Hey Yea Forums, just a reminder that we are 1 week away from year 5.
One Week
Other urls found in this thread:
Why does he have Mighty Lips
What’s this year menu? I want to FEEL it
It's a surprise
Punish me, user, for I have sinned
Let me see:
>Tom King Batman epic
>Batman: White Knight
>All of Bendis work in DC
> Les melons du colere
>Spider-Men II
>Civil War II
>Secret Empire
>Rosenberg Uncanny X-Men
>Batman: Damned (not terrible but lackluster and confusing as fuck)
>Aaron run on Thor
>That tranny book with a furry main character
>War of Realms
Wait you referring to Good Boy or another furry?
>Batman: White Knight
Imagine trying to write an expose on how Batman is a horrible person that causes more harm than good, but accidentally disproving your own case so hard you have to write him completely OOC so you can keep your story intact.
I have a chart, at the moment, only 4 books have been done every singe year: Trouble, The Unfunnies, Nemisis, and US War Machine 2.0. It's a good bet that they will be in the mix.
I could do Chaos again, but this year I'm feeling to another DA comic I storytimed a few months ago. That being said, if anyone wants to do Chaos themselves like last year, I'll make a drop box for them to download it again.
Did Yea Forums like this book? Asking for a friend.
That or Unnatural.Maybe Maneaters?
We wanted to.
But things did not go as planned.
Shit I forgot about Unnatural, good art wasted on furry shit. No I was referring to another book published by some indie publisher that has a protagonist that is the self insert of the writer and looks like a tranny Snoopy.
Well, doing Unnatural is risking a ban because of all the tits.
You'd have to do some editing.
>TomKing Batman
Oh, my sins come back to punish me!
Godspeed user!
>But things did not go as planned.
That's a real bummer. Any specific complaints?
Might as well dump the promo images I've made for this year.
what was the Green Arrow issues where the writer tried to introduced Felicity into the comics and had her flirt with Green Lantern?
I think it was only two issues and the run immediately afterwards ignored it
Aaron's Thor at least has the first twelve issue which are good but it's mostly mediocre. Find worse shit like
>Select issues of Chuck Austen's X-men namely the evil pope arc
>Batman Oddesy (not "bad" but absolutely insane and borderline incomprehensible)
>Hex Wives
>Alt Hero
>"Those" issues of Mockingbird
>Female Furies (where this gem of a reaction pic is from)
There is way worse out there, you just gotta look
He means The Pervert which can get you banned if you try to post it here
I wish I was a little more creative this year.
Ohhh that one.
Yeah, it was hard to read that one, I had an easier time with the lesbian grim reaper dogs in hell comic that came out around the same time.
Hahaha that’s great!
Feels like a waste of time to stay here for hours posting a bad comic at a snail's pace, even if it looks interesting, it takes hours for the pages to get posted. You could just link it on RCO and we could discuss it.
Yes, that shit. I remember some user storytime it when it was released.
The fun is in reading it together and seeing everyone else's reactions.
I forgot about the comicgate comic books. That shit should be in this year list.
Add Jawbreakers and Lonely Star to that list.
It's all about if anyone is willing to do them.
I was talking when Jane Foster was Thor. That cunt was insufferable.
Cornell/Whitley Vampirella.
What about that comic where girls going through their periods turn into Jaguars and the little girl plays with tampons as toys
What fresh hell is this?! Tranny-pothead-hooker Snoopy?
Almost forgot this one.
Should I also dump promos from previous years while I'm at this?
Major X
That's fucking rad though
>Futures End
>Tom King Mister Miracle
>A Deadpool rip off
Fucking really?
God that event at least for me anyway was awful. I didn't even get a cool Crystal vs Storm fight that wasn't just background noise.
I wasn't much of a fan of her either.
>comicgate comic books
>alt hero
give the rundown on this. are they actually bad from a writing standpoint or from "its the /pol/ comic"? I was thinking of storytiming these and wonder if they're ok for pain:
>Bratpack deep down you know the edge is real
>red son I honestly can't get past the "this is what a dumb person thinks a smart one does I am the dumb one
Ehhh, there are people who will defend Red Sun.
Marville has been done every year without fail, and I have yet to read Bratpack, but I'll trust you.
>>comicgate comic books
Y'know all the "wearing your politics on your sleeve" complaints people have about Marvel writers imagine that but on the Conservative spectrum at least with Alt-Hero, also the art was shit too boot. Ironsights had pretty shit writing and absolutely god awful art with some of the worst perspective I've seen. Jawbreakers was the least shit and fun in a trashy 90's book way "The Power of 1000 Slaves" line was a highlight. Lonestar was pretty much just Alt-Hero crossed with Jawbreakers with many of the same failings of both. Honestly the creator helmed fuckery was where the real pain came from.
Don't forget all those Thump books that were always #1s.
Kind of hard to tell who's side they were on, either way they were bad,
yeah it reads like some edgy teenager who really wanted to take his angst out on the world so wrote a story about how much of drunk not-tony stark is or how much white supremacist not-captain america is considering the author wrote the story after being fired from dc. am currently debating on whether to go the the whole run the author, but they have no pain to them if not the sequel is kinda considered the better, even the author follows the second one more now in his latest runs. Also on whether to storytime The One by the same author, because its kinda new age hippy shit at the end and how it is preachy throughout the run
We should avoid anything involving Trump the threads will devolve into shitflinging and may spread to the other threads and it wont be worth it in the end
That was Great Lakes avengers? Dropped it early so no judgement. Wasn’t up to the other ones
It could probably be posted on /aco/ like Moon Over June is each year.
Is that still going on?
Yes, I saw a full storytime on b. It really was that bad.
The some of the comicgate books are merely zeniscope/ or non Ennius dynamite at best. I haven’t seen say a liberality or Calexir class book. Personally I’d just pick the single most batshit.
Trumps titans is a better wtf choice.
We should at least draw a line. It’s gotta. E the worst, most crazy wtf shit.
It got deleted from aco. Maybe b or pol.
This. Fuckin Nu/co/ waters down SWoP more every year. There's mediocre books, and then there's SHIT books. And we've got stuff actually worth shoveling through, like Image books by Chaykin, Maneaters, or Border Town.
I'd argue for KingBats The Gift and HiC, but that's all from that run that's actually worthy of the week.
Considering only 3 or 4 issues have ever been posted, I agree.
>Border Town
Last week I had to explain to an user what Border Town was. Yea Forums needs to be reminded.
Exactly, a recent example would be Goddess Mode. People were expecting it to be complete garbage, America tier and were surprised that it was just completely forgettable hence why any issues beyond #1 have never been posted. Weekends of Pain aren't supposed to be personal or petty but examples to every one who reads some mediocre comic and treats it as a personal affront except Heroes in Crisis that actually did feel like a personal slight weather you're a Wallyfag or someone who didn't want to wait 10 goddamn months for nothing
What was it actually about?
it certainly wasn't Vampi but I kinda enjoyed parts of that
>forgettable hence why any issues beyond #1 have never been posted.
Someone actually did a crossthread from some other board for a later issue, and told this board to "get there fast before it gets taken down."
That's the easiest way to know that someone is a board tourist who doesn't know what storytimes are
I'd want to do this one but there's no way I wouldn't get banned. This is one of the most baffling comics I've ever read
Literally tranny pothead snoopy prostitute.
Dump eet.
Starting with Year 2 since year 1 just kind of happened without any warning or planning.
This one is still my favorite of all time.
Year 3.
>Foreword by Will Toledo, the Car Seat Headrest guy
What am I getting myself into...
And finally, year 4 promos.
And that's it.
I'd like to nominate:
>Death of the Inhumans
You can nominate all you want, but remember, anons will post what they think is the worst.
If you really want something, you must do it yourself.
not again
Most of the books mentioned here are awful. Also, you have shit taste.
No problem, I can do it, I got a pass.
This thread is a call for half of Yea Forums to prepare for pain, and the other half to abandon the board and/or off themselves before it is too late.
Right. Simply being incompetent, amateur shit like most of the comicsgate stuff is nowhere near the class for storytime of pain. It needs to be so fucked up that it's incredibly memorable and evocative, just not necessarily in the way the author intended.
Perhaps there should be an /aco/ edition. But that's a must have I think. Multicultural, transexual anti terrorist rapist splinter cell. And all through it the buzzing.
Remember that many of us haven't read the entire comic, so explaining WHY it's worthy, or showing it is more likely to get a bite.
And also making sure the newfags are on board with the ground rules. This isn't about shitting on your cousins facebook comic, or shitting on some dipshit you don't like and his d- book.
This is for terrible books that are so bad that it makes you question parts of your understanding of reality, like War Machine 2.0 does for art, or Our Love is Real, or Girls.
I mean, I know I pushed things a little when I stared posting DA comics, but I think the comics I've picked in the past deserve to be in the weekend of pain.
I think it's a sliding scale. For DA, they're competing wtih things like Sonichu. Something like Dobson, is just bad.
I think we can agree that the worst thing that can be posted is something boring.
Still, even then, if i's boring, everyone ignores it, it autosages in a few hours. I'd personally rather be too aggressive than too passive. I mean, missing out on OUR LOVE IS REAL. or BITCH PLANET?
>A civil discussion about posting bad comics
Did I somehow end up back in 2010?
ofuck I forgot about this one.
Eh, that one's fine. It's more just that it ignores the last ironically quality Inhumans push by Marvel before shoving them under the bus.
I vaguely remember some shitty inhuman comics, but never read any. Karnak was pretty good and the only one I remember. Any of them truly terrible?
Some of the comicgate stuff should be in this year SOP. Jawbreakers was awful and could not deliver anything, it even failed at being offensive.
Don't forget rule #1
No reaction pics until the end, it keeps the image limit down . Feel free to post comments though
Simply being dull isn’t enough. Wharton’s was the worst, the craziest?
Do the new Furies series count? That shit make me question SJWs and feminists in a way I haven't.
Are the CalExit comics going to be on this list? I feel they are necessary for the pain they inflict upon Republitards
CalExit while garbage is too close to Trump and every thread pretty much devolves into either anti/pro Trump shitflinging or just people talking about how they hate California before devolving even further to just whining about Liberals. Weekends of Pain are about bringing us together with unified disdain
I wonder if this would have happened during George W. Bush regime if Yea Forums would have existed in that time?
I think last time it was a cal exit liberality double feature.
I think maybe pairing the worst comicsgate with the worst black mask comic might be ok, but we don’t want to turn this into a trump shitting fest or owning the libs.
Did they even ever finish Calexit?
Not tryng to start a discussion her but Trumptards are so fucking sensitives. Worse things were done to Bush in comics and cartoons and I don't remember anyone being so offended as Trumptards are.
Last year's Liberality for All storytime got saged by the mods before it was even finished. Presumably because of all of the political shitposting.
I hope the mods let it be this year.
You shouldn’t assume that it’s supporters. Just shot posters is a real possibility. Don’t sweat it too much either way.
iron heart and iron-man 600. too much bendis already?
the more casual readers'll need backstory. ptherwise, they're going to randomly shit on it. "this character died in a gruesome way. must be terrible."
>And that's it.
Are you forgetting something
I and many people I know are living proof that you don't have to like Trump/be Republican to hate California and wish it would fall into the ocean.
just do it censored
No idea. Didn't read it.
And miss out on homicidal transgenered anti terrorist rape? Do it on aco.
But /aco/ sucks.
What's Vives doing on that list? I haven't read that, or Petit, because I don't care about /ss/ unless it's cute like Bikini Cowboy but I don't recall him ever making anything that was SoP worthy. If it's purely for the rage factor then you might want to consider swapping it for Ella(s).
most certainly, because even besides the very forced feminism it just also doesn't work as a comic. The tone is all over the fucking place, suddenly going from rape to a back off with no transition. It's like someone cut a bunch of shit out from other stories and pasted them together
Le melons du colere is terrible, one of Vives worst works ever. I loved Last Man and I like Elles but couldn't stand Les melons du colere.
Have someone nominated Chuck Austen's Action Comics yet? I feel like it is appropriate for the occasion
Hell theres so much of his stuff that's a good fit, we always do U.S. Warmachine but forget
>Action Comics
>Uncanny X-men
>The "autobiographical" soft core baseball anime porn he wrote for Tokyopop
We need a full Chuck Austen pain thread
>The "autobiographical" soft core baseball anime porn he wrote for Tokyopop
Please do elaborate.
you talking about Strips? That's pretty good though
Nemesis is a must
Is he as pure shit as I’ve heard? Never read anything about him just heard whispers of how bad his Uncanny run is. Anything exist that’s “good” of his?
I'll just leave the competitive images that show what we've done over the years.
And here's last year.