Why is dogisaga so based?

why is dogisaga so based?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Unironically better art than I can manage

>draw on mspaint
>fill in with bucket tool
>make a new layer with transparent black and white for shadows and lights
This is quite literally what I do. What is a good software to practice into improvement? how do the better artists do the proess?


Sai paint tool, and you HAVE to use references. Draw everyday for at least 30 minutes, build a file full of references and inspiration, test out brushes too.

Finally someone said it.

Attached: cisterhood_by_dogisaga_dd5y1dh-fullview.jpg (1280x550, 118K)


Attached: unnamed.png (200x200, 38K)

>Emergency Commissions
Would you Commission Dobson?

Attached: Dobson_Commissions.png (478x758, 549K)

>Some weeks before that

Attached: hger44fd.png (1080x1920, 895K)

What was on the guys timeline?

Holy fucking shit, what an absolute scumbag.

He had said he didn't understand inflation porn.

This is also what dogisaga does herself lol

>Some YEARS before that.

Attached: Dobson_Commissions02.jpg (750x465, 89K)

wow, what an asshole!

is this a Dobson hate thread? I love those

Attached: dobson sw.png (488x1253, 740K)

You can already tell there's literally nothing offensive in this guy's entire history.

Attached: dobson fighting sexist crap.jpg (1200x1200, 108K)

he said Metroid Other M sucks and the Zelda and Mario DIC cartoons aren't canon

I like his snuff porn

Attached: catty.png (788x3780, 1.62M)

What's not to understand about huge titties and ass

Inflates till they explode and die

He's currently posting about nothing but Epstein conspiracy garbage and believes in Q. He's a piece of shit, but so is Dobson.

Attached: BAEE67F3-AF63-406A-B928-2F03C8032D6C.gif (160x220, 81K)

Literally would do the same.

>overcharging a /pol/tard

The only thing he did I agree with.

Popping is often an analogue for climax
Most inf stuff doesn't even have popping
Or befitting the cartoonish nature, sometimes the subject is somehow just lying dazed on the ground afterwards

What is Q?

I didn't see them hanging around afterward.

A guy from /pol/.



darling we've been over this do not make threads about yourself unless you upload new content to your DA NO OC NO HEADPATS BAD GIRL

Enjoying the sarcasm

Based pat and paige poster

I know this is bait, but please explain your reasoning to the class.

Makes fun of everyone, but is too funny for anyone to get angry


Attached: C3KMBjKUMAATPGZ.jpg (768x1024, 115K)

A larp where someone claims the president will arrest all pedos in government through a series of confusing political maneuvers. So amusingly the guy you're talking to is in fact what he accuses others of being.

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Can you faggots actually post Dogisaga comics?

Attached: 1532654805620.jpg (600x552, 196K)

>Reminder: Dobson showed his (former) girlfriend this comic and he was surprised when she was totally revolted.

Attached: kyung__friends_comic_1_by_dogisaga_dbxd5fq-fullview.jpg (900x1294, 115K)

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Attached: vegan_comic_by_dogisaga_dcpg5gd-fullview.jpg (1024x849, 215K)

In all the Dobson threads I've ever seen, I've only ever seen this posted as evidence of his inflation fetish. Not that I want to see it, but did he actually draw more or is the whole inflation thing just based on this 1 comic?

Attached: 2_deep_4_u_by_dogisaga_dcphatd-fullview.jpg (1024x684, 181K)

Attached: 1557717628214.png (1450x828, 83K)

wait a second is this new?

>So amusingly the guy you're talking to is in fact what he accuses others of being


Attached: autistic_rabbits_for_honest_interactions_by_dogisaga_dcpg320-fullview.jpg (1024x533, 112K)

Whenever you read a Dobson post with him white knighting all of womanhood remember that he gets off on teenage girls being...


Remember, Dobson respects women!

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Attached: dcrukyi-dd517b82-83ef-404a-9bf2-ec2845394c70.png (800x565, 29K)

Attached: kyung_and_friends_comic_14_by_dogisaga_dbyq3n8-fullview.jpg (1024x831, 142K)

I don't understand these comics, but I love them

Attached: tea_drinking_idiots_by_dogisaga_dd1kxef-pre.jpg (1087x735, 168K)

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Attached: kyung_and_friends_comic_11_by_dogisaga_dbyntdu-fullview.jpg (1024x786, 110K)

Yes he drew more
There were even some simple flash games too

Attached: kyung_and_friends_comic_19_by_dogisaga_dc18w75-fullview.jpg (900x1227, 172K)

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kyung is fat wtf

Attached: kyung.png (1244x767, 68K)

Attached: korean_nationalists_by_dogisaga_dcqvdwi-fullview.jpg (1024x448, 99K)

Attached: smash_body_colonialism__by_dogisaga_dc5cqss-fullview.jpg (800x1290, 138K)

W-who is this? Is he okay?

I didn't know dogisaga did comics that weren't fph related.


Attached: philosophy_headscarf_kyung_comic_by_dogisaga_dcv7g9t-pre.jpg (1100x726, 171K)

Attached: npc_vs_autistic_by_dogisaga_dcpd98i-fullview.jpg (1024x388, 111K)

female /r9k/bot who is slightly mentally ill

>i have no digestive system
fuckin lol

Attached: moonie_jangmi_3_by_dogisaga_dcvc70d-pre.jpg (766x1044, 158K)

Attached: kyung_and_friends_comic_20_by_dogisaga_dc1pij0-fullview.jpg (900x1207, 168K)

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Attached: kyung_and_friends_comic_24_by_dogisaga_dc3vzej-fullview.jpg (1024x832, 137K)

Attached: kyung_and_friends_comic_25_by_dogisaga_dc3vzgy-fullview.jpg (1024x865, 116K)

Attached: kyung_and_friends_comic_27_by_dogisaga_dc5cpe9-fullview.jpg (1024x701, 121K)

I love these.

Attached: kyung_and_friends_comic_28_by_dogisaga_dc5cpfy-fullview.jpg (1024x844, 154K)

Attached: kyung_and_friends_comic_29_by_dogisaga_dc5cpif-fullview.jpg (1024x857, 138K)

>My whole childhood summed up in one pic

Attached: kyung_and_friends_comic_30_by_dogisaga_dc5d0t2-pre.jpg (965x828, 146K)

that's all for now folks! :)

I multidimensional being that enjoys fucking with Starfleet Officers

goodnight dogisaga draw some new shit already

i'm not her, just a big fan

That's kinda hot

>new layer

Attached: hmm.png (595x584, 352K)

this is on point lmao

but jangmi is the one with bpd and kyung has autism

Attached: bo.png (1194x556, 1.08M)

is it true that he and moviebob are related?

Attached: moviebob anita.jpg (1280x960, 268K)

This is kind of funny, anything that makes weebs sperg out is ok by me.

nodraw crabs trying to get some praise in a fucking blue bear thread, how fucking pathetic can you get?

>defending the blue bear
this is next level sub human holy shit.

Slightly? These comics are autistic as fuck

this is my favorite one hands down

Nah. He's pretty garbage.

my favorite

>that third panel
Looks oddly familiar

Attached: Coconut.jpg (640x480, 105K)

>nodraw crabs
this is a weird crossbreeding between agdg jargon and ic jargon, i feel lucky to see it in this ecosystem

>a person shouldn't be held to things they said from many years ago
I mean, he's not wrong, but then he's saying this while still doing the things he implies haven't been a thing in his daily life in ages.

It's like he actually take a minute and asks himself
>Hmmmm...now how can I be a complete fucking asshole in this moment? how can I turn a totally normal interaction into something this person will hate and talk about for the rest of their days?

He's like some king of angry douchebag nexus in the universe

Attached: 19.jpg (400x300, 17K)

He very likely has a pic of a woman or a model or something in his history and that triggered Dobson's male feminist insanity

crabs are the bad artits of /ic/ that spend their day telling good artist they suck and should stop drawing instead of improving themselves.
Dobson rant about "pretentious good art" is typical of that mentality.

>Popping is often an analogue for climax
To inflationfags, maybe, but not other people.

Shit,m every time a drawfag posts something here it attracts people doing that

There is a difference between expansion and inflation for a reason.
And hell, i'd rather peruse vore, the hard, explicit, painful kind that destroys every boner i would ever have, than read inflation.

Christ almighty imagine being enough of a spineless cunt that you stoop to sucking disney's cock.

Attached: 1557465252361.png (235x253, 47K)

Oh yea, the weirdo somehow thinks the awful cartoons are canon despite Nintendo including neither on their timelines for both series.

Attached: Link hears about timeline theories.jpg (851x479, 67K)

he will suck up anyone and anything to get those sweet brownie points with SJWs

Attached: dobson fedora1.jpg (672x960, 129K)

I'm in awe with how much of an extraordinary individual Dobson is

Attached: dobson1.jpg (1200x899, 168K)

unironically based dobson (for once)

>Rey's actress
Pretty sure the harassment was mostly from the fucking nutjobs who want her and Kylo's actor to get together in real life and make babies more so than the justifiably upset SW fans who know she's playing a shit character.

It's funny that they think the only reason people disliked the new She-ra was because of fuckability and not the fact that it does look like a boy with some frilly dress bits thrown on.

trolling induced gender dysphoria is real

Attached: dobson future tranny.jpg (1242x620, 108K)

Sounds more like just pandering to feminists and whiteknighting them.
>You see, m'ladies; I have oft found disdain for my own kind from the fact that I twasn't as vile and repugnant as the rest of their lot

My fiance has bpd.

>I wasn't as violent or angry as so many of my peers
This coming from Dobson of all people.

Attached: DobsonThinksDicksLookLikeThis.jpg (583x954, 124K)

>Not Violent or Angry

Attached: Dobson_DARant.png (871x590, 51K)

Ah yes, the "I've had some success, so that means I can talk down to others" fallacy. Always the best way to tell if someone has insecurities if they feel the need to say they're more talented.

What an asshole. No one likes negativity or depression, you aren’t interesting or special for not liking inherently bad things. And bugs are cool

Attached: Dobson_DARant02.png (899x743, 330K)

>unironic t-shirt
Christ, the "Irony" meme is the worst. You can't purposefully do shit ironically or unironically, not how things fucking work.


>all that autism over some harmless shit the bully did
I could get being a bit salty if the guy had beat his ass, but claiming he would steal works and actually winning over a girl whom Dobby didn't even try to get in touch with is just hilarious.
And the fact that he's still not even that successful 12 year after this post.

Attached: Aku aw yea.jpg (381x365, 32K)

>stop oppressing women
>I love Metroid Other M

I'm not happy bob.

Attached: fat asses.png (836x1000, 773K)

??? What vegans do this?

whoa that got a bit real

How's Other M oppressive of women? I mean, it's a shoddy entry in the series and did a massive number all over Samus' character, but I can't really see how anything of it would be considered oppressive.

literally leftwing propaganda


Maybe it's just the obscenely terrible writing blinding me, but I can't exactly say this is empowering.

Attached: Dobson_Metroid.jpg (750x599, 99K)

It made some sense that she had to cooperate with the Federation, since it was their operation, hardly disempowering. Might not excuse some of the stupid limitations like having to get permission to use suit upgrades, but that's largely the fault of the game having to make up contrivances to why some abilities were locked since it wasn't the usual case of "Samus gets her shit knocked off and has to collect it again"

Got to wonder what kind of brain damage a person has to have to think the Prime games were even slightly bad, much less somehow inferior to a game that was in some ways more restricting than Skyward Sword.

>charge for only 20$

Some artist charge like 60$ for a sketch. He must be either desperate or it will be a low quality piece of shit (like usual).

Unironically yes, his prices are agreeable to their quality. Until I saw Even if Dobson is joking any artist can fuck off from judging me over my internet history or requests.

Dobson comes out pretty brave in this though.

Considering how he acts in other screencaps, doubt he was joking. The guy's clearly got a superiority complex and thinks that he can shit on others for the slightest of things. Even if by some chance the guy making the request was bad, using that as a justification of increasing the price cannot be legal.

Cause the Prime games were first person instead of side-scrollers.

Attached: Dobson_Metroid02.jpg (750x433, 65K)

Oh yea, that half-assed argument.

Dobson's entire life:
>Turn it back to how I REMEMBER!

Seriously, he may as well say that none of the 3D Castlevania games were good because they weren't 2-D even though Lament of Innocence and Curse of Darkness had tons of solid gameplay and weren't massive improvements over the N64 games.


Eh it's verbal agreement, he wants to pull this shit then he risks it getting screencapped and his trust in the commission community being damaged.

Example, with that price gouge screencap I'd worry that Dobson would agree to a $20 price and then hold my request hostage unless I paid more just because he finds out I have 1000s of loli pics saved on Pixiv.

>Even if Dobson is joking
are people so weak and affraid of conflict these days that you automatically thing all stupid shit people say is a misunderstanding? Do you even have you balls left, pissmop?

It's sad you actually went to some randome stranger twitter account just to shit on him for free on an anonymous board, where he'll never see you

>men face suicide and end of carreer
>women deleted some shit social media website

>I' a very nice person. I'm a very MEEK person.

Hahahaha holyshit, I couldn't breath.

Attached: 1558883795217.jpg (1139x536, 245K)

Pretty sure if a price is agreed on and then increased without warning, that violates something, especially if some money has been paid in advance.

Lmao, name one.

>Ooga Booga use reptile brain an always start fight!

Why the hostility? The situation shown isn't even worth the time, just tell him "Ok whatever, never mind then"

Would you seriously waste your time arguing with Dobson?

It's literally in the pic he quoted. The black dude who did Jar Jar motioncap almost killed himself from the backlash.

So none? Gotcha.

I draw outlines and use the bucket tool in mspaint, then open the drawing with paint.NET for shading.

>it made some sense
>Adam literally shoots Samus BEFORE he shoots the Metroid, because he thinks she can't handle it
>he also shoots her AGAIN so she can't destroy Sector Zero, because somehow she's incapable of stopping Metroid threats

The only excuse I ever heard was "well they might not be susceptible to cold anymore" and to that I recommend you metroid 2, where she fights metroids that can't be frozen. And this was before the retcon in Samus Returns. Again, the shoddy writing makes it hard to take it seriously. I can't even take it comedically because it has all the humor of a Family Guy sketch.

why of course

Attached: RavenJinx.jpg (800x661, 51K)

>Would you seriously waste your time arguing with Dobson?
I would do it to break the ceaseless monotony that is my life

Fair enough

Attached: [Over-Time] The Hero Yoshihiko and the Demon King's Castle - 08 [A550C060].mkv_snapshot_02.17_[ (1280x720, 139K)

anybody can "almost" kill themselves, as a matter of fact, billions already did, all it took was a tweet about being sad.

>Why the hostility?
So you are, indeed, a castrated slave. You had a chance to look human a second, you threw it away and made yourself clear about being skinless, bald and badly shaven, with a permanent :O face on your face to express the only emotion you were trained to have : corporate obedience

You waste your defending him with fanatical zeal right now, it's the subject. You are white knighitng someone for the sake of avoiding conflict and stay peacefully ignorant and passive in your life.

You are special, cool, unique, counter culture and ahead of the curve like the Joker because you browse an anime imageboard

You have an hard on yelling at someone you ll never meet in your life. You sound like an insecure faggot , like every channer ever

your life sound so empty , i bet you still yell Juuuuulay at Chris Chan

>your life sound so empty ,
says the dude defending the blue bear to keep the blissful silence of his consumerist slavery intact

Still isn't oppressive of women, just a shoddy treatment of a female character

>mfw I charge lower than that as just the starting price
Am... Am I worse than Dobson?

Attached: 1440537071667.png (839x748, 645K)

No, just less well known.

Just boils down to things like skill and take required to bang out even a rough draft/WIP of something. And of course other factors like if you do drawing for fun or as a means of income.


Attached: cat hides and is unseen by other cat and using the element of surprise delivers a quick swipe to the (330x270, 2M)

Attached: 1422705896884.png (1280x1134, 691K)

Try harder, fucking newfag.

Dobson's stance is more like a crotchety old man who can't adapt AT ALL. It's not that he thinks those cartoons are canon, it's that they were all the expanded lore was at one point, and then around the time video games turned 3D Nintendo flipped his entire world upside down on a Z axis. It's like the whole "planet mobius/Robotnik" thing, but even more sad and hilarious because even less people ever cared in the first place. "But you said Mario was from Brooklyn! Now he's not!" You saw this in a non-Dobson level when Mario Oddysey's release came around the time Nintendo came out and Nintendo's stance was "Mario's a mid-20s guy who isn't a plumber" and the whole internet went "WTF THAT MAKES SENSE NINTENDO WHY YOU CHANGE"

As time marches on, his misplaced anger at this only gets more bizarre to a person, and Dobson can't articulate himself to save his own life. If he were older, he'd be making PHONE BAD comics-- though he may still do so, as it's obvious anything from the 90s or later is just alien to him.

How anyone would think cartoons that were made with nothing but the go-ahead of Nintendo were canon is beyond me, much less that anything they came up with would somehow crossover into the game canon.

damn that's literally me

How dobbo is making any money?

I don't think he is. His parents are rich and it's believed he's living with them.

Wait, I thought he was some feminist thingamabob guy, why does he draw pinups?

His parents are unironically in the right.

If so might as well post this one.

Attached: meet dobson.png (1200x899, 775K)

He didn't even bother tracing the middle one he just said fuck and put a filter overr it. You can't even make this shit up.

He does make money, 90 dollars a month.

>sketching with a B2 pencil
actually the worst part of this

>Whomp, the chad ball
>Dobson, the virgin fatass
They are so similar and yet so different

Attached: 1557876087741.jpg (1440x1216, 152K)

>someone pays you to do something
>fuck around and dont really do it
>"WhY DoEsNt AnYoNe ReSpEcT ArTiStS?"
Fuck sake if you dont want to draw something say you don't, I don't understand why people support this, you're pretty much scamming at that point.

...their organs are exploding onto each other....

Full body $20
You think this guy is actually finishing those pieces in less than 2 hours or is he working himself way below minimum wage?

>second pic
HA I had never seen that part

That's pretty fucked up.

Attached: 21757-full.png (665x374, 181K)

First off. Use COLOURS for shadow and lights.

Making fills and gradients isn’t bad when you’re just doing the fill colors. The real trick comes when adding detail to the colors like highlights.

Lights and shadows are never white and black. Take in consideration the color of the surface of where the light/shadow are touching. Grass is going to look like a darker green and metal is going to have a shinier gleam to it (these are just examples).

Now go out and make good shit

I would chargeback for this.

>a big strong and capable man has to do all the work and keep a strong and capable woman from doing anything
not oppressive sure but it is unironically misogynist

do you have autism
are you dobson

Not vegans, but ideological people often have an "it's okay when we do it attitude".
Leftists do this a lot. Send a mean tweet to one of them and they will roast you alive. But when someone they don't like gets almost killed by Antifa or a similar mob they will say they were asking for it.

>Epstein conspiracy
What conspiracy?

pro-life tard stalking the board.
abort malformed babies.

At time he was kinda successful. It’s hard to remember but at one time Dobson was a fairly big deal on DA. Before he deactivated his account he had something like 56,000 watchers. Back in 2010 that was (and still is) a pretty big number for your average DA user

Simple economics user-supply and demand. Your supply vastly outpaces the demand for your product thus you can't raise price without scaring away more current consumers. So the issue is why your demand is so low which could be quality of your work or it could be knowledge about it.

Charge what you think you're worth

Replace his t-shirt with maddox shirt and it will be perfect.

Friendly reminder that dogisaga is married.

Attached: 20190707_055000.jpg (500x683, 284K)

>it's actually good to carry a baby that can contribute nothing to society and be a resource drain on everyone around them to term

Thanks Mike.

Didn't he always make an animation of him meeting Mario and Peach, or was that someone else?

You might be remembering this


why is the paintbucket tool bad

>defend child rapists

wew lad

I read that like Oscar from the Proud Family.

>not being able to say no
>stealing someone's money and drawing the opposite of what they want
>lel pwn'd those weebz!!
Catch this chargeback, slobson.

Attached: 1514934772001.jpg (2573x1943, 834K)


>so paranoid that wikipedia is propaganda to you

It's the default depository for information on the internet, do you have an alternative website for someone to get a broad overview on literally any topic?

Attached: why.jpg (533x800, 307K)

Why does he do this anyway? What made him go full angry sjw to the degree of almost a parody?