He's a joke in movies, his comics aren't much better, where did it all go wrong? How do you fix Odinson?
What the fuck happened to Thor?
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Make him a trans black lesbian
>He's a joke in movies, his comics aren't much better, where did it all go wrong?
For a while there I thought you were talking about Iron Man... It's just a problem of the MCU, [current year] politics and the cultural zeitgeist. It's either time to drop the hobby or weather the storm.
Thor's new suit is terrible.
Basically from Original Sin on he's been destroyed as a character, as has most of his supporting cast.
>A fucking whisper ruined a one of Marvel most beloved character and his lore
Who do I blame for Original Sin?
>He's a joke in movies
t. self-hating fattie
>where did it all go wrong?
When Nick Fury said "Gorr was right" and made him not worthy of even his own name for some reason. Jason Aaron tried to put in politics into the Thor comics he was writing but that backfired, so he tried to focused more on his War of the Realm shit along old King thor stuff but that War of the realms event didn't go over so well (rest in piece Valkyrie). oh well at least it's almost over with Jason Aaron's least Thor books he will be writing coming out in the fall.
I too think he current outfits is worse then his other ones
Aaron. It all went downhill after God of Thunder.
Have him show off his godliness. Alone Against The Celestials tier shit
I don't like the short beard, the helmet, and the scaled pants. Like, go armored arms and pants or neither.
I like the Destroyer arm, though. Way better than that gold one they had for a while.
At least it's not like what they had him in in the '90s.
Ugh, who allowed all those bad looks?
Put someone that actually likes the character in charge of him for a change?
He trades places with classic Thor but from an au.
A strong independent man that needs no woman is too offensive to the public according to the Russos and Aaron.
Yeah. We need this Thor back.
There's one bit from Aaron's work that I did like, though. It maybe isn't but I think it is: that Thor is cognizant that being worthy of Mjolnir is an on-going process, and something that he needs to continue to strive to reach and maintain. It's not just one grand act that would make him worthy for all time and he can sit on his ass in perpetuity after - although he can certainly have downtime and fun - it's always behaving in a heroic manner and staying that way. The whisper was such bullshit after seeing a Thor who understood that to be worthy, he needed to dedicate himself to being worthy now, tomorrow, and every day in all of the days to come.
I think Thor proved Gorr wrong. There are selfish gods, sure, but Thor was not one of them.
I also liked the pages where it showed Thor's "little adventures." Like how he visited a man on death row who had come to understand his crime and experience remorse for it; how he went to other planets and brought rain; how fed hungry kids dragon meat and stuff.
True it's better then the 90s "small shirt with shoulder pads" outfit my favorite outfit of Thor though his to be pic related, while like the sleeveless classic design too I this one because I feel it fits the character more.
>I like the Destroyer arm, though. Way better than that gold one they had for a while.
I agree the Destroyer arm is awesome. This is the thing about Jason Aaron for me at least, he makes cool asf things like Phoneix + Odin Force Thor fighting pretty much like the 2nd ultimate version of Doom and winning but he overall he sucks at putting his ideas down on paper.
Thors current shape is a a logical progression in the movies of what hes endured as far back as the dark world
If your mad he's "melted ice cream" your and idiot his inevitable "Im back" moment will make his entrance in infinity war look like nothing
In the comics theres no thight or logic its forcing a square peg into a circle
Bendis shat on the post-Jurgens reboot with Siege and Marvel gave writing duties to hacks like Fraction and Aaron.
No I don't hate "FaThor". I get it, he was in a very low place and on a bender. No, my problem is how Thor material was handled in it's entirety. I wanted this Thor
Just finished God of War today. pretty based interpretation
Repair all the damage done to him by retconning every single line about him, if its written either by Bendis or Aaron Diaz.
Writing Thor and Gods in general is hard and most writers are lazy either going for self-referential humor (the movies) or loads of continuity porn to cover up for their inadequacies as writers.
He's currently fucking up Shulkie too
Please, if they ever make another Thor movie, it'll be Chris Hemsworth drinking beer in his undies, and they'll literally be calling him Chris, God of Hemsworth
He hasn't played Thor since Dark World, and even that's questionable. First the helmet was too hot, then went the hair, any seriousness, eye patch, etc. Chris Hemsworth hates acting. He just wants to get paid to fuck around as himself and call it Thor.
He was a positive traditional white male so he had to be humbled and brought low.
Not user but it seems to me writers like to take a shit on Thor in the MCU movies
And how the fuck is Thor a title now? It's his name fuck sakes. What other character has had their literal name taken from them and given to someone who doesn't deserve it?
yeah, I know he was depressed and all, but turning him into an atheist youtuber was a bit too much
You start by calling him Thor, and not that retarded moniker Jason Aaron tried to stick to him