Attached: Jews turning redheads into niggers.jpg (567x1200, 708K)

This but unironically.

Just shut up already you howling retard



Ginger here, feel free not to be offended on my behalf.

K, thanks.

I need some help from my fellow redheads, my hair has ben getting duller, what should I do to get it redder again without painting it up?

Yea Forumsmblr

Can you at least fix the repeats.

user, when you inevitably post this shit thread for the xth time today, please include how many posts you got before it was removed. thanks sweetie

>Listen user, red hair only exists because thousands of years ago, some degenerate negros mated with Neanderthals and the ugly cave men cursed our race with the ginger genes.

>The only good thing to come out of this unholy union was the creation of the white race, however we can't abide by the existence of gingers any longer.

>Our only course of action is to completely remove the concept of the white man having red hair from the collective consciousness and make everyone associate it with negros to a- punish them for mating with Neanderthals. And b- finally destroy the notion that gingers are white.

>It's simple psychology

Attached: dnr1280.comp_.076111.jantan_v63.1038.jpg (1000x563, 152K)

i love all the callbacks to the rami films they did with endgame.

but my favorite will always be tony in his dying breath telling peter about the white man's burden while rhode just nods in agreement.

But what about those sexy redhead girls like Black Widow? I know you fucked Black Widow with your Hulk dick, Hulk. I saw the GIF!

>screeching and screaming desperately for validation to soothe their anal ruptures over trivial shit
Indeed, sounds like tumblr to me, you invalid

I thought it was a little extreme when Cap told Thanos he'd get a free pass if he just killed all blacks instead of all the universe

How could Disney do this to us?!

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Gingers have no souls. This is a service.

just wait for guy gardner, he will make gingers cool again

also what word has an N, an I, two Gs, and an ER? ginger

>Yea Forumsmblr

But red curly hair is almost impossible to comb.

No, red hair GOOD,

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NIG-...........Oh, oh fudge....

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return to the motherland and kiss the blarney stone

>beautiful ginger woman, phd loves plants
>transformed into a "i don't need no man" colored woman who does crimes but gets because she di in do nuthing
yeah, no

If it's so trivial, why don't you have an actual answer instead of deflection and ad hominem attacks?

April O'Neil usually had hair colored light brown hair in the original cartoon.

I like it either way

Seriously,create more black characters,do a movie about Static Shock or something instead of making those fucking remake and doing a lazy race swap

You joke, but wait until you are replaced with a black leopard in the remake. A male black leopard.

You have no souls anyway.