What are you guys going to do when it's revealed that they are not a couple, Connie has a different boyfriend...

What are you guys going to do when it's revealed that they are not a couple, Connie has a different boyfriend, but they are still "good friends"

Attached: [AliQ] S02E26 - Stevens Birthday.mp4_snapshot_08.01_[2017.08.25_07.12.31].png (1532x1080, 437K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Watch, Connie will be revealed to be in her 50s at the end.


laugh at cuck Steven

>Steven has a different boyfriend(Lars)
Fuck Connie

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Let me get this straight
Steven is the only male in an all female species, he's technically a monarch or emperor or at the very least the alpha male version of his species, beloved by basically everyone he meets if not immediately then surely over time, has magic powers, has been to space, doesn't technically age unless he wants to

but it's funny that this 13 year old indian nerd (who he cured of astigmatism because he can heal all wounds) because they don't fuck each other

I hope they do this, show connies a bitch and give steven the gem waifu he deserves.

that unironically would be the best case.

tfw we will never get pink zombie Connie

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why would steven want to be romantic though? hes fucking immortal and has no human needs. having a relationship beyond friendship is unneeded.

I'll be okay with it, because Steven has a different girlfriend as well.

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hes not immortal thou


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>having a relationship beyond friendship is unneeded
Gotta fuse with someone.

hes a gem. he can literally choose not to die.

he can do that with anyone.

>Steven is the only male in an all female species
No he's transgender

He's also got an organic body. He can't choose not to die from a bullet.

he doesnt age though. he doesnt need to be tied down to a human.

Good, Steven needs other options

We've known all about her other boyfriend from the very beginning

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Fuck yes, I need this

his diamond slayer genes wouldnt allow that

>implying Marco is allowed to cross the Disney border

He's only transgender when Connie is inside him.

He's not a Pink Diamond or a Rose Quartz he's a Steven. de(m)ayo

he will turn Connie gay too

more like transgemder am i right

And about Steven’s other girlfriend

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Is this fucking trash can of a show still going?

You've invented a scenario in your head, then got so mad about this imaginary event you made a topic about it.

Seek help.

it has a movie and possible sixth season coming up, it's not going anywhere

and I suspect a sequel or reboot will come some tie later

not as much a reboot as a highschool alternate universe series
kinda like the last episode of evangelion

Steven would be a proud cuck

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Nah, it'll be Peedee, surprising everyone but die hard S1 gay shippers.

Also fuck Sugar for not giving Steven a chance to have more friends his age.

It’s gonna be Kevin. Who will becomes trans for redemption and for brownie points

Yeah, no, fuck off with that shit.
Go gay with Peedee if you aren't letting Stevonnie happen or go home.

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I'm just eager to see 15 year old Connie

Also my guess is they are together but Connie had to ask and generally is the one pushing their relationship further.

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shes just a shorter vers of her mom

Except he’s a shapeshifter who can heal wounds
So unless he’s knocked out

>Can't stand the musical segments of the TV show
I sure hope the movie doesn't have a lot of singing :^)

I'm just eager to draw a ton of porn of the 15 year old Connie
Wonder if her older design is gonna replace the old one in most fanart, or will it be a Gwen situation

poor Steven got none of that universe charm

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that will probably depend on how well liked the movie is and whether or not there really is a 6th season or more of Steven Universe

Given what CN did to Ben 10 I could see them having Sugar make this shit for decades if they really wanted to milk it

however ultimately it will come down the design itself, 5 versions of Ben 10 later and original Gwen is still generally the favorite, maybe they just fuck her design up, although personally I doubt it, I think character design is one of Sugar's best skills as an artist.

not that it makes any difference but I think Connie will be 14 since she 2 years younger than Steven

unless they decide to give Connie a side cut, that never looks good

her boyfriend is gonna be that kid whose arm she broke once

she's a year and 3 months younger than Steven, so 9 months out of the year they are only one year apart

which is why I assume 15


And here we see someone acting autistic and nobody is gonna call him on it because that term is no longer in vogue.

>why would steven want to be romantic though? hes fucking immortal and has no human needs
cuz he has a dick, he eats doesnt he?

conniefag seethe

>only one boyfriend
We all know how sheltered Connie is, once she gets a taste of it she's going to want all the flavors.

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>Cucked Stephen

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true, if she hadnt met Steven and got into gem shit she would probably br pregnant by now

Are you transgender because half of your cells came from your disappointed mother whose offspring doesn't even understamd middle school biology?

He has other options.

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I honestly expect Stevonnie to be the slutty one

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we all talking about Connie and forgeting About adult Jenny and Kiki, evern More mature Priyanka and Martha (lars mom) and Saddie too I guess
Steven and Connie wild puberty hormones fused together, Stevonnie desapear every weekend

she runs straight to Kevin every time

celebrate because it clears the way for a better ship. Although I'm not sure that would happen since Connie's function in this story is to be Steven's ambiguous love interest. Without that, there's basically no point in having around at all.

heres your older connie bro

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to push Sugar's pro cucking agenda obviously

what if Stevonnie got even hotter?

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I assume they have, I mean Steven certainly did and I doubt Connie did much backsliding

The idea that Priyanka is just helplessly aroused by Stevonnie will never cease to make me hard

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There's more to a relationship than just sex, retard

NTR is a garbage fetish

Attached: NTR is a garbage fetish.png (757x790, 139K)

wrong Grey Delisle voiced character to pair Steven with

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honestly the best thing about NTR is how much it triggers some people

no, there really isnt.
not anymore, at least.

NTR is always fun when it happens to someone else

But Stephen was born to be cucked.

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awww is user still upset about that time your gf cheated on you?

This is the right one

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Why does Stevonnie have a pokeball in her non-gender specific mouth?


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>someone actually saved my shit

not that much of a cucking when the relationship was one sided on connie's part.

no, I just saying NTR is funny

fair enough, I guess I took your post the wrong way, like you found NTR funny until it happened to you

speaking of which, I wouldnt be surprised if this happens

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"Called it." Then proceed to leave that thread and continue to go on with my life. Stopped watching when it became clear nothing mattered.

I will continue masturbating to Connie x Pearl porn.

>in vogue
ur a faget

I need more Rose reactions from inside Stevens gem.

Son, is this one of those "cucking" things you seem to be so obsessed with? You know we talked about this.

*sigh* I don't know where I went wrong with this kid.




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Seconding this, they have some pretty good border security that'll fuck up anyone that tries to cross without official authorization.

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Hasn’t season 6 already been confirmed and put into production?

I don't think it was ever formally announced we just assume its in production because we would have heard about people moving onto other projects so they seem to still be working on SU, which implies a season 6.

I think we still haveone season left because of this

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>we just assume it's in production because we would have heard about people moving onto other projects
We also assume it's in production because we still get updates from the VAs when they go to CN's studios to record their lines.

fair enough, still I don't think CN has formally announced anything other than the movie although I would expect an announcement next week

All CN did was vaguely say that "there's more Steven to come!" after the movie.


fair enough

they might technically call it Steven Universe Shippuden and count it as a new show so they can get around union rules in regards to seasons and raises.

Imagine being so far removed from reality you don't understand why someone wouldn't like your degenerate fetish

I imagine we won't hear anything about Season 6 other than its coming. It's probably not gonna air til next year

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you think they will continue SU under someone else?

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if they did it would be someone Sugar picked to do it instead of her, I don't CN would want to or try to push her out, except maybe to have her make another show.

Maybe in another life.

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The creators confirmed Steven isn’t immortal. He’s going to die and then his gem becomes useless.

This isn't Adventure Time, written by a bunch of college boys with repressed feelings about their constant breakups.

>Connie is dating someone as Stevonnie
>Steven gets to "come along for the ride"

Back to plebbit with you, incel.

>someone actually saved my shit
you did a really good job on it, should do a sequel with Movie Steven and a similarly aged up Mandy

also been fiddling with ideas for a fanfic based on this idea, main thing I'd need to figure out is I'm pretty set on having Mandy be related to one of the Beach City families(which would be why she'd be in Beach City in the first place), but not sure which of them would be best(with said candidates being the Millers, the Frymans, and Yellowtail & Vidalia's family)

were did you get this? and does it have a finished version?

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>mfw Connie is addicted to having male orgasms with Stevonnie's gut-puncher of a cock

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Hey, if Steven gets horny, does he automatically age up to a legal age? I mean his outward appearance changes depending on how he views himself, so if he sees sex as something only adults do, will he age himself up everytime he gets an erection?

If Connie said, Steven lets fuck right now, will he age up 20 years or something?

Actually why is Steven aged up in the movie? did he have another crisis where he questions his maturity and age himself up? I have so many questions


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Dude saved everyone, I'll start feeling 16 too

I'll be honest, I'd be pretty angry.


Ask this guy

I've never even thought of that but now that you bring it up I see the appeal.
>Same age range
>Both children at heart still forced to be more mature than they are
I could see some fun dynamics. Hell
he should have been Stevens vent buddy to help him work though all the shit that happened to him.

personally not a big fan of Steven being full blown Gay, but I'm more than fine with him being bi, and similarly I like the idea of either Peedee or Lars hooking up with Stevonnie in the future(after Steven and Connie decide to become Stevonnie permanently)

My brothers in Crack Arms!

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Bi just like his mom

When has they ever been presented as a romantic couple? I don't think Steven was ever interested in that way so I doubt he'd care.

>non-gender specific

But that would mean no Greg and thid sucks

girls are just expensive fleshlights retard.

The male orgasm is inferior to the female one.

Girls fantasizing over jizz fountains are projecting.

search their names together on paheal

I think the closest sign from Steven was when he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to grow up, he asked his dad if he’d have to be “first boy” when Connie became president.

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It's a more natural couple than you see in most shows (at least these days). They're "best friends" that do literally everything together and are always hugging and close. Now just add in some teenage hormones and wait for the sparks to fly.

What the fuck is even happening in Steven Universe nowadays?

Isn't Marco also a cuck since Star dumped him for her ex and poop is dead or something?

Looks to be a timeskip, you're seeing sketches of Steven's older form.

Naw, Tom gets cucked twice due to the fact that Star still has feelings for Marco, even after they break the Blood Moon curse. Star and Marco get together in the end of the series.

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No, Tom was always the cuck.

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What are you guys going to do when it's revealed that Steven got her teenage pregnant

>Implying it was Steven.

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My nigga

The whole Homeworld thing made him age up probably. There's a two year timeskip between CYM and the movie.

I can picture the strip now. First 3 panels are just rose standing there cross-armed with some sort of sucking sound happening off screen. 4th panel she finally chimes in with "Connie really needs to do something about that unibrow."

You’re muff cabbage! You’re muff cabbage!

This thread is retarded she learned sword fighting for him and steven's a shapeshifter so his cock could be ANY size. Connie is to smart to let that go.

I'm gonna laugh my ass off. There's no way this will happen, though

I hope we never get a pink connie... she would need to die

>implying that connie wouldn't carry both

Reminder that it's been confirmed via Artbook that Connie and Steven's faces were specifically designed for K I S S E S

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>like a jigsaw
>Connie's surname is Hindi and translates as "LORD OF THE UNIVERSE"

>The movie premieres
>The opening is Steven narrating some of the changes that have taken place since Change Your Mind
>It's revealed that Priyanka divorced Doug, and Greg & Priyanka are dating
>Steven and Connie are not a couple because having one-another's parents dating would just make things weird
>Steven and Lapis are closer than ever, and have a sort of "puppy love" thing going on
>Connie is dating the kid she beat up in Mindful Education

>Pearl, Connie, and Peridot are all showing varying levels of poorly-hidden discomfort
>Meanwhile Bismuth is actually really into this

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>And Amethyst is just looking at Peridot.

you forgot
>Steven's love interest in this movie is someone we haven't seen before and becomes every fan's waifu
>until they find out she was originally designed ginger but they really don't want hundreds of Proud Boys edging to her every month, so they made her vaguely Latina

Here's how the shit goes:
>Marco dates Jackie (Marco's childhood crush)
>Star realizes feelings for Marco and gets cucked
>Confesses her crush to Marco in front of everyone and became forced to abruptly leave Earth to stop Toffee
>Marco goes to Mewni, eventually finds Star, they hug each other like nothing happened, Star defeats Toffee
>Marco leaves to go back to Earth, Star is sad and emotionally hugs Marco
>Marco left his disgusting unwashed sweater in Star's room, she spends a whole episode lusting over it
>It gets eventually washed and sent back to Earth to Marco
>Marco smells the washed sweater and gets reminded of Star
>jump to Star and Tom at a ball
>they get into a heated argument to the point where their families are against each other
>Star and Tom dance to stop them fighting
>Star gets feelings for Tom
>jump to another episode where Star and Tom accidentally hold hands, timeskip happens and they're back together
>long story short with Marco, he friendzones Jackie and she dumps his ass
>Marco moves to Mewni
>jump to episode where Star, Tom, Marco, and Kelly are at a beach
>Marco realizes his feelings for Star and gets cucked by Tom
>jump to episode where Star and Marco kiss in a photo booth
>Tom becomes the real cuck
>Marco tells Tom about what happened
>Tom becomes the ultimate cuck
>Tom still dates Star after everything
>He eventually dumps Star because he's tired of his shit
>He gets written off the show in the finale

This show should’ve gotten cancelled after season 2.

>half gem Connie
This only exists to make me upset because it's never happening in the show.

>steven's a shapeshifter
>can literally be anything
>chooses to be a fat ugly retard

Attached: StevenAfterNotSurviving.jpg (680x372, 41K)


lmao based

I ship Tom and Steven

Holy shit how would that work?

Tom’s been through a lot and Steven’s got a lot of love to give

We get it namefag, you're jealous of Steven's closeness to an underaged girl.

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If Steven and Connie don't get married in season 10, I am killing myself

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Rebecca actually couldn't answer if they would as it was a "spoiler". I shit you not youtube.com/watch?v=Y2Hv-TAJIls (0:29)

I'm just calling how it is. It's so cringeworthy seeing all the fags here acting like some sweaty obese mongoloid is some sort of pussy slayer lol

I nearly spit out my tea

>>Connie's surname is Hindi and translates as "LORD OF THE UNIVERSE"

Is this going to be another teenage girl destroying realities and countless souls for their own gains?

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>Isn't Marco also a cuck

Have sex incels.

Nah, it just means she'll always protect Steven. On a similar note, here's some stuff I pilfered from another site to make me seem smart.

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No, that represents her huge-ass ego and feeling of self-importance. Hopefully when Steven gets out of that dumpwater town and sees the girls the world has to offer, he'll drop that Indian parasite like a hot potato.

I need a drawfriend, stat.

Attached: lady boners.jpg (506x960, 66K)

Good. Connie sucks, now Steven can focus on fucking his Crystal Harem

To think it was a crack ship that sealed the deal on the Steven being Sans theory.

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Why couldn't Connie beat the Diaz Cock? I thought feminism prevented this stuff?

>cuckhold universe
it would fit well

I don't know, but we can ask Priyanka why.

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>no smut where the growing Latino boy gives his bored housewife doctor the best mind shattering fuck of her life

I don't see this on paheal. You have a link/artist?

the timeskip is 2 years

>no smut where the growing Latino boy gives his bored housewife doctor the best mind shattering fuck of her life
This shall not do, we must produce more content in the form of art and stories ASAP, to the request threads!
Meanwhile, lets see if we can't produce a little something in here.
Sadly that seems to be it. Think that's just how the pic was made.
But there's this and this -

Attached: A Marconnie Sloppy Kiss.png (832x526, 284K)

>No smut where petite Connie gets manhandled by Chad Marco

Attached: the fuck is a condom?.jpg (1024x576, 53K)

This pic would be complete if Star was watching.

I think he means another timeskip at the end of the series. I can see it happening, but the next one is ten years instead of two.

That would be good and on that note-
>Older Marco and Warrior Connie hanging out in the Netherzone, kicking ass in the day and making sweet steamy love at night in the house they made out of their enemies.
Yes plz. Throw in Brunzetta and its a party.
Could always imagine her on the side giving a thumbs up and/or crying, whichever you prefer.
Although, a threesome pic would be pretty sweet.

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Everyone deserves love

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>No cheek marks
Connie with the sword in 3...2..,1...

>Connie with the sword in 3...2..,1...
She's actually busy with something already.

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>her on the side giving a thumbs up and/or crying

It’s a BDSM relationship

Finally, someone brings up Older Marco with Warrior Connie. It'd be like watching Fist of The North Star mixed with Conan

Or Mad Max mixed with Xena.

I'd pay to see/read that.
All dem abs.
Would make for a fun adventure story.
>Sword slashing battles on the plains of Giant Swords left behind by the Gods in an ancient battle.
>Sweat and blood stained love making in the warm natural hot springs afterwards.

Attached: Chillguys Connie Maheswaran.png (1795x869, 144K)

>Marco and Connie riding through the desert on Nacho while the sun sets in the background while A horse with no name plays in the background

This song will never not make me sad. Meanwhile Ventura Highway never fails to cheer me up.


Ooh, that one would probably work better

Fuck ya.
>Marco and Connie in the final battle against the Serpent Sorcerers and their Legions.

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I'm a strict Steven/Connie guy but this is a cool AU. Keep it going.

I’m a Steven/Azula guy and I love it

Happy because that means Lapis and Steven are finally canon

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Also one that strangely works.


>comfy adventures underneath open skies filled with stars with two dorks who slowly mature into capable young adults

She's a broken mess and Steven unconditionally loves everyone.

Both 14 year olds with mother issues, royal ties, incredible power. She’s someone nobody believes in and he believes in everybody. Also the hero/villainess is always nice imo

>Marco and Connie's adventures in the Realm of Heavy Metal where music and magic are one in the same, there they meet up with Hekapoo and do battle with Black (Metal) Knights and hunt Hip Satyrs in the Razor woods.
>The Adventure comes to an end in the Pleasure Palaces of Glam Metal where the three retire for a steamy night of recreation and sexual discovery.
>I’m a Steven/Azula guy and I love it
>Adventures where Steven manages to redeem the bad guys but Azula always burns them alive afterwards.
Its a wacky dynamic.
>comfy adventures underneath open skies filled with stars with two dorks who slowly mature into capable young adults
I love the sound of that. With cool settings and a few sword and sorcery references here and there, can be real fun.
>Marco and Connie's latest quest is to seek out the mythical city of Tanelorn where they discover the secrets of the Multiverse and do battle with the Lords of Law and Chaos.

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Stop confusing Steven for Finn the Cuck or Dipper the Cuck. In his show Steven is actually allowed to be happy.

Is this turning into a metal and rock thread? Because I am all for that going down. Anyone got anything for some Stan Bush?

>Azula complaining whenever Steven heals the scars of the people she burns

Any love for Type 0 Negative?


Any Coheed & Cambria fans?

Connie leaned in to kiss him one time

Attached: Bubble Buddies_trim3.webm (960x540, 1.83M)

>the outline of Connie's legs in 0:02

>Azula complaining whenever Steven heals the scars of the people she burns
Seeing as how he has to lick them, that's gross and understandable.
But she doesn't complain when he does it for her.
Yup and there's a few songs I think that I would make good adventure music.

My friends tried to get me into them, but stuck with my Deftones.

>Marco and Connie roaming through the sun scorched, cyber city realm of Texarch; helping rebel Cyber Bull slaves to topple the foul monarchy of chicken headed cowboys
>Connie struggling to simultaneously keep a wounded Marco from bleeding out while also surviving to escape the labyrinthine, underground street slums of metal head, Indian vampires

You know I wouldn't even be against that, She almost immediately warmed up to him ( as much as she can anyway )

He doesn't necessarily have to lick them, he could just spit into a supersoaker filled with water and swish it around. Basic holy water stuff.


thats fine, caus then we can get with a good pairing like stevidot.

>he could just spit into a super soaker filled with water and swish it around.
The thought of Steven spraying people with a spit filled super soaker water gun and Azula off to the side looking embarrassed as hell because of it fills me with amusement.

>I burned his face off for a reason, Steven
>He seemed upset about it, sorry.

>imagine resting your head on those legs


do you miss her old anatomy

Attached: connie_f80c0e35bfc2.gif (574x703, 2.29M)

new connie's cuter

Post the best Connies of each season bros.

Thank god.

Those shots kinda don't represent the average Connie board anyway. Something like this is much closer to how she usually looks

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>I only gave them 2nd degree burns Steven, stop crying. They'll live, though their love lives may not.

Season 5 has been pretty good for most characters overall. Here's one of Connie from Together Alone

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All this Marconnie material is great and seeing as how some people started to ship Marco with Luz from The Owl House, this means the group has a Mage in training for their adventures.

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liar, I wish she had that head to arm ratio regularly

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Shut the fuck up faggot

The only good pairing for Peridot is a fucking trash can.

>Steven sending apology donuts whenever Azula burns someone’s home down.

Her asshole is a trashcan for my sperm

>"Here we are Connie, the Dimension of Bladed Armaments."
>"Whoa, so what's special about this dimension Marco?"
>"In this dimension, the people have blades for Arms."
>"That's pretty neat- wait, are both their arms blades?"
>"Um, how do they... like, go to the bathroom?"
>"From what I heard... very carefully."

Marco belongs to brown girls.

There's a little PS note that reads-
>Here's a jelly donut filled with my spit to heal your burns.
>Marco belongs to brown girls.
And vice versa. These delicious brown ships I can get behind.

Just squat idiot. Neither men nor women have to touch their genitals to defecate.

What about male pissing you idiot

What about wiping afterwards?

The male penis hangs down for a reason. Just stop trying to piss when you have a boner.

We evolved to survive without wiping anything.

You forgot to mention Jackie is now lesbians with a black french chick

>Everyone just assumes it’s a cruel act of humiliation (giving someone your spit) and don’t even eat the donut
>Steven gets a reputation for being as cruel as Azula

Everything post-Season 2 is uncanon and Star died on her way back home.

Now that's good humor.

>Implying Greg won't still be alive.
>They're going to explain his perma-sunburn as a partial pinking he got when he murdercocked rose.

>What are you guys going to do when it's revealed that they are not a couple, Connie has a different boyfriend, but they are still "good friends"

I'm going to continue to not give a shit.

>After she burned me, that man had a water gun, he said it had his spit! I ran away as fast as my charred body could. He was literally going to spit in my wounds. What monster does that?!

>Human!Lapis with a child Steven is super great

this. ten year timeskip. shows connie/steven getting married, having kids, a real anime ending

>These delicious brown ships I can get behind.

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Something about the timing and the staring is really funny

>Yeah Marco.
>Where are my pants?
>*laugh track*
Their interactions were the only thing keeping me going through Seasons 3 and 4.

I'm 100% sure this a porn comic

Then find the source bro.

>Post the best Connies of each season bros.
well best Season 1 Connie is her in Fusion Cuisine, it's a shame that outfit hasn't been used again

Attached: Fusion_Cuisine_151.png (1920x1090, 1.24M)

>Their reputation gets so bad that someone hires the upcoming mercenaries Marco and Connie to take them out.
Hilarity ensues.
I could see Janna turning up as the evil witch/sorceress on one of Marco and Connie's adventure. Relationships gags aplenty.
Now with all the brown shipping with Marco and Connie, Anne, and Luz I guess we can go ahead and call this the Brown Adventures AU.

>as the evil witch/sorceress
Nah I think Janna would be better as the rouge/thief of the group. Remember when she stole Marco's Social Security and busted into his house countless times?

I would love it, it would teach boys what they get for being sensitive.

She's into dark magic and sheit as well so no reason why she can't be both.
Some kind of spell thief, one who's rep mostly revolves around stealing Marco's treasures after an adventure.

this will literally happen.
Steven is destined to be a cuck.
No way will this new SJW universe that we live in allow him to be a man in any semblance of the word.

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>Everyone’s just prepared to fight when Connie and Steven hug for old time’s sake

Hey user, just a question; you ever play Dragon Quest?

>"Connie! You wouldn't believe how many people I've had to spit on these last couple of days."

>Somehow I knew this is how you’d spend your life, spitting on people

I belive I have actually, but that was a long time ago when I was just a little dude so I can't quite recall.
The PS2 game right?

Favorite song Yea Forums? youtube.com/watch?v=OQx7NCpxQ4A

Wouldn’t It Be Nice by The Beach Boys

>"When you go around burning down every town you see, you tend to lose track of the amount of people you soak in spit. I've been dehydrated this entire time."

Yeah that one. Although there's a ton of them but I think those games provide the best sense of adventure that these greentexts talk about. Hell even the fifth title has the MC marrying and having children.

tied with youtube.com/watch?v=6iSynI5ppC4

>I was completely justified in that, in case you’re wondering. They’re just poor sports
>It’s true, Connie, we’re both just trying our best in this world. Accidents happen
>She burned someone’s face off!
>He spilled wine on me.
>And I spit on his face afterwards! Now that’s what I call balance!

Suppose I deserve that for not specifing, but I like the one you picked regardless.

Both great picks. Season 5 really upped the music game after S4's kinda lackluster showing (although What's the Use of Feeling, Blue was fantastic).

Sounds good, worth looking into then.
I've been thinking of how to style the adventures off of the Sword and Sorcery Pulp fiction books myself. What with Connie from SU, Luz from the Owl House, and Anne from Amphibia, we got ample material for some crack shipping pulp adventures.

>In the the desert oasis city of Iryisha, known as the trading city of spice, were the silver pleasure houses of the Iryish merchant guilds reside.
>Here in one of these pleasure houses resided the tripid and young Marco Diaz, the Extinguisher, along with his traveling companions who lay upon a massive mattress in a colorful room of Iryish silks.
>Marco leaned on his battle scarred elbow as he held a small bowl of fragrent incense in one hand, breathing in its scented fragrance as he thought in abject silence.
>Beside him slept the the sword maiden Connie and the mage in training Luz to his right and left side respectively, while the young Anne sat further away in a corner of the silk room, practicing her druidic swamp magics over a bowl of still water.

I have two.

>"Look, we've been hired to bring you guys in for a bunch of arson crimes so we need you guys to come with us quietly, before we end up doing this the hard way."
>"You are welcome to try if your so eager to end up a pile of ashes."
>"Connie can you calm your friend down, I'm really all out of spit and if I have to heal anymore burns then I'm going to have to resort to spitting loogies and I don't know if my boogers heal people as well."

If you like pulpy fiction books then you'll definitely like DQ. Try to throw some male characters in there so Marco doesn't look like a poonhound.


Is it weird that I never liked Estelle's singing?
Like, it's barely singing to me. She's just reciting those lyrics. An acapella version of stronger than you would be indistinguishable from a voice synthesizer.

Disgusting racemixing propaganda.

>Calm down, big guy
>Call him big one more time and I’ll melt your bones
>I took down an alien empire. It took me like 5 song. So help me, I’ll do a Broadway musical on your ass.
>He’s not bluffing Marco, back down.

Is that not what we're going for? Haha.
Anyways, gotcha. Who to use though...
I suppose his buds Ferguson and Alphonso can show up and go on their own dimensional adventures as well in respective Dwarf and Elf Larping disguises.
Let them be King Fergon of Fergonia and Alphonzo the Lanky.

>I suppose his buds Ferguson and Alphonso can show up and go on their own dimensional adventures as well in respective Dwarf and Elf Larping disguises.
Toss Ludo in there for the waifufags.

>Anyways, gotcha. Who to use though...
Greg, we need a murdercock to pass down his skills to a future murdercock.

>"You don't scare me. I already spent years fighting a Fiery Magical seductress in a gods forasken dimension along with her millions of clones."
>"That doesn't sound so impressive-"
>"And I fucked her and every single one of her clones!"
Him and his little bro can go and spread the Avernus Kingdom across the Dimensions then.
>"Marco, if you truely intend to succeed me then its time I taught you the greatest ability I've unlocked."
>"What's that Mr. Universe?"
>"How to get the sex stank out of a van. We're gonna need an industrial hose for this example..."

>Okay, props to you for that, but I got something you don’t
>Cat Finger Punch!

>"Keep the industrial hose sir, my father taught me a way to do the same with just mole sauce, lime juice and this old chancla."
We also need a Cousin Andy cameo.

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>"Lucky punch, but I got my own thanks to an old princess friend, RAINBOW PUNCH!" (Holds out fist)
>"... That didn't do any-" (Gets kicked in the nuts.)
>"Sure it did, it distracts. You don't survive the Netherzone by playing fair."
>"Greg! The hell you doing teaching a friggin Foreigner the friggen family secrets? You think this kid really has what it takes to inherit the Murdercock title, your van, and my friggin Barn? Alright then Mark or whatever your name is, there's only one true test to see if your worthy, and that is to quest... to Hair Metal Mountain!"

>"Listen Kid, unless you pass Greg's teaching you'll never get the van, the girls or this friggin sweet Foreigner debut album sighed by the original band members from 1977."

>(hisses) Yeah, but you don’t survive nights with Azula without learning to take pain in the crotch. You should have learned how.
>What are you-
>(Gets shocked in the Nuts)

>"I gotta admit kid, your showed some real chomps by saving me from those Vampire broads, last time I try to purchase a 10 dollar hooker, know what I'm saying? Eh, anyway to show my appreciation or whatever, I think its time I gave you this, The Foreigner Belt! Use it well my young disciple and use it... to bring the rock!"

Best thread on Yea Forums

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>One long series of continual nut punches and another burned down house and the two groups call a truce.
>And that's when the dimensional bounty hunters looking for both groups attack.

>"This friggin bad boy got me got laid like you wouldn't believe. I copped some broad back in '83 thanks to it, and now it's yours kid. I would've given this to Greg's kid but what with him not surviving and all I think you'll make better use of it."

Man every time I see that manhwa I get depressed about artist dying of cancer. Horny, but sad

>"Whoa, well thanks for this Andy, or I guess I should say Domo Arigato Mr Roboto."
>"Heh heh heh, yea yea alright don't get mushy, that's friggin weird. Anyways, go forth kid, release your inner Dirty White Boy, bone Women of every size and color, and be the Juke Box Hero I know you can be! Eh, also make sure you vacuum the crabs out of the Carpet in Gregs Van. Those suckers will mess you up, believe me, little bastards."

So will Stevonnie look older or what

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>"So Andy, does this belt know any Loverbo-
>"Stop right there Greg, this family is a pro-Foreigner family, none of that Loverboy trash."

Slightly? Their ages combine when they fuse so they're probably almost 30 now if not just a bit over.

>"Lover Boy sucks."
>"Oh no they don't, I saw them at Madison Square in '85 and they kicked ass!"

post version 3

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God I love that show, the dialogue is perfect. It's the perfect show to watch on a Saturday night.

>"Listen Marco, Uncle Andy maybe a little weird, but he's the guy who taught me about life and women."
>"And good hygiene?"
>"Vice versa."

Oh hey look, it's Andy and Greg. This new art style for season 6 is a bit weird and I dunno why they made Amethyst into a hamburger patty but I'll live. youtube.com/watch?v=3MYQwtSxDNs

All too true my dude.
>"Listen Marco, I know you like to go on those dimension-whats it adventures with those little brown girls, props by the way, but listen, I'm gonna teach you some survival techniques that'll be sure to keep you alive while your out there, or something, doing whatever, I dunno, what was I saying? Anyways first lesson: how to survive off carpet. See the trick is to boil it so it melts the glue, makes for a great Christmas dinner with ole pops."

>"Don't worry Uncle Andy back home I used to tear up so much carpet, they called me the Weaver. But what are the respirator and work boots for? It's Christmas and Greg said I could cook my world famous nachos in his van."

>"Well you know what they say kid, you gotta work hard to play hard and then work hardda, or something. Anyways come on, we gotta get to work so I can pay off the Barn. I had to pull a lot of strings to get them to hire a nine year old."
>"Uh, I'm fourteen."
>"Whatever, just means you can lift more or something."

>"Greg, do you have a family?"
>"Other than you guys I used to roommate with these losers back in Jersey. Trashed my car and azaleas and almost ruined my friggin life."


>On one of Marco and Connie's adventures, Connie becomes trapped in a crystal prison as an evil warlock attempts to resummon the Demons of Hair Metal Mountain.
>Marco lays on the ground, bleeding and prone as it seems that the Warlock is about to be successful in his summoning.
>Just then, an astral projection appears before Marco's prone form.
>"Marco, Marcooo, wake the hell up kid!"
>"Wha, uncle Andy?"
>"No, its buddha, of course its me kid!"
>"What are you doing here?"
>"I have astrally projected myself... to remind you to use the friggin belt kid, why else did I give it to you?"
>Marco looks down, remembering the Foriegner Belt he was given.
>"That's right, use dat belt to save your girl and in turn, save all of Hair Metal Mountain! ... alright I gotta go, laters."
>As Andy disappears, Marco rises with newfound strength, to which the warlock notices.
>"Still alive I see? Your too late young warrior, soon the demons shall be free!" The Warlock cackles.
>"Not while I'm around they won't!" Marco yells, "Cause When It Comes to Love, I'm Hot Blooded, and I've got a Reaction to Action!"
>With a triumphant cry, Marco pelvic thrusts and unleashes the power of the Foreigner Belt, summoning a white gout of electrical fire that strikes the warlock and incinerates him instantly in a glorious blast, disrupting the summoning spell and freeing Connie from the crystal prison simultaneously.
>Marco and Connie then fly off on the Dragon cycle Nachos into the sunset as rock n roll music plays in the background.

>"Marco, I didn't know you were into Foreigner."
>"I'm actually a Van Halen guy, but the Foreigner Belt changed me in ways I can't comprehend like right now because I've Been Waiting For A Girl Like You."

>"Tell me Connie, you Down on Love? Cause I Want To Know What Love Is."

>Oh Marco, after Steven didn't survive I thought life was over but then you tumbled into my life. Don't leave me Marco and stay by my side. *holds on to him by the belt buckle* Say You Will.
>"I will."
>"That's my Dirty White Boy."

Sounds like they’re gonna fuck

>"Holy shit Connie, you're walking with a limp. That Worlock must've done a number on you."
>"Hehe, I got the limp after Marco saved me."
>"Forget it Greg, The Damage Is Done."

Hands down the best AU yet.
Between all the brown QTs and the Murdercock legacy with uncle Andy/Carl, we're sitting on some gold.
Who knew a crack ship like Marconnie would get so fleshed out.

I'm so fucked-up.

We can fit it into SVTFOE after Star cleaves the world and monsters inherit the earth.

>Connie has a different boyfriend, but they are still "good friends"
Oh no.

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Someone really should write this down

Screencap them, store them and figure out other genres of music to fit in this little crackverse.

Steven is soi incarnate, he will be a proud cuck

Now we just need to figure out some scenes with Luz and Anne.
Since The Owl House ain't out yet, Anne's the way to go.
Better come up with more Sword and Sorcery scenes as well for some nice world building and potential scenry art.

Amphibia as a place that merged into Anne’s hometown transforming it, and having her be a scavenger like she was before she met the Plantars?

Back in 2018, you could find stuff like this on the Star Vs. threads before the /trashing/. Then season 3 put a nail on the coffin.

Scavaging huh?
Sounds like a plot hook that can work.
People keeping throwing around the Swamp Druid idea as well. Get some Froggy voodoo juju magic going.

took me a moment to notice it

I can't believe my original posting of Marconnie back in 2016 or 15 would finally reach this point. I' m so happy

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celebrate by making more

I hope you like Foreigner user.

Better go get some more art then man.
We got brown QT adventures to come up with.

Back to brainstorming up some adventures.

>In the city of Antolia, Marco and the Brown QTs find themselves in a rough patch as their Dragon Cycle Nacho and their Interdimensional chariot powered by the energies of a World Serpent has been stolen and the Gang must follow cryptic clues on their quest to recover their stolen friend and ride.
>But things soon take a turn for the worse has the Gang crosses an infamous crime cindicate.
>"Anne! Why'd you have to steal some kind of weird music box from a blood thirsty Thieves Guild?!"
>"What? Its too cool to pass up, see its got this cute little Salamander looking dude in it, heh heh, look it dances when you wind it up."

Your shit 'meme' is fucking cringe, but it's also the only thing you ever achieved in your life.

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t. Steven, Star and everyone else Marco cucked

t. Marcuck

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Oh user.

It's part of the cartoon that you apparently cannot shut your fucking gob about.

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>Marco and pals fake their identifies as political envoys to smuggle Greg's bangvan across Septarsian lines

Does Marco have the Foreigner Belt? Because I was thinking of him being known as an urban legend called the Jukebox Hero

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He inherits it from Uncle Andy after proving he was worthy.

Please let this fucking show die.

>bro quit talking about cartoons on a cartoon board
Go be a bitch somewhere else.

But it fucking sucked.

No earthly effort could ever save it.

K. Just close your eyes and leave this thread user, nobody is forcing you to partake in it.

>"Aw darn- well um, hey guys! How's it going."
>"What is this Vehicle your struggling to push into the Septarian fort?"
>"Whaaa, this? This isnt anything, heh, certainly no Trojan Horse-esque trap to get behind enemy lines or anything?"
>"Then what isss it."
>"Its uh, its a stage. Yup, a stage on wheels, for the up coming concert you know? Van Halen, Rush, and such, ya know."
>"Why does it look like it has a group of young adventurers beheading an army of Septarian warriors painted on the side?"
>"What that? That's not what that is, thats uh, thats the cover of the Aerosmith Album cover from '87, yea. We just got back with this from a show, it got all painted up and stuff for the gig."
>"Hmph, very well. Go on ahead."
>"Yea sure thing, later then guys. We'll save you guys a seat for the show."
>"... Whatsss a Aerosssmith?"
>"I don't know. Same thing a Van Halen is?"

Don't tell me what to do, go fuck yourself.

I hope Steven and Azula are safe, they’re my fave side characters

>"W-what's wrong?"
>"Our castellan wantss a audience with you all. Seth is a big fan of prog rock and wants a concert to rally his warriors!"

They're safe and manage to go on plenty of other dimensional adventures, burning and spitting on everything they come across.

>"Marco what are we gonna do? We don't know how to play any instruments."
>"We don't need any instruments, not when I have the Foriegner Belt!" Now to set this bad boy on "Urgent" for some sick tunes..."
>"... why the heck is nothing happening? Oh, ah what?! Who set the belt on Danzig?!"

>"Fuck, the Belt has enough charge for one song and they want a concert. What do we do? Greg is the only one who knows how to play an instrument."
>"I got it: Greg, repeat after me: Marco, when did we figure out how to play Rush's 1981 album, Moving Pictures in its entirety?"
>"Ahh okay... Marco, when did we figure out how to play Rush's 1981 album, Moving Pictures in its entirety?"
>"Why Greg, It Was Yesterday."

>Connie has a different girlfriend

A teen fucking a kid, how bout that.
Rule34 action

I see what you did there, nice going.
Here's an alt-
>"Fuck, the Belt has enough charge for one song and they want a concert. What do we do?"
>"Hmm, if we can't play multiple songs, then lets just play one really long song..."
>"What do you mean?"
>"You'll see, setting the belt to RUSH... now then, typing in the code... 2112."

I love a happy ending

And most of the time happening because they were thinking with their dicks

>"Wow gang, now only did we did we play Rush, but we also stopped the Septarsians from ethnically cleansing the Floating Unicorn people."
>"Wait what?"
>"Yup, now their Princess Pony Head will be able to restore her kingdom."
>"Pony Head lives..."
>"Marco what's wrong?"
>"Foreigner Belt, Pony Head is At War With The War!"

*At War With The World
Man this song kicks ass.

Interdimensional adventures and music references are the best thing to come to this ship AU.

First of all, please let there be a drawfriend around here. Secondly, will Marco ever battle the 3 Food Items that plagued Uncle Andy?

This is the first time I've actually opened myself to prog rock from the seventies and eighties.

>Secondly, will Marco ever battle the 3 Food Items that plagued Uncle Andy?
New Jersey was the only place in the world to remained untouched by the Great Cleaving. That being said, it's still preferable to live in the wasteland ruled by monsters than to live in New Jersey.

All this talk about interdimensional adventures is great, just missing Marco's new reputation as Marconan the uncivilized.

Attached: Marconan_the_Uncivilized.jpg (1280x800, 150K)

Last episodes sucked ass beyond measure

Need some more interaction between Connie and Star, seeing as they'd be fighting over the Diaz.

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This should be canon

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>I hope you like Foreigner user.
I'm more of a Journey guy, actually..

We can work with that.
Depending on how much you want to make the Ship AU a thing that is.

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I'd rather they all touch and go their separate ways...

I want them to stay together for a long time, like how the wheel in the sky keeps on turning.

Maybe they will at that so long as you don't stop believing.

Why the heck, show art is getting more and more uglier by season.

oh no, artmadness artwork, kindly keep that shit away

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Connie is gonna be a trans female


Steven is an immortal physical god, it doesnt matter what organic trash chooses he wins in the end.

Matters a little when he can make organic trash immortal

>implying best friend romances aren't unnatural fantasies of friendzoned incels

What the fuck even is this show I thought it was about magic niggas

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Best friends make the best spouses. I couldn't imagine being with someone I didn't like as a friend first.

I think it’s been said that he’s not immortal

I don't think the ages combine, but the bodies do which makes them larger, and Connie probably ups Stevens age to hers or possibly to his actual age.

No their ages definitely combine. It's why they started growing facial hair in Jungle Moon despite neither of them doing so before. I know there's a source for this on a podcast, but you can listen to that yourself if you want the hard evidence. Links are here:

>was best friends with my current gf for years before we got together
Can confirm. Gonna marry her someday, I hope.

>I thought it was about magic niggas

It is. But then the slayer came.

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I love this image. Are there any other trio of cartoons that fit into each slot?

Aang could fit in pacifist, not sure about the other two though.

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So did anybody save this yet or?

>So did anybody save this yet or?
well it should be on desuarchive

Star probably went nuts after the world went to shit

She got Married with Children.

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Oh I meant like screencaps

Fitting it all together in one screencap might make it too large to upload. Might have to try doing it in parts.
Unless someone knows how to make it work.

Why is this a thing?

Objectively the best type of relationship.
I know a few people who are looking for a gf/bf and they are only interested in doing "romantic" things with them - going out to restaurants, smooching in a theater - but are openly confused at the idea of being "friends" with their so.
It baffles me. I pity those people

>season 10
shit nigga I'd watch

Attached: [laughs in one lesbian midget standing on another lesbian midget].jpg (674x697, 406K)

>favourite song
>favourite theme

The recent themes are p.good too youtube.com/watch?v=AX7A33pWoA8

laugh at the state of animation today
i mean i totally see it coming but it will still be hillarious

fuck that's hot

It's Centipeedles gem, they killed her so they could have kinky sex

>What are you guys going to do when it's revealed that they are not a couple, Connie has a girlfriend, but her and Steven are still "good friends.

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such promise, even for a meme-y hyper attention-whore
but then he just sort of stagnated


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>What are you guys going to do when it's revealed that, not only are they a couple, but that Connie has a girlfriend, that her and Steven are in a threeway relationship with.

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>that pic
aw man, i'd give star some good ol butt fuckin followed by excelent aftercare

and leave her in the dust

Tried my hand at it. Came out pretty large and I tried to get every post that seemed to matter.

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nice job user, this'll be good for future threads

When they go perma, Pearl is sure to make a move on that.

Attached: SU_Pearl wants some of that fusion.jpg (1280x720, 212K)

Thanks, would have been a shame to lose all that gold materiel.

God damn that's a comfy Ruby. I wish I was half as comfy as that right now.

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bottom middle post
>>Calm down big guy
>>Call him big one more time and I'll melt your bones
>Steven is insecure about his weight
>Azula is protective of him and burns people who mock him

just noting this now, but is the Steven here adult Steven?

I imagined it as the common Steven the whole time. Funnier that way cause she's way shorter then Azula.

one thing I don't get about these posts is why they had Greg and Andy mentor Marco for no reason, just sort of threw the whole thing off

Could Steven fuse with Connie and the gems, then unfuse from them, leaving Connie as part of the fusion? So he can fuck all of them at once?

Attached: mindfuck.gif (368x207, 56K)

People like you make Yea Forums the best board.

Steven is inarguably closer to getting pussy than you ever have been.


>why they had Greg and Andy mentor Marco for no reason
Andy was brought up and since he has the same voice actor as Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force, it was a prime chance to make some references to ATHF.
Thank ye, glad to have helped.

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No, Steven has to be part of it for the fusion to work. I'd love to see Stevonnie+gem fusions though although it probably won't happen at this rate.

Foreigner Belt, because Same VA. For a post-apoc rock world.

stop with arttmadness art

So I guess the Avatar world got merged during Cleaved? Guess that’s why Azula is out and about.

I wonder how he would feel if he knew his art was being used like this?


at least his not a pedophile

>Is an immortal being dating a 13 year old
maybe he is?

Elemental bending isn't really magic though is it? It's kind of a grey area.

Sokka calls it magic. Good enough for me.

Didn't the crew say that Steven's story is over but they still wanted to explore what happens next?
I see season 6 as less Shippuden and more Boruto, hopefully not as bad, but i'm optimistic

>implying user had a gf in the first place
Some fucker probably fucked his mom and he got jealous.

It's all Steven's story my dude. Zach says the stuff coming up is the most emotional he's had to record and that Steven's arcs mirror his own.

It'a show about gay alien rocks. Steven is gay alien rock. He will end up craving some dick and ass.


Hope we can continue to add on this in the coming threads. It was fun.

Indeed. Have to do it again in some kind of crack shipping thread or at least derail another thread.

Indeed, or even make a new thread about it, Foreignerverse

>at least derail another thread.
Let’s not... unless it’s a SVTFOE thread. They’re dying out and Cute and Perfect doesn’t cut it anymore.

We need to make a compilation of songs to go with the Foreignerverse. Toss in some in prog rock and heavy metal from the 70/80s.

Okay, definitely need “I Don’t Want To Live Without You” for Marconnie

Sounds good, work on the title a bit but Foreignerverse will do. Got the themes going of inter dimensional high fantasy adventures, Brown QTs, and musical references up the wazoo.
No worries, just joking. But using the occasional Star vs. thread wouldn't hurt.

Nice, in the end it’ll be the best post-apocalyptic roadtrip boomer compilation ever.

>the best post-apocalyptic roadtrip boomer compilation ever.

The story about a young man, his 3 to 4 Brown Cuties, his pet draconian motorcycle, and a super charged Van powered by Interdimensional Scissors. Going on sick multiverse adventures and playing Rock n Roll all the way.

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>Steven for Finn the Cuck
Finn never was a cuck.

Should there be a limit on the Multiverse because there’s like SU, Aqua Teen, Amphibia, Owl House, Star vs, Avatar I think, oh should it be a free for all?

There's so many involved, might as well keep it open in case there's ideas to include others shows and have the chance for more adventures.

i will stand up and clap for the poly representation

Yup, time to make room for our little green short stack

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That's what every sane person has been saying all along so no big deal.

>housewife doctor
Are you retarded

It would be Kevin and you know it.


It's going to be a girl friend, but she'll be a home world gem

Yh he is immortal if you kill him he just becomes stronger literally.

He almost died in Change Your Mind.

no, the faggot writers thought starco wasn't a shitty meme

Should we add some Tenacious D in here?

>A Marconnie duet

Kickapoo with Hekapoo?

Connie's gonna die if they don't go Per-Fuse like Garnet.
But Peridot pussy last FOREVER, or until she runs out of juice.

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Who else

did someone say Peridot?

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they're going to be in a pansexual polyamourous relationship with peedee

This Thread has now been hijacked by Peridot!

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Seriously, though. Connie and Sadie are gunna die within the next 100 years. Stevey boy and Lars need a partner that can stay with them long term

tfw steven and azula are the same age

>Should we add some Tenacious D in here?
They'd call themselves Tenacious D(iaz).

Attached: Tenacious Diaz.jpg (3264x2448, 1.28M)

shit, Steven cant cure that


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So who's part of the AU overall and is the Star vs.cast mostly involved?

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Marco, Alphonso, Ferguson, Jenna. Star went missing after the world got Cleaved. She's the key to understanding what went wrong.

I hope Steven actually visits the diamonds and treats them as family. I'd like to see what they are like now that they don't really have to be dictators.

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Uh, Anne from Amphibia, Marco, Connie, Luz from Owl House, I guess Azula and Steven are side characters? Uh, Uncle Andy and Greg, Nachos.

>Star went missing after the world got Cleaved. She's the key to understanding what went wrong.
Plot hook huh?
Makes sense as the starting event that kicks off the whole adventure.
Sounds good, guess we just gotta figure out how they get roped into the adventures as well.

Well, this is kind of a harem thing right? I don’t know. So it’s like you pick them up as the journey goes one. I think anime does that?

Don't forget Mexican Connie (Isabella) from Victor and Valentino.

Attached: Isabella Smug.png (461x692, 307K)

>they get roped into the adventures as well.
Steven got cleaved into another dimension, or got BTFO so hard that he got send into another world (Avatar) and all the other characters think he's dead. Like that one episode of Justice League.

Loved that one

i want to fuck a Ferguson

Bearded Steven with sick convertible is optional.

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>Well, this is kind of a harem thing right?
I'm in favor. Sounds good and it'll lead to some fantasy barbarian posing with chain mail bikinis, haha.
So the Steven Azula thing is part of the AU as well? Well it'll be chance for the side adventures as you said.
Adventures of burning and spitting.

>So the Steven Azula thing is part of the AU as well?
It's the side story.

Anons are involving Anne into this.

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Alright, sounds good.
Suppose all that's left is fleshing out the actual plot.

Is there a timeskip, like from after Cleaved?

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Might need to start a new thread, this one is pretty close to 500

I can understand why.

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The characters should grow a little bit older by the end, why not?

Anne has no sexual interest (for now I hope doesn't get it). She only wants fun, friendship and adventures. SHE IS NOT FOR LEWD.

Attached: Anne_Warrior.jpg (1200x675, 120K)

>Might need to start a new thread, this one is pretty close to 500
Do we make a whole new thread of this AU idea or move over to a another thread?
Since this idea is pretty new it might be better to simply squeeze into like another Star vs. or SU thread.
But if we do make a new thread, I got the perfect image to use.

Attached: Bat out of Hek.jpg (2400x2400, 3.64M)

Ooh, not sure actually. I’d feel bad about derailing someone’s thread with an AU.

>Different boyfriend

Nah, Connies gonna go be lesbians with Sadie, if not i'll twitch stream pouring concrete mix into my urethra.

One of the more open threads then without a specific subject?
Such as this Star vs. thread.
Too early to be making our own threads I think, need to hook in more people and that can take awhile since this is a crack ship AU.

I could get down for that

>She only wants fun, friendship and adventures.
There's gonna be plenty of that in this AU for sure.
But no reason they can't have fun while mud wrestling.

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Sounds good then. We'll move on over there when this thread kicks the bucket.
Someone can post the screen cap up above in a post to get it started.

Wait there's another Connie/Steven thread.

Eh, I prefer unspecified subject thread.

Well the threads gonna go out soon enough.
I'd say overall this was pretty damn fun and funny. Lots of good posts and greens, hopefully we can continue and maybe produce some new content for the ships and AU.
Nice job anons, been fun. See ya in the next thread.

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And posted in unspecified thread.