> Moon Knight
> Shang Chi
> Cloak & Dagger (they work together like Jewel & Lockjaw)
> Medusa
> Punisher
> Gambit
> Rouge
> Iceman
> Jean Gray
> Juggernaut
> Mister Fantastic
> Invisible Woman
> Human Torch
> Thing
> Doctor Doom
> Moon Knight
> Shang Chi
> Cloak & Dagger (they work together like Jewel & Lockjaw)
> Medusa
> Punisher
> Gambit
> Rouge
> Iceman
> Jean Gray
> Juggernaut
> Mister Fantastic
> Invisible Woman
> Human Torch
> Thing
> Doctor Doom
Other urls found in this thread:
> *like Crystal & Lockjaw
90 percent of these should be in the base game
So Scott, Piotr, Hank and Mystique are in the base game or are they NPCs?
Any word on if characters actually have multiple costumes or just one alternate like in 2?
Punisher was originally planned to be in the base game with Blade, but one of the higher ups was worried about the rating of the game so their spots were taken by Spiderman (Miles) & Spiderwomn (Gwen) because someone just saw the trailer for Spiderverse & thought it would do well.
NPCs sadly we included them because we are big fans but other Marvel properties had priority of others. A lot of us didn't want Drax & Gamora in, but we were told to include all of the movie Guardians.
Yes a couple off the top of my head is Spiderman (Ben Reilly), Ironman (Classic), Storm (Mohawk), Wasp (Classic) & Beta Ray Bill (Thor)
Ms. Marvel was a ton of fun & I picked up her books afterwards, the first series was good the second was not and I'm optimistic about the current one. I can see why people like her a lot. We wanted to make the scene with the introduction of the junior heroes with other characters besides Miles & Gwen but the problem we had is we didn't like a lot of the new younger heroes. Characters like Nova & America Chavez, but at that point we decided we wanted to include some more fan favorites.
>Still no Vision
>Put Wasp
>But no Ant-Man
Is Spider-Man's black suit in the game?
>Moon Knight
We had an idea with Vision that his moves would utilize his density shifting like being able to pop out of the ground to attack, but this harder to execute.
We universally like Wasp better.
We had an idea with Vision that his moves would utilize his density shifting like being able to pop out of the ground to attack, but this harder to execute.
Incorrect, we decided not to include him because the roster was starting to be unwieldy and we only had a limited budget.
>We universally like Wasp better.
We like them both equally. They remind us of Sentai characters.
Medusa is in the marvel knights dlc? Is Black Bolt in the base game?
Why do they keep trying to push that boring hag?
Seeing as how you’re claiming to work at Koei Tecmo, OP, please say something in perfect Japanese.
There are at least slots for 5 more heroes if the website is anything to go by.
>Black Knight never ever
We originally planned on including more Inhumans besides Ms. Marvel and Crystal, but due to the lack of apparent interest after their disastrous live-action introduction, Marvel Entertainment requested them scraped.
Pretty much
> Muh Aryan QTs (and that dirty Hapa Psylocke to hate fuck)
Sauce? Any pics?
Likely the final base roster at a flat 40.
>were taken by Spiderman (Miles) & Spiderwomn (Gwen)
doesn't mean anything. This game was created back during the Inhumans push and Moon Knight just got in because of the Marvel Knights banner. No different than Elsa Bloodstone.
Yeah, we know that KT and Ninty actively had to push for the X-Men during pre-production and it's been widely suggested that the whole MvCI fiasco played a big part in getting them back in.
>Scarlet Witch
Man, FUCK MYSTIQUE. Give that fucking spot to Wonder Man
Dammit you're right. A dirty East Euro
Moon Knight isn’t in the game.
That's not the full roster is it? I think people are missing from the previews I've seen and such.
I bet one of those will be Bucky.
Worse, a gypsy
Thoughts on Team Ninja's Electro design?
Also I really like the fact that they used Bengus' MvC art as a base for Venom.
You might be pleasantly surprised ;>)
spider-man and his amazing mommies
Based Japs made her cute. CUTE!
most likely as DLC tho
I personally like it trying to combine old school electro with newer depictions of electro. At least he isn't you know....
So what you're saying is Beast is playable in the base game if at all right?
They put a lot of work into his thighs.
Who at KT is handling the character designs anyways?
>Marvel requested them scrapped
>still keep the inhumans plot line for the avengers
Team Ninja don't really have one key guy like how, say, KojiPro have Shinkawa or Clover had Takeyasu.
All the officially-released Nioh artwork had a bunch of obviously different artists and styles on it.
>No Colossus
What a jip.
Don't give up yet our boy still has a chance
Looking at previews, Piotr's an NPC with a completed moveset. I'd be amazed if he wasn't even DLC considering he's somewhat popular now thanks to the Deadpool movies.
but lockjaw isn't part of crystal's moveset, that's just for Rocket and Groot
Now I have to make this work like canonically.
My ideal team swaps out Magneto and Hawkeye for Vision and Wanda
I dream
>The whole push to make Inhumans the next X-Men failed badly.
>As a result they got hit with the "Kill them all" button in the comics and banished to T.V related projects only and the Marvel movie studios will maybe make the MCU shows that have Inhumans in them non canon to help make way for the mutants.
>and now the other members of the Royal Family that will probably be allowed to be used is Medusa, Crystal and Lockjaw for non comic related media.
Well this sucks but oh well what can you.
idk guess Marvel just likes her more then the Royal Family members.
If you preorder digitally, does the game unlock at 10 PM before launch day or noon on launch day?
I think OP is talking about the original footage of Crystal where Lockjaw teleported her around. She is now solo where Lockjaw acts as a hub character.
>and the Marvel movie studios will maybe make the MCU shows that have Inhumans in them non canon to help make way for the mutants.
all the Marvel shows outside of Agent Carter are non-canon
I doubt Ninty would've gone as ham trying to scrub that promo image with Vision in the background back in February were be just an NPC.
Plus Marvel have that Disney+ Wanda/Vision show to be plugging, so it makes sense to have him playable.
Well then ignore that part of what I said then. thanks for telling tho.
so is blade and cyclops in this?
I call it Thor & his bitches
Also phoneposters rise up
Huh. Would have thought Jessica Jones would be a character cause she's an NPC in the game.
She is an npc it was showing off in the demos they had going around
>Punisher and Thing are DLC
I call this one characters I like, ghost Rider is getting replaced when moon knight comes out
why no cyclops
decent but would be better without the helmet
Figure I'll wait until the DLC is out, maybe they'll do a complete edition.
I still like the dumbass pointy mask. He doesn't have to look like Ristar, but the bolts should come off of his face at least a bit.
>cap is my favorite supe
>loved the daredevil show
>guardians 2 is one of my favorite movies and I hugely relate to star Lord
>ms Marvel is a qt3.14
Will also play Spider-Man because he's my second favorite
I know. That's why I thought she would be an unlockable.
I kind of hope this does well cause I feel the sequel could go to a lot more unexpected places beyond Thanos
Why are so many here picking Daredevil for their teams?
t. Brie Larson
What are the chances of alternate colorschemes to go along with the costumes?
>implying I Don't want to play as black Vibranium Ryu Hayabusa
I might swap out Deadpool for Elektra or Elsa Bloodstone though.
I like how it draws from T'Challa's CW suit instead of the ugly one he got in his own movie.
>I like how it draws from T'Challa's CW suit instead of the ugly one he got in his own movie.
Fucking seriously.
He better have a cool suit again in BP2 OR I'LL FUCKING SING BABY DON'T HURT ME NO MOOORE
Hopefully Cyclops makes it, so far it's been a pretty OK slot. I was surprised by Elsa though.
Is it the legit black suit or is it some bastardized version of it?
There better be a boost called Demons and Devils
At last, my dreams of a Sonic x Marvel crossover has finally come true!
Swap out Ant-Man or Mystique with Fury and I'll totally buy it.
>Jean Grey
instead of:
Imagine a Koei Tecmo version of She-Hulk.
Fuck, now I'm mad that this will probably not happen.
that's my point, but you added the reason why OP was wrong which I should have done
you've increase the value of the thread, user
>Give that fucking spot to Wonder Man
Jean is better than all of them combined
One of Captain Marvel's old love interests
>doesn't know that lockjaw isn't playable
Because Matt is our guy
Who's your biggest Never Ever?
Looks like Marvel: Ultimate I Ain't Buying This Shit 3
Literal whos like the Mad Thinker or Gunna Sijurvald would also be rad.
Is Nova in? One of the trailers already showed the Nova Corps.
>Cloak & Dagger (they work together like Jewel & Lockjaw)
Playable Jessica Jones?
They won't be alt-color swaps. The Chef Deadpool costume has an X-Men suit under his apron instead of his own suit.
When's Taskmaster Mr. leaker man
It's the Gun Team.
Their power is guns.
In the Avengers Game, dear user.
Please respond, leak user.
Black Knight is likely for an MCU movie tho. Rumors are Fiege likes him
No Jessica Jones she's just an NPC I called her Jewel because it was a slip up & the original footage had Lockjaw as an assist to Crystal like said before Lockjaw became the way the player gets around.
Stay tuned.
She was a member of the Fantastic Four for a hot second.
you forgot one very important fact
its on the Switch
Shhhhhh no one knows that yet.
Actually I'm in a rant for a second, in almost every version of the first Ultimate Alliance game and the second one every system had a different roster and I thought that was bull. Like did you know Sentry is playable on the Nintendo DS version like what the hell is that about?
OP here, not all of the post responding to questions are mine but I'll say another thing is correct, most of the characters who are playable that haven't been shown yet are in the E3 trailer of the game.
>No Samus
>No Link
Post picture leaks or fuck off
System exclusives have always been a thing unfortunately, even since XML2.
>tfw could never play as x-man or dark phoenix cause I never had a psp
>tfw could never play as OG captain marvel on MUA1 cause I never had a psp
x 23 when
You do realize that if OP is on the level if they took pics during work it'd be pretty suspicious & even if they got away that they'd be ninja-ed so hard when they trace the photos back.
the game is already on the shelves in Mexico, really hoping for a leak at somepoint
I really love the designs and models in general even though I don't know that I'll love the game itself
While I haven't been a fan of black bolt since they turned him into a forever cuck in every way. I am still a little dissapointed that they even cucked him out of this game, Crystal and his own fucking dog over him.
please explain, i don't know too much about inhumans but what has made him a "forever cuck"?
Imagine being a bad ass King that can shatter mountains with a whisper and planets with a yell. Imagine having a hot ass red head as your wife. BB used to be a person that was feared by pretty much everyone including the Black Order.
Now BB lost his kingdom to his wife who began fucking Johnny Storm. His power had been nerfed and his voice was constantly taken from him or basically useless. Hell Dazzler and Emma took him out with no problem. BB went from being a bad ass to a weepy ex husband trying to win back his wife who is fucking the Human Torch oh and don't forget his general Gorgon.
Is this true or are you meme'ing
it's true. When Inhumans were getting their forced push, Medusa was the forefront of it so they cucked Black Bolt to high hell and made Crystal essentially persona non grata.
God I wish. I was a fan of BB for the longest time.
What is this? A post for InhumANTS!?
Yeah just noticed it my bad.
>Ryu Hayabusa
Is he Izuna Dropping people in this?
Is there an easily googable image as far as differences are concerned? I never noticed designs between suits except for the whole purple glow he's always gotta be flourished with thanks to suit mechanics.
Terrible. What the hell is the deal with Marvel's obsession with cheap infidelity drama?
Is there any way to uncuck ol' BB?
Blame Claremont, that dumb boomer.
What if KT have a Nintendo pack after the season pass
> Link
> Samus
> mandatory FE-fag and or Pit
> Donkey Kong
> Captain Falcon
> Punisher & Blade were going to be in,b ut replaced Spider Morales & Spider Gwen
Shang Chi?
Anyone else read this to "We Didn't Start the Fire"?
Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well!
I might swap Thor for Venom or Mags if his characterization is too MCU. I also hope that DD's original yellow costume is in the game (or at least Shadowland costume). I don't like Netflix lines on his mask. Otherwise this is my team if we're not including DLC characters.
Nintendo isn't directing this game. Get your head out of your ass.
>Medusa instead of the allegedly originally planned Blade
OP, please respond.
Power wise she wouldn't add anything new
What fucking difference does it make? You have blast guy/girl, punch guy/girl, and weapon guy/girl spread out across the entire roster with just a different aesthetic.
Calm down krysten
Kino taste 10/10
What does Spider-Man fall under?
>Is he Izuna Dropping people in this?
Nah but the one cutscene they've shown of him is him basically being a ninja and he gets a MAXIMUM BLACK PANTHER super that's the coolest one in the game so far imo. Come to think of it, giving him an Izuna Drop would be sick.
>Is there an easily googable image as far as differences are concerned? I never noticed designs between suits except for the whole purple glow he's always gotta be flourished with thanks to suit mechanics.
Found one.
Very agile
>no Blade
I'm fucking mad, that would've been sick.
And then I could've put together a purely guns team of Deadpool, Elsa, Star-Lord, and him.
Oh btw, any chances of War Machine? I'd kill for my man Rhodey.
>a few panels later Black Bolt threats Johnny with death basically death.
t.b.h he should have been more mad at Medusa for this then Johnny. Hell I don't even know why Medusa was even doing this shit since Black Bolt not only owned up to his fucks with the T Bomb and stepped down from being King to a man working at his son's bar so she can be queen yet nope she's still mad. Doesn't help that goes back to Medusa after IvX (god fuck that event) and isn't made about the cucking at all anymore.
>Is there any way to uncuck ol' BB?
Retcons m8, that's the only way I can think of.
it's not the first time
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not a mistake
> Western Art goes out of its way to make cute/hot characters look as ugly as they can, ie current She Hulk
Based Nippobros:
> lol that's gay
>Captain Falcon
Move 1: Raptor Boost and Falcon Grab.
Move 2: Falcon Kick
Move 3: SideSmash (In Air, it's The Knee of Justice)
Ultimate: Drives around in Blue Falcon, then ejects to do mid-air Falcon Punch. Massive AOE damage, 85% instant kill. Most OP Ultimate. When teamed up with folks, it's just the PAWNCH.
Captain Falcon is the kind of motherfuker that would give Thanos the Infinity Gauntlet with all the gems in it to make it a fair fight
also take this
Literally ANYONE else but Miles And Gwen would have been great