What's with the influx of autistic fan comics lately? Not that I'm complaining, but it's a whole new genre at this point.
What's with the influx of autistic fan comics lately? Not that I'm complaining...
Other urls found in this thread:
LMAC is not a fan comic, but it is plenty autistic.
Either way, I agree there's been a notable increase in the shitty webcomics threads lately. It's probably just one or two autists spamming them.
It's like, every hour a new shitty web comic thread pops up
Let's see...
-Camp Sherwood
-World of Light (PPG)
-Night of the Were-Ed
-Tails Gets Trolled
What else are the Yea Forums classics of fanfiction crossover nonsense?
I would put Noend's House in there too.
How can you forget Sonichu?
Oh, there's also Fist of the b0rf Star.
It really is a fucking sub genre now
If it is now, then it already was 10 or more years ago.
It just wasn't as prominent or recognized.
If there's genuine passion behind a project that more often than not shines through and makes the work captivating regardless or in spite of the content.
Sure there's always been fan art and fan comics, but it just seems like there's a lot more... Effort put into them.
Either people just have more free time now or a new generation of artists are all hitting the scene with their own inspirations.
Is it limited only to crossovers or are fan comics dedicated to a single show with no deviation from it also part of this sub-genre?
I would absolutely put that in the autistic genre as well.
Well then you could add Between Friends and Of Mice and Mayhem to the pile.
What about that max land is comic? Boys night I think it was called.
God forbid people have fun
The one with Mickey, Goofy, and Donald "Mother fucking" Duck hitting the town? Add it to the list.
What's the criteria anyway? That the work is enjoyable?
> Forgetting Scoob and Shag
That should be a bannable offense. What started out as non sense has become a love letter to Jojo and better than most shonen.
>haha hey random boomer cartoon character is a badass haha
Autistic is the most important criteria. And yes, like user said if there's genuine passion behind it.
So does it meet the criteria or not?
Yes, but wasn't saying that. I was saying it's funny when you first read it but it devolves fast and hard.
Get better taste
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That book was so good, you'd never think Max Landis wrote it
Is that something that's genuinely enjoyable or only good for mockery?
I think it needs to be both incredibly stupid, but also good on its own merits to really count.
With those stipulations, only Tails got Trolled, B0rf, and LMAC count.
I think that's a matter of taste?
Maybe that they are entertaining in a way that isn't sad?
They're all pretty sad, let's be real here
Hey fuck off LMAC and Tails are genuine gold.
It's less autism and more the first actual Yea Forums project to be finished. Like, when was the last time the anons of Yea Forums completed a project together?
That's a cool street fighter 2 reference
You're welcome.
Well lets be real. Alot of these things have stuff that you wouldn't be reading if it had an OC as the mains. Having known characters makes it easier to sell or get people reading.
I disagree and think it's lazy
>Barron [Trump] appeared to be shitposting on /x/.
This is fucking brilliant.