock, or whatever the fuck. White protag with black sidekick is kino


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>half black best friend moved away when I was seven and I have no way of contacting them

I wonder what they’re like now.

Reminder that Yea Forums loathes black people and wants to exterminate them from existence.

I don’t hate black people, I only hate niggers.

>Black people hate niggers too.
Wow! We have so much in common!

SHUT THE FUCK UP, CLYDE! You faggot! Fucking skinny, butt-munching faggot. I hate you, you know that? I really do. Because all you do is fucking prance around school talking about your fucking faggoty, fairy fathers. I'll tell you what! I don't want to hear about your fucking fathers and how their assholes work, all right?! It makes me sick! And I... I fucking hope they fucking die of fag disease!

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/pol/ is not Yea Forums nor represents all of Yea Forums

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Static isn't the sidekick retard

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Hey Doug *Honk Honk*.

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/pol/ currently makes up 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of Yea Forums, so it does represent most of Yea Forums.

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I only hate trannies and faggots here, not black people

Cutest episode right here.

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Reminder that the bottom.of the barrel of a race, any race, is nowhere near representative of the whole. Also to pretend these bottom barrelers do not exist is an ignorance as unforgivable as being one. So come, let us all hate each others worst of the worst, together. And get interracial relationships going. Also that

I didn't even realize this until this thread but these two.

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The issue is that it’s considered taboo to criticize bottom of the barrel behavior in the Black community these days.

These dorks.

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Did you come from some boomer facebook site or something?
No it does not

>No it does not
It's amazing how some people willingly blind themselves to reality...

I feel like people would feel more free to do it if we could say "wow that's stupid" and not have a cavalcade of "this is why niggers are all inferior yadda yadda yadda". Since everything gets conflated people can't criticize anything because that's basically likening it to the ENTIRE race. I was at work the other day with a girl who called the owners racist for scolding her and I wanted to say "It's cuz you're on your phone and get all pissy when people tell you you have work to do". I manage to work and go on my phone just fine without getting in trouble because I have half a mind to do it quickly and hide it, not stand in the middle of a rush with customers waiting holding it out in the open. People need to stop justifying any backlash with "they're racist" cuz it leads to you not analyzing your own actions and correcting yourself. Which is why the worst of the population stays the worst and the best of the population half to walk on eggshells to tell them to unfuck themselves because they're making the rest of us look bad.

>hasn't watched the boondocks
So yes?

>you will never turn the bookish nerd girl into a hardened soldier who will live and die for you.

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>best friend is black
>dating his little sister

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Sometimes I think it's time to bring segregation back. It's patently obvious that different races will NEVER live in "harmony" or whatever wimpy shit you wanna call it. People WANT to live in an "us vs. them" kind of world.

>Gee, Craig. How come your mom lets you have TWO white friends?

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These two just work together. I'm glad cyborg is allowed to be goofy and not strictly serious business.

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Do you know what The Boondocks is or is this bait

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The Uh-oh oreo crew.

Pretty much all of them.

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It's pretty much canon that Gumball's white and Darwin's black.

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Remember that episode where the white kids dad was super racist.

You better not be dissing Uh-Oh Oreos. Those things were great.

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thats a classic, just like the episode where he gets shot by the kid being bullied

they had jermaine for a bit too

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This team ain't big enough for TWO americans.

but it fits both of our sterotypes, the white cowboy and the basketball playing nigga from new york!

well when he showed back up in that later episode he was like already a master and left them behind

>Could've brought back Jermaine for Xiaolin Chronicles
>We got Ping Pong instead

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>Ctrl + F
>Hey Arnold
I'm actually really disappointed in you guys.


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that show never happened user its all a bad dream

>its all a bad dream

Legal copyright issues

wait I might be thinking of that /f/ weekend video...

>me and my best friend go to same comic con every year
>we go as black and white characters all the time
>nick fury and Coulson
>captain boomerang and deadshot
>black panther and Ulysses Klaue

This year we're both doing kingpin. Life is good.

Nigger, he started his post with no capitalization, are you SERIOUSLY expecting him to use punctuation?

Damnit I wish me and my white friend had the same taste in fucking anything.

When you're the only black guy in the group.

>Black Sidekick
This guy did not just call Static a sidekick.

whats this from?


Dorris and Mary-anne. A bunch of youtube shorts of two ladies in prison in the 30s.

>both doing kingpin
that's rad
but the white one needs to wear the black suit and vice versa

Based, hows the colonizer sex user?

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Chris Rock stopped using that bit for a reason.

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Honestly these two are some of my favorite friends in general. Just little assholes making comics and pulling pranks.

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the first reply on this thread mentions Arnold and Gerald

Blessed dubs for a blessed couple.

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5 4 3 2 1

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This is the modern day equivalent of "I don't see race"

Speaking of prank pulling.

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>When you're the only black guy at a party

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>mfw i did the one where you fold ketchup packets and put them under toilet seat feet in high school
i think i somehow ended up in normal classes since i was reading this shit in high school

I also tried that one because of George and Harold. Also the one where you tape the spray nozzle on the sink so it sprays who uses it. (unfortunately I'm an only child so I did it to my mom who was NOT happy.)

based mom pranker

>when you're an oreo but the token black friend so that still makes you blacker than everyone else

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>tfw my current circle of friends are ultra-liberal white people who walk on eggshells around me
I miss my friends from high school, I want friends not sycophants dammit.

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Coincidentally, that happened right around the time Chris Rock stopped being funny.

Thread theme:

My friends are basically a kid-friendly version of /pol/. We pretty much limit political discussion and when they start talking about it I just don't say anything.

>t. a nigger

>That final book where they go into the future and the black one sees he's gay with a husband.

Does Tumblr allowed this joke,because it has n word in it,and they don't like that?

Only if a black person said it.

The white one was gay.

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I wish these two would be depicted as best buds just fucking around doing space cop shit more often and it would be even better if a writer could lighten john up a bit by a FUCKIN lot. enough of this ultra serious marine man bullshit

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>ctrl + f
>No Danny and Tucker

You fucks should know better

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member when Yea Forums used to love these two guys?

what happened? was the reboot bad?

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but do they fuck?

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>when you are only white guy in group

But which one is the white one?

I wouldn't really call it "colonizer sex", more like "wholesome vanilla love-making with the tomboy childhood friend who just happens to be black"

>you'll never have your own woolie

you're black. You're either a precious faberge egg to be paraded around, to show the tolerance, or a feral animalistic nigger. No middle ground here.

This is truly the worst timeline

That right there is the correct way to fuck a black girl.

>you'll never have your own pat

>you are your own pat
>you'll never have your own paige
On a sidenote imagine if paige was paige but black

Jesus, I thought that Nickelodeon would be aware of Raimi's previous works

Still funny to me. Get over yourself.

The 3 Caballeros even have a theme song.

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Are you me?
I figured I'd avoid super PC folks once I left the bay area but nooooo.
Luckily I share a lot of interests with these new friends, but I always feel like I have to restrict myself around them.
At least with my high school and discord friends we can throw around "nigger" constantly.

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Sid is half-white.

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Ew, why is the animation so stiff?



I'm not black but I am brown and I feel similar to you. I'm between two rocks where we either say whatever the fuck we want with my white friends (stuff that offends either of us) or we don't talk about anything that could be offensive and at the same time, rob ourselves of some good laughs.

The best thing to do is just try not think about it too much. Just have your laughs and even if you get offended don't hold onto it. If you feel like they're holding themselves back, don't be afraid to throw out some edgy jokes yourself (but be prepared for the rebound!), it will show that you're not uncomfortable with these things.

This is why I admire aussie banter culture. You can tell a guy to 'fuck off' and still be friends.

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They're willing to put aside their differences and be friends with Mighty Ducks fans

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>never were shown at one of the Ducks' games
>were totally cool being turned into mutants in the time episode
They were an odd pair.

I'm jealous, but happy for you man.

low budget, but the writing is really good if you wanna give it a try

Bebop and Rocksteady?

Now how on earth ain't none of ya'll gonna post my boys here?

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