Alright, nominate the villain for the next Spider-Man movie. Here's some rules:
>It can't be an OC, because then you could make up anything. >They don't necessarily have to be from the comics however but it is preferable if they are or have at least been in the comics. So for example, those psychic twins from the MTV show are technically allowed but less so than Video Man, a character like Spencer Smythe takes higher priority than both. >It can't be a villain that was in a previous theatrical movie. This means no Otto Octavius, Norman Osborn, Harry Osborn, Eddie Brock, Sandman, Lizard, Electro, Rhino, Vulture, Shocker, Kingpin, Prowler or Quentin Beck. >However, if they were set-up in a previous movie but never made a proper villain appearence yet, then they're still on the table. So for example, the Gentleman and Scorpion are still on the table. Scorpion might have been in Spider-Verse but was clearly set-up in HC, which is why he's still on the table. >Legacy villains are OK. So while you can't nominate Norman or Harry as the Green Goblin, you can however pick Bart or Phil. >Characters that aren't part of the Spider-Man brand are OK but it is preferable if they make sense for Spider-Man. You could say "I want MODOK and Magneto!" but it's a bit better to go with Stilt-Man.
DESU I hope there's at least two more spiderman movies. They could actually do a cool Sinister Six but they would have to spend at least one more movie building up the rest of the team.
Henry Wood
Not as the main villain or anything but I want disgraced baseball star Boomerang to make a cameo.
it's going to be Scorpion but if it wasn't for Sony it would be Kraven which is the one the director wants to do
Lincoln Cox
Plantman is better.
David Jones
With the right effects The Spot could be amazing.
Sebastian Kelly
I really don't see how it will be anyone other Kraven.
Oliver Jackson
How about Hobgoblin or Chameleon?
Austin Baker
Kraven AND Chameleon. Buy one, get one free.
Jonathan Rivera
Specer Smythe and the Spider Slayers
Julian Wright
I wonder how Feige must feel now that he has the perfect setup for Kraven and can't use him
Nicholas Myers
I mean, there was going to be a Mysterio movie too and look how that turned out. The setup also works for Scorpion. Those 3 villains plus Hobgoblin and Morbius are the last integral Spidey foes they haven’t shown on the big screen yet.
Cameron Mitchell
I think Shocker should be as viable as Scorpion. All he had was one prototype gauntlet with no suit. Those two are my main candidates for the next film. Other than that, Chameleon would be the next viable option. Tinkerer might even be a long shot, after the proliferation of Chitauri tech by Toomes and Co. That would be dope
Luis Scott
how about both, we know Scorpion has "friends on the outside" who want to kill Spider Man
Aiden Long
It's Fancy Dan's time to shine.
Alternately the next villain has already been introduced. Pic related.
The question is how would they be able to pull off The Spot's origins? Kingpin isn't in the MCU but I think they could tie him to Norman maybe? Just have him be researching Darkforce to rival Martin Li and you could bring in Mister Negative as some rival businessman.
Daniel Clark
Seems like they have obviously set it up for Scorpion to be next to me. Introduced Gargan in Homecoming who wants revenge on Spider-Man and was asking Vulture who he really is. Then in the post credits scene of Far From Home that information becomes public knowledge. They also introduce JJJ who plays a big part in turning Gargan into the Scorpion in the comics. What hints are there that Kraven is next?
Landon Brooks
They could handwave it for moviegoers by making his powers magical after some accident involving a Doctor Strange cameo. Instead of Darkforce you just have him tunnel through he Dark Dimension.
Brody Butler
A brainwashed and horny Captain Marvel!
Blake Richardson
There are none because he's not an option. He's locked in Sony's other universe with Venom.
Jose Perry
The only MAJOR villains they haven’t used yet are Scorpion and Kraven. Out of those two I prefer Scorpion so if I’m only allowed to pick one then I’ll go with him. Although you could possibly use both of them in the next movie and get two more names on the list for Sinister Six.
Isaiah Brown
I never thought of making connecting him to Strange. Interesting concept, it would be fun if Doctor Strange 3 was just some heist movie involving The Spot. Then again seeing Strange and Mister Negative go head to head together over some mystical artifact could be fun, did anything interesting happen with the tablet Mister Negative wanted translated from the issue where he first appeared? I swear they never got round to actually explaining that and dropped it all together. I could be wrong.
Lincoln Morgan
>Kingpin isn't in the MCU but I think they could tie him to Norman maybe? Have you not been paying attention? There's only one rich billionaire responsible for Peter's enemies and yet inexplicably get's worshiped anyway.
>Kraven and Chameleon So will Dmitri be supplying the required stark seething for this film?
Nolan Williams
I don't honestly watch the MCU
Luke Harris
>Mysterio solo movie what? how does that even work? jesus christ Snoy, Venom worked because he's more of an anti hero, but Mysterio? yikes The SUMC or whatever it's called is going to be so short lived, which could be really bad for MCU Spider Man or really good for MCU Spider man, most likely really bad because Avi Arad hates Feige, just imagine your personal assistant who used to be your slave is now the king of Hollywood
A tas style sympathetic Smythe family & someone manipulating them.
The guy behind the scenes promises Spencer he will cure Alistair's paralyzed lower body if he will create spider slayers. Spencer does, they fail. Spencer is left to die in his burning factory. Guy behind scenes takes Alistair and forcibly transforms him into the Ultimate Slayer (use exactly pic related design) and brain washes him into believing that Spider-Man killed his father.
Spidey outmatched teams up as a photographer with JJJ (who was friends with Spencer & supported his slayers) to prove what really happened to Spencer & free Alistair from his vendetta.
Ned’s too far, gotta be someone else The question is, who?
Nathan Bailey
Kraven and Scorpion team-up, while planting the seeds for Norman and Otto.
>Jameson helps fund creation of Scorpion to hunt down Spider-Man >it's a shell lab overseen by Octavius, owned by Oscorp >Scorpion goes bad, Otto is fired, Kraven is sent in as a "cleaner" to bring in Spidey >Jameson assumed it was a "bring him to justice for killing Mysterio" thing, Norman really wants to see what he's made of >Jameson gets a heel-face turn, revealed as a decent guy despite his dislike of Spidey >Kraven ends up being the main villain with the bulk of development while Scorpion is moreso just the muscle >They both get locked up >First post-credits scene is Gargan and Kraven being approached by a prison guard, revealed to be Quentin Beck in disguise >second post-credits is Otto stewing in his shithole apartment with his arms on, pan out to see a bunch of newspaper clippings and shit related to various villains and Oscorp holdings >Spider-Man 4 is Spidey vs The Sinister Six, featuring Vulture, Kraven, Shocker, Mysterio, Scorpion, and the Master Planner
Jason Parker
Carnage would be cool visually but would need a new origin that doesn’t involve Venom. Of course there is no way they would do an R rated Spider-Man movie so we would probably end up with something similar to the animated series where he “drains the life” from people rather than chopping them into pieces. Tombstone could be cool as well.
Austin Robinson
Adam Barnes
Could also see it being Scorpion >Gargan already established >Jameson wants to hunt Spidey down for murdering Beck >Bing bang boom Scorpion
Elijah Brooks
He and the rest of the superior foes would make for great "opening action scene" villains.
Like how they used Batroc in Winter Soldier, just a way of establishing that shit is still happening in this universe even when the credits are done rolling.
Xavier Young
I like the idea of Scorpion being a collaboration between Norman and Otto. I can see his scorpion tail being kinda like a proto-type for Otto’s mechanical arms and the drugs that give him super strength as a proto-type for the Goblin formula. Then both Norman and Otto take their individual research from the project and go their separate ways.
Ethan Wilson
The most likely guess would be Roderick Kingsley since that’s who it is in the comics. Unless of course they try to do a plot twist by having either Harry or Norman becoming the Hobgoblin instead of the Green Goblin. Although considering that in the comics one of the main things about the Hobgoblin was the big mystery of who he really is they might try to preserve that by doing something completely new to shock fans.
Zachary Thompson
What if Peter was Hobgoblin all along?
Thomas James
>I can see his scorpion tail being kinda like a proto-type for Otto’s mechanical arms and the drugs that give him super strength as a proto-type for the Goblin formula. That's some good shit user. I know some people don't like the whole "Norman's behind everything" idea, but I always liked the way something like Spectacular would use villain origins to introduce and develop other villains.
Like, Ock in that show ended up creating Rhino and Sandman because he was Norman's punching bag and head scientist. And then that bottled up aggression came out when the accident with his arms happened, so it doesn't feel like a villain of the week kind of thing so much as it is a "that side character we already know is getting more development" thing.
Henry Gomez
I like how it felt like FFH took some notes from Spectacular.
If they ever do the Goblin, they should literally just copy that show's arc down to the letter. >Goblin is set up to be Harry >but the twist you're expecting is that it's Norman >wait the Goblin just attacked Norman what the fuck >surprise it's Harry >wait the Goblin attacked Harry >it must be this third guy >wait now the Goblin attacked him and Norman and Harry are there too >who the fuck >surprise it was Norman all along and the Norman who's currently over there was really the Chameleon >and that one time it was Harry? It was really Norman framing his son, complete with hobbling him to really sell the illusion >and now he's dead >opps no he isn't >CANCELLED It was just perfection
Adam Evans
The Hood, could enable some C and B listers to be in his gang, can also give a good excuse to have Strange help Peter out
William Gutierrez
Oh yeah I definitely think we need to see Norman introduced into the MCU in the next Spidey movie if not sooner. He doesn’t need to be Green Goblin but just start building him up. Vulture and Mysterio are fun villains and I really enjoyed them. They definitely felt like villain of the week episodes though and with the third film we need to start getting into a proper Spider-Man story. We don’t need to rush into it all at once but start putting some arch enemy set up in place.
Jacob Myers
>Gargan asks Toomes who Spider-Man is at the end of Homecoming >Peter's identity is revealed by Jameson at the end of Far From Home >JJJ paid for Gargan to become Scorpion in the comics >Since Peter put Gargan in jail and Jameson thinks Spider-Man is a villain he'll pay for the experiment so Gargan can get revenge and so Peter will be killed for what happened with Mysterio It's going to be Scorpion obviously
Jayden Clark
Silver Sable, Screwball, Scorpion and Kraven. It's an ensemble team of manhunters.
Aiden Young
Supposedly the Oscorp cameo got cut from FFH due to leaks or something, but the post credits scenes were already too much and I don't know how you'd cram that in there And with Sony on the way I don't know how they're going to do it, since there's been rumors that Osborn will be the next big villain of the MCU. I was thinking maybe he'll get introduced in the Black Widow movie, but who knows, I think if we do get Osborn then I definitely think that his whole villain arc will end with him turning into the Green Goblin, which will probably be his Ultimate version instead of 616
Btw I think they're dividing the whole MCU in two, Earth and Cosmic, if Osborn is a thing then he'll be the Earth villain and Spider Man will be the main character in Earth MCU, while Captain Marvel would be the main character in Cosmic MCU, at least for now, maybe they'll introduce Nova
Evan Ward
since there's currently no Avengers to stop him, it makes sense that they'll make a new "superhero" to stop Spider Man, the problem comes when you ask "why would a criminal like Gargan get the superhero treatment?" I know Jameson did shady shit in the comics which he should be in jail for but how do you translate that to the movies, it would make him too much of an asshole
Lincoln Torres
I still hold irrational hope there will be no Spider-man movies for the next 15 years. Everything Disney did including 2 shitty cartoons needs to be forgotten if we want Spider-man franchise remain intact.
Landon Long
Like I said before, Jameson thinks Spider-Man is a villain so maybe he'll reach out to Gargan and he'll twist the facts to make it seem as if he was wrongfully imprisoned. Then he'll pay for the experiment and tell him to hunt Peter for what happened to Mysterio while also being able to get revenge for what happened to him in Homecoming. As far as Jameson knows, he's creating a superhero. But later on in the film Gargan's true intentions will be revealed to Jameson.