Finally watched this, holy shit it was fantastic. I've never seen a movie quite like this...

Finally watched this, holy shit it was fantastic. I've never seen a movie quite like this. I don't really like or watch cartoons at all, but if they were all like this, I would be a believer. I've never seen the style of energy of a comic book adapted to the screen quite like this. Is there anything similar out there maybe?

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>Is there anything similar out there maybe?

Darn. You think this style will catch on?

The LEGO movie is the same thing

Miller and Lord have that golden touch.

> Is there anything similar out there maybe?

Not yet. Given Spider-verse's success I suspect we will see attempts to capture this against in other movies, but there hasn't been enough time for the copycats to arise yet. There should be, if nothing else, a Spiderverse sequel or two.

While not comic booky esq at all, a similar animation style IS used for sone of the shorts in Love + Death + Robots on Netflix (episode "The Witness") but its not going to give you the same fix as spiderverse.

>a similar animation style IS used for sone of the shorts in Love + Death + Robots on Netflix
I got Netflix so I may as well check this out. Thanks user!

cant wait till DC makes better movies with this style

DC would need to make any good animated movies first.

Fine, I'll reach it.

Lego movie is great, but it's not in 'the style and energy of a comic book' as the OP said. But if OP does want more Miller and Lord stuff, also check out Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs.

No I meant the movie is just the LEGO movie, except instead of the moral being anyone can be special, the moral is anyone can be spidermam(tm)

I think you’re oversimplifying things for the sake of having an argument

Kinda but

A young kid whose introduced listening to the hit single from the movie, that believes he is special getting swept up in the adventure he unwittingly becomes the focal point of and the bulk of his arc is being ridiculed for not having mastery of his powers

Wild style=Gwen
The aloof bad girl with a soft spot for the main character who helps her open up

Morgan Freeman=RIPete/peter b
The unwitting teacher of the new chosen one who believes in him despite his guck ups and dies giving him his mission (not in that order)

It actually is the same movie but it’s one franchise spread over multiple styles instead of one style made over different franchises. Hell don’t already announced that the sequel will be centered all around the girls like the LEGO movie 2

Again, you're oversimplifying. All you have to do is watch both movies to see that they aren't the same.

Yes user because a kid finding out he’s a part of a larger multiverse is such an over used trope.

You're doing this thing where you're pretending that a movie is just a script, that you read. A movie is something that you watch. You aren't going to write a post that will convince me my eyes didn't see what they saw.

>you pretend a movie is just a script

So you agree that the plot of spiderverse was just lifted wholesale from the LEGO movie?

I'll agree to whatever you want if it gets you to stop posting about it.

The Hero's Journey is so old that when stripped down to it's bare basics every story is the same.

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World has a similar feeling I think.

I'd agree to that

I dunno the incredible sand the fantastic four line up closely in terms of power sets and familial themes but they both manage to tackle their plots and character arcs differently