Captain Marvel #8 Preview

The preview was released a few hours ago, let's take a look.
Back to regular schedule after War of the Realms, so Carmen Carnero is back on art duties...

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The temptation to hit the bottle again is that strong, huh Carol?

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The Chitauri ships made a comeback since Secret Empire. (though this is more like MCU synergy but whatever)

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The Acanti! Okay, looks like Kelly is leaning towards the Brood Saga stuff.

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>back in harpswell
oh nooo

Oh no, another nosebleed!

End of preview.

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>captain marvel looks like powergirl now

lol. I bet DC wishes powergirl wasn't a joke character now.

That's just Conner's style.

Holy shit! Carol is commiting battery on that cover! Quick, get the police! She needs to be arrested right now! I can't belive she is doing something so awful! Run for your lives, this madwoman is clearly out for blood! We can't stay here for long!

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Think it's more Reed
Even the first issue I mentioned how this series feels like a throwback to Reed's in the same way Kelly Sue was revisiting the Claremont era
I guess we're adding Busiek too if we're going to alcohol.

True, I think Thompson has been trying to channel that stuff ever since the whole Rogue vs. Carol confrontation, but I don't remember the last time the Acanti were mentioned at all, I figured they were simply forgotten as part of that Saga.

In Carol books, Enemy Within
Apparently they showed up in Weapon H too

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>sidelining Peeg just as Carol starts to take off
Is there anything DC can't screw up, comics-wise?


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I will take back all the shit I've said about Kelly if she makes Carol become a drunken mess again.

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They STILL have this talentless hack doing the cover art? What the hell?

>make Carol interesting
I wouldn't hold your breath there, user.

Her last issue
And besides #1 I think they've all been pretty good

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That's because you have brain damage.

I mean yeah Kelly is shit, but drunk Carol punching out villains while downing an entire bottle of shitty liquor would redeem her as a writer.

>hating on based KT

>I mean yeah Kelly is shit, but drunk Carol punching out villains while downing an entire bottle of shitty liquor would redeem her as a writer.
I don't disagree, but that is something Thompson would never do. "Overpowered Drunk Carol" was the only time she was ever even remotely interesting.
Dilate to "West Coast Avengers", retard.

>hating on comfy coast avengers
>not knowing carol was only drunk when and because her powers were diminished
the absolute casualness of this post

I'm not that user, but personally I just find the entire cast of west coast avengers annoying, dislike the premise, and the overall tone doesn't do anything for me.

West Coast Avengers was objectively the second worst comic published by Marvel this decade, only barely better than Gabby's America.
There was nothing "comfy" about it. It failed on every single level.

Nah it was great.

>humor wasn't funny
>action wasn't interesting
>drama wasn't dramatic
There was quite literally nothing good about it. Add that to the worst cast of characters ever put together in a single comic (and not even in the ironic sense, like Great Lakes Avengers) and you have one of the top 10 worst comics ever published. It's not exactly a surprise it was canceled so early.

The concept behind West Coast Avengers wasn't bad, it was just bland because she didn't know where to take it. In this economy though, ideas like these aren't allowed to grow because it's expensive, but I assure you a decade or so ago it would still be ongoing.
>West Coast Avengers was objectively the second worst comic published by Marvel this decade
Wow okay, with Death of The Inhumans, the bland GOTG arc and current Avengers (among others mind you), you really are exaggerating here.

Far be it from me to defend any of those, but none of those were based around "LE JERSEY SHORE REALITY TELEVISION LOL, JIMMY KIMMEL LIVE!!!!"
It's one thing to be bland, or boring, but "West Coast Avengers" was just pure cringe.

It was bad the but there have been far worse, Kelly's big problem is that sje just writes boring books and like it's for a teen soap opera, and Marvel has employed way worse than that.

Sina Grace's Iceman
The 2017 Generation X book
That shitty Hellcat book

Here, OP
Don't you have more Gwenpool hate threads to start, turboautist?

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Current Uncanny X-Men... I really think that user hasn't read enough of the current stuff, because everyone is pissed off at that for good reason.
Ah, so it was a splash page. That explains the awkward dialogue.

Alright, I had blocked out Hellcat from my memory, but I will still hold it's in the top 10 worst comics Marvel has published this decade.

We're even getting a Karla soon

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So she saves a Kree and people start going crazy on her?

Fuck off back to your West Coast Avengers

Something-something the leader of Alpha Flight in charge of the first line of defense of Earth is actually half-alien, xenophobia ensues.
Full cover, user.

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They're going to feel silly once she gets retconned again into being a human who got Alien Hybri'd because of an accident.

So how many different IPs are you using to samefag this time, Carolfan?

What do they possibly have in common that you would compare one to the other? They're both blonde women? I don't get it.

>just as Carol starts to take off
Oh wait you're just a shitposter. Nevermind.

Friendly reminder that these threads are always ONE single person using multiple IPs to samefag and make it look like Carol Danvers has ANY amount of fans in Yea Forums.

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You can always ignore the thread if you think there's funny business going on, user.
But honestly? It's all organic even if you don't personally believe that. Hope you understand.

Best regards,

—Rodstvow The Paranormal

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I like this cover, I just need the book to get better. There's still hope.

>using New Universe characters as tripnames to keep up the """"""""illusion"""""""" that he's not samefagging
You're the one that needs help, Carolfag.

>thinks he's only new universe
looks like you need to read more carol books

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She's preg?

Who is even buying this trash?

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One single person, the same one that makes all these threads with multiple IPs to give the illusion that Danvers has fans at all.

What makes you think that?
People who have good taste.

Because absolutely NOBODY has ever liked Carol Danvers and nobody ever will. Not when she was Ms. Marvel, not when she was Binary, not when she was Warbird, and especially not now as Captain Fungus.

But that's wrong, Carol has always been Yea Forums's favorite.

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She's beloved as Binary, though.
I am.

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You're horrible at revising history, Carolfag.

Looks more like a Chitauri than an Acanti

I'm not sorry, but no amount of spam will ever turn her into Superman/Wonder Woman/ etc.

Never gonna happen to Captain Mary Sue ever again. Her biggest flaw will be sometimes she forgets to feed her cat on time.

You know what I hate about Carol threads?
The fact you can never tell which side actually believes what they're saying.

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Why would /ourgirl/ want to ever sink to those sort of lows?

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>big two wars

>disliking the absolute fact that company wars are the foundation for EVERY place that discusses comics

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It begins.

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The sash is cute. I will always contend that it can make up part of a unique profile in comparison to other heroes in ways better than a bomber jacket.

will this finally shut up Carol haters who say Marvel doesn't let her have problems anymore?

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Judging by this thread, absolutely nothing stops them from bitching, even if it's heading towards a better place.

get another tin foil hat, the government is messing with your brain

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>implying she didn't just break into the billion dollar b̶o̶y̶'̶s̶ club

In the future, whenever people see Power Girl they'll just say
>"Oh, is that a Carol Danvers ripoff? lol they even copied her name, DC is so blatant"

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What could the Air Force have sent her?

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I get the feeling it's a condolence letter. For what other reason could she be back at Maine?

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based dima
visiting joe jr.?

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is she going to punch the cat?

She gonna get dishonorably discharged.

>revealed as half-alien
it's finally time for the otp

How many times has Carol been rebooted? God damn she is awful.

I don't think you can do that retroactively.

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>Kaptain Marvel Kin of the Kree
Grand Wizard Karol confirmed or she's joining the Mortal Kombat.

Not once, and she is the best.

You seriously think they can't? It's comics. They can do anything.

I just want to point out that Czar Ducks is probably the best part of this book.

Jeezums Christums! There's another fucking reboot?!

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Are these Yea Forums rejects? Marvel's never rebooted.
Go back.

>#8 is a reboot
this is your brain without Carol in your life.

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Court martials take longer than a week
Probably just opening an investigation thinking she was a spy

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why does every face amanda conner draws look exactly the fucking same?

your first time on Yea Forums? Do you know what sameface is? most artists have it to an extent

And I can see where your brain went.

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>when Rogue needs to fill out her swimsuit better she can just sneak a boost from Carol
Lucky, Jess can't do that

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well she did keep the suit to roll play as Carol while fucking Luke

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of course i know what sameface is. she has it to an absurd degree.


Never change, Yea Forums

It's not Jim Cheung's levels yet, relax.

soul vs souless

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Rare coffee Carol spotted in a Busiek Avengers storytime.

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Kelly is actually capable of writing Carol as being more than a generic yas-kween? I'm impressed.

If Thompson is channeling Reed's run, can she bring back the rogues gallery that Reed was trying to build for Carol?

>Zdarsky echoing Peter's first fight with Morlun
>Thompson echoing the post-breaking-Rogue's-ribs scene
They're treating me well this week.

for all her shortcomings as writer, Kelly DOES know her continuity

That's Johns
This is Busiek

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My bad, I confused it with Pérez' art, it looked similar.

That coffee is so Irished up


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Ms Marvel>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Captain Marvel

1) they're the same character
2) stop replying to bait I realize this advice applies to me also
3) fuck off

Holy fucking shit! This better not be a ruse.


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A Jen storytime

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I unironically liked america it brought this board closer together like a huge family

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I like the character in most of what she's been but the solo was a gut punch.