Why do people bully Power Girl? She is actually pretty funny and cute.
Why do people bully Power Girl? She is actually pretty funny and cute
She was supremely nerfed during this run. She has super speed and could nab the kid before he could run and he does know she's PG which is why she's chasing him. Also she gets beat by Ultra Humanite.
>Cute and funny.
She DID catch him, though. She was just plot-induced dumb to allow for a fanservice moment.
Power Girl can't be cute and funny only lolis are and she's too old.
Im so glads comics grew up and this kind of pandering shit isnt in them anymore
Honestly Amanda Conner's powergirl run is the only reason I like her as much as I do. It's one thing to just make eye candy, but I loved those "I'm so sick of this shit" glazed over looks she gives her. Not to mention something about how she draws her really sells the, POWER aspect. Just a little bit of beefiness goes a long way.
That was a fun run. I liked the focus on PG running her company, although you'd think she could use her contacts in the Justice League to help out business somewhat.
I feel like too many superheroes are some kind of rich cat, especially in D.C. Seeing someone actually involved in day to day operations may be interesting though.
I will admit I don't like it for Peej especially because I want her to seem more accessible
Jee Dexter. Maybe try a bit of subtlety,
I've made my choice
Peej does seem more like she should be a wage slave or something. I can imagine her working retail or something.
Maybe not that far down.
A wage indentured servant?
She reminds me of some women I know who work in sales, that might fit.
>Bully Power Girl
I'd like to bully Power Girl! Is she still weak to wood? We could lock her in a cage made of tree branches and buy a few bags of sawdust. then we can throw sawdust at her, get it in her eyes, in her hair, all over her. We could put sawdust in a bucket of water and make it thick and gel-like, and slowly drip it on her head, on her face. And we can feed her nothing but rice cooked in my moldy rice cooker (not my nice one, my moldy one) and she has to ask nicely for it, or else we mix sawdust in with her rice and give the inside of her tummy splinters!
I wish I was a super villain. I'd be so good at it.
Jesus christ we need to stop wood-man. He's gone too far this time.
Power girl isn't cute and funny, she's short and tall.
I'd rather she bully me
The little bits of down-time just hanging out with Terra were fun as well.
You know if DC were smart they'd market PG like classic She Hulk
As a slut?
yes indeed