Disney’s Big City Greens

Is it true, Yea Forums? Are lore-heavy cartoons like Gravity Falls and Steven Universe really the only ones that turn out successful?


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Other urls found in this thread:


No, Star Vs was rating worse then Milo Murphy. TTG is the most-viewed thing on CN. SU doesn't even get many airings. Spongebob is the biggest show this millennium.
It's just that social media and online fandoms won't catch onto something like BCG but will for lore-based and ship-based shows, but that does not mean they don't get the normal audience or kid audience to make them successful

what are you talking about, BCG is one of the few shows animated shows Disney bothers to advertise and show reruns of

are we counting the fact that BCG isn't actually that good? you can't blame the audience for wanting more lore heavy animated shows without the shitty ubiquitous tropes of anime.

Maybe kids don't like calart shit and spongebob and TTG are the only shows that appeal to them.

Heard some pretty varied shit that even kids are starting to hate TTG though, but honestly could you blame them with the network practically becoming TTGNetwork to a fault?
BCG isn't really falling into this category but it's certainly probably gonna be seen as 'normal' like Spongebill or TTG.

probably way more interesting to write and draw for than to do a pure comedy that everyone knows is pathetic compared to the classic stuff

at least lore heavy shows are an improvement over the shitty 80s shows they have replaced, where they tried to be based off action and world building but only had the creativity of a corporate toy designers.

kids don't give a shit about cartoons styles, if that were true nobody would remember EEnE.

Bro Svtfoe had monumental ratings during S4

TTG is only the most viewed because its all they play, not because its more liked then other shows

I think you’ve cracked the case, on all accounts!

Maybe BCG is failing to build a following because—oh, I don’t know—it doesn’t use its big, limitless setting to its potential? It has such a small, forgettable cast of characters? Most of the episode plots aren’t that creative or original?

Don’t pretend like Big City Greens is still overlooked just because it’s not lore-heavy.

This, no matter what.
Ratings do not determine quality, or enjoyment of the show ever.


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kek, sure it did

Should’ve posted a pic from the new Looney Tunes Cartoons, mate.

Being Chris Houghton is suffering

No, watching this show is suffering

Facts sir

It never was, when compared to COTC, HB and Clarence, which as some lore related
episodes once of every season before falling back to the same basic shit as before. Well that’s the truth about SOL man

>not ‘Should’ve posted a pic from the new Looney Tunes Cartoons, Doc.’

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Source on that?

To be fair no one remembers Problem Solverz or Secret Mountain Fort Awesome at the moment.

I call bullshit.

I want a cardboard cutout of Tilly to cum on

There was nothing wrong with EEnE's artstyle.

Aren't the ratings good? Disney sure keeps promoting and rerunning it.

no big shitty sneeds is just a dull and safe show

also gravity falls isn't really that lore heavy, its just your typical monster of the week cartoon except those 5 minutes every other episode it isn't, and also the finale


What does Yea Forums even mean by this?

it means i've seen this show before
i'll be honest, its unfair to say for a kids show
but its not like all of their contemporaries are satisfied being that way

>implying EEnE's art style was bad
you have shit taste

anyone have webrip/mega of this show?

"Safe" media is shit that you've seen a hundred times because it follows a formula that is statistically shown to work. No risks. Your bottom line will never be in danger and you're guaranteed to make a profit off of it, even if it's minimal. Worst case scenario, the developers can drop it at a moment's notice and not lose any money. And this show falls squarely into this category.

This is basically everything now. 90% of shows, movies, videogames, comics, you name it.

GTFU fag, Tilly is not for lewd

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It really didn't en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Star_vs._the_Forces_of_Evil_episodes#Season_4_(2019)

This is the issue. We never even see the kids go to school. The city doesn't feel like a city, just a collection of backgrounds.

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this. the show plays it waaaay too safe. they don't try to do anything interesting or exciting with the setting, and it just winds up feeling very shallow because of this.
I expected something far more cartoony and outlandish given the art style to be honest. boy was I let down.

The problem is, having a show that’s taking place in the city, a population higher than the norm, With the writers never bother to expand the horizons with the background characters that appeared in all every episode and the same with characters who are voiced by guest stars only appeared once, and some could have better stayed in order to prove the audience that they showing more than a small caseload of characters that appeared in almost every episode.

For comparison: Other shows related to this, had roughly 20 or something characters, not just mainly the main ones or the supporting ones, but the minor ones as well.

Long story short, it’s upsetting to see a show involving a place with a large population with limited sets of characters.

What lets me down is that writers rather focus too much on the MCs over others that deserved a chance to breathe clearly like the MCs.

Garbage taste


This. By the end of Hey Arnold!’s first season, we already had a full cast of characters and a big, developed setting to further explore. The same can be said for Gravity Falls S1, a more recent example. What has BCG given us after 30 half-hours besides the Green family, Remy, Gloria, those three kid friends, and maybe two forgettable neighbors? FUCKING NOTHING.

If this show really wants a chance at lasting more than two seasons after Amphibia and The Owl House are both airing, it’ll have to do way more interesting stuff in Season 2. They’ve been hyping it up here and there, but I’m not too hopeful at the moment.

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>have two (2) Gravity Falls character designers, one of which is the co-creator
>the designs can’t hold a candle to Gravity Falls’s much broader range of character heights and silhouettes
Why did Chris Houghton and Ali Danesh do this? BCG’s designs are kind of lame.

Making the people Skittles-colored can only do so much.

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>Are lore-heavy cartoons really the only ones that turn out successful?
If by “successful” you mean “gain a big fandom online,” then yes.

Waifus also help. Those usually get a mediocre cartoon on people’s radar. Does this show have any waifus?

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Are you implying that Ed, Edd n Eddy had a bad art style? People remember it BECAUSE it was such a visually stunning show. Those line boils and wacky expressions stick with you.

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I could ask the same thing with Clarence, HB and COTC, since they start of a slow start with episodes introducing characters from the first season before descending to the second.

>>Making the people Skittles-colored can only do so much.

That’s their excuse for filling up the crowd since they don’t know what to do with all of these BG characters that randomly appeared seasonally, personally I don’t hate the show, but wished that they make these characters feel more like that they have a reason to appear in this show without being thrown in the back with others, plus judging by the end credits in every episode, will often show a limited number of casts and with BG characters being voiced by the same said actors who’d voiced the main ones with no name to recognize the characters names.

are there any megalink for this?

lol, Houghton Brothers BTFO

Amphibikino FTW

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>I could ask the same thing with Clarence, HB and COTC
Hol' up. Those three shows actually introduced tons of recurring characters throughout their respective first seasons. I wouldn't say any one of those had a "slow start."

Big City Greens, on the other hand, is just staying in its own little bubble and doing very little worldbuilding.

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>Alfred sucking up in the comments as usual

>Does this show have any waifus?
Sort of.

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Is Alfred the new Nico?

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You don't need to be lore heavy, but you do need to have a unique setting or design

BCG is just our work but everyone is colorful without noses. It's humor is also exactly like Gravity Falls so that doesn't help

he's his ugly gay black cousin

Reasonable points, I see what you mean
It's unfortunate that I don't really get the feel that you could easily modify the show to start incorporating more of these things, it has a sense that it's kinda "set" in structure

You’re right, user, they did started with more expanding characters, background or not, but while for BCG, the show seems very weak with having the type to hold recurring characters from the start, we characters like the orange kid who appeared in that’s swimming episode along with the other 2 boys, Tilly’s friend, Andromeda, The Cyberknights, and among others that never got past the second episode (except Andromeda appeared later), which they would’ve got a chance for some development plus have episodes not limited to being compelled to the MCs, especially Cricket, we don’t need no more from him.

>It's humor is also exactly like Gravity Falls
I hate how true this is. I always try to avoid calling something “Hillbilly Gravity Falls” or “Gravity Frogs,” but you can clearly see GF’s influence in both Big City Greens AND Amphibia. The timing of jokes, the staging of chase scenes, or even certain musical cues make it real easy for anyone to start comparing these new shows to the main one they stemmed from.

Would you guys say that PPG felt like Dexter’s Lab with a different coat of paint? Or Adventure Time and Regular Show like Flapjack? ‘Cause those all felt a little more special with their execution.

I like BCG and Amphibia, but they sadly don’t feel like they have voices of their own. Talk shit about OK K.O.! all you want, but that show feels way unique and separate from Steven Universe.

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>>It's humor is also exactly like Gravity Falls so that doesn't help
Almost. But I wouldn’t mix GF with this as the humor is more with other SOL shows than GF.

based and f-annepilled

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Well it’s what you get, before the show’s release, many of us who have thought that with a city full of people, we would’ve opened for more character expansions like have a plot that involves in school, like how Clarence and Gumball did it, and what did we get after the release, introduce a small amount of characters that soon would be thrown in the back to be forgotten until the next time, the MC lack aspects that would make the character interesting, they should’ve made Tilly the main character of the show instead of Cricket.

Gumball had over 200 episodes and most of them were heavily Watterson centric. Like one of the main complains about the later seasons was "too much Gumball and family".

I can’t speak on behalf of whether the earlier episodes were more better than they are now

At least Amphibia has the frog world setting and the amphibian characters/knowledge which are pretty refreshing to follow.

>source: My ass

Tilly is more interesting of course but the MC was never gonna be anyone but Cricket so long as that character existed
At least from what I've seen of the show she gets decent screen time

>those DEE ESS ELL

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It would’ve worked that way. She was more interesting than Cricket desu, if anyone we to create a poll on what Character that they think was their fav, I bet more would favor others like Gloria (pathetically) or Bill And Tilly than Cricket

I could definitely go for an alternate universe version of this show where the main focus was Bill adapting to city life with significantly less emphasis on his kids

Big City Sneeds

Based mishafag, btw who is misha

I can't fathom an existence sad enough where this is considered funny enough to post not just multiple times, but multiple times in a single thread

Would that be the day, that I wanted, I have nothing against Tilly, but for some reasons Cricket just doesn’t grind my gears with anything that anyone would learn off of him.

>the MC was never gonna be anyone but Cricket so long as that character existed
1000% this. The show was always meant to be Chris Houghton’s Childhood Adventures™.

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What a nightmare that we have to live in.

The image is the only thing that i enjoy seeing every time

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>Does this show have any waifus?
the thicc green lady

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We need more than a green lady to cover up with the collection of waifus

I dunno, man. She seems like more than enough for me.

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Glad to see that the sexy teacher trope hasn’t died out in modern cartoons

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does she have multiple fans or has it been just you all of this time

She might’ve gained a couple more fans as of late.

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That’s fucking hilarious, but I don’t think the original Tweet meant any disrespect. What they said is pretty accurate. Big City Greens gon’ die.

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>Gloveless Bugs

Any given way though

>It doesn't have lore and character development, so it sucks!

If you want that kind of stuff, anime is one torrent away.

>they should’ve made Tilly the main character of the show instead of Cricket
Tilly is objectively a god-tier character, but I get the feeling that her weirder personality and jokes wouldn’t automatically click with most audiences. It’s way easier to make your standard “mischievous rascal” type the lead.

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Then you got bill as well, often the show’s straight man.

Bara Bill makes me anything but straight, man.

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I find it easier to become emotionally invested in a show with long story arcs. But I don't require a continuous plot, only the feel of a persistent world. Two of my favorite shows this past generation of shows were Clarence and Pickle and Peanut. I'd take them with me to a deserted island.

Actually user, a "Straight Man" has nothing to do with heterosexuality in general, but rather the middle man of sitcom related humor.

Pickle and Peanut? Really?

What’d you like about it? I only remember seeing one or two episodes and not caring to see much more. I liked Peanut’s weird muppet mouth, I guess.

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Oh, I know. Just tryna use some wordplay to bring up how Bill Green is perfect husbando material.

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>good lore and character development
that's a real knee slapper, user

Speaking of which, we need some new r34 for Bill, there haven’t been much of him from the last few months

Fugg, who is THIS semon demen?

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I watched the first episode and hated it, and didn't watch it again until after it was cancelled. I loved it. I loved the offbeat humor and the timing, it came across as genuine. The stories managed to surprise the same way early seasons of Regular Show did.
I regret not giving it the chance it deserved in life.

More than most western cartoons desu.
Hell I can think of like five good story driven cartoons that weren't cancelled after one or two seasons or didn't fizzle out by the end.


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I think you mean it’s all about Dat Ass

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>>green lady pic without the filename

Eh, felt like posting it.

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>we already have 19 drawings of her in The Booru
This is turning out to be a mighty fine Saturday, Yea Forums.

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I don’t think we really need to see Cricket and Tilly in school. Harvey Beaks and Craig of the Creek turned out just fine without having any “school episodes.”

I respect the creators’ apparent refusal to ever explore that idea, but they have to make up for it by still finding ways to build a bigger cast of recurring characters like HB and CotC did. Why are Big Coffee, the Remington Mansion, and the local Community Center the only regular spots for the series outside of the Greens and Nancy’s homes?

For such a Big City, it feels pretty damn small.

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Except HB and COTC had limited locations that had characters expanded well enough. Even though the Creator (Basically Chris) decided not to have plots involving school, but that’s not a good excuse for having to set the show in the overtly large metropolitan city with a large amount of people when they look like something that’s copied and pasted and not having characters to display any personality of what makes them feel if they have their purpose for being included, not just to show themselves anywhere that they exist, only worst part that I may see as season 2 is only a few corners away, is them doing the same shit over and over.

Oof, poor guy. I guess being a showrunner in this day is a double-edge sword: You can interact with fans and supporters, but you also see this criticism and the truth can hurt.

ESP. Jesus Chris

>the Creator (Basically Chris)
Damn, user. Why you gotta do Shane like that? He’s just as crucial to the show’s writing as Chris is. This thing’s a group effort.

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>>This thing’s a group effort.
More like what Shane and Chris would basically add to this. Using the “Group Effort” is just a lame ass excuse which the others opinions is not the same mindset as what the aforementioned two had explained.

Nigga, what are you even trying to say?

Look and Read the fucking post before you say shit

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What the other user is trying to explain to you is that, in regards of the show, any idea involving school, for which the creators opposes, while others which may have a different POV than what the creators have in mind.

Seconding this

that was an incredibly obvious joke dude


glad we're in agreement
now go sit in the dunce corner

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Let’s make love, not war.

Both shows can coexist.

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>semon demen

Who are Alfred and Nico? What are you guys talking about?

I think the Alfred dude is basically some sorta freelancer and I’m not sure about the Nico guy aside from who made Too Loud I think.

It’s just a reference dude. Nothing else.

I’m aware of that. But ‘s trying to incite a rivalry between BCG and Amphibia that doesn’t even need to happen.

Literally CalArts Simpsons

even nusimpsons is less bland than this


We shouldn’t. The argument related to that was taken from another thread that involved with V & V.

>Are lore-heavy cartoons really the only ones that succeed

>Implying Big city greens failed because of lore

The loud house was another slice of life, and it was a massive success. The fact is that BCG lacks quality that season 1 loud house had. It's not really funny, the characters aren't interesting, none of the episode plotlines are particularly original, and frankly the premise is stupid.

Really how long does "Kid raised in rural goes to the city" work as a joke? It already sounds dumb as fuck to me that a kid would go from the farmlands to the city and not even know not literal basic shit like don't drive a tractor in the middle of the road.

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Literally this, and gravity falls humor was it's weakest aspect


God, I miss Clarence

Make that 20.

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FYI, the humor on both shows are NOT the same.

user, You pretty much had to realistically realize that this was based off of the series creator’s idea of how they experienced it, somewhat differently from their perspective.

Same here.


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>tfw Black Widow

Then what are some actually GOOD modern episodic cartoons?

>gives several examples of how Amphibia and BCG share similarities to Gravity Falls
>’lol, ur in denial bro!’
Looks like I’m not the one in denial, user.

Whatever, regardless of what you believe, at the end of the day, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, unless you have something constructive to say

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Not anymore. The MCU has given us a plethora of better choices than Scarlett ""I should be allowed to play any person, or any tree, or any animal" Johansson's worn-out ass.

Attached: Spend the next 20 to 30 years sucking on these bountiful tidders instead of dressing up as a colored (768x1121, 66K)

Jesus, those are some wholly uninspired designs. Gravity Falls really did do a better job of making its background characters look at least a little more interesting.

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Yet despite of having weirdly shaped heads

I used to think "CalArts Style" was a serious issue, but thankfully, FOX showed me the light

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That is totally wrong.
She is made for lewd.

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When your the showrunner/work on things like Gravity Falls Steven Universe Spider-Verse She-Ra you feel like a rockstar because everyone loves what you do. But then you have big City Greens, which doesn’t have the same level of fan support, and well, you get this.

Those two sentences contradict each other. You sure you don’t wanna try that post again, user?

That is totally wrong.
She is not made for lewd.

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Tilly is just for comic relief and adorable scenes. Nothing more, nothing less.

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Instead of trying to lewd Tilly, bc she’s not made for at all, you can lewd Bill

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of course, how else are fanboys supposed to equivalent to real people if not by gatekeeping?

I’m not even into bara, but I still support this. Bill Green is for lewd.

user, pls.

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I’m genuinely happy for the Spider-Verse guys. They’re animation and film veterans who each worked hard to get to where they are. A film like Into the Spider-Verse could only be made with a solid group effort, and they deserve every applaud and accolade thrown their way.

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That’s part of the appeal. Gravity Falls has a simple yet stylized look that allows its characters to actually look unique.

what the fuck am i lookin at

yet another masterpiece by FOX

Go Anímate The Series: The Movie: El Juego para ordenadores

FOX’s newest animated one-season wonder! You wouldn’t believe me if I told you who’s producing this shit

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Considering the uglyass artstyle, but iti has plentiful of waifus.

Too bad that nobody else finds Cricket and the others beside Tilly are lewd-able.

I think you mean thank goodness

I’ve heard opposing views over the years, but it was officially confirmed that Hillwood was somewhere in Washington rather than New York, right?

I don’t mind a childhood self-insert cartoon so long as said self-insert is still more likable than obnoxious. At least Cricket isn’t nearly as bad as Victor Calavera

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Only for Tilly, others oh well, they’ll live.

I’ll let others make others be the judge to that.

I can't summon enough ass to be assed to watch victor and valentino (I assume that's what the "victor" is from)
tell me more about him

Let’s put it this way: he’s bad enough to bring the show down to a 3/10.

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>PPG felt like Dexter’s Lab with a different coat of paint
Funny thing is those two shows shared a shitload of staff working on them at the exact same time and they still feel quite different (imo PPG aged better and is more enjoyable overall but that's neither here nor there)

>"I should be allowed to play any person, or any tree, or any animal"
Yikes. The ScarJo memes will only get worse from here on out.

Isn’t that bitch already set for life after all those Disney•Marvel paychecks, anyway?

The only worst shit that this dusty bastard does is cry and whine like a little bitch and does similar shit compared to Cricket above, but only to be heavily obnoxious enough for you to punch him straight in the face for all of the retarded shit he does. You figured that he’s the reason why the show is brought down to burden for anyone to display their disappointment towards him.

>At least Cricket isn’t nearly as bad as Victor Calavera
You've made me appreciate BCG a little more user, because yeah, Victor is the absolute goddamn worst.
BCG is better than V&V in every way, even though it's a super episodic comedy show it still pulled off a mystery and reveal better than V&V has done (or even tried to do) with the whereabouts of their mom. Literally zero reason to watch that show except cute chicas, I've seen like 20 episodes and didn't laugh once. BCG definitely amused me far more often than that

>>even though it's a super episodic comedy show it still pulled off a mystery and reveal better than V&V has done
What mystery and reveal did BCG did

Read the post again, my guy.

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>tfw your silly episodic cartoon’s one mystery gets singlehandedly spoiled by a voice actress via Instagram
Being a Houghton Bro is suffering

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Calm down, son. It’s just a drawing.

But... neither Chris nor Shane went to CalArts.

I’m talking about Vic

Like I said, Victor is just a drawing, user. No need to house so much anger and vitriol.

>one-season wonder
I feel like since Bob’s Burgers’s shocking success, FOX has grown more confident in picking up new animated sitcoms [that don’t have Seth MacFarlane’s involvement] as of late. We now have not one, but three new shows coming within the next 1-2 years:

>Bless the Harts
>The Great North
And that’s not even counting the shows that FOX is producing for streaming services (Solar Opposites for Hulu, and Central Park for Apple TV+).

Who knows? Maybe Bless the Harts could surprise us much like Bob’s Burgers did. It could turn out more successful than we currently think, with maybe TWO seasons.

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I forgive her

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Damn the mom fro, The Goldberg's is STACKED

pics or it didnt happen

Remy looks like Irwin without a nose.

Psssh, that sweater vest-wearing loser WISHES he could look as cool as this absolute pussy destroyer.

Attached: Irwin lime.png (400x300, 153K)

Who said that I was angry but rather add with the other user just commented the issue towards.

STFU Irwin, nobody gives a fuck about your retarded vampire self, u lucky that your ass ain’t dead in the sun.

I’m noticing a lot of broken English and over-the-top, edgy cursing in this thread. BCG’s fandom is pretty underwhelming, not gonna lie

Attached: a complete lack of balls.png (743x743, 680K)

>setting where people come in wild ass colors
>STILL a black nerd best friend character


Attached: Remy Ratatouille.jpg (1536x2048, 312K)

ain't it the truth

Attached: Think Like a Man Too.jpg (1500x1500, 224K)

>>Calling out on the fandom for broken english and over the top cursing when your show is from a thread that’s belongs to the trash from where it’s stays because y’all are nothing but toxic mofos that promote incest and other bs, no sis, you don’t get to walk away from that lame comment

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You know he's one of those trolls who would show up here to talk down on the fandom that little when the fandom that he came from is large but toxic like SU and R&M, who needs his was whipped, you know. The obnoxious ones.

>Disney SEA releases an ad about "new" episodes
finally! time to see what stuff they censored this time.


the commerical i saw had a clip from coffee quest in it. we're seriously behind the US schedule.

>Bob’s Burgers has officially pushed its way out of the 8:30/7:30c timeslot
I never thought I’d see the day

Attached: FOX Sunday Lineup (Fall 2019).png (728x438, 57K)

And how long this was from.

not an american but is that a good or a bad thing (moving out of 8:30)? i heard some timeslots are practically death sentences for shows that get's those but i'm not sure if this is one of those cases.


How Pathetic are you. Sir

Cartoons get successful online fandoms because of waifus. That's it.

People follow artists, and artists only want to draw cute/hot human girls and women. Only furfags latch onto animal characters, and the vast majority of people steer clear of them. The characters on BCG don't seem to fit either criteria, they're weird heavily CalArtsified jaundice people.

Star Vs was atrociously written yet garnered a lot of fanart because it had a cute main pairing and a lot of cute/sexy side girls. Steven Universe is bland most of the time and aggressively unfunny when it tries to do comedy, yet has a harem of color coded humanoid waifus (oh, autismos LOVE color coding and "cutie marks" type shit). Neither of these shows ever broke any significant ratings barriers by the way, but short clips and songs from them get lots of YouTube views so I guess it counts for something.

Funnily, Loud House gets accused here the most of the "waifu popularity" thing, yet it pulls in metric tons of real life viewers and mostly for Clyde and Lincoln antic episodes. I think they just really manage to pull off slapstick well.

but when people try to waifu BCG characters, people get angsty over it. God forbid you make a Gloria thread but peni parker/liv octavius threads with the same old art are ok.

nah, with 80s toy shows you know what you're in for. lore shows tend to produce eva-tards who keep screaming how they cracked the deeper meaning of it all.

BC they spam BCG threads when many expect a good amount of waifus (or husbandos if anyone really cares about that) instead of Gloria, the only thing that they got past was the green lady and Bill, mind you, nothing on Nancy, nor the other lesser-than BG Waifus that anyone is interested

Nancy is pretty underrated. wonder if they'll ever reveal the reason for the divorce.

Same with the green lady, but that’s not an excuse on why she don’t fit into the category.

The time of day where the most people tune in is 9:15 to 9:30 EST, so Bob's is getting the best slot.
A lot of the creative team is moving on to new projects and the movie is out next summer which would put a nice cap on things so it's likely this is the last season unless Fox decides to zombify the show

Ten seasons and a movie sounds absolutely perfect. I’ll be happy if this is the case.

Attached: EA6B4F0D-81D2-44AC-8EC9-2B793B4B3D23.jpg (2304x3070, 1.11M)

they tend to be of greater substance and the opposite of low brow, or shallow, making them palatable in general.

Attached: rzffd.jpg (987x766, 47K)

>autismos LOVE color coding
But... doesn’t Big City Greens do just that?

Attached: A073B76B-3951-4815-86C5-3A4229504BF1.jpg (1500x500, 225K)

It's basically copy-and-paste type.

My, my... a man of taste AND etiquette!

>Cartoons get successful online fandoms because of waifus. That's it.
Forgetting that it's not the network's main focus.

Into the Spider-Verse is more popular and beloved than Big Shitty Sneeds. That’s literally the only reason those threads are so frequent and long-lasting... also Doc Ock is bae

Attached: 03220F0E-A8EC-4B50-91AC-0A474E28C3B7.jpg (862x1000, 501K)

It's a show, not a movie, dummy

Actually months ago we had BCG threads that lasted long enough to be around its 200th replies, and it happened about three or four times before.

>200th replies
>it happened about three or four times before
Kek, pathetic

Like you lameass comment

Doesn’t disprove my argument. Yea Forums doesn’t give a shit about Big City Greens, whereas Spider-Verse is always being talked about.

Nearly every episode of Season 4 got like 300K views, I think a couple barely got 400K and if that's what's considered "monumental" in television, then it truly is dead.

Reminder that Season 4 aired on fucking Disney Channel and it did Disney XD level ratings.

Nobody gives a fuck about Yea Forums anyway, They never satisfied worth shit.

True dat

Why do people like that tweet pic leave backhanded comments about shit they like? Why the fuck do they care how popular the thing THEY like is?

Attached: 1506304947725.png (445x649, 62K)

I can’t speak for the Chris Houghton Tweet, but as for that Tumblr ask, I’d assume the person was either a troll, a dumbass, or lacked the social cues necessary to understand how that would be offensive.

By the by, do we know what C.H. Greenblatt is doing over at Warner Bros.?

>By the by, do we know what C.H. Greenblatt is doing over at Warner Bros.?
Last time I checked he said he was working on developing a number of things that he can't talk about, so basically just spitballing ideas while on their payroll at the moment

or it could be just something that highly regarded to NDA thing.

>he’s wearing Remy Remington’s scalp
I don’t like this at all.

him as a rat

While looking at a dumb tumblrina user post that this dusty bastard had asked Greenblatt

>>At least Cricket isn’t nearly as bad as Victor Calavera

Attached: Orange Redhead mad.png (252x349, 88K)


Oh, shit. I forgot all about Solar Opposites. That's still coming out next year, yeah?

Attached: 0C90234B-E7CB-4016-98AC-6EC9630F1CE6.jpg (1535x2048, 285K)

There's going to be a panel at SDCC on Friday, the blurb on the schedule still says 2020 on Hulu

eh, could be fun i guess

Peniposting is just as annoying as Gloriaposting. Both waifus are shit.