
Why do people hate on this book?
I thought the art and story was pretty epic?

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The ending had me pretty confused

easily the most competent Constantine book in decades. as a Batman story, though... meh. I don't think anyone's complaining about the art.

It's a pizza cutter. All edge, no point.

I was waiting for the reveal that Constantine was the joker the whole time. But it never came

Didn't bother reading after the Harley Quinn not!sex scene.

But it turned out Batman became the Joker???

I don't even know what the ending was supposed to be. He looks at the Joker's corpse, then gets sucked into the wall like Jumanji. Then it reveals the Joker was just swimming around the whole time. So who was the corpse? I just don't get it. I read that it's supposed to be a sequel to the Joker graphic novel by the same creative team, but that will doesn't explain everything.

I think it's just one of those stories that's confusing on purpose to trick the audience into thinking it's deep.

no Harley tits

what's the point of the Thomas Wayne cheating subplot?

it was dark

Give me a quick rundown on this trash.

I have lost count how many Batman and Joker books have been released only this year.

Batman finds out Joker is dead.
Who killed Joker?!
Batman encounters supernatural shit with Constantine, Deadman, Zatanna, Etrigan, Swamp Thing, and The Spectre, and goes through equivalents of the levels of Hell.
Turns out The Spectre is mad at Batman for letting the Joker die as a result of the events of Azzarello and Bermejo's Joker graphic novel.
Batman wishes the Joker was alive.
Joker the gamer rises up from the river. Is he Joker, or the henchman from the Joker GN, or Batman?!

>I think it's just one of those stories that's confusing on purpose to trick the audience into thinking it's deep.
Azzarello's career in a nutshell.
He's still a good writer but can't make a point to save his life. Everything is always murky amorphous and weird.
And don't get me started on how sometimes he can't write a single sentence without a bizarre wordplay or homophonic pun that only 0.5% of people in real life could ever pick up on, but somehow all his characters talk that way almost always.
He should have a co-writer who does dialogue. As a plotter he's very good until the final acts.

The way you describes this series it makes it sound like gibberish and I believe you.

>Turns out The Spectre is mad at Batman for letting the Joker die as a result of the events of Azzarello and Bermejo's Joker graphic novel.

What . . . the fuck? The Spectre is mad that the Batman finally nutted up with the Jokester?

>The Spectre is mad at Batman for letting the Joker die as a result of the events of Azzarello and Bermejo's Joker graphic novel.
Where did you get that?? I don't remember the events of the "Joker" OGN being referenced at all.

>Joker the gamer rises up from the river. Is he Joker, or the henchman from the Joker GN, or Batman?!
Why would you think he could be the henchmen, much less Batman? It's the Joker. Batman wished the Joker back to life. Where the fuck are you getting this stuff about how it could be Batman or the henchmen?

Linking this to the "Joker" OGN would be interesting, but I didn't pick up on it and dont' think it's there. If it is connected, that is actually interesting.

I am so stealing that.

>lol Batman has literally saved billions of lives and the fucking multi-verse multiple times but the one time he choose not to save the Joker means he should be damned forever even though the joker didn't die
It was fucking stupid

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The flashback to the fight between Batman and Joker on the bridge is a reference to the same fight in Joker. They literally reuse one of the panels but flip it vertically.

>Why do people hate on this book?
That's why.b

Maybe Bermejo decided to reuse the art and that's it.

Why were there Constantine, Deadman, Zatanna, Etrigan, Swamp Thin and The Spectre? Did Azz tried to make parallelism between them and seven cicles of hell in Dante's Divine Comedy?

>pretty epic

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Bat Penor. That is all.

Except we do see Johnny Frost from the Joker GN there, Batman: Damned is supposed to be a sequel.

>Why do people hate on this book?
Not enough batawang.

I really wish this whole thing was more of a personal journey than an actual series of events. Like if the whole thing was just Batman guilt tripping himself in a dream or something I think it would've made a more effective story rather than The Spectre dicking with Batman

The entire part with enchantress went right over my head

When did The Enchantress appeared?

Is that Martha Wayne?

She was the one who appeared to Young Bruce and then tried to go after Batman while he's traveling to different places and stuff.

No it's Harley but you're not far off because Batman suddenly thinks of his mom when he sees Harley crying.

>Why would you think he could be the henchmen, much less Batman? It's the Joker. Batman wished the Joker back to life. Where the fuck are you getting this stuff about how it could be Batman or the henchmen?

The ending is a lift of the Birth of Joker from Killing Joke.

To be fair though, this Batman probably didn't save the multiverse, this isn't the same Batman as New Earth or Prime Earth or whatever it's called now. Maybe at most he saved hundreds or thousands of people.

You're right that it's still fucking stupid, though.


Well there's the reason. He's not a bad writer but he's not great either. I've never felt a Brian Azzarelo book was ever worth my time.

His DC work feels like bad fanfic written by an angsty 14 year old. Does DC not have any competant editors who have any semblence of who these characters are?

This is out-of-continuity anyway. The only thing it's connected with is that Joker GN Azzarello wrote. And honestly that's what really should've been done with Bendis when he first came on board DC, give him a universe of his own to work with instead of messing with the main books.

Do we know what Earth this takes place in?

Probably its own thing, sort of like how Miller gets a Dark Knight Universe. I don't know, maybe the Earth that Joker GN and Batman: Damned is called Earth-Azz or something. Maybe he can also pretend the Hellblazer issues with the Bruce Wayne stand-in were really Bruce.

Were you speedreading?