Could Freddy Krueger kill Superman in his dreams?
Could Freddy Krueger kill Superman in his dreams?
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He had trouble enough with Jason.
Jason was an undead killing machine
And Superman’s kind of stronger, faster, more durable
Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Superman? Let alone defeat him. And I'm not talking about Post-Crisis Superman. I'm not talking about sundipped Post-Crisis Superman either. Hell, I'm not even talking about sundipped Post-Crisis Superman with his mental blocks unlocked, using Torquasm-Rao and Torquasm-Vo Kryptonian martial arts, equipped with a GL ring, a perfect Jimmy Olsen, control of Titano and a Sun-Eater, with Lex/Batman DNA implanted in him giving him 24th lvl intellect. I’m also not talking about blue sundipped instant lobotomy enraged Post-Crisis Superman, with the White Lantern Ring, his original silver age powers, a Helmet of Fate, host to Parallax, wielding a Sword of Superman as a master in kenjutsu and taijutsu, a perfect Jimmy Olsen (that can use Silver Age Powers), control of both Titano and a Sun-Eater, with Lex and Batman’s DNA and face implanted on his chest, access to the Green, sundipped Krypto guarding him and nine mini black holes floating behind him, entered Prime One Million Mode, casting galaxy wide Superhypnosis to everybody with Super mindcontrol to steal their powers. I'm talking about blue sundipped for 10^10^100 octillion years Prime One Million Pre-Crisis Rebirth Cosmic Armor Thought Robot Strange Visitor Superman with the White Lantern Ring, Helmet of Fate, Silver Age superpowers, Doomsday virus, Batman/Lex/Brainiac’s fused intellect, retcon punch, Miracle Machine and host to all emotional entities, access to all the Elemental Realms, three swords style w/ Sword of Supermans, casting Skyfather Jimmy Olsen, trained under Muhammad Ali, absorbed all 5D imps, having become the original vampire after having absorbed Mandrakk and obtaining the Demiurgic power, control over the speedforce with Endless concepts implanted in him and having rewritten the Book of Destiny while possessing quantum powers like Dr. Manhattan, and fused with SuperNicCage while having mastered 127 martial arts.
Sure, he's vulnerable to magic, but on the other hand he doesn't *have* to sleep. More interesting would be Freddy striking at Superman's friends and family through their dreams, or threatening to reveal his secret ID in his enemies' dreams.
Superman isn't supernatural so Freddy has that on his side
I assume this is a copypasta, but you still are a faggot for posting it.
Probably, but Superman (just like dumb teenagers from Friday 13th) can possibly wake up before Freddy finishes him off. He'd be more of a challenge for Freddy because he's a fuckload smarter than his usual victims, but Freddy could possibly do it.
I think the original is a naruto character
OP is the faggot for making this dogshit thread
Potentially, if he could get in. Superman has had psychics help him in the past to set up defenses within his mind, making his mental defenses as good as his physical ones.
Freddy had no troubles with Jason while the latter was sleeping. In dreams he's king.
I have to add, it took an entire Justice League to take down Dr. Destiny in Justice League annual #1, Freddy Krueger is playing around in a similar space as Dr. Destiny, so it would be reasonable to say he would require more than just Superman to take him down.
Kill? No. Psychologically mess up? Yes. Keep asleep? Depends. People think that stripping Superman of his powers means they win but Freddie has lost to normal people and Superman has been shown to be very intelligent and resourceful. He has also trained his mind to repel attacks. If anything Freddie would have to step up his game to pose a real threat. Maybe he can.
Considering Superman can think in superspeed, I feel like Freddy would have a very tough time keeping up with his dream-self.
how fucking new can you be?
He was still in full control until he found Jason's weakness in drowning and then Jason was woken up. He'd find out Kryptonite the same way.
They literally had to make up a weakness for Jason so Freddy could get the upper hand.
>They literally had to make up a weakness
He was killed by a guy with a machete in his own films. They had to hugely up his durability so Freddy wouldn't kill him immediately in the dream sequence.
Same shit with Freddy getting his ass kicked by Teenagers. Superman shouldn’t have any trouble at this point.
Which slasher villain would be the most formidable in the DC universe?
Could? Probably. Would? No. Freddy gets his ass kicked by teenagers. And he could only hurt Jason in his dreams once he became afraid. Freddy is pretty overrated outside of the “kill helpless Teens” context.
Newfriends seeing the Sasuke pasta for the first time is a beautiful thing.
Superman doesn't need to sleep.
>Freddy getting his ass kicked by Teenagers
Freddy gets repelled by people with very specific powers that counter him while still killing a few of them and then killing the rest anyway?
Jason got actually killed as in forever dead if some dickhead didn't revive him by accident. Freddy only got slowed down and became a threat outside of his own reality.
Pinhead, if he counts. Still wouldn't be that strong though, most comic book universes are too OP.
If you’re loose on Slasher. Pennywise or Pinhead. Personally I’d love to see Jason in Marvel. But that’s because I love Voorhees
Most supernatural slashers are unbeatable on their home turf. Pinhead doesn't really cause trouble that supers would get involved in anyway.
Superman did fine in Emperor Joker. Trapped by a godlike entity bent on torture and mayhem he powered through with supreme willpower.
I don't expect Freddy's dream constructs to be up to the task.
This was almost the last scene of FvJ to lead into a three way film. What could have been eh.
He would get attention from magic-based heroes. Fate would just shut down the entire Labyrinth and probably render Leviathan useless.
Fate is currently written by an arsehole so is the epitome of useless. He's try to shut down the labyrinth and just piss off David Bowie.
Pinhead, the Tall Man, the Deadites, etc.
Pinhead's devolution in to a supernatural slasher villain was always such a disappointment. The villains should always be the jaded hedonists that seek out the Order of the Gash rather than the cenobites themselves.
Pinhead is an explorer in the furthest reaches of experience. "Imma open a gate to Hell" is so fucking lame.
Newfag, it's Madara
Oh yeah, the Tall Man. Can’t believe I forgot about him. I think the last movie had him invading Earth with giant spheres
Pinhead being the Spectre of Hedonism instead of Vengeance would be pretty fucking cool.
The Creeper
Richard Nixon?
You horrorfags are fucking dumb. Read a book for once, because Freddy gets beaten by fucking teenagers regularly. Doctor Destiny already trumps Freddy
>Freddy gets beaten by fucking teenagers regularly
Is there one person who keeps writing this or are there multiple wrong people in this thread?
The last film featured the giant spheres vaporizing skyscrapers, and also revealed that the Tall Man doesn't really need his body. He's a multiversal entity with uncountable other fleshsacks he can utilize.
I literally just walked into the thread, and they're right by the way. In fact Freddy's films eventually turned him into a joke. Dream powers can be OP, but the fact is if a teenager can outsmart/defeat him, Superman sure as hell can.
Jason has been that durable since part 6, prior to that he was just a mongoloid that lived in the woods.
Damn, he sounds perfect for DC
Remember that time he knocked off that dude’s head with one punch?
Yea Forums is filled with retards who cant possibly handle the idea of horror characters potentially being able to edge out or outright stomp capes.
Like, I know we joke a lot about the Entity from DBD being a shitter in the Horrorverse threads, but in its own canon, its an inviolable horror that can trap basically anyone and anything in its Realm for eternity. And then there's guys like William Afton, or things like the Magnus Institute.
Admitting that horror shit has just as much crazy bullshit as DC would break them.
Yeah it was pretty fucking rad, shame everything else about Part 8 is trash, still a guilty pleasure though.
Other than your multiversal stuff, horror doesn’t have a lot. And the Entity is not that tough.
In the dream world, Freddy is basically untouchable. He's only ever beaten there by people who he underestimates or by folks who can manipulate the dream right back. Even then, he still tends to win most every encounter up to the climax, where he's temporarily destroyed until he comes back for the next try.
And in the comics, he gets access to the Necronomicon and can start bringing that power to bear in the real world.
Wouldn't Dream just slap his Shit down?
I liked when he kicked that boom box
>Other than your multiversal stuff, horror doesn’t have a lot.
>"Other than all the crazy stuff we have, horror doesn't have a lot"
How retarded.
>And the Entity is not that tough.
We have no idea how 'tough' it is, because literally nothing can come close to opposing it. And uts not like its the only kind of thing of that sort that can be brought up.
>co/ is filled with retards who cant possibly handle the idea of horror characters potentially being able to edge out or outright stomp capes.
Or, and stick with me here, those with even a limited knowledge of comics can tell you that the majority of horror characters aren't fucking shit outside their own canon, and horrorfags throw a fucking fit EVERY time this is pointed out.
>He what if The Thing/Freddy/Jason/ fought DC/Marvel?
>Well actually they've fought similar threats, some arguably stronger, and won
Rinse repeat.
Yeah and DC has the personified embodiment of dreams who wouldn't have any of that shit. Doctor Destiny did everything Freddy does and more, and still lost to the heroes
Superman could
Too bad that lawsuit fucked ever getting anything jason related to never see the light of day
When they actually get to Manhatten it's fantastic, it just takes too long to get to that point and they aren't there long enough, then the ending was really weak.
If Dream is as useless at dreams as Death is at death then no.
So instead of punishing the guilty he helps cut all sexual tension
Not really trouble in fighting him, just trouble in killing him.
Death isn't useless though? She's inevitable. People may come back from the dead here and there, but they ultimately stay dead in the end
The question is if Superman could get killed by Freddy. So I just went with kill
The trip six has it.
>People may come back from the dead here and there
Not only do people come back, she doesn't know or care. She doesn't seem to do anything except be a waifu and annoy her author by being in a shared universe.
>, and stick with me here, those with even a limited knowledge of comics can tell you that the majority of horror characters aren't fucking shit outside their own canon, and horrorfags throw a fucking fit EVERY time this is pointed out.
The number of horror-related things I can list out that would be Event or Crisis-tier threats is actually pretty staggering. You clearly only have an awareness of the popular shit that gets dumped on here all the fucking Time. And in one of the cases you listed, said popular shit could kill the entire planetary biosphere in under a week.
>Yeah and DC has the personified embodiment of dreams who wouldn't have any of that shit. Doctor Destiny did everything Freddy does and more, and still lost to the heroes
Morpheus would hardly get involved for something like Krueger.
She noticed Blackest Night. She just didn’t care because the dead seemed happy
He didn't have trouble killing him when he figured out how. Freddy goes through Superman's memories, sees the Kryptonite, game over.
He'd have to enter its Realms to do so, and the Entity can literally just up and decide "you don't have anything but the bare minimum of superstrength sorry not sorry." And then Supes became nothing more than Clark Kent, slightly above average survivor.
Dude broke out of Hypertime and the Infinite Planet created by Mister Mxyzptlk and punche the World Forger.
She does know, and I literally just told you why she doesn't care. Big picture.
I believe Marvel and DC have already fought shit like The Thing before. We've had this argument on Yea Forums repeatedly.
>Morpheus would hardly get involved
And why the hell would you say that? You don't think Dream would be pissed at a spirit fucking with his domain?
I know who he is but what is the tall man? I've only seen snips of phantasm
Let me sum up this entire thread and where it's headed
>Horror anons insist that their monsters are a big deal and could wipe out superheroes
>Comic anons naturally disagree, and provide several examples as to why they wouldn't, offering up similar scenarios, characters, and even worse threats
>Horror anons get upset, call cape comics bullshit, and continue to go LALALALALA the entire thread because power level autism is like that
And that goes on until people leave or the thread hits limit. It's happened a lot.
The World Forger was entirely taken by surprise. Supes got the hit in because he was arrogant and thought victory was assured. And Mxy has all kinds of stupid limitations on his powers that the Entity lacks.
>I believe Marvel and DC have already fought shit like The Thing before. We've had this argument on Yea Forums repeatedly.
Said argument almost always devolves into the cape side saying that DC and Marvel have "fought stuff like the Thing before" but never providing any concrete examples of anything even half as virulent or subtle.
>And why the hell would you say that? You don't think Dream would be pissed at a spirit fucking with his domain?
When he has bigger things to deal with by nature than some lowly spirit? Yes, he wouldn't give a shit.
That nigger sucks and was made by a convicted pedo. Ooooo i killed Justin long big fucking whoop
I fucking love Friday the 13th but realistically the only place I can see Jason thriving is Gotham and I doubt he'd be able to get as far as Grundy.
>Horror anons insist that their monsters are a big deal and could wipe out superheroes as they don't know shit about comics
>Comic anons naturally disagree as they don't know shit about anything but comics
>The thread hits post limit
He just breaks out of the Entity’s realm. Voila.
It's somewhat difficult to put in words, but short of it is that he's basically an undead eldritch god wearing the skin of man who foolishly tried his hand at dimensional travel, and is currently intending to wage war on all existence.
Yeah Solomon Grundy can be a heavy hitter depending on what reincarnation he's on. But even at his weakest, I think he's still a bigger threat than Jason
Doubtful. The Entity can pretty much up and utterly nerf anything it doesn't like into the fucking ground, or outright eat power-boosting perks. Trying to fight it on its home turf isn't going to go well at all for Supes. His best bet is to just try and seal the wounds it digs into new realities.
Pinhead wouldn't like that your talking about him, Satan.
Yeah I know Grundy's a fucking monster and Jason's just similar but on a much lower end as far as I'm aware, I'm honestly not all that familiar with Grundy.
Yeah, but he’s Superman and beaten shit out of reality warpers. Hal Jordan could probably do it too
Is Gotham still set in New Jersey?
I don't know.
Thanks for the spoon feed, are the spheres and Jawas supposed to represent something or was it all just creepy shit on a shoe string budget. I'm imbding as I go but he doesn't seem too different from deadites and such.
Difference is, there's nothing to beat the shit out of. The Entity IS all of its Realms, and its outright conformed to be omnipotent within them. Supes isn't fighting something that is just warping reality to its specifications. He's fighting something that's trying to make everything everywhere into itself, and is utterly dominant anywhere that constitutes a part of itself.
And there was nothing to punch in Hypertime. But he still broke out of an infinite loop.
Canonically every Mxy in fiction is just the same Mxy with a different face.
Isn't the whole limitation thing purely because he was bored?
>When he has bigger things to deal with by nature than some lowly spirit? Yes, he wouldn't give a shit.
Yes, this. Brute and Glob are pretty much what Freddy is, just nightmares.
The dwarves are minion creatures made out of converted humans/remains. The spheres are pseudo-organic undead constructs. One of them composes the 'brain' of the Tall Man avatar entity.
He broke out of Hypertime, but was that anything lasting? No, Hyeprtime as a whole was fine even then. And Hypertime isn't an actively malignant godhead attempting to impose itself as the sole law over all creation either.
>Isn't the whole limitation thing purely because he was bored?
Who fucking knows. Manhattan worried him, and he did mention how the 5th Dimension was getting fucked up in the latest JL run, so he seems to have genuine limits.
Would Ash be formidable in the DC universe or just another street level hero?
He'd be street level, but high street level that knows how to deal with magic shit.
I can see him fucking around with Constantine
Pretty much.
He's directly blessed by the multiverse with a level of plot-armour only rivaled by the Doctor. He's technically street level normally, but he (and other Chosen Ones) exists solely to stop the Deadites from swallowing the souls of all existence, so he can punch above what he normally should under most circumstances.
I can dig it, I'll have to watch the new one and see what's up.
But then what about the ash of marvels zombie universe that got munched by Howard the duck?
Not all Chosen Ones are created equal. They all have plot armor (giving them a kind of semi or complete immunity to Deadite possession), but depending on the Chosen One, they can still get fucked up.
For example, there was a female Ash that fought with the original in the comics a bunch. She had all the same immunities and crazy bullshit and everything, and was basically just as untouchable by evil. She gets fucked over by the Dark Ones hijacking/negating her otherwise complete immunity, and very very very slowly corrupting her from the stump of her arm up. Ash is forced to kill her before she completely turns. Another CO is an insect alien version of Ash who fies after fucking atound eith dark powers for too long.
>Horror anons bring up things that CAN rival superheroes and use several examples
>Comic anons scream and whine and continue to completely ignore said examples whilst playing victim
>Rinse and repeat until thread archives
Like clockwork. What I tell you?
Depends on the Superman and when. He has fought dream villains/monsters before. Although sometimes with help.
Yes. Characters on Superman's level, of which there are. Superman is just the most well known, the first. But yes, there are a handful if similar characters out there, just really really rare.
Have the (You) and go about your business
Well considering in Freddy vs Jason vs Ash he held his own pretty well, I'd say he's pretty competent on the street and dealing with supernatural shit. But if a non-supernatural supervillain or alien creature come at him, he's screwed. He would be great for a Constantine team-up though.
Superman is an adult...Freddy wouldn't try to kill him.
(i thought Freddy couldn't go into adult's dreams but these movies were consistent)
when DC were printing these books they should have done crossover
Jason vs Batman (batman goes to investigate some deaths in upstate gotham camp ground)
Freddy vs Teen Titans
I can't imagine Supe's psychic bros would let that go on. No way that Freddy could take on the psychics of the Justice League.
Constantine vs. Freddy might be fun though.
Fate's a force for order and there's few circles of Hell more orderly than the one the Cenobties run. Most of the people trapped in it are there of their own volition or curiosity, Faust type deals that sort of thing. He could probably fuck up Pjnhead and co. but what grounds would he have for entering their turf in the first place?
Peeling someone's cock in half and stapling it to the sides of their head definitely releases some kind of sexual tension.
Internet porn will do that to a guy. You start out with dad's Playboys and end up only able to get off by having your cock split in half and stapled to both sides of your head.
But it's ok. That's what the Lament Configuration is there for.
He would be Batman tier. ANy other League member could take him out in seconds if they could be bothered
Hey we don't come to your house and shit in your sandbox.
You talking about /x/? Because nobody who cares about horror actually goes there.
>115 posts
>No one mentions the theta state or Torquasm Rao
Come the fuck on. I know Yea Forums doesn't read comics but come the fuck on.
Horrorfags need to stick to their containment thread.
Let's compare.
>Fights Dr. Destiny who on the regular is Freddy+Necronomicon levels of strong who can blend reality and dream together.
>Has Theta State
>Has a superhuman mind capable of operating at faster than light speeds
>Has an unbreakable will and total control over the workings of his mind.
>Got BTFO in Freddy's dead by normals.
>Writers had to invent a weakness for him to dead Jason in the dream world
>Lost to Nancy in the dream world so bad it was years before he tried killing her again, and only by assuming the form of her father so she'd let her guard down because he knew otherwise he was getting his ass beat.
His arch-foe is a teenage girl with a streak in her hair. This isn't even a challenge.
He can't stop fucking hatches from appearing each round (it's confirmed the entity doesn't make the hatches) and regular humans have escaped his realm before.
It also can't balance the game worth a shit and thinks Nu Freddy is a buff, so its intelligence is in question.
Meanwhile, in Joe Casey's Adventures of Superman Superman gets taken to Satanus' Hell and LOL NOPES out of it literally walking out of Hell.
>He can't stop fucking hatches from appearing each round (it's confirmed the entity doesn't make the hatches) and regular humans have escaped his realm before.
No survivor has ever actually escaped the Realm. That's the reason for the tagline. And the hatches were made by Vigo manipulating the substance of the Entity to create them. They aren't even actual escape routes, as they just lead back to the bonfire.
>It also can't balance the game worth a shit and thinks Nu Freddy is a buff, so its intelligence is in question.
The game is meant to suck the hope and emotions from the survivors. It's 'balanced' insofar as both sides have the capacity to win or lose and provide it the stew it feeds upon.
>Meanwhile, in Joe Casey's Adventures of Superman Superman gets taken to Satanus' Hell and LOL NOPES out of it literally walking out of Hell.
I highly doubt this feat is as impressive as you might think it is.
Laurie has since she's from the original movie timeline and doesn't die until Halloween Resurrection.
The Entity is confirmed for reaching into other timelines and universes on the regular for many of its victims, both Killers and survivors.
Hell, it's even worse since time isn't a thing in the Realms. Some of the killers and survivors have been there for god knows how long due to this and are unfathomably old as result. New survivors and killers are picked up and dumped literally anywhere and everywhere.
read it in his voice
Oh, little Nightmare. This mortal is guarded by those beyond even your Dream Demon's comprehension.
Superman is weak to magic so yes
That's never stopped him from beating up magic people though.
>>B-But Freddy can create dream kryptonite!
Oh no. How will Superman ever come that? He's NEVER dealt with kryptonite before, its unprecedented!
>That's never stopped him from beating up magic people though.
And he always beats up people with kyrponite, what's your point? Magic is a weakness of his, on par with kyrptonite. He has no resistances to it
Freddy would just put him on Krypton as it was exploding.
Red Sun alone would weaken him.
Saitama lmao
He could mess him up mentally but most of the stuff that actually kills Freddy's victims in reality probably wouldn't affect him in real life.
Remember Freddy's kill manifest in reality slightly differently like turning one guy into a puppet in his dreams made him forcefully walk up the roof and jump to his death, cutting up people caused them to bleed out in reality, throwing them into a furnace caused their room to catch fire, overfeeding them caused them to choke in reality, sucking out all the air caused someone to have a fatal asthma attack etc.
He could do all that stuff to Superman but it wouldn't kill him.
Superman willpowers through that shit. It's not real red sun or kryptonite, its dream red sun and kryptonite.
>B-B-But he beat the Dream Warriors!
A bunch of troubled, scared teens who just learned how to lucid dream aren't worthy foes and Nancy disbelieved his ass so hard he went and did NOES II and waited years to go back against Nancy.
This. He couldn't even kill Jason until the writer's invented a water weakness (which was really fucking weird as he was totally fine with water throughout the film series).
The weakness they gave Jason for that movie entirely stems from the fact that Jason died via drowning. That's it.
And that's retarded because he's been in water several times without spazzing out.
Even the NES and the recent video games were smart enough to let Jason swim.
Fears are irrational. They don't have to make any fucking sense.
In that very same movie, Jason is seen swimming multiple times and doesn't freak out. He only does that when Freddy literally dredged up the very moment of his death and puts him back in the exact same shitty situation he was in when he was human.
Freddy's powers are magic, and superman reacts the same way to magical effects as a normal human.
>tfw no Freddy vs Jason 2
I would prefer "All the slasher villains get into a giant battle royale" movie like that one fighting game.
He can beat Superman
Batman would legit do better against Freddy
Freddy would kill Louis, make Clark think it was his fault and flay his parents alive in his nightmare
Doesnt change the fact that it is a faggy copypasta.
who would have a bigger dead friend count between ash and john?
The S Stands for Sasuke is better.
Lois WITHOUT weird kryptonian martial arts would kick Freddy's ass.
He's diet coke Dr. Destiny.