Ruby Gloom thread

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hi pan

Thanks, now I remember this

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Ruby Weekend?

I figured I'd ask, what's the show actually even about

>tfw fucking /fsa/ ruby gloom turned this fucking series into child abusing porn
still fap to her from time to time

Ruby, Misery and Iris being cute.

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I demand pictures of misery

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and I've seen people in Yea Forums saying he is a chad

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Nothing. Plot doesn't exist. It's all random shenanigans of the characters. Target for it seems to be age 5. It's like it's happening in some separate dimension.

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The cyclops is pig disgusting.

It's just goofy stuff happening in a creepy mansion. Not much else.
>Target for it seems to be age 5.
It kinda bounced between feeling like that and feeling like it's for older kids. Didn't seem to have a very clear audience in mind.

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>It's a cyclops episode

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I want to believe all this is scripted. Noone would say all this thing.

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The ruby girls are good girls

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So Misery is a banshee yeah?

And that's great.

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These threads have no life in them anymore. Only the Miseryposting makes it worthwhile

don't hang around Yea Forums misery, he gets lewd...

Ruby is better anyways.

Post boys then


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Looks like she's touching her nipples.