Yogi and Boo Boo Sitting On Floor of Cars

>Gee Boo Boo, sitting on the floor in the back of cars sure is great!
>I agree Yogi! Sitting on the floor in the back of cars has been my favorite thing in the world since I was 4 years old.

Attached: Yogi and Boo Boo Sitting On Floor of Cars.png (851x449, 423K)

>mfw i understand the reference

Attached: 1562913774534.png (440x585, 359K)

L over how these are starting to become regular reaction images now, incredible!

I don't get it.

I meant love, sorry autocorrect got me there at the beginning.

I don't get why so many Internet autists are obsessed with Taz. He isn't funny at all.

Taz hate water.

He hates crummy water? He should be hating Pokemon creatures!


Attached: emmy_sitting_on_floor_of_cars_by_mollyhaleismyfriend_dcfwo7i-pre.jpg (997x801, 90K)

There's this weird(and creepy) guy whos obsessed with weird obscure cartoons from the 80s that has some odd fixations on certain things, this is one of them. I'm not going into detail on this.

Attached: dc08nxr-ab91a50b-b278-4ba9-ae63-de758d4fa600.png (900x600, 887K)

Attached: on_the_floor_of_car_31_by_mollyhaleismyfriend_dc08n14-fullview.jpg (1024x768, 105K)

Attached: on_the_floor_of_car_118_by_mollyhaleismyfriend_dchalsr-fullview.jpg (1024x576, 92K)

Ok, last one I'll post. You get the point. There's over a hundred of these images.

Attached: dcgdb4w-740e7af1-313a-47af-8b1b-a31ce533fff9.png (640x480, 396K)

Sounds like pretty standard Deviantart stuff, someone autistic just sharing their creations that were inspired by whatever they take liking to.

Welp Murlogic is no longer the weirdest guy in the block.

There really isnt much to the guy beyond him seemingly getting off to the varied reactions to his "fetish".

Comedic genius

Attached: ocean water.png (1200x600, 625K)

Murrlogic honestly has a pretty neat fetish. Like I'm not into it myself but it's cool how it's based on a more abstract idea of capitalism or some shit.

Also images of deforestation or Wonderbread or whatever the fuck are way easier on the eyes than other dumbass fetish stuff that's seen as more "normal," like foot fetish art etc.

He's more annoying on the grounds that he posts here without a filterable name, and whenever he does drop in, it derails the thread almost every time. At least the car floor guy sticks to deviantart.

I don’t get why this is weird, have any of you actually tried just sitting on a car floor and baring your soul to a friend or family member? It’s underrated and comfy as fuck. I thought everyone did this.

Yeah sit your butt where people place their dirty shoes. Very common sensical.