Meanwhile in the Yea Forums animation studio

Meanwhile in the Yea Forums animation studio...

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I feel like if Yea Forums were to actually make a cartoon it would be so fucking convoluted and everybody would have different, conflicting Ideas on what they would want the show to be,

Sir! Sir! The interns are revolting again! they want 19 hour shifts instead of the 20 hour shifts they currently have! What should we do?

>I feel like if Yea Forums were to actually make a cartoon it would be so fucking convoluted and everybody would have different, conflicting Ideas on what they would want the show to be

Bro, have you read Let's Make a Comic threads?

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Did you guys get the memo? No shadows.

A studio named has sued us, what should we do?

You mean ?

Those weren't clusterfucks damn it those were masterpieces! Get this hot head out of my studio!

They can go fuck themselves. You know what? tell them that we're pulling away all the projects we were subcontracting with them.

>Walks into board room.
>I dump tons of papers and other things onto the table
I have a pitch you will not refuse, it's got everything!
Action! Comedy! Romance! Intrigue!
And all the kids will find it relatable!
Plus... It's the cheapest cartoon to produce ever!

So... All of them Sir?

*locks it away in a vault forever*
nothing personnel, kid. It's just ... business.

Wait, you're right, we can't do that. You know what? tell them that we are taking away from them the anime tiddies project and tell the mexican studio that we met last week that we want them to make it. If everything goes right we might be able to work better with the mexicans. At least they are closer to us.

Oh come on!
It has everything! Even lesbians!
Plus, it is only half the cost of other cartoons!
At least let me show it to you!


>a room full of apes screaming and shitting as loud and hard as humanly possible until they all pass out or die

I told them sir.
They just laughed.

More sexy underage girls!
More weird incestuous undertones!


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And? I've said it 20 times today already.

Guys the Hazbin Hotel animators keep sending their portfolios, how should we tell them we're not hiring?

Well, don't be a faggot and tell them that we aren't hiring right now.

what an edgy faggot

Can anyone here actually draw?

Hey this is the place that has no barrier to entry right? Nice. I've never animated before besides playing around in flip note studio and I want to be a part of this. I can be a scriptwriter, or maybe a consultant. If need be, I can work on some backgrounds. Not as if I'm horrible at drawing, but it takes me a longass time to make any mediocre. Regardless, good luck, guys. Let's touch the infinite with the beauty we craft!

10,000 hours spent drawing a person screaming as God is about to fling them into Hell

We need more creative control!

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I can, sonneh. Dint go to no dad-blast it fancy edumacationabubble place, either!

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You can be our mascot. Now, go wear some little girl clothes and entertain us

Okay friends here is what we're going to do, we'll have some ideas written down in our notepads, and we'll cross off the ones we all like and circle the ones we dislike then we'll come up with a script by simply comparing each other's notes seeing which ones we like whether it's large portions or bits and pieces then adding them onto our main story once everything is edited and checked, then we will come up with concept designs for characters places and items that's used and not used, then after that is done we come up with a story board of what each scene will look like, then we get our voice actors and our sound design guys by holding up auditions for each of the character's roles and find what sound designer we like better, then on top of that we will add music onto scenes where we so desire, then we will make sure that the film format fits into the screen and la ti da, and then we will have our animated film or animated show.


can she even pass the turing test?

phew! just finished my first frame today! how are you guys holding up?

Quit drawing backgrounds on my random tits art

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fine, here's a penis

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>anons start crossing out ideas
>end up with a pure black page

I'm bankrupt, financially and emotionally

Sounds like animated LMAC

You guys gotta agree on something or at least make a compromise....

user this frame is horribly off model...

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I can but everyone needs to get naked or I won't be able to.

and were are the rest of the frames? we needed one full second today!

Hell yeah

what? but each frame takes like 6 hours! I need to make them as detailed as I can! people online told me they like detailed cartoons!

For the last time, we cannot make a harem series about a big breasted middleschool teacher being romanced on by her students. Whoever keeps pitching this is getting canned the next time they bring it up.

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Wait a second. So you're telling me that you're all idea men?

why the hell did you listen to random people online?!

Nobody has any experience, we all got this job because we knew a guy.

Honestly sounds good, would watch

t. Weeb

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But they were all contrarians! They sounded really smart!

mmm so yeah like, um, I waaaas reading the personnel data on your animators and I noticed they are all male, like, what the fuck? also there's no listed cartoons about strong female characters, and this "vicky rock tits and the bra squad" sounds problematic... care to explain?

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Goddammit we can't just sit here and animate tap-dancing dicks all day!

that's how I made it into Disney the first time. also the whole blackmailing thing

You aren't cameron from HR!

Well from '23 to '38 Fleischer Studios was popular so I was on the welfare, you know. in the the 60s you had Hanna-Barbera so I was on the welfare. Then from '82 to 2000, DiC Productions. So I was on the welfare

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Some of you are ok, don't go to the studio tomorrow.

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Don't worry user I'll handle this.
Hey as a genderqueer person of color howsabout I take you in the bathroom and slam you six way from Sunday while you tell me about those problematic cartoons you don't like?

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Go back to plebbit newfag.

Thanks Mike! That's why you're the best!

>Yea Forums animation
That's a good one.
At least we can animate waifus here.

It's what I do, my man. It's what I do.

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don't do it! you'll get the gay

Oh man, you'd hate the /pol/ department.
They are working on a disney-esqe movie about Hitler's Dog Blondie.
And /r9co/ is working on pic related for Cartoon network.

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