Wilson Fisk is trying to get Marijuana legalized

How does that make you feel?

Attached: Kingpin legalize it.jpg (756x1148, 277K)

There's a growing left wing counter reaction to legalised cannabis because it takes it out of minority hands and into large corporations.

Of course there is.

Funny isn't it?

>it takes it out of minority hands
How? Are they tacitly saying minorities are such bums they can't have anything unless they get it illegally?

Nah, it's tiresome.

>American lefists
>caring when big corporations use one of their pet causes to sell crap
I don't have enough top for this kek.

Attached: Walmart_Fresno_Gay_Pride_2015_FB(1)_810_500_75_s_c1.jpg (810x500, 85K)

Make weed legal to grow, and consume, but illegal to sell or buy in large quantities. Bam, stoners dont have Walmart buying out their dealers and cops don't have to waste their time with bored wagecucks who just wanna get high and watch cartoons

Washington has fully embraced it and it's a blue state. Any "left" that is opposed to it have other agendas. We've seen this when it came to getting it legalized as well as when liquor was proposed to be sold in places other than liquor shops. Those opposed to it were just owners of the liquor shops seeing their businesses in jeopardy.

>He unironically thinks lefties and liberals are the same

American education at its finest

Love too talk comics

I was pointing out a possible explanation for why the writer is having a villain do something generally considered a good thing.

The actual explanation is that Wilson Fisk is trying to leave his life of crime as the Kingpin behind him. He genuinely wants to do right by the people this time.

Then do it, faggot. Nobody is stopping you.

Yup. In fact, odds are that Fisk's old crime buddies wouldn't be happy with pot legalization, since it would cut down on their profits a lot.

This isn't even true why would you say something that isn't true

It is true.

Sure he is. We've had this plot how many times now?

Well of course it's not going to last, doesn't mean that he isn't trying for now. You just know that as soon as he sees Daredevil on the news again, his hateboner will get the better of him, probably ruining his career as mayor too.

except the truth is legal weed costs less to make but sells for more and they can keep making it and sell it legally without worrying about the cops now so old producers come out ahead

Doesn't make a lot of sense for Fisk. He's a crime lord, and legalization of weed has been shown to lower cost and lower rates of addiction. I know he's the "mayor" right now but he's got to still have his foot in his criminal empire. Wouldn't make a lot of sense to potentially kneecap part of his drug enterprise.

>but he's got to still have his foot in his criminal empire
That's the point of this story, he's trying to leave it all behind and focus solely on being mayor.

What happened to the other thread OP?

rightwingers have realized that they can just invent paranoid "facts" about "the left" and get upvotes, that's all they really ever wanted, was to feel victimized and validated and live in their own manic fantasy infosphere where all their fears are real