Was she asian?

was she asian?

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I think so. Then again, I thought Terry was too, and we all know how that turned out.

Did you see her dad?

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They are white

I doubt Mr. Tan was white.

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Terry was never asian. His mother was a redhead, and his "father" had brown hair. Both were white, so there was never any mistaking Terry for asian unless you're heavily projecting; even before the whole Bruce is Terry's father came up.


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Holy fuck what a shitty fucking retcon. Completely messes with the message that Terry didn't need to be related to Bruce to be a good Batman, hell he was a better Batman

Nobody cares if you're half-breed; you're either Asian or you're not.


>only shows up in one episode
>never believed Terry improved himself
>never is shown reconciling with him

Feels fucking bad, man.

It was never a retcon, it was planned from the beginning. Notice the hair colors? Red hair + brown hair never equals black hair. Ever.

>it was planned from the beginning

[citation needed]

Well either somebody who doesn't understand genetics was in charge of their hair colors, or the intention was that the divorce had something to do with a suspected affair.

heh hello boner

Giving a shit about genetics in fiction is the gayest shit in the world. Go bitch about sound in space while I shove you in this locker bitch.

>Go bitch about sound in space
I don't particularly care about that though.

Wasn't future Gotham like half Japanese Neo Tokyo though? Makes sense for there to be lots of Asians if so.

I'm the only person who looks like my great grand dad and look nothing like either parent or grandparents on either side.

But that's real life, not fiction.

>looks Asian
>Chinese surname
Gee I don't know.

Timm literally said it was because they fucked up with the hair colors. But anyone who says that Terry genetically being Bruce's son means anything is missing the entire point of that episode. Terry's own experiences shaped the person he is which, in turn, is what made him a great hero. Terry lacks the trauma that makes him trapped in eternal childhood. He lacks the trust issues that turned Bruce into a bitter old loner abandoning/abandoned by almost all of his friends. Bruce rejected those around him, Terry embraced them.

He should've got together with the black qt

it's all about what will get you more affirmative action points.
half-blacks, like Obama, are "black"
half-asians are "hapa", or even more cunningly "mixed race"; cause there is no institutional advantage to being "asian" in employment or college admissions.

everyone looks asian in the timmverse