Why was it so much better than Endgame?

Why was it so much better than Endgame?

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More action.

it had the trifecta of kino of
>villain protagonist
>villain wins
>villain didn't do anything wrong
that most other blockbusters cant even dare to do one

Endgame was better. That being said, they are still the two best MCU movies.

Disagree. Endgame was one of the weaker films.

Agree to disagree

The tension is ratcheting higher and higher from the first to the second last scene never dipping once, unlike Endgame where the first two acts are more of an epilogue to IW and there's only really raised stakes in the final battle.

You have to be 9 years old or love movie cliches to say Endgame is better than infinity war

Imagine being elitist about one popcorn blockbuster over a sequel to that same popcorn blockbuster.

Killing post-snappeining Thanos was the first mistake. The second was everything surrounding the time travel; the logic of time travel in the MCU, the self referential humor and callbacks that felt like padding, all of it except for Cap going back to motorboat Peggy's titties and making fujos screech in anger. Thorbowski sucked and Professor Hulk just showing up without being able to see the struggle Bruce had to go through to heal his psyche makes his appearance more of a joke than something cool and removes the pathos from being seen as a tortured man/monster for so long.

Avengers: Endgame is the best MCU Film, Avengers 3 Infinity War is the 16th best MCU Film. Avengers: Endgame is a Masterpiece, Avengers 3 Infinity War is shit. You'd have to be a moron to think Avengers 3 Infinity War is better than Avengers: Endgame.

>DC chumps pretending to be MCU chumps saying that Infinity War was better than Endgame

you're not tricking anyone

>Killing post-snappeining Thanos was the first mistake
It wasn't a mistake. It was to trick the audience into thinking Thanos was gone as a threat forever, so that when alternative-timeline Thanos showed up later it was a scary "oh shit" moment.

Nah, it was a mistake. Even the most casual moviegoers knew that Thanos would be defeated by the end of Endgame in one way or another, and replacing post-snap Thanos with by the younger version with a dumb double sword isn't gonna make anyone go "oh shit" but it will remove all the emotional torque built up until that point and denies everyone watching the catharsis of seeing the Thanos not just defeated or prevented from snapping the universe, but having his greatest achievement undone before his eyes.

Avengers: Endgame > Avengers > Avengers 3 Infinity War > Avengers 2 Age of Ultron

Endgame wasn't that good, man.

why are people so bothered that Endgame is the best MCU movie?

>isn't gonna make anyone go "oh shit"
Speaking as someone who actually went to the theatre, it made people go "oh shit." Everyone loved it. The whole movie. I've never seen a theatre so energized and electric as seeing Endgame. Go ahead and say you liked Infinity War better but don't pretend to speak for the common man, especially when the movie in question made almost 3 billion

Endgame's success is dependent on Infinity War. I saw it in the theater too and no one freaked over Thanos showing back up.

You saw both movies in theatres and got the same feeling from the audience for both of them? You either went when the theatre was empty or are lying. Infinity War was just another AAA action movie. Endgame was a rock concert.

What rock concerts do you go to where they feel the need to insert time travel out of their ass, and toss in an unnecessary feminist showcase?

You've shown your true colors

>nah bro I called it popcorn, that means standards don't matter
Imagine being so elitist that you separate all films into broad categories and imposed on them such rigid, unexamined notions of quality those films that you think it'd be dumb to meaningfully distinguish between them in any way. Endgame has its moments, but Infinity War was the best Marvel movie by quite a bit.

How the hell is Endgame a rock concert? It felt more like Disney taking a victory lap with its properties.

>The time travel movie that spit on most of the characters was better than the big crossover that actually flowed well
.015 cents have been deposited in to your account


The story had a reasonably entertaining villain with motivation that gets elaborated on over time, and it had stakes that weren't entirely undercut by the ending

It was a mistake because it denies the audience any connection to Thanos or his character, since the Thanos that shows up for the ending is essentially a different character with none of the development of the past movie, and it lessens your interest in the action
Their misdirection doesn't matter if the end result is that it's just an excuse to have everyone fight the big purple man again

Both infinity war and endgame as concepts are dependent on you having seen most of the other marvel films
That complaint literally means nothing.

Yeah, as a huge endgame fan he really shouldn’t have been killed off like that
But I guess he could’ve just ended everything in .5 seconds cause he had all the stones

because Infinity War was a single story while Endgame is more like 3 stories.

Honestly just better pacing. Infinity War is a miracle of efficiency considering how much it has to do.

Endgame is more bloated and self-indulgent, but it's also the finale so it's more permissible than if any other MCU movie went for something on that scale.

They're both about as good as they could have been, Endgame is just a bumpier ride.

You don't need to see all the other movies to understand Infinity War. You just need to know that Thanos is the bad guy and the heroes are trying to stop him. My little cousins only saw Black Panther before seeing Infinity War and they understood everything that happened.

Both movies were total shit outside of one or two action scenes.
But mostly with the second movie, the problem is they wrote themselves into a corner with the whole "Thanos destroyed the gems... um so it's time travel but like every fucking time travel movie EVER is wrong but ours is totally right guys cause like the magic ancient one and um Iron man and like Bruce also give opinions so we're better than all other movies!"

Also the fact they put out about 20+ "leaks" fucked it up, Shit like "Hulk gonna pop out from the armor to save Tasha's life when Bruce is knocked out" didnt' help at all because it gave people expactations that weren't gonna happen.

Basically Disney trolled the fanbase of the first movie

I saw endgame on opening night and 3 more times (once in a different country). What yoh are saying did not happen once, even in the slightest. The only 'oh shit ' moment that I even vaguely remember was a few people getting hyped by captain marvel entering the final battle, but they were then disappointed because they though it was the Ravagers instead. You may have been in a theatre filled with children instead

IW had one of the tightest paced films I've ever seen. The film doesn't feel like it's 2 hours and 30 minutes at all, and it just weaves itself from one scene to the next.
Endgame meanwhile dwells on the hopeless earth for an hour, then the time travel for an hour, then the finale for the last hour. It takes its time to give you the dread only for the ending to be the most satisfying thing ever.

>it's time travel but like every fucking time travel movie EVER is wrong but ours is totally right guys cause like the magic ancient one and um Iron man and like Bruce also give opinions so we're better than all other movies!"

Wow you're really fucking butthurt about this.

Not at all. I was aware from the moment they put in the first Iron Man movie it was literally going to be nothing with accuracy to the comics.

I'm just amused they decided to shit all over every other movie to make it seem like good writing

Even in avengers team ups specifically alone, it's contending with entries like Age of Ultron. In general marvel, there's half the thor and iron man movies.

Endgame was average at worst when it comes to marvel movie standards.