Here we dump childhood classics you've never seen brought up on Yea Forums

Here we dump childhood classics you've never seen brought up on Yea Forums

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What manner of furfaggotry is this?

It's a kraut cartoon about grimm brothers' fairy tales. It's called Simsalagrimm.

Needs more yiff.

>furfag shit
This one to he honest

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What in tarnation is that

The Mysteries of Alfred Hedgehog, because you can always count on French culture to lewd animation


that some furry bait for sure

Since this seems to have defaulted to furry business, at least until the jannies come
It's not even very old but Paws and Tales feels like something that would be
Man I wish the episodes were available somewhere

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I completly forget about this show until it gets brought up again. Probably because "grimm" is such a generic name for fairy tail cartoons and I never remember the "simsala" part

Crocy is cute!

I like this cartoon, I wish there was a thread about it.

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Never seen a thread on here.

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What country made this?

Only watched like two episodes so far
Was disappointed the French girl from the first ep wasn’t gonna be a consistent companion

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T-Thank You.

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Sim,you like mice,huh?

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This show was weird, it was surreal and there was something unsettling about its animation

remember all these Saban cartoons before they created Power Rangers?

The Rescuers

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The Aristocats

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Goddamn boomers.

Nice cropping.

I apparently reminded a few people that this existed.

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Holy shit I loved that show. Watched it every morning before school. What a weird, abrupt ending though.

I loved this cartoon too
One day I suddenly got a memory of this show I totally forgot all together. I can't remember anything about it other than this intro.

I've got few episodes of this on VHS

I have a YouTube account, and I've seen it recommended a lot for the past few months.


> Bare Calves

Peak degeneracy

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Some trivia knowledge:

The lizard character's original German voice actor also does Cartman in the German dub of South Park.


This is ringing bells but I can’t produce a solid memory

I loved it

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this looks like that somebody would make a cartoon with humans but then in the list minute said someone nope, animals. and so the painted everyone in a different rainbow color and gave them triangle noses.

I seen that ages ago

Do any of you remember a TV movie that was similar to cutout animation (maybe it WAS cutout animation, maybe not) that's really gritty and it had songs, one of them about two fat brothers like The Big Knights singing about each other.

It's old and gritty and reminds me of Soviet animation.

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Man... I remembered this was Way better animated...

Sadly there's no English or French versions available.

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Pretty decent take on Jim Button. It's a nice children's adventure journey cartoon. It has 2 seasons.

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A worthy rival to The Magic School Bus and a superior version to Bobby's World, THE WHY FAMILY.

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Walter Melon, another one of those self-insert stories similar to Simsala Grimm, but parodying various entertainment media about heroes.
Penn Zero had the same exact idea.

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I've seen people mentioning Dog City, but never Pig City or Monster Farm.

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I couldn't enjoy this after watching SouthPark because the red guy and cartman have the same exact voice

Perhaps we should rewatch these cartoons and introduce the American audience to them and then have some threads about them.

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Needs more Locomotion.

I wish I knew what this is

Monster Farm as in Monster Rancher?

foxkids' monster farm on the literal farm. It had this nerdy tall kid with glasses.

I did not remember this until just now